function Add-AzureGuest { <# .SYNOPSIS Function for inviting guest user to Azure AD. .DESCRIPTION Function for inviting guest user to Azure AD. .PARAMETER displayName Display name of the user. Suffix (guest) will be added automatically. a.k.a Jan Novak .PARAMETER emailAddress Email address of the user. a.k.a .PARAMETER parentTeamsGroup Optional parameter. Name of Teams group, where the guest should be added as member. (it can take several minutes, before this change propagates!) .EXAMPLE Add-AzureGuest -displayName "Jan Novak" -emailAddress "" #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("New-AzureADGuest")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { If ($_ -match "\(guest\)") { throw "$_ (guest) will be added automatically." } else { $true } })] [string] $displayName , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { If ($_ -match "@") { $true } else { Throw "$_ isn't email address" } })] [string] $emailAddress , [ValidateScript( { If ($_ -notmatch "^External_") { throw "$_ doesn't allow guest members (doesn't start with External_ prefix, so guests will be automatically removed)" } else { $true } })] [string] $parentTeamsGroup ) $null = Connect-MgGraph # naming conventions (Get-Variable displayName).Attributes.Clear() $displayName = $displayName.trim() + " (guest)" $emailAddress = $emailAddress.trim() "Creating Guest: $displayName EMAIL: $emailaddress" $null = New-MgInvitation -InvitedUserDisplayName $displayName -InvitedUserEmailAddress $emailAddress -InviteRedirectUrl "" -SendInvitationMessage:$true -InvitedUserType Guest if ($parentTeamsGroup) { $groupID = Get-MgGroup -Filter "displayName eq '$parentTeamsGroup'" | select -exp Id if (!$groupID) { throw "Unable to find group $parentTeamsGroup" } $guestId = Get-MgUser -Filter "mail eq '$emailaddress'" | select -exp Id New-MgGroupMember -GroupId $groupID -DirectoryObjectId $guestId } } function Disable-AzureGuest { <# .SYNOPSIS Function for disabling guest user in Azure AD. .DESCRIPTION Function for disabling guest user in Azure AD. Do NOT REMOVE the account, because lot of connected systems use UPN as identifier instead of SID. Therefore if someone in the future add such guest again, he would get access to all stuff, previous guest had access to. .PARAMETER displayName Display name of the user. If not specified, GUI with all guests will popup. .EXAMPLE Disable-AzureGuest -displayName "Jan Novak (guest)" Disables "Jan Novak (guest)" guest Azure AD account. .EXAMPLE Disable-AzureGuest Show GUI with all available guest accounts. The selected one will be disabled. #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("Remove-AzureADGuest")] param ( [string[]] $displayName ) $null = Connect-MgGraph -ea Stop $guestId = @() if (!$displayName) { # Get all the Guest Users $guest = Get-MgUser -All -Filter "UserType eq 'Guest' and AccountEnabled eq true" | select DisplayName, Mail, Id | Out-GridView -OutputMode Multiple -Title "Select accounts for disable" $guestId = $ } else { $displayName | % { $guest = Get-MgUser -Filter "DisplayName eq '$_' and UserType eq 'Guest' and AccountEnabled eq true" if ($guest) { $guestId += $guest.Id } else { Write-Warning "$_ wasn't found or it is not guest account or is disabled already" } } } if ($guestId) { $guestId | % { "Blocking guest $_" # block Sign-In Update-MgUser -UserId $_ -AccountEnabled:$false # invalidate Azure AD Tokens $null = Revoke-MgUserSignInSession -UserId $_ -Confirm:$false } } else { Write-Warning "No guest to disable" } } function Get-AzureAuthenticatorLastUsedDate { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]]$upnList ) if (!(Get-Command Get-MgContext -ErrorAction silentlycontinue) -or !(Get-MgContext)) { throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): Authentication needed. Please call Connect-MgGraph." } foreach ($upn in $upnList) { # filter is case sensitive in Get-MgAuditLogSignIn and UPNs seems to be always in lower case $upn = $upn.tolower() Write-Warning "Processing $upn" $mfaMethod = Get-MgBetaUserAuthenticationMethod -UserId $upn | Expand-MgAdditionalProperties $mobileAuthenticatorList = $mfaMethod | ? ObjectType -EQ "microsoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethod" if (!$mobileAuthenticatorList) { Write-Warning "$upn doesn't have an authenticator app set" continue } if ($mobileAuthenticatorList.count -lt 2) { Write-Warning "$upn doesn't have more than one authenticator set" continue } $mobileAuthenticatorList = $mobileAuthenticatorList | select *, @{n = 'LastTimeUsedUTC'; e = { $null } }, @{n = 'OperatingSystem'; e = { $null } } -ExcludeProperty '@odata.type', 'ObjectType' # get all successfully completed MFA prompts # 0 = Success # 50140 = "This occurred due to 'Keep me signed in' interrupt when the user was signing in." $successfulMFAPrompt = Get-MgBetaAuditLogSignIn -all -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq '$upn' and AuthenticationRequirement eq 'multiFactorAuthentication' and conditionalAccessStatus eq 'success'" -Property * | ? { $_.Status.ErrorCode -in 0, 50140 -and ($_.AuthenticationDetails.AuthenticationStepResultDetail | % { if ($_ -in 'MFA successfully completed', 'MFA completed in Azure AD', 'User approved', 'MFA required in Azure AD', 'MFA requirement satisfied by strong authentication') { $true } }) } if (!$successfulMFAPrompt) { Write-Warning "No completed MFA prompts found (in last 30 days?)" } else { foreach ($mfaPrompt in $successfulMFAPrompt) { if ($mobileAuthenticatorList.count -eq ($mobileAuthenticatorList.LastTimeUsedUTC | ? { $_ }).count) { # I have last used date for each registered authenticator Write-Verbose "I have LastTimeUsedUTC for each authenticator app" break } # "### $($mfaPrompt.AppDisplayName)" $mobileAuthenticatorId = $mfaPrompt.AuthenticationAppDeviceDetails.DeviceId # je ve skutecnosti ID z Get-MgUserAuthenticationMethod if (!$mobileAuthenticatorId) { Write-Verbose "This isn't event where authenticator was used, skipping" continue } $correspondingAuthenticator = $mobileAuthenticatorList | ? Id -EQ $mobileAuthenticatorId if (!$correspondingAuthenticator) { Write-Verbose "Authenticator with ID $mobileAuthenticatorId doesn't exist anymore" } else { if ($correspondingAuthenticator.LastTimeUsedUTC) { Write-Verbose "$mobileAuthenticatorId was already processed" continue } else { Write-Verbose "$mobileAuthenticatorId setting LastTimeUsedUTC $($mfaPrompt.CreatedDateTime) OperatingSystem $($mfaPrompt.AuthenticationAppDeviceDetails.OperatingSystem)" $correspondingAuthenticator.LastTimeUsedUTC = $mfaPrompt.CreatedDateTime $correspondingAuthenticator.OperatingSystem = $mfaPrompt.AuthenticationAppDeviceDetails.OperatingSystem } } } } #TODO u authenticatoru bez udaju zjistit kdy se zaregistroval, mozna je novy a jeste ho nepouzil [PSCustomObject]@{ UPN = $upn MobileAuthenticator = $mobileAuthenticatorList } } } function Get-AzureCompletedMFAPrompt { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]]$upnList ) if (!(Get-Command Get-MgContext -ErrorAction silentlycontinue) -or !(Get-MgContext)) { throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): Authentication needed. Please call Connect-MgGraph." } foreach ($upn in $upnList) { # filter is case sensitive in Get-MgAuditLogSignIn $upn = $upn.tolower() Write-Warning "Processing $upn" try { $userId = (Get-MgUser -UserId $upn -Property Id).Id } catch { Write-Warning "User $upn doesn't exist. Skipping" continue } $mfaMethod = Get-MgBetaUserAuthenticationMethod -UserId $upn | Expand-MgAdditionalProperties # get all successfully completed MFA prompts # 0 = Success # 50140 = "This occurred due to 'Keep me signed in' interrupt when the user was signing in." # TIP: guest sign-ins cannot be searched using UPN $successfulMFAPrompt = Get-MgBetaAuditLogSignIn -All -Filter "userId eq '$userId' and AuthenticationRequirement eq 'multiFactorAuthentication' and conditionalAccessStatus eq 'success'" -Property * | ? { $_.Status.ErrorCode -in 0, 50140 -and ($_.AuthenticationDetails.AuthenticationStepResultDetail | % { if ($_ -in 'MFA successfully completed', 'MFA completed in Azure AD', 'User approved', 'MFA required in Azure AD', 'MFA requirement satisfied by strong authentication') { $true } }) } if (!$successfulMFAPrompt) { Write-Warning "No completed MFA prompts found" continue } foreach ($mfaPrompt in $successfulMFAPrompt) { $authenticationMethod = $mfaPrompt.AuthenticationDetails | ? { $_.AuthenticationMethod -notin "Previously satisfied", "Password" -and $_.Succeeded -eq $true } if ($authenticationMethod) { $authMethod = $authenticationMethod.AuthenticationMethod if (!$authMethod) { # sometimes AuthenticationMethod is empty, but AuthenticationStepResultDetail contains 'MFA completed in Azure AD' $authMethod = $authenticationMethod.AuthenticationStepResultDetail } $authDetail = $authenticationMethod.AuthenticationMethodDetail if (!$authDetail -and $mfaPrompt.AuthenticationAppDeviceDetails.DeviceId) { $authDetail = $mfaPrompt.AuthenticationAppDeviceDetails } } else { $authMethod = $mfaPrompt.MfaDetail.AuthMethod $authDetail = $mfaPrompt.MfaDetail.AuthDetail } [PSCustomObject]@{ UPN = $upn CreatedDateTimeUTC = $mfaPrompt.CreatedDateTime AuthMethod = $authMethod AuthDetail = $authDetail AuthDeviceId = $mfaPrompt.AuthenticationAppDeviceDetails.DeviceId AuditEvent = $mfaPrompt } } } } function Get-AzureSkuAssignment { <# .SYNOPSIS Function returns users with selected Sku license. .DESCRIPTION Function returns users with selected Sku license. .PARAMETER sku SkuId or SkuPartNumber of the O365 license Sku. If not provided, all users and their Skus will be outputted. SkuId/SkuPartNumber can be found via: Get-MgSubscribedSku -All .PARAMETER assignmentType Limit what kind of license assignment the user needs to have. Possible values are: 'direct', 'inherited' By default users with both types are displayed. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureSkuAssignment -sku "f8a1db68-be16-40ed-86d5-cb42ce701560" Get all users with selected sku (defined by id). .EXAMPLE Get-AzureSkuAssignment -sku "POWER_BI_PRO" Get all users with selected sku. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureSkuAssignment Get all users and their skus. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureSkuAssignment -assignmentType direct Get all users which have some sku assigned directly. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureSkuAssignment -sku "POWER_BI_PRO" -assignmentType inherited Get all users with selected sku if it is inherited. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ArgumentCompleter( { param ($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams) Get-MgSubscribedSku -Property SkuPartNumber, SkuId -All | ? SkuPartNumber -Like "*$WordToComplete*" | select -ExpandProperty SkuPartNumber })] [string] $sku, [ValidateSet('direct', 'inherited')] [string[]] $assignmentType = ('direct', 'inherited'), [string[]] $userProperty = ('id', 'userprincipalname', 'assignedLicenses', 'LicenseAssignmentStates') ) if (!(Get-Command Get-MgContext -ErrorAction silentlycontinue) -or !(Get-MgContext)) { throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): The context is invalid. Please login using Connect-MgGraph." } # add mandatory property if ($userProperty -notcontains 'assignedLicenses') { $userProperty += 'assignedLicenses' } if ($userProperty -notcontains 'LicenseAssignmentStates') { $userProperty += 'LicenseAssignmentStates' } $param = @{ Select = $userProperty All = $true } if ($sku) { $skuId = Get-MgSubscribedSku -Property SkuPartNumber, SkuId -All | ? { $_.SkuId -eq $sku -or $_.SkuPartNumber -eq $sku } | select -ExpandProperty SkuId if (!$skuId) { throw "Sku with id $skuId doesn't exist" } $param.Filter = "assignedLicenses/any(u:u/skuId eq $skuId)" } if ($assignmentType.count -eq 2) { # has some license $whereFilter = { $_.assignedLicenses } } elseif ($assignmentType -contains 'direct') { # direct assignment if ($sku) { $whereFilter = { $_.assignedLicenses -and ($_.LicenseAssignmentStates | ? { $_.SkuId -eq $skuId -and $null -eq $_.AssignedByGroup }) } } else { $whereFilter = { $_.assignedLicenses -and ($null -eq $_.LicenseAssignmentStates.AssignedByGroup).count -ge 1 } } } else { # inherited assignment if ($sku) { $whereFilter = { $_.assignedLicenses -and ($_.LicenseAssignmentStates | ? { $_.SkuId -eq $skuId -and $null -eq $_.AssignedByGroup }) } } else { $whereFilter = { $_.assignedLicenses -and $null -eq $_.LicenseAssignmentStates.AssignedByGroup } } } Get-MgUser @param | select $userProperty | ? $whereFilter } function Get-AzureSkuAssignmentError { <# .SYNOPSIS Function returns users that have problems with licenses assignment. .DESCRIPTION Function returns users that have problems with licenses assignment. #> if (!(Get-Command Get-MgContext -ErrorAction silentlycontinue) -or !(Get-MgContext)) { throw "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): The context is invalid. Please login using Connect-MgGraph." } function _getGroupName { if ($license.AssignedByGroup) { (Get-MgGroup -GroupId $license.AssignedByGroup -Property DisplayName -ea silent).DisplayName } } $userWithLicenseProblem = Get-MgUser -Property UserPrincipalName, Id, LicenseAssignmentStates -All | ? { $_.LicenseAssignmentStates.state -eq 'error' } foreach ($user in $userWithLicenseProblem) { $errorLicense = $user.LicenseAssignmentStates | ? State -EQ "Error" foreach ($license in $errorLicense) { [PSCustomObject]@{ UserPrincipalName = $user.UserPrincipalName UserId = $user.Id LicError = $license.Error AssignedByGroup = $license.AssignedByGroup AssignedByGroupName = _getGroupName LastUpdatedDateTime = $license.LastUpdatedDateTime SkuId = $license.SkuId SkuName = (Get-MgSubscribedSku -Property SkuPartNumber, SkuId -All | ? { $_.SkuId -eq $license.SkuId } | select -ExpandProperty SkuPartNumber) } } } <# logictejsi by bylo jit shora dolu (group > user), ale tam je problem s vracenim potrebnych dat Get-MgGroup -Property Id, DisplayName, AssignedLicenses, LicenseProcessingState, MembersWithLicenseErrors -Filter "HasMembersWithLicenseErrors eq true" | % { $groupId = $_.Id # kvuli bugu je potreba delat primy api call namisto pouziti property MembersWithLicenseErrors (je prazdna) Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri "$groupId/membersWithLicenseErrors" -OutputType PSObject | select -ExpandProperty value } #> } Export-ModuleMember -function Add-AzureGuest, Disable-AzureGuest, Get-AzureAuthenticatorLastUsedDate, Get-AzureCompletedMFAPrompt, Get-AzureSkuAssignment, Get-AzureSkuAssignmentError Export-ModuleMember -alias New-AzureADGuest, Remove-AzureADGuest |