
    How much does a specific VM Azure Backup cost
    Azure Backup pricing is based on consumption and a base price.
    This function calculates the instance price for a given VM
    Pricing based on
    Instance size Price
    Instance < or = 50 GB = 4.217 €
    Instance is > 50 but < or = 500 = 8.433 €
    Instance > 500 GB = 8.433 € for each 500 GB increment
.PARAMETER AllocatedDiskSpace
    Allocated Disk Space of the VM in GB
    Get-AzSRBackupInstancePrice -AllocatedDiskSpace 120
    Copyright: (c) 2018 Fabian Bader
    License: MIT

function Get-AzSRBackupInstancePrice {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
    Process {

        if ( $AllocatedDiskSpace -le 50 ) {
            $Price = 4.217
        } elseif ( $AllocatedDiskSpace -gt 50 -and $AllocatedDiskSpace -lt 500 ) {
            $Price = 8.433
        } else {
            # How many 500 GB increments are there
            $Increments = [math]::Ceiling( $AllocatedDiskSpace / 500 )
            $Price = ( 8.433 * $Increments )

        Return $Price