#requires -Version 5 #requires -Modules @{ ModuleName='Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility'; ModuleVersion='' } #requires -Modules @{ ModuleName='AzureRM.Resources'; ModuleVersion='3.6.0' } #requires -Modules @{ ModuleName='AzureRM.Compute'; ModuleVersion='2.7.0' } #requires -Modules @{ ModuleName='AzureRM.Storage'; ModuleVersion='2.6.0' } #requires -Modules @{ ModuleName='Azure.Storage'; ModuleVersion='2.6.0' } <# .SYNOPSIS Get the resource groups that not contains any resources. .DESCRIPTION Get the resource groups that not contains any resources. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureUtilEmptyResourceGroup This example is get the all empty resource groups. .LINK PowerShell Gallery page - .LINK GitHub repository - #> function Get-EmptyResourceGroup { [OutputType([Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.SdkModels.PSResourceGroup])] [CmdletBinding()] param () # Create a array that contains non empty resource group names. $nonEmptyResourceGroupNmaes = @() Get-AzureRmResource | Group-Object -Property 'ResourceGroupName' -NoElement | ForEach-Object -Process { $nonEmptyResourceGroupNmaes += $_.Name } # Lookup the empty resource group name from all resource group name using non-empty resource group name array. Get-AzureRmResourceGroup | Where-Object -FilterScript { $nonEmptyResourceGroupNmaes -notcontains $_.ResourceGroupName } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get non-attached managed disks. .DESCRIPTION Get non-attached managed disks. .PARAMETER ExcludeResourceGroup This cmdlet is ignore this resource groups. It is not included in the processing target. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureUtilNonAttachedManagedDisk This example is get the all non-attached managed disk resources in the current subscription. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureUtilNonAttachedManagedDisk -ExcludeResourceGroup 'Prod-RG','Test-RG' This example is get the all non-attached managed disk resources in the current subscription except the disk resources in the "Prod-RG" and "Test-RG" resource groups. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureUtilNonAttachedManagedDisk | Remove-AzureRmDisk -Verbose This example is remove the all non-attached managed disk resources in the current subscription. .LINK PowerShell Gallery page - .LINK GitHub repository - #> function Get-NonAttachedManagedDisk { [OutputType([Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Automation.Models.PSDiskList])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $ExcludeResourceGroup ) # List non-attached managed disks. (Get-AzureRmDisk).ToArray() | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($ExcludeResourceGroup -notcontains $_.ResourceGroupName) -and ($_.OwnerId -eq $null) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get non-attached non-managed disks (Blob). .DESCRIPTION Get non-attached non-managed disks (Blob). .PARAMETER ExcludeResourceGroup This cmdlet is ignore this resource groups. It is not included in the processing target. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureUtilNonAttachedNonManagedDisk -Verbose This example is get the all non-attached non-managed disks (blobs) in the current subscription. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureUtilNonAttachedNonManagedDisk -ExcludeResourceGroup 'securitydata' -Verbose This example is get the all non-attached non-managed disks (blobs) in the current subscription except the storage accounts in the "securitydata" resource group. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureUtilNonAttachedNonManagedDisk -ExcludeResourceGroup 'securitydata' -Verbose | Remove-AzureStorageBlob -Verbose This example is remove the all non-attached non-managed disks (blobs) in the current subscription except the storage accounts in the "securitydata" resource group. .LINK PowerShell Gallery page - .LINK GitHub repository - #> function Get-NonAttachedNonManagedDisk { [OutputType([Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Common.Storage.ResourceModel.AzureStorageBlob])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $ExcludeResourceGroup ) # # Get the all attached VHD URIs from the VM configurations. # Write-Verbose -Message ('Get all attached VHD URI...') $attachedVhdUris = Get-AzureRmVM | ForEach-Object -Process { # Exclude the non target resource groups. if ($ExcludeResourceGroup -notcontains $_.ResourceGroupName) { $storageProfile = $_.StorageProfile if ($storageProfile.OsDisk.Vhd -ne $null) { $storageProfile.OsDisk.Vhd.Uri } if ($storageProfile.DataDisks.Vhd -ne $null) { $storageProfile.DataDisks.Vhd.Uri } } } Write-Verbose -Message ('Found the {0} attached VHD in the current subscription.' -f $attachedVhdUris.Count) # # Enumerate the VHD blobs by scanning of all storage accounts. # Write-Verbose -Message ('Scanning all storage accounts.') Get-AzureRmStorageAccount | ForEach-Object -Process { # Exclude the non target resource groups. if ($ExcludeResourceGroup -notcontains $_.ResourceGroupName) { $resourceGroupName = $_.ResourceGroupName $storageAccountName = $_.StorageAccountName Write-Verbose -Message ('Scanning SA:{0} in RG:{1}' -f $storageAccountName,$resourceGroupName) $storageAccountKey = (Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $storageAccountName).Value[0] $context = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $storageAccountKey $nonAttachedVhdCount = 0 # Get all containers in the storage account. Get-AzureStorageContainer -Context $context | ForEach-Object -Process { $containerName = $_.Name # Get all blobs in the container. Get-AzureStorageBlob -Context $context -Container $containerName | ForEach-Object -Process { $blobUri = $_.ICloudBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri # Verify that it is a non-attached VHD. if ($blobUri.EndsWith('.vhd') -and ($attachedVhdUris -notcontains $blobUri)) { $_ $nonAttachedVhdCount++ } } } Write-Verbose -Message ('Found {0} the non-attached VHD in SA:{1} in RG:{2}' -f $nonAttachedVhdCount,$storageAccountName,$resourceGroupName) } } } |