<# .Synopsis Inventory for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) .DESCRIPTION This script consolidates information for all microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters resource provider in $Resources variable. Excel Sheet Name: AKS .Link .COMPONENT This powershell Module is part of Azure Resource Inventory (ARI) .NOTES Version: 3.5.9 First Release Date: 19th November, 2020 Authors: Claudio Merola and Renato Gregio #> <######## Default Parameters. Don't modify this ########> param($SCPath, $Sub, $Intag, $Resources, $Retirements, $Task ,$File, $SmaResources, $TableStyle, $Unsupported) If ($Task -eq 'Processing') { <######### Insert the resource extraction here ########> $AKS = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.TYPE -eq 'microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters'} <######### Insert the resource Process here ########> if($AKS) { $tmp = @() foreach ($1 in $AKS) { $ResUCount = 1 $sub1 = $SUB | Where-Object { $ -eq $1.subscriptionId } $data = $1.PROPERTIES $Retired = $Retirements | Where-Object { $ -eq $ } if ($Retired) { $RetiredFeature = foreach ($Retire in $Retired) { $RetiredServiceID = $Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $Retired.ServiceID} $tmp0 = [pscustomobject]@{ 'RetiredFeature' = $RetiredServiceID.RetiringFeature 'RetiredDate' = $RetiredServiceID.RetirementDate } $tmp0 } $RetiringFeature = if ($RetiredFeature.RetiredFeature.count -gt 1) { $RetiredFeature.RetiredFeature | ForEach-Object { $_ + ' ,' } }else { $RetiredFeature.RetiredFeature} $RetiringFeature = [string]$RetiringFeature $RetiringFeature = if ($RetiringFeature -like '* ,*') { $RetiringFeature -replace ".$" }else { $RetiringFeature } $RetiringDate = if ($RetiredFeature.RetiredDate.count -gt 1) { $RetiredFeature.RetiredDate | ForEach-Object { $_ + ' ,' } }else { $RetiredFeature.RetiredDate} $RetiringDate = [string]$RetiringDate $RetiringDate = if ($RetiringDate -like '* ,*') { $RetiringDate -replace ".$" }else { $RetiringDate } } else { $RetiringFeature = $null $RetiringDate = $null } if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($data.addonProfiles.omsagent.config.logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID)){$Insights = $false}else{$Insights = $data.addonProfiles.omsagent.config.logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID.split('/')[8]} $Tags = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty(${$}else{'0'} $NetworkPlugin = if($data.networkprofile.networkplugin -eq 'azure'){'Azure CNI'}else{$data.networkprofile.networkplugin} $LocalAccounts = if($data.disablelocalaccounts -eq $true){$false}else{$true} $GroupsChosen = if($data.aadprofile.admingroupobjectids){[string]$data.aadprofile.admingroupobjectids.count}else{'0'} $GroupsChosen = ($GroupsChosen+' groups chosen') $NodeChannel = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($data.autoupgradeprofile.nodeosupgradechannel)){'None'}else{$data.autoupgradeprofile.nodeosupgradechannel} $UpgradeChannel = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($data.autoUpgradeProfile.upgradeChannel)){'Disabled'}else{$data.autoUpgradeProfile.upgradeChannel} $NetPolicy = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($data.networkProfile.networkPolicy)){$data.networkProfile.networkPolicy}else{'None'} $PubliAccess = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($data.publicNetworkAccess)){'Enabled'}else{if($data.publicNetworkAccess -eq 'Disabled'){'Disabled'}else{'Enabled'}} $Identity = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($data.identityprofile.kubeletidentity.resourceid)){$data.identityprofile.kubeletidentity.resourceid.split('/')[8]}else{''} $Ingress = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($data.addonProfiles.ingressApplicationGateway.config.applicationGatewayName)){'Not enabled'}else{$data.addonProfiles.ingressApplicationGateway.config.applicationGatewayName} foreach ($2 in $data.agentPoolProfiles) { $AutoScale = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($2.enableAutoScaling)){$false}else{if($2.enableautoscaling -eq $true){$true}else{$false}} $AVZone = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($2.availabilityZones)){'None'}else{[string]$2.availabilityZones} $Taints = if ($2.nodetaints.count -gt 1) { $2.nodetaints | ForEach-Object { $_ + ' ,' } }else { $2.nodetaints } $Taints = [string]$Taints $Taints = if ($Taints -like '* ,*') { $Taints -replace ".$" }else { $Taints } $Labels = if ($2.nodelabels.count -gt 1) { $2.nodelabels | ForEach-Object { $_ + ' ,' } }else { $2.nodelabels } $Labels = [string]$Labels $Labels = if ($Labels -like '* ,*') { $Labels -replace ".$" }else { $Labels } foreach ($Tag in $Tags) { $obj = @{ 'ID' = $; 'Subscription' = $sub1.Name; 'Resource Group' = $1.RESOURCEGROUP; 'Clusters' = $1.NAME; 'Location' = $1.LOCATION; 'Retiring Feature' = $RetiringFeature; 'Retiring Date' = $RetiringDate; 'AKS Pricing Tier' = $1.sku.tier; 'Kubernetes Version' = [string]$data.kubernetesVersion; 'Cluster Power State' = $data.powerstate.code; 'Role-Based Access Control' = $data.enableRBAC; 'AAD Enabled' = if ($data.aadProfile) { $true }else { $false }; 'Kubernetes Local Accounts' = $LocalAccounts; 'Cluster Admin ClusterRoleBinding' = $GroupsChosen; 'Network Type (Plugin)' = $NetworkPlugin; 'Plugin Mode' = $data.networkprofile.networkpluginmode; 'Pod CIDR' = $data.networkProfile.podCidr; 'Network Policy' = $NetPolicy; 'Outbound Type' = $data.networkProfile.outboundType; 'Infrastructure Resource Group' = $data.noderesourcegroup; 'Cluster Managed Identity' = $Identity; 'App Gateway Ingress Controller' = $Ingress; 'Private Cluster' = $data.apiServerAccessProfile.enablePrivateCluster; 'Private Cluster FQDN' = $data.privatefqdn; 'Public Network Access' = $PubliAccess; 'Automatic Upgrade Type' = $UpgradeChannel; 'Node Security Channel Type' = $NodeChannel; 'Container Insights' = $Insights; 'API Server Address' = $data.fqdn 'Node Pool Name' = $; 'Node Pool Power State' = $2.powerstate.code; 'Node Pool Version' = [string]$2.orchestratorVersion; 'Node Pool Mode' = $2.mode; 'Node Pool OS Type' = $2.osType; 'Node Pool OS' = $2.ossku; 'Node Pool Image' = $2.nodeimageversion; 'Node Pool Size' = $2.vmSize; 'OS Disk Size (GB)' = $2.osDiskSizeGB; 'Target Nodes' = $2.count; 'Availability Zones' = $AVZone; 'Autoscale' = $AutoScale; 'Autoscale Minimum Node Count' = $2.minCount; 'Autoscale Maximum Node Count' = $2.maxCount; 'Max Pods Per Node' = $2.maxPods; 'Virtual Network' = if($2.vnetSubnetID){$2.vnetSubnetID.split('/')[8]}else{$false} 'Subnet' = if($2.vnetSubnetID){$2.vnetSubnetID.split('/')[10]}else{$false} 'Enable Node Public IP' = $2.enableNodePublicIP; 'Taints' = $Taints; 'Labels' = $Labels; 'Resource U' = $ResUCount; 'Tag Name' = [string]$Tag.Name; 'Tag Value' = [string]$Tag.Value } $tmp += $obj if ($ResUCount -eq 1) { $ResUCount = 0 } } } } $tmp } } <######## Resource Excel Reporting Begins Here ########> Else { <######## $SmaResources.(RESOURCE FILE NAME) ##########> if($SmaResources.AKS) { $TableName = ('AKSTable_'+($ | Select-Object -Unique).count) $Style = New-ExcelStyle -HorizontalAlignment Center -AutoSize $StyleExt = New-ExcelStyle -HorizontalAlignment Left -Range AS:AT -Width 90 -WrapText $condtxt = @() #AKS $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.29 -Range H:H $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.28 -Range H:H $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.27 -Range H:H $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.26 -Range H:H $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.25 -Range H:H $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.24 -Range H:H $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.23 -Range H:H $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.22 -Range H:H $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.21 -Range H:H #Orchestrator $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.29 -Range AE:AE $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.28 -Range AE:AE $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.27 -Range AE:AE $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.26 -Range AE:AE $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.25 -Range AE:AE $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.24 -Range AE:AE $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.23 -Range AE:AE $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.22 -Range AE:AE $condtxt += New-ConditionalText 1.21 -Range AE:AE #Pricing Tier $condtxt += New-ConditionalText Free -Range G:G #Local Accounts $condtxt += New-ConditionalText true -Range L:L #Private Cluster $condtxt += New-ConditionalText false -Range V:V #Public Network Access $condtxt += New-ConditionalText Enabled -Range X:X #Automatic Upgrades $condtxt += New-ConditionalText Disabled -Range Y:Y #Node Security Channel $condtxt += New-ConditionalText none -Range Z:Z #Container Insight $condtxt += New-ConditionalText false -Range AA:AA #NodeSize $condtxt += New-ConditionalText _b -Range AJ:AJ #Av Zone $condtxt += New-ConditionalText None -Range AK:AK #AutoScale $condtxt += New-ConditionalText false -Range AO:AO #Retirement $condtxt += New-ConditionalText -Range E2:E100 -ConditionalType ContainsText $Exc = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object] $Exc.Add('Subscription') $Exc.Add('Resource Group') $Exc.Add('Clusters') $Exc.Add('Location') $Exc.Add('Retiring Feature') $Exc.Add('Retiring Date') $Exc.Add('AKS Pricing Tier') $Exc.Add('Kubernetes Version') $Exc.Add('Cluster Power State') $Exc.Add('Role-Based Access Control') $Exc.Add('AAD Enabled') $Exc.Add('Kubernetes Local Accounts') $Exc.Add('Cluster Admin ClusterRoleBinding') $Exc.Add('Network Type (Plugin)') $Exc.Add('Plugin Mode') $Exc.Add('Pod CIDR') $Exc.Add('Network Policy') $Exc.Add('Outbound Type') $Exc.Add('Infrastructure Resource Group') $Exc.Add('Cluster Managed Identity') $Exc.Add('App Gateway Ingress Controller') $Exc.Add('Private Cluster') $Exc.Add('Private Cluster FQDN') $Exc.Add('Public Network Access') $Exc.Add('Automatic Upgrade Type') $Exc.Add('Node Security Channel Type') $Exc.Add('Container Insights') $Exc.Add('API Server Address') $Exc.Add('Node Pool Name') $Exc.Add('Node Pool Power State') $Exc.Add('Node Pool Version') $Exc.Add('Node Pool Mode') $Exc.Add('Node Pool OS Type') $Exc.Add('Node Pool OS') $Exc.Add('Node Pool Image') $Exc.Add('Node Pool Size') $Exc.Add('Availability Zones') $Exc.Add('Max Pods Per Node') $Exc.Add('OS Disk Size (GB)') $Exc.Add('Target Nodes') $Exc.Add('Autoscale') $Exc.Add('Autoscale Minimum Node Count') $Exc.Add('Autoscale Maximum Node Count') $Exc.Add('Virtual Network') $Exc.Add('Subnet') $Exc.Add('Enable Node Public IP') $Exc.Add('Taints') $Exc.Add('Labels') if($InTag) { $Exc.Add('Tag Name') $Exc.Add('Tag Value') } $noNumberConversion = @() $noNumberConversion += 'Kubernetes Version' $noNumberConversion += 'Node Pool Version' $ExcelVar = $SmaResources.AKS $ExcelVar | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]$_ } | Select-Object -Unique $Exc | Export-Excel -Path $File -WorksheetName 'AKS' -AutoSize -TableName $TableName -MaxAutoSizeRows 50 -TableStyle $tableStyle -ConditionalText $condtxt -Numberformat '0' -Style $Style,$StyleExt -NoNumberConversion $noNumberConversion } } |