
    Returns a list of all VMs with the sum of managed disk space allocated to them
    Queries every managed disk within a subscription and returns a grouped list per virtual machine.
    This includes VM name and the total amount of managed disk space this vm has allocated.
.PARAMETER SubscriptionId
    The SubscriptionId of the target subscription
    Get-AzSRTotalDiskSizePerVM -SubscriptionId nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnn
    Get-AzSRSubscription | Get-AzSRTotalDiskSizePerVM
    Copyright: (c) 2018 Fabian Bader
    License: MIT

function Get-AzSRTotalDiskSizePerVM {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
                try {
                    [System.Guid]::Parse($_) | Out-Null
                } catch {
    #region Get Disks in subscription

    Begin {
        #region Get AccessToken
        try {
            $AccessToken = Get-AzCachedAccessToken
            $LoginHeader = @{
                'authorization' = "Bearer $AccessToken"
        } catch {
            throw $($_.Exception.Message)
    Process {
        #region Normalize UUID
        $SubscriptionId = [System.Guid]::Parse($SubscriptionId).Guid

        #region Prepare and execute REST method
        $uri = "$SubscriptionId/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks?api-version=2017-03-30"

        $params = @{
            ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
            Headers     = $LoginHeader
            Method      = 'Get'
            URI         = $uri

        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @params

        #region Get information about the disk size (MB) and VM name
        $DisksProperties = $Response.value | ForEach-Object {
            # Ignore disks without a managing VM
            if ($_.managedBy) {
                New-Object psobject -Property @{
                    "diskSizeGB"      = ([int]($
                    "CostCenter"      = $_.tags.CostCenter
                    "BusinessService" = $_.tags.BusinessService
                    "managedBy"       = $_.managedBy
                    "vmName"          = ($_.managedBy -replace '^.*virtualMachines/' )

        #region Consolidate the data that there is only the sum of disksize (GB) per VM name
        $DisksProperties | Group-Object -Property "vmName" | ForEach-Object {
            New-Object psobject -Property @{
                'VMName'              = $_.Name
                'allocatedDiskSizeGB' = ($_.Group | Measure-Object 'diskSizeGB' -Sum).Sum

    End {
        # Nothing to cleanup