This module is based off work done by Steve Lee and Graeme Bray. The methods for accessing and modifying WMI permissions were taken from the original script Set-WMINameSpaceSecurity.ps1 located in TechNet. Without their work this module would not be possible. TechNet Link: Blog links: #> using namespace System.Security.Principal using namespace System.Management enum WmiPermissions { Enable = 0x1 # WBEM_ENABLE MethodExecute = 0x2 # WBEM_METHOD_EXECUTE FullWrite = 0x4 # WBEM_FULL_WRITE_REP PartialWrite = 0x8 # WBEM_PARTIAL_WRITE_REP ProviderWrite = 0x10 # WBEM_WRITE_PROVIDER RemoteAccess = 0x20 # WBEM_REMOTE_ACCESS Subscribe = 0x40 # WBEM_RIGHT_SUBSCRIBE Publish = 0x80 # WBEM_RIGHT_PUBLISH ReadSecurity = 0x20000 # READ_CONTROL WriteSecurity = 0x40000 # WRITE_DAC } enum WmiInheritance { ObjectInherit = 0x1 # OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE ContainerInherit = 0x2 # CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE NoPropagate = 0x4 # NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE InheritOnly = 0x8 # INHERIT_ONLY_ACE Inherited = 0x10 # INHERITED_ACE } enum WmiAccessType { AccessAllowed = 0x0 # ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE AccessDenied = 0x1 # ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE Audit = 0x2 # AUDIT_ACE_TYPE } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns WMI ACL object .DESCRIPTION Returns WMI ACL object .PARAMETER Namespace Full namespace path .PARAMETER ComputerName Remote computer name .PARAMETER Credential Remote computer credential .EXAMPLE $ACL = Get-WmiNamespaceACL -Namespace 'root/cimv2' #> function Get-WmiNamespaceACL { [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Local' )] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 1 )] [string] $Namespace, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Remote' )] [string] $ComputerName, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Remote' )] [pscredential] $Credential ) $RemoteParams = @{} if ( $ComputerName ) { $RemoteParams.ComputerName = $ComputerName } if ( $Credential ) { $RemoteParams.Credential = $credential } $Result = Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace $Namespace -Path '__systemsecurity=@' -Name 'GetSecurityDescriptor' -ErrorAction Stop @RemoteParams if ( $Result.ReturnValue -ne 0 ) { throw ( 'Failed to get security descriptor. Method returned {0}.' -f $Result.ReturnValue ) } $Result.Descriptor } <# .SYNOPSIS Sets WMI ACL object .DESCRIPTION Sets WMI ACL object .PARAMETER Acl ACL object to set .PARAMETER Namespace Full namespace path .PARAMETER ComputerName Remote computer name .PARAMETER Credential Remote computer credential .EXAMPLE $ACL | Set-WmiNamespaceACL -Namespace 'root/cimv2' #> function Set-WmiNamespaceACL { [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Local' )] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline )] [ManagementBaseObject] $Acl, [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 2 )] [string] $Namespace, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Remote' )] [string] $ComputerName, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Remote' )] [pscredential] $Credential ) $RemoteParams = @{} if ( $ComputerName ) { $RemoteParams.ComputerName = $ComputerName } if ( $Credential ) { $RemoteParams.Credential = $credential } # set the new ACL $Result = Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace $Namespace -Path '__systemsecurity=@' -Name 'SetSecurityDescriptor' -ArgumentList $Acl.psobject.immediateBaseObject -ErrorAction Stop @RemoteParams if ( $Result.ReturnValue -ne 0 ) { Write-Warning "SetSecurityDescriptor failed: $($Result.ReturnValue)" } } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds trustee permission to WMI ACL object .DESCRIPTION Adds trustee permission to WMI ACL object .PARAMETER Acl ACL object to modify .PARAMETER Permissions Permissions to be granted or denied by this ACE .PARAMETER Inheritance Type of inheritance for the ACE .PARAMETER AccessType Allow or Deny access .PARAMETER NTAccount NTAccount to add .PARAMETER SID SecurityIdentifier to add .EXAMPLE $ACL | Add-WmiNamespaceTrustee -Permissions Enable -NTAccount 'DOMAIN\UserName' #> function Add-WmiNamespaceTrustee { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline )] [ManagementBaseObject[]] $Acl, [parameter( Mandatory, Position = 2 )] [WmiPermissions[]] $Permissions, [parameter( Position = 3 )] [WmiInheritance[]] $Inheritance = 'ContainerInherit', [parameter( Position = 4 )] [WmiAccessType] $AccessType = 'AccessAllowed', [parameter( ParameterSetName = 'NTAccount', Mandatory, Position = 5 )] [Alias( 'User', 'Group', 'Account' )] [ValidatePattern( '^(?# Matches DOMAIN\UserName )([^\\\/:*?"<>|.]+\\)?[^\\]+$' )] [NTAccount] $NTAccount, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'SID', Mandatory, Position = 5 )] [SecurityIdentifier] $SID, [switch] $PassThru ) begin { # if SID is not set, convert from NTAccount if ( -not $SID ) { $SID = $NTAccount.Translate( [SecurityIdentifier] ) } # create a new ACE to add $Ace = [ManagementClass]::new('Win32_ACE').CreateInstance() # calculate access mask $Ace.AccessMask = $Permissions | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum # set inheritance $Ace.AceFlags = $Inheritance | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum # set access type $Ace.AceType = $AccessType # create a new trustee $Win32Trustee = [ManagementClass]::new('Win32_Trustee').CreateInstance() $Win32Trustee.SIDString = $SID.Value # attach the trustee to the ACE $Ace.Trustee = $Win32Trustee } process { $Acl | ForEach-Object { # attach the ACE to the ACL $_.DACL += $Ace.psobject.immediateBaseObject if ( $PassThru ) { $_ } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Removes trustee permission to WMI ACL object .DESCRIPTION Removes trustee permission to WMI ACL object .PARAMETER Acl ACL object to modify .PARAMETER NTAccount NTAccount to remove .PARAMETER SID SecurityIdentifier to remove .EXAMPLE $ACL | Remove-WmiNamespaceTrustee -NTAccount 'DOMAIN\UserName' #> function Remove-WmiNamespaceTrustee { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline )] [ManagementBaseObject[]] $Acl, [parameter( ParameterSetName = 'NTAccount', Mandatory, Position = 2 )] [Alias( 'User', 'Group', 'Account' )] [ValidatePattern( '^(?# Matches DOMAIN\UserName )([^\\\/:*?"<>|.]+\\)?[^\\]+$' )] [NTAccount] $NTAccount, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'SID', Mandatory, Position = 2 )] [SecurityIdentifier] $SID, [switch] $PassThru ) begin { # convert NTAccount to SID if ( -not $SID ) { $SID = $NTAccount.Translate( [SecurityIdentifier] ) } } process { $Acl | ForEach-Object { # filter the DACL [ManagementBaseObject[]]$NewDACL = $_.DACL | Where-Object { $_.Trustee.SidString -ne $SID.Value } # attach the new DACL to the ACL $_.DACL = $NewDACL.psobject.immediateBaseObject if ( $PassThru ) { $_ } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns trustee permission on an WMI ACL object .DESCRIPTION Returns trustee permission on an WMI ACL object .PARAMETER Acl ACL object .PARAMETER NTAccount NTAccount to check .PARAMETER SID SecurityIdentifier to check .PARAMETER AccessType Allow or Deny access .EXAMPLE $ACL | Get-WmiNamespaceTrusteeRights -NTAccount 'DOMAIN\UserName' #> function Get-WmiNamespaceTrusteeRights { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline )] [ManagementBaseObject[]] $Acl, [parameter( ParameterSetName = 'NTAccount', Mandatory, Position = 2 )] [Alias( 'User', 'Group', 'Account' )] [ValidatePattern( '^(?# Matches DOMAIN\UserName )([^\\\/:*?"<>|.]+\\)?[^\\]+$' )] [NTAccount] $NTAccount, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'SID', Mandatory, Position = 2 )] [SecurityIdentifier] $SID, [parameter( Position = 3 )] [WmiAccessType] $AccessType = 'AccessAllowed' ) begin { # convert NTAccount to SID if ( -not $SID ) { $SID = $NTAccount.Translate( [SecurityIdentifier] ) } } process { $Acl | ForEach-Object { # filter the DACL $_.DACL | Where-Object { $_.Trustee.SidString -eq $SID.Value -and $_.AceType -eq $AccessType } -PipelineVariable 'Ace' | ForEach-Object { [WmiPermissions].GetEnumValues() } | Where-Object { $_ -band [int]$Ace.AccessMask } } } } |