#requires -Version 5 #requires -Modules @{ ModuleName='Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility'; ModuleVersion='' } #requires -Modules @{ ModuleName='AzureRM.Profile'; ModuleVersion='2.6.0' } #requires -Modules @{ ModuleName='AzureRM.Resources'; ModuleVersion='3.6.0' } <# .SYNOPSIS Get the resource groups that not contains any resources from the entire subscription. .DESCRIPTION Get the resource groups that not contains any resources from the entire subscription. .PARAMETER ExcludeResourceGroup This cmdlet is ignore the resource groups that provided by this parameter. This parameter is optional. .PARAMETER ExcludeLocation This cmdlet is ignore the resource groups that has location provided by this parameter. This parameter is optional. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureUtilEmptyResourceGroup This example is get the all empty resource groups in current subscription. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureUtilEmptyResourceGroup | Format-Table -Property 'ResourceGroupName','Location' ResourceGroupName Location ----------------- -------- ProjectA-RG westus ProjectB-RG eastus Prod-RG japaneast Test-RG japanwest This example is get the all empty resource groups in current subscription. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureUtilEmptyResourceGroup -ExcludeLocation 'japaneast','Japan West' In this example, it is to get the all empty resource groups in the current subscription except the resource group's location is "japaneast" or "Japan West". .EXAMPLE Get-AzureUtilEmptyResourceGroup -ExcludeResourceGroup 'ProjectA-RG','ProjectB-RG' | Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Force In this example, it is to remove the all empty resource groups in the current subscription except the "ProjectA-RG" and "ProjectB-RG" resource groups. Those resource groups are not included to remove even if those were empty. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureUtilEmptyResourceGroup -ExcludeResourceGroup 'Prod-RG' -ExcludeLocation 'Japan West' In this example, it is to get the all empty resource groups in the current subscription except the resource group that is name is "Prod-RG" or location is "Japan West". .LINK PowerShell Gallery: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/AzureUtil/ .LINK GitHub: https://github.com/tksh164/AzureUtil-PowerShellModule .LINK Get-AzureUtilNonAttachedManagedDisk .LINK Get-AzureUtilNonAttachedUnmanagedDisk #> function Get-AzureUtilEmptyResourceGroup { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.SdkModels.PSResourceGroup])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $ExcludeResourceGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $ExcludeLocation ) # Login check. try { [void] (Get-AzureRMContext -ErrorAction Stop) } catch { throw } # Normalize the exclude locations. if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ExcludeLocation')) { $ExcludeLocation = GetNormalizedLocationName -ExcludeLocation $ExcludeLocation } # Create a array that contains non empty resource group names. $nonEmptyResourceGroupNmaes = @() Get-AzureRmResource | Group-Object -Property 'ResourceGroupName' -NoElement | ForEach-Object -Process { $nonEmptyResourceGroupNmaes += $_.Name } # Lookup the empty resource group name from all resource group name using non-empty resource group name array. Get-AzureRmResourceGroup | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($nonEmptyResourceGroupNmaes -notcontains $_.ResourceGroupName) -and ($ExcludeResourceGroup -notcontains $_.ResourceGroupName) -and ($ExcludeLocation -notcontains $_.Location) } } function GetNormalizedLocationName { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $ExcludeLocation ) # Get the Azure locations. $azureLocations = Get-AzureRmLocation # Normalize the exclude locations. $ExcludeLocation | ForEach-Object -Process { $unnormalizedLocation = $_ # Get the Azure location by Location or DisplayName. $location = $azureLocations | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($_.Location -eq $unnormalizedLocation) -or ($_.DisplayName -eq $unnormalizedLocation) } | Select-Object -First 1 if ($location -ne $null) { $location.Location } else { throw ('The Azure location "{0}" is not recognized.' -f $unnormalizedLocation) } } } |