
Module for Main Dashboard
This script process and creates the Overview sheet.
This powershell Module is part of Azure Resource Inventory (ARI)
Version: 4.0.1
First Release Date: 15th Oct, 2024
Authors: Claudio Merola

function Build-ARIExcelChart {
    param($File, $TableStyle, $PlatOS, $Subscriptions, $TotalResources, $ExtractionRunTime, $ReportingRunTime, $RunLite, $SkipAdvisory, $SkipPolicy, $SkipAPIs, $Debug)
    if ($Debug.IsPresent)
            $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
            $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
            $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"

    $ScriptVersion = '3.4'
    Write-Debug ((get-date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss')+' - '+'Starting Excel Charts Customization.')

            $Excel = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage $File
            $Worksheets = $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets

            $Order = $Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -notin 'Policy', 'Advisor', 'Security Center', 'Subscriptions', 'Quota Usage', 'AdvisorScore', 'Outages', 'SupportTickets', 'Reservation Advisor' } | Select-Object -Property Index, name, @{N = "Dimension"; E = { $_.dimension.Rows - 1 } } | Sort-Object -Property Dimension -Descending

            $Order0 = $Order | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne $Order[0].name -and $_.Name -ne ($Order | select-object -Last 1).Name }

            Write-Debug ((get-date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss')+' - '+'Validating if Advisor and Policies are included.')
            if (!$SkipAdvisory.isPresent)
                    $Worksheets.MoveAfter($Order[0].Name, 'Advisor')
            if (!$SkipPolicy.isPresent)
                    $Worksheets.MoveAfter($Order[0].Name, 'Policy')
            $Worksheets.MoveAfter(($Order | select-object -Last 1).Name, 'Subscriptions')

            $Loop = 0

            Foreach ($Ord in $Order0) {
                if ($Ord.Index -and $Loop -ne 0) {
                    $Worksheets.MoveAfter($Ord.Name, $Order0[$Loop - 1].Name)
                if ($Loop -eq 0) {
                    $Worksheets.MoveAfter($Ord.Name, $Order[0].Name)


    "" | Export-Excel -Path $File -WorksheetName 'Overview' -MoveToStart

                $excel = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $file -KillExcel
                $Excel = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage $File
            $Worksheets = $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets
            $WS = $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Overview' }

            $WS.View.ShowGridLines = $false

                Close-ExcelPackage $excel

            $TableStyleEx = if($PlatOS -eq 'PowerShell Desktop'){'Medium1'}else{$TableStyle}
            $TableStyle = if($PlatOS -eq 'PowerShell Desktop'){'Medium15'}else{$TableStyle}
            #$TableStyle = 'Medium22'
            $Font = 'Segoe UI'

                $excel = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $file -KillExcel
                $Excel = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage $File
            $Worksheets = $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $ -notin 'Overview', 'Advisor', 'Policy', 'Security Center'}
            $WS = $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Overview' }

            $TabDraw = $WS.Drawings.AddShape('TP00', 'RoundRect')
            $TabDraw.SetSize(130 , 78)
            $TabDraw.SetPosition(1, 0, 0, 0)
            $TabDraw.TextAlignment = 'Center'

            $Table = @()
            $TotalRes = 0
            Foreach ($WorkS in $Worksheets) {
                $Number = $WorkS.Tables.Name.split('_')
                $tmp = @{
                    'Name' = $;
                    'Size' = [int]$Number[1]
                $TotalRes = $TotalRes + ([int]$Number[1])
                $Table += $tmp

                Close-ExcelPackage $excel

            $Style = New-ExcelStyle -HorizontalAlignment Center -AutoSize -NumberFormat 0

            $Table |
            ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]$_ } | Sort-Object -Property 'Size' -Descending |
            Select-Object -Unique 'Name',
            'Size' | Export-Excel -Path $File -WorksheetName 'Overview' -AutoSize -MaxAutoSizeRows 100 -TableName 'AzureTabs' -TableStyle $TableStyleEx -Style $Style -StartRow 6 -StartColumn 1

            $Date = (get-date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy")

            $ExtractTime = if($ExtractionRunTime.Totalminutes -lt 1){($ExtractionRunTime.Seconds.ToString()+' Seconds')}else{($ExtractionRunTime.Totalminutes.ToString('#######.##')+' Minutes')}
            $ReportTime = ($ReportingRunTime.Totalminutes.ToString('#######.##')+' Minutes')

            $User = (get-azcontext | Select-Object -Property Account -Unique).Account.Id

            #$TotalRes = $TotalResources

                $excel = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $file -KillExcel
                $Excel = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage $File
            $Worksheets = $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets
            $WS = $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Overview' }

            $cell = $WS.Cells | Where-Object {$_.Address -like 'A*' -and $_.Address -notin 'A1','A2','A3','A4','A5','A6'}
            foreach ($item in $cell) {
                $Works = $Item.Text
                $Link = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelHyperLink ("'"+$Works+"'"+'!A1'),$Works
                $Item.Hyperlink = $Link

            Write-Debug ((get-date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss')+' - '+'Creating Overall Panel.')
            $Egg = $WS.Cells | Where-Object {$_.Address -eq 'BR75'}
            $Egg.AddComment('Created with a lot of effort and hard work, we hope you enjoy it.','.') | Out-Null
            $Egg = $WS.Cells | Where-Object {$_.Address -eq 'BR76'}
            $Egg.AddComment('By: Claudio Merola and Renato Gregio','.') | Out-Null

            $TabDraw = $WS.Drawings.AddShape('TP0', 'RoundRect')
            $TabDraw.SetSize(125, 25)
            $TabDraw.SetPosition(0, 10, 52, 0)
            $TabDraw.TextAlignment = 'Center'

            $TabDraw = $WS.Drawings.AddShape('TP1', 'RoundRect')
            $TabDraw.SetSize(125, 25)
            $TabDraw.SetPosition(0, 10, 55, 0)
            $TabDraw.TextAlignment = 'Center'

            $TabDraw = $WS.Drawings.AddShape('TP2', 'RoundRect')
            $TabDraw.SetSize(125, 25)
            $TabDraw.SetPosition(0, 10, 58, 0)
            $TabDraw.TextAlignment = 'Center'

            $TabDraw = $WS.Drawings.AddShape('TP3', 'RoundRect')
            $TabDraw.SetSize(125, 25)
            $TabDraw.SetPosition(0, 10, 61, 0)
            $TabDraw.TextAlignment = 'Center'

            $TabDraw = $WS.Drawings.AddShape('TP4', 'RoundRect')
            $TabDraw.SetSize(125, 25)
            $TabDraw.SetPosition(0, 10, 64, 0)
            $TabDraw.TextAlignment = 'Center'

            $TabDraw = $WS.Drawings.AddShape('TP5', 'RoundRect')
            $TabDraw.SetSize(125, 25)
            $TabDraw.SetPosition(0, 10, 67, 0)
            $TabDraw.TextAlignment = 'Center'

            $TabDraw = $WS.Drawings.AddShape('TP6', 'RoundRect')
            $TabDraw.SetSize(125, 25)
            $TabDraw.SetPosition(0, 10, 70, 0)
            $TabDraw.TextAlignment = 'Center'

            $TabDraw = $WS.Drawings.AddShape('TP7', 'RoundRect')
            $TabDraw.SetSize(125, 25)
            $TabDraw.SetPosition(0, 10, 73, 0)
            $TabDraw.TextAlignment = 'Center'

            $TabDraw = $WS.Drawings.AddShape('TP8', 'RoundRect')
            $TabDraw.SetSize(125, 25)
            $TabDraw.SetPosition(0, 10, 76, 0)
            $TabDraw.TextAlignment = 'Center'

            $TabDraw = $WS.Drawings.AddShape('TP9', 'RoundRect')
            $TabDraw.SetSize(125, 25)
            $TabDraw.SetPosition(0, 10, 79, 0)
            $TabDraw.TextAlignment = 'Center'

            $Draw = $WS.Drawings.AddShape('ARI', 'RoundRect')
            $Draw.SetSize(445, 240)
            $Draw.SetPosition(1, 0, 2, 5)

            $txt = $Draw.RichText.Add('Azure Resource Inventory v' + $ScriptVersion + "`n")
            $txt.Size = 14
            $txt.ComplexFont = $Font
            $txt.LatinFont = $Font

            $txt = $Draw.RichText.Add('' + "`n" + "`n")
            $txt.Size = 11
            $txt.ComplexFont = $Font
            $txt.LatinFont = $Font

            $txt = $Draw.RichText.Add('Report Date: ')
            $txt.Size = 11
            $txt.ComplexFont = $Font
            $txt.LatinFont = $Font

            $txt = $Draw.RichText.Add($Date + "`n")
            $txt.Size = 12
            $txt.ComplexFont = $Font
            $txt.LatinFont = $Font

            $txt = $Draw.RichText.Add('Extraction Time: ')
            $txt.Size = 11
            $txt.ComplexFont = $Font
            $txt.LatinFont = $Font

            $txt = $Draw.RichText.Add($ExtractTime + "`n")
            $txt.Size = 12
            $txt.ComplexFont = $Font
            $txt.LatinFont = $Font

            $txt = $Draw.RichText.Add('Reporting Time: ')
            $txt.Size = 11
            $txt.ComplexFont = $Font
            $txt.LatinFont = $Font

            $txt = $Draw.RichText.Add($ReportTime + "`n")
            $txt.Size = 12
            $txt.ComplexFont = $Font
            $txt.LatinFont = $Font

            $txt = $Draw.RichText.Add('User Session: ')
            $txt.Size = 11
            $txt.ComplexFont = $Font
            $txt.LatinFont = $Font

            $txt = $Draw.RichText.Add($User + "`n")
            $txt.Size = 12
            $txt.ComplexFont = $Font
            $txt.LatinFont = $Font

            $txt = $Draw.RichText.Add('Environment: ')
            $txt.Size = 11
            $txt.ComplexFont = $Font
            $txt.LatinFont = $Font

            $txt = $Draw.RichText.Add($PlatOS)
            $txt.Size = 12
            $txt.ComplexFont = $Font
            $txt.LatinFont = $Font

            $Draw.TextAlignment = 'Center'

            $RGD = $WS.Drawings.AddShape('RGs', 'RoundRect')
            $RGD.SetSize(124, 115)
            $RGD.SetPosition(21, 5, 9, 5)
            $RGD.TextAlignment = 'Center'
            $RGD.RichText.Add('Total Resources' + "`n").Size = 12
            $RGD.RichText.Add($TotalRes).Size = 22

            $DrawP00 = $WS.Drawings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TP00' }
            $P00Name = 'Reported Resources'
            $DrawP00.RichText.Add($P00Name).Size = 16

            if ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Reservation Advisor' }) {
                $P00Name = 'Reservation Advisor'
                    $P00Name = 'Resources'
            $DrawP0 = $WS.Drawings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TP0' }
            if ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Outages' }) {
                $P0Name = 'Outages'
            elseif ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Advisor' }) {
                $P0Name = 'Advisories'
            else {
                $P0Name = 'Public IPs'
            $DrawP0.RichText.Add($P0Name) | Out-Null

            if ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'AdvisorScore' }) {
                $P1Name = 'AdvisorScore'
            elseif ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Subscriptions' }) {
                $P1Name = 'Subscriptions'
            $DrawP1 = $WS.Drawings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TP1' }
            $DrawP1.RichText.Add($P1Name) | Out-Null

            $DrawP2 = $WS.Drawings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TP2' }
            if ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Policy' }) {
                $P2Name = 'Policy'
            elseif ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Advisor' }) {
                $P2Name = 'Annual Savings'
            else {
                $P2Name = 'Virtual Networks'

            $DrawP2.RichText.Add($P2Name) | Out-Null

            $DrawP3 = $WS.Drawings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TP3' }
            if ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'SupportTickets' }) {
                $P3Name = 'SupportTickets'
            elseif ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'AKS' }) {
                $P3Name = 'Azure Kubernetes'
            else {
                $P3Name = 'Storage Accounts'
            $DrawP3.RichText.Add($P3Name) | Out-Null

            $DrawP4 = $WS.Drawings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TP4' }
            if ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Outages' }) {
                $P4Name = 'Outages'
            elseif ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Quota Usage' }) {
                $P4Name = 'Quota Usage'
            else {
                $P4Name = 'VM Disks'
            $DrawP4.RichText.Add($P4Name) | Out-Null

            $DrawP5 = $WS.Drawings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TP5' }
            if ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Virtual Machines' }) {
                $P5Name = 'Virtual Machines'
            $DrawP5.RichText.Add($P5Name) | Out-Null

            $DrawP6 = $WS.Drawings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TP6' }
                $P6Name = 'Resources by Location'
            $DrawP6.RichText.Add($P6Name) | Out-Null

            $DrawP7 = $WS.Drawings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TP7' }
            if ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Virtual Machines' }) {
                $P7Name = 'Virtual Machines'
            $DrawP7.RichText.Add($P7Name) | Out-Null

            $DrawP8 = $WS.Drawings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TP8' }
            if ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Advisor' }) {
                $P8Name = 'Advisories'
            $DrawP8.RichText.Add($P8Name) | Out-Null

            $DrawP9 = $WS.Drawings | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TP9' }
            if ($Excel.Workbook.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Virtual Machines' }) {
                $P9Name = 'Virtual Machines'
            $DrawP9.RichText.Add($P9Name) | Out-Null

                Close-ExcelPackage $excel

    $excel = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $file -KillExcel

    if ($P00Name -eq 'Reservation Advisor')
            $PTParams = @{
                PivotTableName          = "P00"
                Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["CV5"] # top-left corner of the table
                SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.'Reservation Advisor'
                PivotRows               = @("Subscription")
                PivotData               = @{"Net Savings" = "Sum" }
                PivotColumns            = @("Instance Flexibility Group")
                PivotTableStyle         = $TableStyle
                IncludePivotChart       = $true
                ChartType               = "ColumnStacked3D"
                ChartRow                = 1 # place the chart below row 22nd
                ChartColumn             = 9
                Activate                = $true
                PivotNumberFormat       = '$#'
                PivotFilter             = 'Recommended Size'
                ChartTitle              = 'Potential Net Savings (VM Reservation)'
                ShowPercent             = $true
                ChartHeight             = 400
                ChartWidth              = 950
                ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 0
                ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5
            Add-PivotTable @PTParams -NoLegend
            Add-ExcelChart -Worksheet $excel.Overview -ChartType Area3D -XRange "AzureTabs[Name]" -YRange "AzureTabs[Size]" -SeriesHeader 'Resources', 'Count' -Column 9 -Row 1 -Height 400 -Width 950 -RowOffSetPixels 0 -ColumnOffSetPixels 5 -NoLegend

    Write-Debug ((get-date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss')+' - '+'Creating Charts.')

    if ($P0Name -eq 'Outages') {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P0"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BA5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.'Outages'
            PivotRows               = @("Impacted Services")
            PivotData               = @{"Impacted Services" = "Count" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "BarStacked3D"
            ChartRow                = 13 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 2
            Activate                = $true
            PivotFilter             = 'Subscription'
            ChartTitle              = 'Outages (Last 6 Months)'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 275
            ChartWidth              = 445
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5
        Add-PivotTable @PTParams -NoLegend
    elseif ($P0Name -eq 'Advisories') {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P0"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BA5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.Advisor
            PivotRows               = @("Category")
            PivotData               = @{"Category" = "Count" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "BarStacked3D"
            ChartRow                = 13 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 2
            Activate                = $true
            PivotFilter             = 'Impact'
            ChartTitle              = 'Advisor'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 275
            ChartWidth              = 445
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5
        Add-PivotTable @PTParams -NoLegend
    else {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P0"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BA5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.'Public IPs'
            PivotRows               = @("Use")
            PivotData               = @{"Use" = "Count" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "BarStacked3D"
            ChartRow                = 13 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 2
            Activate                = $true
            PivotFilter             = 'location'
            ChartTitle              = 'Public IPs'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 275
            ChartWidth              = 445
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5

        Add-PivotTable @PTParams -NoLegend

    if ($P1Name -eq 'AdvisorScore') {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P1"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BD6"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.AdvisorScore
            PivotRows               = @("Category")
            PivotData               = @{"Latest Score (%)" = "average" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "BarClustered"
            ChartRow                = 27 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 2
            Activate                = $true
            PivotFilter             = 'Subscription'
            ChartTitle              = 'Advisor Score (%)'
            NoLegend                = $true
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 655
            ChartWidth              = 570
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5
        Add-PivotTable @PTParams
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P1"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BD6"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.Subscriptions
            PivotRows               = @("Subscription")
            PivotData               = @{"Resources" = "sum" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "BarClustered"
            ChartRow                = 27 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 2
            Activate                = $true
            PivotFilter             = 'Resource Group', 'Resource Type'
            ChartTitle              = 'Resources by Subscription'
            NoLegend                = $true
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 655
            ChartWidth              = 570
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5
        Add-PivotTable @PTParams

    if ($P2Name -eq 'Policy') {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P2"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BG5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.Policy
            PivotRows               = @("Policy Category")
            PivotData               = @{"Policy" = "Count" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "ColumnStacked3D"
            ChartRow                = 21 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 11
            Activate                = $true
            PivotFilter             = 'Policy Type'
            ChartTitle              = 'Policies by Category'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 255
            ChartWidth              = 315
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5

        Add-PivotTable @PTParams -NoLegend
    elseif ($P2Name -eq 'Annual Savings') {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P2"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BG5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.Advisor
            PivotRows               = @("Savings Currency")
            PivotData               = @{"Annual Savings" = "Sum" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "ColumnStacked3D"
            ChartRow                = 21 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 11
            Activate                = $true
            ChartTitle              = 'Potential Savings'
            PivotFilter             = 'Savings Region'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 255
            ChartWidth              = 315
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5
            PivotNumberFormat       = '#,##0.00'
        Add-PivotTable @PTParams -NoLegend
    else {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P2"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BG5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.'Virtual Networks'
            PivotRows               = @("Location")
            PivotData               = @{"Location" = "Count" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "ColumnStacked3D"
            ChartRow                = 21 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 11
            Activate                = $true
            ChartTitle              = 'Virtual Networks'
            PivotFilter             = 'Subscription'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 255
            ChartWidth              = 315
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5

        Add-PivotTable @PTParams -NoLegend

    if ($P3Name -eq 'SupportTickets') {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P3"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BJ5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.SupportTickets
            PivotRows               = @("Status")
            PivotData               = @{"Status" = "Count" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "Pie3D"
            ChartRow                = 34 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 11
            Activate                = $true
            PivotFilter             = 'Current Severity'
            ChartTitle              = 'Support Tickets'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 255
            ChartWidth              = 315
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5
        Add-PivotTable @PTParams
    elseif ($P3Name -eq 'Azure Kubernetes') {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P3"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BJ5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.AKS
            PivotRows               = @("Kubernetes Version")
            PivotData               = @{"Clusters" = "Count" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "Pie3D"
            ChartRow                = 34 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 11
            Activate                = $true
            ChartTitle              = 'AKS Versions'
            PivotFilter             = 'Node Pool Size'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 255
            ChartWidth              = 315
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5
        Add-PivotTable @PTParams
    else {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P3"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BJ5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.'Storage Acc'
            PivotRows               = @("Tier")
            PivotData               = @{"Tier" = "Count" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "Pie3D"
            ChartRow                = 34 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 11
            Activate                = $true
            PivotFilter             = 'SKU'
            ChartTitle              = 'Storage Accounts'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 255
            ChartWidth              = 315
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5

        Add-PivotTable @PTParams

    if ($P4Name -eq 'Outages') {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P4"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BM5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.'Outages'
            PivotRows               = @("Subscription")
            PivotData               = @{"Outage ID" = "Count" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "ColumnStacked3D"
            ChartRow                = 47 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 11
            Activate                = $true
            PivotFilter             = 'Event Level'
            ChartTitle              = 'Outages per Subscription'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 255
            ChartWidth              = 315
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5
        Add-PivotTable @PTParams -NoLegend
    elseif ($P4Name -eq 'Quota Usage') {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P4"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BM5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.'Quota Usage'
            PivotRows               = @("Region")
            PivotData               = @{"vCPUs Available" = "Sum" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "ColumnStacked3D"
            ChartRow                = 47 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 11
            Activate                = $true
            PivotFilter             = 'Limit'
            ChartTitle              = 'Available Quota (vCPUs)'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 255
            ChartWidth              = 315
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5
        Add-PivotTable @PTParams -NoLegend
    else {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P4"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BM5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.Disks
            PivotRows               = @("Disk State")
            PivotData               = @{"Disk State" = "Count" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "ColumnStacked3D"
            ChartRow                = 47 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 11
            Activate                = $true
            PivotFilter             = 'SKU'
            ChartTitle              = 'VM Disks'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 255
            ChartWidth              = 315
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5

        Add-PivotTable @PTParams -NoLegend

    if ($P5Name -eq 'Virtual Machines') {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P5"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BP7"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.'Virtual Machines'
            PivotRows               = @("VM Size")
            PivotData               = @{"Resource U" = "Sum" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "BarClustered"
            ChartRow                = 21 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 16
            Activate                = $true
            NoLegend                = $true
            ChartTitle              = 'Virtual Machines by Serie'
            PivotFilter             = 'OS Type', 'Location', 'Power State'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 775
            ChartWidth              = 502
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 5

        Add-PivotTable @PTParams

    $PTParams = @{
        PivotTableName          = "P6"
        Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BS5"] # top-left corner of the table
        SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.Subscriptions
        PivotRows               = @("Location")
        PivotData               = @{"Resources" = "sum" }
        PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
        IncludePivotChart       = $true
        ChartType               = "ColumnStacked3D"
        ChartRow                = 1 # place the chart below row 22nd
        ChartColumn             = 24
        Activate                = $true
        PivotFilter             = 'Resource Type'
        ChartTitle              = 'Resources by Location'
        NoLegend                = $true
        ShowPercent             = $true
        ChartHeight             = 400
        ChartWidth              = 315
        ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 0
        ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 0

    Add-PivotTable @PTParams

    if ($P7Name -eq 'Virtual Machines') {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P7"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BV5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.'Virtual Machines'
            PivotRows               = @("OS Type")
            PivotData               = @{"Resource U" = "Sum" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "Pie3D"
            ChartRow                = 21 # place the chart below row 22nd
            ChartColumn             = 24
            Activate                = $true
            NoLegend                = $true
            ChartTitle              = 'VMs by OS'
            PivotFilter             = 'Location'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 255
            ChartWidth              = 315
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 0

        Add-PivotTable @PTParams

    if ($P8Name -eq 'Advisories') {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P8"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["BY5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.Advisor
            PivotRows               = @("Impact")
            PivotData               = @{"Impact" = "Count" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "BarStacked3D"
            ChartRow                = 34
            ChartColumn             = 24
            Activate                = $true
            PivotFilter             = 'Category'
            ChartTitle              = 'Advisor'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 255
            ChartWidth              = 315
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 0
        Add-PivotTable @PTParams -NoLegend

    if ($P9Name -eq 'Virtual Machines') {
        $PTParams = @{
            PivotTableName          = "P9"
            Address                 = $excel.Overview.cells["CB5"] # top-left corner of the table
            SourceWorkSheet         = $excel.'Virtual Machines'
            PivotRows               = @("Boot Diagnostics")
            PivotData               = @{"Resource U" = "Sum" }
            PivotTableStyle         = $tableStyle
            IncludePivotChart       = $true
            ChartType               = "Pie3D"
            ChartRow                = 47
            ChartColumn             = 24
            Activate                = $true
            NoLegend                = $true
            ChartTitle              = 'Boot Diagnostics'
            PivotFilter             = 'Location'
            ShowPercent             = $true
            ChartHeight             = 255
            ChartWidth              = 315
            ChartRowOffSetPixels    = 5
            ChartColumnOffSetPixels = 0

        Add-PivotTable @PTParams

    Close-ExcelPackage $excel

            Write-Debug ((get-date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss')+' - '+'Validating if Excel is installed (Extra Customizations).')
            $application = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
            if ($application) {
                $Ex = $application.Workbooks.Open($File)
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
                $WS = $ex.Worksheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Overview' }

                foreach ($Sheet in ($Ex.Worksheets | Where-Object {$_.Name -in  ('Policy', 'Advisor', 'Security Center', 'Subscriptions', 'Quota Usage', 'AdvisorScore', 'Outages', 'SupportTickets', 'Reservation Advisor')}))
                        $ = 55
                        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50

                $NoChangeChart = ('ChartP0', 'ChartP1', 'ChartP2', 'ChartP3', 'ChartP4', 'ChartP5', 'ChartP6', 'ChartP7', 'ChartP8', 'ChartP9', 'ARI', 'RGs', 'TP00', 'TP0', 'TP1', 'TP2', 'TP3', 'TP4', 'TP5','TP6','TP7','TP8','TP9')
                $ChangeChart = ('ARI', 'RGs', 'TP00', 'TP0', 'TP1', 'TP2', 'TP3', 'TP4', 'TP5', 'TP6', 'TP7','TP8','TP9')

                ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq 'ChartP0' }).DrawingObject.Chart.ChartStyle = 294
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
                ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq 'ChartP1' }).DrawingObject.Chart.ChartStyle = 222
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
                ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq 'ChartP2' }).DrawingObject.Chart.ChartStyle = 294
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
                ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq 'ChartP3' }).DrawingObject.Chart.ChartStyle = 268
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
                ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq 'ChartP4' }).DrawingObject.Chart.ChartStyle = 294
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
                ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq 'ChartP5' }).DrawingObject.Chart.ChartStyle = 222
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
                ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq 'ChartP6' }).DrawingObject.Chart.ChartStyle = 294
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
                ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq 'ChartP7' }).DrawingObject.Chart.ChartStyle = 268
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
                ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq 'ChartP8' }).DrawingObject.Chart.ChartStyle = 294
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
                ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq 'ChartP9' }).DrawingObject.Chart.ChartStyle = 268
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
                ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -notin $NoChangeChart -and $ -like 'Chart*' }).DrawingObject.Chart.ChartStyle = 315
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50

                Foreach ($Changer in $ChangeChart) {
                    ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq $Changer }).DrawingObject.interior.color = 2500134
                    ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq $Changer }).DrawingObject.border.color = 16777215
                    ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq $Changer }).DrawingObject.border.ColorIndex = -4142
                    ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object { $ -eq $Changer }).DrawingObject.border.LineStyle = -4142
                    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50

                foreach ($Sheet in ($Ex.Worksheets | Where-Object {$_.Name -notin  ('Overview', 'Policy', 'Advisor', 'Security Center', 'Subscriptions', 'Quota Usage', 'AdvisorScore', 'Outages', 'SupportTickets', 'Reservation Advisor')}))
                        $ = 48
                        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50

                #$WS.Cells.Interior.Color = 0

                $Draw = ($WS.Shapes | Where-Object {$ -eq 'ARI'})
                $Draw.Adjustments(1) = 0.07
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50

                Get-Process -Name "excel" -ErrorAction Ignore | Stop-Process