
#requires -Version 5
#requires -Modules @{ ModuleName='Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility'; ModuleVersion='' }

function DownloadDatacenterIPRangeXml
    param ()

    # Get the IP address range XML file URI.

    Write-Verbose -Message 'Getting the URI of Azure datacenter IP ranges XML file.'

    $downloadCenterUri = ''
    $confirmationPageContent = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $downloadCenterUri

    $xmlLinkId = 'c50ef285-c6ea-c240-3cc4-6c9d27067d6c'
    $xmlLink = $confirmationPageContent.Links |
        Where-Object -Property 'id' -EQ -Value $xmlLinkId |
        Select-Object -First 1

    if ($xmlLink -eq $null)
        throw 'Cannot get the link to XML file from the download center page.'

    $xmlFileUri = $xmlLink.href

    if ($xmlFileUri -eq $null)
        throw 'Cannot get the URI of XML file.'

    Write-Verbose -Message ('XML file URI: {0}' -f $xmlFileUri)

    # Get the IP address range XML document.

    Write-Verbose -Message 'Getting the XML docuemnt of Azure datacenter IP ranges.'

    $contentBytes = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $xmlFileUri
    $textContent = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($contentBytes.Content)
    $xmlDoc = [xml] $textContent

    Write-Debug -Message $xmlDoc.OuterXml

function ConvertIPv4AddressFromStringToUInt32
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidatePattern('[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}')]
        [string] $IPv4Address

    # Get a IPv4 address as IPAddress object.
        $ipAddress = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($IPv4Address)
        if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq 'FormatException')
            throw ('{0} It is "{1}".' -f $_.Exception.InnerException.Message, $IPv4Address)
            throw $_

    # Get the octets of IPv4 address.
    $octets = $ipAddress.GetAddressBytes()

    $octet1 = ([uint32] $octets[0]) -shl 24
    $octet2 = ([uint32] $octets[1]) -shl 16
    $octet3 = ([uint32] $octets[2]) -shl 8
    $octet4 = [uint32] $octets[3]

    # Return a IPv4 address as UInt32.
    [uint32] ($octet1 + $octet2 + $octet3 + $octet4)

function GetSubnetMaskAsUInt32
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateRange(0,32)]
        [int] $NetworkAddressLength

    if ($NetworkAddressLength -eq 0) { return ([uint32] 0) }

    # Create the bits of network address part.
    $mask = [uint32] 1
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $NetworkAddressLength; $i++)
        $mask = ($mask -shl 1) + 1

    # Shift the bits of host address part.
    $hostAddressLength = (32 - $NetworkAddressLength)
    $mask = $mask -shl $hostAddressLength

    # Return a subnet mask as UInt32.
    [uint32] $mask

Get the Azure datacenter IP address range information of specified public IP address.

This cmdlet provides quick lookup the Azure datacenter IP address range information from the specified public IP address.

Specify the public IP address you want to check.

Specify the file path of Azure datacenter IP address range XML file. The latest XML file is can download from This parameter is optional.

    PS > Get-AzureUtilDatacenterIPRangeInfo -IPAddress ''

    IPAddress RegionName IPRange
    --------- ---------- ------- japaneast

---- Example Description ----
In this example, get the region and IP address range information of the public IP address "".

    PS > '','','' | Get-AzureUtilDatacenterIPRangeInfo

    IPAddress RegionName IPRange
    --------- ---------- ------- japaneast europewest uswest

---- Example Description ----
In this example, get the region and IP address range information of the public IPs via piping.

    PS > $xmlFilePath = 'C:\PublicIPs_20170616.xml'

    PS > '' | Get-AzureUtilDatacenterIPRangeInfo -XmlFilePath $xmlFilePath

    IPAddress RegionName IPRange
    --------- ---------- ------- japaneast

---- Example Description ----
In this example, get the region and IP address range information of the public IP address "" using the local XML file. You can get the region and IP address range information on offline if use the local XML file.

PowerShell Gallery:


Microsoft Azure Datacenter IP Ranges:

function Get-AzureUtilDatacenterIPRangeInfo
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string[]] $IPAddress,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $XmlFilePath

        # Get the XML document.
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('XmlFilePath'))
            Write-Verbose -Message ('Reading the Azure datacenter IP ranges XML document from "{0}".' -f $XmlFilePath)
            $xmlDoc = [xml] (Get-Content -LiteralPath $XmlFilePath -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction Stop)
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Downloading the Azure datacenter IP ranges XML document.'
            $xmlDoc = DownloadDatacenterIPRangeXml -ErrorAction Stop

        # Get the IpRange nodes from the XML document.
        $ipRanges = $xmlDoc.SelectNodes('//IpRange')

        foreach ($ipAddr in $IPAddress)
            # Build the return value structure.
            $result = [pscustomobject] @{
                IPAddress  = $ipAddr
                RegionName = $null
                IPRange    = $null

            # Get the target IP address as UInt32.
            $targetIpAddressUInt32 = ConvertIPv4AddressFromStringToUInt32 -IPv4Address $ipAddr -ErrorAction Stop

            Write-Verbose -Message ('Target IP: {0} = {1:x}' -f $ipAddr, $targetIpAddressUInt32)

            # Search the IP range that contains the target IP address.
            foreach ($ipRange in $ipRanges)
                # Extract the IP address and subnet mask.
                ($dcIpAddress, [uint32] $dcMaskLength) = $ipRange.Subnet.Split('/', 2, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

                # Get the datacenter IP address and subnet mask as UInt32.
                $dcIpAddressUInt32 = ConvertIPv4AddressFromStringToUInt32 -IPv4Address $dcIpAddress -ErrorAction Stop
                $dcSubnetMaskUInt32 = GetSubnetMaskAsUInt32 -NetworkAddressLength $dcMaskLength -ErrorAction Stop

                Write-Debug -Message ('DC Subnet: {0} = {1:x}/{2:x}' -f $ipRange.Subnet, $dcIpAddressUInt32, $dcSubnetMaskUInt32)
                Write-Debug -Message ('Test Result: {0} & {1} = {2} <-> {3}' -f $targetIpAddressUInt32, $dcSubnetMaskUInt32, ($targetIpAddressUInt32 -band $dcSubnetMaskUInt32), $dcIpAddressUInt32)

                # Test whether the target IP address is included in the datacenter IP address range.
                if (($targetIpAddressUInt32 -band $dcSubnetMaskUInt32) -eq $dcIpAddressUInt32)
                    Write-Verbose -Message ('Found DC Subnet: {0} = {1:x}/{2:x}' -f $ipRange.Subnet, $dcIpAddressUInt32, $dcSubnetMaskUInt32)

                    # Set the found datacenter IP address range information.
                    $result.RegionName = $ipRange.ParentNode.Name
                    $result.IPRange = $ipRange.Subnet



Test whether the specific public IP address that it is Azure public IP address.

This cmdlet provides quick test to see if the specified IP address is Azure's public IP address.

Specify the public IP address you want to check.

Specify the file path of Azure datacenter IP address range XML file. The latest XML file is can download from This parameter is optional.

    PS > Test-AzureUtilDatacenterIPRange -IPAddress ''

---- Example Description ----
In this example, test the public IP address "" then confirmed it is Azure's public IP address.

    PS > $xmlFilePath = 'C:\PublicIPs_20170616.xml'

    PS > Test-AzureUtilDatacenterIPRange -IPAddress '' -XmlFilePath $xmlFilePath

---- Example Description ----
In this example, test the public IP address "" using the local XML file then confirmed it is Azure's public IP address.

PowerShell Gallery:


Microsoft Azure Datacenter IP Ranges:

function Test-AzureUtilDatacenterIPRange
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidatePattern('[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}')]
        [string] $IPAddress,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $XmlFilePath

    # Build the parameters.
    $params = @{
        IPAddress = $IPAddress
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('XmlFilePath'))
        $params.XmlFilePath = $XmlFilePath

    # Finding the IP address range.
    $result = Get-AzureUtilDatacenterIPRangeInfo @params

    ($result.RegionName -ne $null) -and ($result.IPRange -ne $null)