.SYNOPSIS Add a tag to an Azure Resource .DESCRIPTION Add a tag to an Azure Resource .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName Name of the resource group that you want to work against .PARAMETER TagName Name of the tag that you want to apply to the resource Default value is: "OrganizationName" .PARAMETER TagValue Value of the tag that you want to apply to the resource .PARAMETER Name Name of the resource that you want to work against Support for wildcards like "DEV*" .PARAMETER ApplyParentTags Switch to instruct the cmdlet to pull the current tag collection from the resource group and use that when applying on the resource .EXAMPLE Add-AzureRmTagToResource -ResourceGroupName "DEV" -TagValue "CustomerA" This will add tag "OrganizationName" with the value "CustomerA" to all resource found in the ResourceGroup named "DEV". .EXAMPLE Get-AzureRmSubscriptionExt -SubscriptionName "*DEV*" | Get-AzureRmResourceGroupExt -ResourceGroupName "*DEV*" | Add-AzureRmTagToResource -TagValue "CustomerA" This will select the subscription named DEV and find the resource group name DEV, and add the tag "OrganizationName" with the value "CustomerA" to all resources in the resource group. .EXAMPLE Get-AzureRmSubscriptionExt -SubscriptionName "*DEV*" | Get-AzureRmResourceGroupExt -ResourceGroupName "*DEV*" | Add-AzureRmTagToResource -ApplyParentTags This will select the subscription that matches the search *DEV*, find the resource group that matches *DEV* in that subscription and the tag collection from that ResourceGroup to all resources. .NOTES Author: Mötz Jensen (@splaxi) #> Function Add-AzureRmTagToResource { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'TagValue')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('ResourceGroup')] [string] $ResourceGroupName, [string] $TagName = "OrganizationName", [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'TagValue')] [string] $TagValue, [Alias('ResourceName')] [string] $Name = "*", [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ParentTag')] [switch] $ApplyParentTags ) BEGIN { } PROCESS { $resGroup = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName $Tag = @{} if ($ApplyParentTags.IsPresent) { $Tag = $resGroup.Tags } else { $null = $Tag.Add($TagName, $TagValue) } $res = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName | Where-Object {$_.tags -eq $null -or $_.tags.Count -lt 1 -or $_.Tags.ContainsKey($TagName) -eq $false} foreach ($item in $res) { if ($item.Name -notlike $Name) {continue} Set-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $item.ResourceId -Tag $Tag -Force } } END {} } |