using namespace System.Collections.Generic enum BindRecordType { UNKNOWN SOA NS A A_AAAA AAAA AFSDB ALL ANY CAA CNAME DHCID DNAME DNSKEY DS HINFO ISDN MB MD MF MG MINFO MR MX NSEC NSEC3 NSEC3PARAM NULL OPT PTR RP RRSIG RT SRV TXT WINS WKS X25 } enum BindRecordStatus { Disabled = 0 Enabled = 1 } class BindRecord:IComparable { [string]$HostName [ValidateRange( 60, [int]::MaxValue )] [System.Nullable[int]]$TimeToLive [string]$RecordClass [System.Nullable[BindRecordType]]$RecordType [string]$RecordData [string]$Comment [BindRecordStatus]$Status = [BindRecordStatus]::Enabled BindRecord () { $this.__InitObject() } BindRecord ( [string]$Record ) { $this.__InitObject() if ( $Record -match '^(?<Enabled>;+\s*)?(?<HostName>\S+)\s+(?<TimeToLive>\d+)\s+(?<RecordClass>\S+)\s+(?<RecordType>\S+)\s+(?<RecordData>"[^"]*"|[^;]+)\s*;?\s*(?<Comment>.*)$' ) { $Matches.Status = [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Matches.Enabled) -as [int] $this.__InitRecord( [pscustomobject]$Matches ) } elseif ( $Record -match '^;\s*(.*)$' ) { $this.Comment = $Matches[1] } } BindRecord ( [pscustomobject]$Record ) { $this.__InitObject() $this.__InitRecord( $Record ) } hidden [void] __InitObject () { [string[]]$DefaultProperties = 'HostName', 'TimeToLive', 'RecordClass', 'RecordType', 'RecordData', 'Comment', 'Status' $DefaultDisplayPropertySet = [System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet]::new( 'DefaultDisplayPropertySet', $DefaultProperties ) $PSStandardMembers = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]$DefaultDisplayPropertySet $this | Add-Member -MemberType MemberSet -Name 'PSStandardMembers' -Value $PSStandardMembers } hidden [void] __InitRecord ( [pscustomobject] $Record ) { $ValidProperties = ( $this | Get-Member -MemberType Property, ScriptProperty ).Name $Record. PSObject. Members. Where({ $_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty' -and $_.Name -in $ValidProperties -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $_.Value ) }). Foreach({ $this.($_.Name) = ([string]$_.Value).Trim() }) if ( -not $this.RecordClass ) { $this.RecordClass = 'IN' } } [string] ToString () { return $this.ToString( '{5}{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}' ) } [string] ToString ( [string]$Format ) { $FormattedRecord = $Format -f $this.HostName, $this.TimeToLive, $this.RecordClass.ToUpper(), $this.RecordType, $this.RecordData, (';;','')[$this.Status] if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $FormattedRecord ) -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $this.Comment ) ) { return '; ' + $this.Comment.Trim() } elseif ( -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $this.Comment ) ) { return $FormattedRecord.Trim() + ' ; ' + $this.Comment.Trim() } else { return $FormattedRecord.Trim() } } [bool] Equals ( $that ) { $IsEqual = $true [BindRecord]$that = $that $this. PSObject. Members. Where({ $_.MemberType -eq 'Property' -and $_.Value -ne $that.($_.Name) }). ForEach({ $IsEqual = $false }) return $IsEqual } [int] CompareTo ( $that ) { [BindRecord]$that = $that # SOA records are always before if ( $this.RecordType -eq 'SOA' -and $that.RecordType -ne 'SOA' ) { return -1 } if ( $this.RecordType -ne 'SOA' -and $that.RecordType -eq 'SOA' ) { return 1 } # @ records are always first if ( $this.HostName -eq '@' -and $that.HostName -ne '@' ) { return -1 } if ( $this.HostName -ne '@' -and $that.HostName -eq '@' ) { return 1 } # * records are always next if ( $this.HostName -eq '*' -and $that.HostName -ne '*' ) { return -1 } if ( $this.HostName -ne '*' -and $that.HostName -eq '*' ) { return 1 } # now we sort by host name if ( $this.HostName -lt $that.HostName ) { return -1 } if ( $this.HostName -gt $that.HostName ) { return 1 } # now we sort record types based on the ENUM values if ( $this.RecordType -lt $that.RecordType ) { return -1 } if ( $this.RecordType -gt $that.RecordType ) { return 1 } # now we sort on record data if ( $this.RecordData -lt $that.RecordData ) { return -1 } if ( $this.RecordData -gt $that.RecordData ) { return 1 } # finally we sort on TTL if ( $this.TimeToLive -lt $that.TimeToLive ) { return -1 } if ( $this.TimeToLive -gt $that.TimeToLive ) { return 1 } # if everything is equal then the records are equal # we are ignoring comments for the sort return 0 } [List[string]] GetErrors() { [List[string]]$Errors = @() # if all attributes are blank except a comment, then it's a valid comment if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $this.HostName ) -and $null -eq $this.TimeToLive -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $this.RecordClass ) -and $null -eq $this.RecordType -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $this.RecordData ) -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $this.Comment ) ) { return $Errors } # if the hostname is not defined then it's invalid if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $this.HostName ) ) { $Errors.Add( 'HostName is missing' ) } # if the TTL is not defined or less than 60 then it's invalid if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $this.TimeToLive ) -or [int]$this.TimeToLive -lt 60 ) { $Errors.Add( 'TimeToLive is missing or invalid, value must not be less than 60' ) } # if the RecordClass is empty it's invalid if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $this.RecordClass ) ) { $Errors.Add( 'RecordClass is missing' ) } # if the RecordType is empty it's invalid if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $this.RecordType ) ) { $Errors.Add( 'RecordType is missing' ) # if the RecordType is UNKNOWN it's invalid } elseif ( $this.RecordType -eq 'UNKNOWN' -or $this.RecordType -notin [BindRecordType].GetEnumValues() ) { $Errors.Add( 'RecordType is invalid' ) } # if the RecordData is empty it's invalid if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $this.RecordData ) ) { $Errors.Add( 'RecordData is missing' ) } # if the RecordType is CAA and the RecordData is not properly formatted then # the record is invalid if ( $this.RecordType -eq 'CAA' -and $this.RecordData -notmatch '^(\d|[1-9]\d|1[0-1]\d|12[0-8])\s+(issue|issuewild|iodef)\s+"[^"]+"$' ) { $Errors.Add( 'RecordType is CAA, RecordData must be formatted as ''<Priority> <PropertyType> "<CAAControl>"''' ) } # if the RecordType is TXT and the RecordData is not enclosed in double quotes # then the value is invalid if ( $this.RecordType -eq 'TXT' -and $this.RecordData -notmatch '^".*"$' ) { $Errors.Add( 'RecordType is TXT, RecordData needs to be enclosed in double quotes' ) } # if RecordData is enclosed in quotes, and contains unescaped quotes the data is invalid if ( $this.RecordData -match '^".*"$' -and $this.RecordData -replace '^"(.*)"$', '$1' -match '(?<!\\)"' ) { $Errors.Add( 'RecordData is enclosed in quotes and contains unescaped quotes' ) } return $Errors } } |