function Get-AzureCLIStatus { Write-Host "`nChecking Azure CLI Version..." -ForegroundColor DarkGray $azureCLIVersion = (-join (az version) | convertFrom-Json).'azure-cli' if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) { Write-Host "`nCould not find the 'az' command in the current path. Make sure azure-cli is installed and in the current path." -ForegroundColor Red Return 1 } else { Write-Host "Azure CLI Version $azureCLIVersion is installed." Write-Host "`nChecking Account..." -ForegroundColor DarkGray $username = (-join (az account show) | convertFrom-Json).'user'.'name' if ($lastexitcode -ne 0){ Return 1 } else { $tenantID = (-join (az account show) | convertFrom-Json).'tenantId' $subscriptionName = (-join (az account show) | convertFrom-Json).'name' Write-Host "Username: $username`nTenant ID: $tenantID`nSubscription: $subscriptionName" Return 0 } } } function Get-SelectionFromUser { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$Options, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Prompt ) [int]$Response = 0; [bool]$ValidResponse = $false while (!($ValidResponse)) { [int]$OptionNo = 0 Write-Host $Prompt -ForegroundColor DarkYellow Write-Host "[0]: Cancel" foreach ($Option in $Options) { $OptionNo += 1 Write-Host ("[$OptionNo]: {0}" -f $Option) } if ([Int]::TryParse((Read-Host), [ref]$Response)) { if ($Response -eq 0) { throw "Action chancled by user." } elseif($Response -le $OptionNo) { $ValidResponse = $true } } } return $Options.Get($Response - 1) } function Confirm-RessourceGroupName { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()][string]$resourceGroupName ) Write-Host "`nFetching available resource groups in your subscription..." -ForegroundColor DarkGray $resourceGroups = az group list --query [].name -o tsv if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) { throw "`nCould not fetch resource groups`n" } elseif (!$resourceGroups) { throw "`nNo resource groups could be found in your current subscription.`n" } if ((!$resourceGroupName) -or ($resourceGroups -notcontains $resourceGroupName)) { Write-Host "No resource group provided or provided resource group not found." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow $resourceGroupName = (Get-SelectionFromUser -Options $resourceGroups -Prompt "Choose resource group:") } Write-Host "Choosen resource group: '$resourceGroupName'" Return $resourceGroupName } function Confirm-VirtualMachineName { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()][string]$virtualMachineName, [Parameter()][string]$resourceGroupName ) Write-Host "`nFetching vm names in resource group '$resourceGroupName'..." -ForegroundColor DarkGray $virtualMachineNames = az vm list -g $resourceGroupName --query [].name -o tsv if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) { throw "Could not fetch vm names in resource group '$resourceGroupName'" } elseif (!$virtualMachineNames){ throw "`nNo vms could be found in resource group 'resourceGroupName'.`n" } if ((!$virtualMachineName) -or ($virtualMachineNames -notcontains $virtualMachineName)) { Write-Host "No vm name provided or provided vm name at resource group '$resourceGroupName' not found." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow $virtualMachineName = (Get-SelectionFromUser -Options $virtualMachineNames -Prompt "Choose vm name for which to create a snapshot:") } Write-Host "Choosen vm: '$virtualMachineName'" Return $virtualMachineName } function Confirm-SnapshotList { param ( [Parameter()][string]$resourceGroupName ) Write-Host "`nFetching available snapshots in group '$resourceGroupName'..." -ForegroundColor DarkGray $snapshotList = az snapshot list -g $resourceGroupName --query [].name -o tsv if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) { throw "`nCould not fetch snapshots in group '$resourceGroupName'" } elseif (!$snapshotList) { Write-Host "There are no snapshots in resource group '$resourceGroupName'.`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow } Return $snapshotList } |