
    Compare pre-defined .xlsx file with DSCEA csv output to check baseline items.

    Read baseline check excel file.
    Get the DSCEA csv file. Which could refer DSCEA official webstie.
    Compare items in .xlsx file with outputs.
    Fill compare results up to excel file.

    .PARAMETER xlsxfile
    Input .xlsx file which pre-defined format.

    .PARAMETER csvfile
    Input .csv file which generated by DSCEA.

    PS C:\>Import-Module PSExcel
    PS C:\>Compare-DSCEAcsv
    Run Directly will prompt provide excel file and csvfile.
    In most cases, PSExcel module must be imported explicitly.

    The compare result write to predefined excel file's corresponded columns.

function Compare-DSCEAcsv {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Path to baseline report xlsx file.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Path to DSCEA output csv file.')]

    $csvVar = Import-Csv -Path $csvfile
    $ExcelVar = New-Excel -Path $xlsxfile
    foreach ($ExcelSheet in $ExcelVar.Workbook.Worksheets) {
        $ExcelSheet.Tables | ForEach-Object {
            $Coordinates = $_.address.address
            $ColumnStart = ($($Coordinates -split ":")[0] -replace "[0-9]", "").ToUpperInvariant()
            $ColumnEnd = ($($Coordinates -split ":")[1] -replace "[0-9]", "").ToUpperInvariant()
            [int]$RowStart = $($Coordinates -split ":")[0] -replace "[a-zA-Z]", ""
            [int]$RowEnd = $($Coordinates -split ":")[1] -replace "[a-zA-Z]", ""
            $Rows = $RowEnd - $RowStart + 1
            $ColumnStart = Get-ExcelColumnInt $ColumnStart
            $ColumnEnd = Get-ExcelColumnInt $ColumnEnd
            $Columns = $ColumnEnd - $ColumnStart + 1

            for ($i = $ColumnStart; $i -le $Columns; $i++) {
                if ($ExcelSheet.GetValue($RowStart, $i) -eq "DSCInstanceName") {
                    $TestItemCol = $i
                if ($ExcelSheet.GetValue($RowStart, $i) -eq "Compliance") {
                    $ComplianceCol = $i

            if ($TestItemCol -ne $null -and $ComplianceCol -ne $null) {
                for ($i = $RowStart + 1; $i -lt $Rows; $i++) {
                    if ($ExcelSheet.GetValue($i, $TestItemCol) -ne $null) {
                        $csvVar | ForEach-Object {
                            if ($_.InstanceName -match [regex]::escape($ExcelSheet.GetValue($i, $TestItemCol))) {
                                $ExcelSheet.SetValue($i, $ComplianceCol, $_.InDesiredState)
    $ExcelVar | Save-Excel -Close