<# .Synopsis Inventory for Azure Virtual Machine .DESCRIPTION This script consolidates information for all microsoft.compute/virtualmachines resource provider in $Resources variable. Excel Sheet Name: VM .Link .COMPONENT This powershell Module is part of Azure Resource Inventory (ARI) .NOTES Version: 3.5.9 First Release Date: 19th November, 2020 Authors: Claudio Merola and Renato Gregio #> <######## Default Parameters. Don't modify this ########> param($SCPath, $Sub, $Intag, $Resources, $Retirements, $Task ,$File, $SmaResources, $TableStyle, $Unsupported) If ($Task -eq 'Processing') { $vm = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.TYPE -eq 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'} $nic = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.TYPE -eq ''} $vmexp = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.TYPE -eq 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/extensions'} $disk = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.TYPE -eq 'microsoft.compute/disks'} $VirtualNetwork = $Resources | Where-Object { $_.TYPE -eq '' } $vmsizemap = @{} foreach($location in ($vm | Select-Object -ExpandProperty location -Unique)) { foreach ($vmsize in ( Get-AzVMSize -Location $location )) { $vmsizemap[$] = @{ CPU = $vmSize.numberOfCores RAM = [math]::Round($vmSize.memoryInMB / 1024, 0) } } } if($vm) { $tmp = @() foreach ($1 in $vm) { $ResUCount = 1 $sub1 = $SUB | Where-Object { $ -eq $1.subscriptionId } $data = $1.PROPERTIES $timecreated = $data.timeCreated $timecreated = [datetime]$timecreated $timecreated = $timecreated.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") $dataSize = '' $StorAcc = '' $OSName = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($data.extended.instanceView.osname)){$data.extended.instanceView.osname}else{$data.storageprofile.imagereference.offer} $OSVersion = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($data.extended.instanceView.osversion)){$data.extended.instanceView.osversion}else{$data.storageprofile.imagereference.sku} $Retired = $Retirements | Where-Object { $ -eq $ } if ($Retired) { $RetiredFeature = foreach ($Retire in $Retired) { $RetiredServiceID = $Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $Retired.ServiceID} $tmp0 = [pscustomobject]@{ 'RetiredFeature' = $RetiredServiceID.RetiringFeature 'RetiredDate' = $RetiredServiceID.RetirementDate } $tmp0 } $RetiringFeature = if ($RetiredFeature.RetiredFeature.count -gt 1) { $RetiredFeature.RetiredFeature | ForEach-Object { $_ + ' ,' } }else { $RetiredFeature.RetiredFeature} $RetiringFeature = [string]$RetiringFeature $RetiringFeature = if ($RetiringFeature -like '* ,*') { $RetiringFeature -replace ".$" }else { $RetiringFeature } $RetiringDate = if ($RetiredFeature.RetiredDate.count -gt 1) { $RetiredFeature.RetiredDate | ForEach-Object { $_ + ' ,' } }else { $RetiredFeature.RetiredDate} $RetiringDate = [string]$RetiringDate $RetiringDate = if ($RetiringDate -like '* ,*') { $RetiringDate -replace ".$" }else { $RetiringDate } } else { $RetiringFeature = $null $RetiringDate = $null } #Extensions $ext = @() $AzDiag = '' $Azinsights = '' $Lic = switch ($data.licenseType) { 'Windows_Server' { 'Azure Hybrid Benefit for Windows' } 'Windows_Client' { 'Windows client with multi-tenant hosting' } 'RHEL_BYOS' { 'Azure Hybrid Benefit for Redhat' } 'SLES_BYOS' { 'Azure Hybrid Benefit for SUSE' } default { $data.licenseType } } $Lic = if($Lic){$Lic}else{'None'} $ext = ($vmexp | Where-Object { ($ -split "/")[8] -eq $ }).properties.Publisher if ($null -ne $ext) { $ext = foreach ($ex in $ext) { if ($ex | Where-Object { $_ -eq 'Microsoft.Azure.Performance.Diagnostics' }) { $AzDiag = $true } if ($ex | Where-Object { $_ -eq 'Microsoft.EnterpriseCloud.Monitoring' }) { $Azinsights = $true } $ex + ', ' } $ext = [string]$ext $ext = $ext.Substring(0, $ext.Length - 2) } if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($data.osprofile.windowsconfiguration.enableautomaticupdates)) { if($data.osprofile.windowsconfiguration.enableautomaticupdates -eq 'True') { $Autoupdate = $true } else { $Autoupdate = $false } } elseif(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($data.osprofile.linuxconfiguration.patchsettings.patchmode)) { if($data.osprofile.linuxconfiguration.patchsettings.patchmode -eq 'automaticbyos') { $Autoupdate = $true } else { $Autoupdate = $false } } if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($data.availabilitySet)) { $AVSET = $true }else { $AVSET = $false } if ($data.diagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics.enabled -eq $true) { $bootdg = $true }else { $bootdg = $false } #Storage if($ { $OSDisk = ($disk | Where-Object {$ -eq $} | Select-Object -Unique) $OSDiskSize = ($disk | Where-Object {$ -eq $} | Select-Object -Unique).Properties.diskSizeGB } else { $OSDisk = if($data.storageProfile.osDisk.vhd.uri){'Custom VHD'}else{''} $OSDiskSize = $data.storageProfile.osDisk.diskSizeGB } $StorAcc = if ($ -ge 2) { ($ + ' Disks found.') } else { ($disk | Where-Object {$ -eq $} | Select-Object -Unique) } $dataSize = if ($data.storageProfile.dataDisks.managedDisk.storageAccountType.count -ge 2) { (($disk | Where-Object {$ -in $}).properties.diskSizeGB | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum } else { ($disk | Where-Object {$ -eq $}).properties.diskSizeGB } $Tags = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty(${$}else{'0'} $VMNICS = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty(${$}else{'0'} foreach ($2 in $VMNICS) { $vmnic = $nic | Where-Object { $_.ID -eq $2 } | Select-Object -Unique $PIP = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty(${$'/')[8]}else{''} $VNET = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty(${$'/')[8]}else{''} $Subnet = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty(${$'/')[10]} else {''} $vmnet = $VirtualNetwork | Where-Object {$ -eq $} $vmnetsubnet = $ | Where-Object {$ -eq $} if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ { $DNSServer = $ } else { $DNSServer = $ } if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DNSServer)) { $FinalDNS = if ($DNSServer.count -gt 1) { $DNSServer | ForEach-Object { $_ + ' ,' } }else { $DNSServer } $FinalDNS = [string]$FinalDNS $FinalDNS = if ($FinalDNS -like '* ,*') { $FinalDNS -replace ".$" }else { $FinalDNS } $FinalDNS = ('VNET: ( ' + $FinalDNS + ')') } else { $FinalDNS = 'Default (Azure-provided)' } if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ { $vmnsg = $'/')[8] } elseif(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ { $vmnsg = ('Subnet: ('+$'/')[8]+')') } else { $vmnsg = 'None' } foreach ($Tag in $Tags) { $obj = @{ 'ID' = $; 'Subscription' = $sub1.Name; 'Resource Group' = $1.RESOURCEGROUP; 'VM Name' = $1.NAME; 'Location' = $1.LOCATION; 'Retiring Feature' = $RetiringFeature; 'Retiring Date' = $RetiringDate; 'Zone' = [string]$1.ZONES; 'Availability Set' = $AVSET; 'VM Size' = $data.hardwareProfile.vmSize; 'vCPUs' = $vmsizemap[$data.hardwareProfile.vmSize].CPU; 'RAM (GiB)' = $vmsizemap[$data.hardwareProfile.vmSize].RAM; 'Image Reference' = $data.storageProfile.imageReference.publisher; 'Image Version' = $data.storageProfile.imageReference.exactVersion; 'Hybrid Benefit' = $Lic; 'Admin Username' = $data.osProfile.adminUsername; 'OS Type' = $data.storageProfile.osDisk.osType; 'OS Name' = $OSName; 'OS Version' = $OSVersion; 'Automatic Update' = $Autoupdate; 'Boot Diagnostics' = $bootdg; 'Performance Agent' = if ($azDiag -ne '') { $true }else { $false }; 'Azure Monitor' = if ($Azinsights -ne '') { $true }else { $false }; 'OS Disk Storage Type' = $OSDisk; 'OS Disk Size (GB)' = $OSDiskSize; 'Data Disk Storage Type' = $StorAcc; 'Data Disk Size (GB)' = $dataSize; 'VM generation' = $data.extended.instanceview.hypervgeneration; 'Power State' = $data.extended.instanceView.powerState.displayStatus; 'NIC Name' = [string]$; 'NIC Type' = [string]$; 'DNS Servers' = $FinalDNS; 'Public IP' = $PIP; 'Virtual Network' = $VNET; 'Subnet' = $Subnet; 'NSG' = $vmnsg; 'Accelerated Networking' = [string]$; 'IP Forwarding' = [string]$; 'Private IP Address' = [string]$; 'Private IP Allocation' = [string]$; 'Created Time' = $timecreated; 'VM Extensions' = $ext; 'Resource U' = $ResUCount; 'Tag Name' = [string]$Tag.Name; 'Tag Value' = [string]$Tag.Value } $tmp += $obj if ($ResUCount -eq 1) { $ResUCount = 0 } } } } $tmp } } else { If($SmaResources.VM) { $TableName = ('VMTable_'+($ | Select-Object -Unique).count) $Style = New-ExcelStyle -HorizontalAlignment Center -AutoSize -NumberFormat '0' -VerticalAlignment Center $StyleExt = New-ExcelStyle -HorizontalAlignment Left -Range AO:AO -Width 60 -WrapText $condtxt = @() #Automatic Updates $condtxt += New-ConditionalText false -Range M:M #Hybrid Benefit $condtxt += New-ConditionalText None -Range P:P #Boot Diagnostics $condtxt += New-ConditionalText false -Range R:R #Performance Agent $condtxt += New-ConditionalText false -Range S:S #Azure Monitor $condtxt += New-ConditionalText false -Range T:T #NSG $condtxt += New-ConditionalText None -Range AF:AF #Acelerated Network $condtxt += New-ConditionalText false -Range AI:AI #Retirement $condtxt += New-ConditionalText -Range E2:E100 -ConditionalType ContainsText $Exc = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object] $Exc.Add('Subscription') $Exc.Add('Resource Group') $Exc.Add('VM Name') $Exc.Add('VM Size') $Exc.Add('Retiring Feature') $Exc.Add('Retiring Date') $Exc.Add('vCPUs') $Exc.Add('RAM (GiB)') $Exc.Add('Location') $Exc.Add('OS Type') $Exc.Add('OS Name') $Exc.Add('OS Version') $Exc.Add('Automatic Update') $Exc.Add('Image Reference') $Exc.Add('Image Version') $Exc.Add('Hybrid Benefit') $Exc.Add('Admin Username') $Exc.Add('Boot Diagnostics') $Exc.Add('Performance Agent') $Exc.Add('Azure Monitor') $Exc.Add('OS Disk Storage Type') $Exc.Add('OS Disk Size (GB)') $Exc.Add('Data Disk Storage Type') $Exc.Add('Data Disk Size (GB)') $Exc.Add('VM generation') $Exc.Add('Power State') $Exc.Add('Availability Set') $Exc.Add('Zone') $Exc.Add('Virtual Network') $Exc.Add('Subnet') $Exc.Add('DNS Servers') $Exc.Add('NSG') $Exc.Add('NIC Name') $Exc.Add('NIC Type') $Exc.Add('Accelerated Networking') $Exc.Add('IP Forwarding') $Exc.Add('Private IP Address') $Exc.Add('Private IP Allocation') $Exc.Add('Public IP') $Exc.Add('Created Time') $Exc.Add('VM Extensions') $Exc.Add('Resource U') if($InTag) { $Exc.Add('Tag Name') $Exc.Add('Tag Value') } $noNumberConversion = @() $noNumberConversion += 'OS Version' $noNumberConversion += 'Image Version' $noNumberConversion += 'Private IP Address' $noNumberConversion += 'DNS Servers' $ExcelVar = $SmaResources.VM $ExcelVar | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]$_ } | Select-Object -Unique $Exc | Export-Excel -Path $File -WorksheetName 'Virtual Machines' -TableName $TableName -MaxAutoSizeRows 100 -TableStyle $tableStyle -ConditionalText $condtxt -Style $Style, $StyleExt -NoNumberConversion $noNumberConversion } } |