################################# # Internal function definitions # ################################# function Get-AzStateChildrenByType { ############################################### # Configure PSScriptAnalyzer rule suppression # ############################################### # The following SuppressMessageAttribute entries are used to surpress # PSScriptAnalyzer tests against known exceptions as per: # [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'ExcludePathIds', Justification = 'False positive: used in process block of function')] [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([AzState[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [AzState[]]$AzStateInputs, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "If provided, ExcludePathIds is used to surpress specific paths in the discovery process")] [String[]]$ExcludePathIds, [Parameter()] [Switch]$IncludeManagementGroups, [Parameter()] [Switch]$IncludeSubscriptions, [Parameter()] [Switch]$IncludeResourceGroups, [Parameter()] [Switch]$IncludeResources, [Parameter()] [Switch]$IncludeIAM, [Parameter()] [Switch]$IncludePolicy, [Parameter()] [Int]$ThrottleLimit, [Parameter()] [Switch]$SkipCache ) begin { # The begin block is used to setup the environment. # This includes initialising all variables and determining # which resource types to discover. [AzState[]]$AzStateOutput = @() [String[]]$FilterChildrenByType = @() $ChildrenToProcess = @() $IAMToProcess = @() $PolicyToProcess = @() if ($IncludeManagementGroups) { $FilterChildrenByType += "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups" } if ($IncludeSubscriptions) { $FilterChildrenByType += "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/subscriptions", "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions" } if ($IncludeResourceGroups) { $FilterChildrenByType += "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups" } if ($IncludeIAM -and $IncludePolicy) { $DiscoveryMode = [DiscoveryMode]"IncludeBoth" } elseif ($IncludeIAM) { $DiscoveryMode = [DiscoveryMode]"IncludeIAM" } elseif ($IncludePolicy) { $DiscoveryMode = [DiscoveryMode]"IncludePolicy" } else { $DiscoveryMode = [DiscoveryMode]"ExcludeBoth" } if ($SkipCache) { $CacheMode = [CacheMode]"SkipCache" } else { $CacheMode = [CacheMode]"UseCache" } } process { # The process block is used to build a list of all # resources from AzStateInputs. # This ensures that each AzStateInputs object is added # to the xToProcess variables before building the # AzStateOutput to return. foreach ($AzStateInput in $AzStateInputs) { if ($AzStateInput.Children) { # The following is to avoid needing to list all Resource Types in # FilterChildrenByType when IncludeResources is specified if ($IncludeResources -and ($AzStateInput.Type -ieq "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups")) { $ChildrenToProcess += $AzStateInput.Children | ` Where-Object { $_.Id -ne "" } | ` Where-Object { $_.Id -inotin $ExcludePathIds } } else { $ChildrenToProcess += $AzStateInput.Children | ` Where-Object { $_.Id -ne "" } | ` Where-Object { $_.Id -inotin $ExcludePathIds } | ` Where-Object { $_.Type -iin $FilterChildrenByType } } } if ($IncludeIAM) { foreach ($IamPathSuffix in [AzState]::IamPathSuffixes($_.Type)) { $IAMPath = $_.Id + $IamPathSuffix $IAMToProcess += $IAMPath } } if ($IncludePolicy) { foreach ($PolicyPathSuffix in [AzState]::PolicyPathSuffixes($_.Type)) { $PolicyPath = $_.Id + $PolicyPathSuffix $PolicyToProcess += $PolicyPath } } } } end { # The end block is used to generate and return the # AzStateOutput from all xToProcess variables. # This ensure optimal parallel processing as the content # of all AzStateInputs is aggregated first. if ($ChildrenToProcess) { # Determine how many of each Resource Type are to be processed (for logging information only) $ResourceProfile = $ChildrenToProcess | Group-Object -Property Type foreach ($Profile in $ResourceProfile) { Write-Verbose "[Get-AzStateChildrenByType] Processing [$($Profile.Count)] Resources of Type [$($Profile.Name)]" } $IdsToProcess = $ChildrenToProcess.Id | Sort-Object if ($ThrottleLimit) { $AzStateOutput += [AzState]::FromIds($IdsToProcess, $ThrottleLimit, $CacheMode, $DiscoveryMode) } else { $AzStateOutput += [AzState]::FromIds($IdsToProcess, $CacheMode, $DiscoveryMode) } } if ($IAMToProcess) { Write-Verbose "[Get-AzStateChildrenByType] Processing [IAM] settings for [$($IAMToProcess.Count)] Resources" if ($CacheMode) { $AzStateOutput += [AzState]::DirectFromScope($IAMToProcess, $CacheMode) | Sort-Object -Property Id -Unique } else { $AzStateOutput += [AzState]::DirectFromScope($IAMToProcess) | Sort-Object -Property Id -Unique } } if ($PolicyToProcess) { Write-Verbose "[Get-AzStateChildrenByType] Processing [Policy] settings for [$($PolicyToProcess.Count)] Resources" if ($CacheMode) { $AzStateOutput += [AzState]::DirectFromScope($PolicyToProcess, $CacheMode) | Sort-Object -Property Id -Unique } else { $AzStateOutput += [AzState]::DirectFromScope($PolicyToProcess) | Sort-Object -Property Id -Unique } } return $AzStateOutput | Sort-Object -Property Id -Unique } } ############################### # Primary function definition # ############################### function New-AzStateDiscovery { ############################################### # Configure PSScriptAnalyzer rule suppression # ############################################### # The following SuppressMessageAttribute entries are used to surpress # PSScriptAnalyzer tests against known exceptions as per: # [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification = 'Only creating new object with custom type')] # May refactor to support ShouldProcess [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [String[]]$RootId, [Parameter()] [String[]]$ExcludePathIds, [Parameter()] [Switch]$IncludeManagementGroups, [Parameter()] [Switch]$IncludeSubscriptions, [Parameter()] [Switch]$IncludeResourceGroups, [Parameter()] [Switch]$IncludeResources, [Parameter()] [Switch]$IncludeIAM, [Parameter()] [Switch]$IncludePolicy, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Recurse, [Parameter()] [Int]$ThrottleLimit, [Parameter()] [Switch]$SkipCache ) begin { [AzState[]]$AzStateDiscoveryOutput = @() Write-Verbose -Message "############################################################" Write-Verbose -Message "[AzStateDiscovery] Starting AzState Discovery for [$($RootId.Count)] Root Nodes" Write-Verbose -Message "$("[AzStateDiscovery] {0} Management Groups" -f $(($IncludeManagementGroups) ? {Including} : {Excluding} ))" Write-Verbose -Message "$("[AzStateDiscovery] {0} Subscriptions" -f $(($IncludeSubscriptions) ? {Including} : {Excluding} ))" Write-Verbose -Message "$("[AzStateDiscovery] {0} Resource Groups" -f $(($IncludeResourceGroups) ? {Including} : {Excluding} ))" Write-Verbose -Message "$("[AzStateDiscovery] {0} Resources" -f $(($IncludeResources) ? {Including} : {Excluding} ))" Write-Verbose -Message "$("[AzStateDiscovery] {0} Access control (IAM)" -f $(($IncludeIAM) ? {Including} : {Excluding} ))" Write-Verbose -Message "$("[AzStateDiscovery] {0} Policy" -f $(($IncludePolicy) ? {Including} : {Excluding} ))" Write-Verbose -Message "$("[AzStateDiscovery] Using Recurse [{0}]" -f $(($Recurse) ? {True} : {False} ))" Write-Verbose -Message "$("[AzStateDiscovery] Using ThrottleLimit [{0}]" -f $(($ThrottleLimit) ? {$ThrottleLimit} : {Default} ))" Write-Verbose -Message "$("[AzStateDiscovery] Using Cache Mode [{0}]" -f $(($SkipCache) ? {SkipCache} : {UseCache} ))" if ($ExcludePathIds) { Write-Verbose -Message "[AzStateDiscovery] Excluding Resource IDs:" $ExcludePathIds | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose -Message "[AzStateDiscovery] - [$_]" } } Write-Verbose -Message "############################################################" } process { foreach ($Id in $RootId) { Write-Verbose "[AzStateDiscovery] Setting Root Id [$Id]" $ArgumentList = @{ Id = $Id IncludeIAM = $IncludeIAM IncludePolicy = $IncludePolicy SkipCache = $SkipCache } $RootAzState = New-AzState @ArgumentList $AzStateDiscoveryOutput += $RootAzState $ArgumentListChildren = @{ IncludeManagementGroups = $IncludeManagementGroups IncludeSubscriptions = $IncludeSubscriptions IncludeResourceGroups = $IncludeResourceGroups IncludeResources = $IncludeResources IncludeIAM = $IncludeIAM IncludePolicy = $IncludePolicy SkipCache = $SkipCache } if ($ExcludePathIds) { $ArgumentListChildren += @{ ExcludePathIds = $ExcludePathIds } } if ($ThrottleLimit) { $ArgumentListChildren += @{ ThrottleLimit = $ThrottleLimit } } # The following loop will discovery all children by type based on the selected # switches and will recurse if selected $DiscoveryComplete = $false do { $RootAzState = $RootAzState | Get-AzStateChildrenByType @ArgumentListChildren $AzStateDiscoveryOutput += $RootAzState if ((-not $RootAzState) -or (-not $Recurse)) { $DiscoveryComplete = $true } } until ($DiscoveryComplete) } } end { # Once processing is complete return the final array of AzState objects # Need to sort unique due to duplicate Policy and Role definitions across multiple resources return $AzStateDiscoveryOutput | Sort-Object -Property Id -Unique } } |