####################### # Function definition # ####################### function New-AzState { ############################################### # Configure PSScriptAnalyzer rule suppression # ############################################### # The following SuppressMessageAttribute entries are used to surpress # PSScriptAnalyzer tests against known exceptions as per: # [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification = 'Only creating new object with custom type')] # May refactor to support ShouldProcess [CmdletBinding()] param ( [String]$Id, [Switch]$IncludeIAM, [Switch]$IncludePolicy, [Switch]$SkipCache ) # Initialize ArgumentList variable and update based on parameter inputs $ArgumentList = @{} if ($Id) { $ArgumentList = @{ ArgumentList = [Object[]]$Id } if ($SkipCache) { $ArgumentList.ArgumentList += [CacheMode]"SkipCache" } else { $ArgumentList.ArgumentList += [CacheMode]"UseCache" } if ($IncludeIAM -and $IncludePolicy) { $ArgumentList.ArgumentList += [DiscoveryMode]"IncludeBoth" } elseif ($IncludeIAM) { $ArgumentList.ArgumentList += [DiscoveryMode]"IncludeIAM" } elseif ($IncludePolicy) { $ArgumentList.ArgumentList += [DiscoveryMode]"IncludePolicy" } else { $ArgumentList.ArgumentList += [DiscoveryMode]"ExcludeBoth" } } $AzState = New-Object -TypeName AzState @ArgumentList return $AzState } |