.SYNOPSIS Get extended information about a Recovery Service Vault protected item .DESCRIPTION Get extended information about a Recovery Service Vault protected item Extended information contains: * oldestRecoveryPoint * RecoveryPointCount * policyInconsistent .PARAMETER ProtectedItemId Azure Resource id of the protected item .EXAMPLE Get-AzSRSubscription | Get-AzSRRecoveryServiceVault | Get-AzSRRecoveryServiceVaultProtectedItem | Get-AzSRRecoveryServiceVaultProtectedItemExtendedInformation .NOTES Copyright: (c) 2018 Fabian Bader License: MIT #> function Get-AzSRRecoveryServiceVaultProtectedItemExtendedInformation { param ( [Alias('Id')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateScript( { if ($_ -match "subscriptions\/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}\/resourcegroups\/[\w\d-\.]+\/providers\/microsoft\.RecoveryServices\/vaults\/[\w|()-;\/]+\/backupFabrics\/[\w|()-\/;]+\/protectedItems\/[\w|()-\/;]+$" ) { $true } else { throw "Not a valid 'microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults' URI" } } )] [string]$ProtectedItemId ) # Query Extended information for protected Items # Begin { #region Get AccessToken try { $AccessToken = Get-AzCachedAccessToken $LoginHeader = @{ 'authorization' = "Bearer $AccessToken" } } catch { throw $($_.Exception.Message) } #endregion #region uri definition $baseURI = "" $suffixURI = "?`$filter=expand+eq+'ExtendedInfo'&api-version=2017-07-01" #endregion } Process { $uri = $baseURI + $ProtectedItemId + $suffixURI $params = @{ ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' Headers = $LoginHeader Method = 'Get' URI = $uri Verbose = $false } try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @params $Response | ForEach-Object { $vmResourceGroup = $ -replace '.*resourceGroups/(.*)/providers.*', '$1' $vmName = $ -replace '.*/virtualMachines/(.*)', '$1' if ($ { $lastBackupTime = ( Get-Date -Date $ ) } else { $lastBackupTime = "n/a" } if ($ { $lastRecoveryPoint = ( Get-Date -Date $ ) } else { $lastRecoveryPoint = "n/a" } if ($ { $oldestRecoveryPoint = ( Get-Date -Date $ ) } else { $oldestRecoveryPoint = "n/a" } if ($ { $RecoveryPointCount = $ } else { $RecoveryPointCount = 0 } New-Object psobject -Property @{ 'id' = $ 'vmResourceGroup' = $vmResourceGroup 'vmName' = $vmName 'type' = $_.type 'friendlyName' = $ 'virtualMachineId' = $ 'protectionStatus' = $ 'protectionState' = $ 'healthStatus' = $ 'healthMessage' = $ 'lastBackupStatus' = $ 'lastBackupTime' = $lastBackupTime 'protectedItemDataId' = $ 'oldestRecoveryPoint' = $oldestRecoveryPoint 'recoveryPointCount' = $RecoveryPointCount 'policyInconsistent' = $ 'protectedItemType' = $ 'backupManagementType' = $ 'workloadType' = $ 'sourceResourceId' = $ 'policyId' = $ 'policyName' = $ 'lastRecoveryPoint' = $lastRecoveryPoint } } } catch { if ($_.ErrorDetails) { Write-Warning "$(($_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json).error.message)" } else { Write-Warning "$($_.Exception.Message)" } } } } |