Import-Module -Name AzureRM.Bootstrapper $RollupModule = 'AzureRM' InModuleScope AzureRM.Bootstrapper { $ProfileMap = (Get-AzProfile) $ProfileCachePath = Get-ProfileCachePath # Helper function to uninstall all profiles function Remove-InstalledProfile { $installedProfiles = Get-ProfilesInstalled -ProfileMap $ProfileMap if ($installedProfiles.Keys -ne $null) { foreach ($profile in $installedProfiles.Keys) { Write-Host "Removing profile $profile" Uninstall-AzureRmProfile -Profile $profile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $profiles = (Get-ProfilesInstalled -ProfileMap $ProfileMap) if ($profiles.Count -ne 0) { Throw "Uninstallation was not successful: Profile(s) $(@($profiles.Keys) -join ',') were not uninstalled correctly." } } } Describe "A machine with no profile installed can install profile" { # Using Install-AzureRmProfile Context "New Profile Install - Latest" { # Arrange # Uninstall previously installed profiles Remove-InstalledProfile # Launch the test in a new powershell session # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Act # Install latest version Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Install-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -Force } # Assert It "Should return Latest Profile" { $result = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } $result[0].Contains('Latest') | Should Be $true } # Clean up Remove-PSSession -Session $session } # Using Use-AzureRmProfile Context "New Profile Install - 2016-04-consistent" { # Arrange # Uninstall previously installed profiles Remove-InstalledProfile # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Act # Install profile '2016-04-consistent' Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Use-AzureRmProfile -Profile '2016-04-consistent' -Force } # Assert It "Should return 2016-04-consistent" { $result = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } $result[0].Contains('2016-04-consistent') | Should Be $true } # Clean up Remove-PSSession -Session $session } } Describe "Add: A Machine with a Profile installed can install latest profile" { InModuleScope AzureRM.Bootstrapper { Context "Profile 2016-04-consistent already installed" { # Arrange # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Ensure 2016-09-consistent is installed $profilesInstalled = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } $profilesInstalled[0].Contains('2016-04-consistent') | Should Be $true # Act # Install profile 'Latest' Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Use-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -Force } $result = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } # Assert It "Should return 2016-09-consistent & Latest" { ($result -like "*latest*") -ne $null | Should Be $true ($result -like "*2016-04-consistent*") -ne $null | Should Be $true } # Clean up Remove-PSSession -Session $session } } } Describe "Attempting to use already installed profile will import the modules to the current session" { InModuleScope AzureRM.Bootstrapper { Context "Profile Latest is installed" { # Should import Latest profile to current session # Arrange # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Ensure profile Latest is installed $profilesInstalled = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } ($profilesInstalled -like "*latest*") -ne $null | Should Be $true # Act Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Use-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -Force } # Get the version of the Latest profile $ProfileMap = Get-AzProfile $latestVersion = $ProfileMap.'Latest'.$RollupModule # Assert It "Should return AzureRm module Latest version" { # Get-module script block $getModule = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule } $modules = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModule -ArgumentList $RollupModule $modules.Name | Should Be $RollupModule $modules.version | Should Be $latestVersion } # Cleanup Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Uninstall-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -Force -ea SilentlyContinue } Remove-PSSession -Session $session } } } Describe "User can update their machine to a latest profile" { InModuleScope AzureRM.Bootstrapper { # Using Use-AzureRmProfile Context "Profile 2016-09-consistent is installed: Use-AzureRmProfile" { # Should refresh profile map from Azure end point and update modules. # Arrange # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Check if '2016-04-consistent' is installed $profilesInstalled = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } ($profilesInstalled -like "*2016-04-consistent*") -ne $null | Should Be $true # Remove latest profile map from cache for testing if it updates from online. $latestMap = Get-LatestProfileMapPath if (($latestMap -ne $null) -and (Test-Path $latestMap.FullName)) { Remove-Item -Path $latestMap.FullName -Force } # Act Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile -Update } Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Use-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -Force } # Assert It "Should return 2016-04-consistent & Latest" { $result = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } ($result -like "*latest*") -ne $null | Should Be $true ($result -like "*2016-04-consistent*") -ne $null | Should Be $true } It "Latest version of modules are imported" { # Get the version of the Latest profile $ProfileMap = Get-AzProfile $latestVersion = $ProfileMap.'Latest'.$RollupModule # Get-module script block $getModule = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule } $modules = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModule -ArgumentList $RollupModule # Are latest modules imported? $modules.Name | Should Be $RollupModule $modules.version | Should Be $latestVersion } It "Last Write Time should be less than 5 minutes" { # Get LastWriteTime for ProfileMap $lastWriteTime = (Get-Item -Path (Get-LatestProfileMapPath).FullName).LastWriteTime (((Get-Date) - $lastWriteTime).TotalMinutes -lt 5) | Should Be $true } # Cleanup Remove-PSSession -Session $session } # Using Update-AzureRmProfile; Previous Versions do not exist Context "Profile 2016-04-consistent is installed: Update-AzureRmProfile" { # Arrange # Remove existing profiles Remove-InstalledProfile # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Install profile 2016-04-consistent Install-AzureRmProfile -Profile '2016-04-consistent' -Force # Ensure profile 2016-04-consistent is installed $profilesInstalled = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } ($profilesInstalled -like "*2016-04-consistent*") -ne $null | Should Be $true # Act # Update to profile 'Latest' Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Update-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -Force -RemovePreviousVersions } # Assert # Returns 2016-04-consistent & Latest It "Should Return 2016-04-consistent & Latest" { $result = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } ($result -like "*latest*") -ne $null | Should Be $true ($result -like "*2016-04-consistent*") -ne $null | Should Be $true } It "Latest version of modules are imported" { # Get the version of the Latest profile $ProfileMap = Get-AzProfile $latestVersion = $ProfileMap.'Latest'.$RollupModule # Get-module script block $getModule = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule } $modules = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModule -ArgumentList $RollupModule # Are latest modules imported? $modules.Name | Should Be $RollupModule $modules.version | Should Be $latestVersion } Remove-PSSession -Session $session } # Using Update-AzureRmProfile; Previous Versions exist Context "Profile 2016-04-consistent is installed: Update-AzureRmProfile with PreviousVerisons" { # Arrange # Remove existing profiles Remove-InstalledProfile # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Install profile 2016-04-consistent Install-AzureRmProfile -Profile '2016-04-consistent' -Force # Ensure profile 2016-04-consistent is installed $profilesInstalled = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } ($profilesInstalled -like "*2016-04-consistent*") -ne $null | Should Be $true # Remove latest profile map from cache for testing if it updates from online. $latestMap = Get-LatestProfileMapPath if (($latestMap -ne $null) -and (Test-Path $latestMap.FullName)) { Remove-Item -Path $latestMap.FullName -Force } # Add a version of old profilemap with older versions of 'latest' profile to cache $testProfileMap = "{`"Latest`": { `"AzureRM`": [`"3.3.0`"], `"Azure.Storage`": [`"2.4.0`"] }}" $testProfileMap | Out-File -FilePath "$ProfileCachePath\TestMap.json" -Force # Install the modules from that profilemap $testProfileMap = ($testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) foreach ($Module in ($testProfileMap.'Latest' | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name) { $oldVersion = $testProfileMap.'Latest'.$Module Install-Module $Module -RequiredVersion $oldVersion[0] -ErrorAction Stop -AllowClobber } # Act # Invoke Update-AzureRmProfile 'latest' with -RemovePreviousVersions Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile -update } Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Update-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -Force -RemovePreviousVersions } # Assert # Check if new versions of 'latest' are installed $latestVersion = $ProfileMap.'Latest'.$RollupModule It "Should return latest module versions" { # Get-module script block $getModule = { Param($RollupModule) Get-AzureRmModule -Profile 'Latest' -Module $RollupModule } $version = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModule -ArgumentList $RollupModule $version | Should Be $latestVersion } # Check if old versions of 'latest' are uninstalled It "Should return null for old versions" { # Get-module script block $getModule = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule -ListAvailable } $modules = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModule -ArgumentList $RollupModule foreach ($module in $modules) { $module.Version -eq $oldVersion | Should Be $false } } # Check if the old profilemap was removed It "Should return false for old profile map in cache" { (Test-Path "$ProfileCachePath\TestMap.json") | Should Be $false } } } } Describe "User can uninstall a profile" { InModuleScope AzureRM.Bootstrapper { Context "Latest profile is installed" { # Should uninstall latest profile # Arrange # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Check if 'Latest' is installed $profilesInstalled = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } ($profilesInstalled -like "*latest*") -ne $null | Should Be $true # Get the version of the Latest profile $ProfileMap = Get-AzProfile $latestVersion = $ProfileMap.'Latest'.$RollupModule # Act Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Uninstall-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -Force } # Assert It "Profile Latest is uninstalled" { $result = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } if($result -ne $null) { $result.Contains('Latest') | Should Be $false } else { $true } } It "Available Modules should not contain uninstalled modules" { $getModule = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule -ListAvailable } $results = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModule -ArgumentList $RollupModule # Result won't be null because profile 2016-04-consistent is installed. foreach ($result in $results) { $result.Version -eq $latestVersion | Should Be $false } } # Cleanup Remove-PSSession -Session $session } } } Describe "Install Two named profiles and selecting each" { InModuleScope AzureRM.Bootstrapper { # Get the version of the respective profile $ProfileMap = Get-AzProfile $Version1 = $ProfileMap.'Latest'.$RollupModule $Version2 = $ProfileMap.'2016-04-consistent'.$RollupModule Context "Install Two Profiles" { # Arrange # Remove all profiles Remove-InstalledProfile # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Act # Install Profile: 2016-08 Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Install-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -Force } # Install Profile: 2016-04 Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Install-AzureRmProfile -Profile '2016-04-consistent' -Force } # Assert It "Should return Profiles Latest & 2016-04-consistent" { $profilesInstalled = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } ($profilesInstalled -like "*2016-04-consistent*") -ne $null | Should Be $true ($profilesInstalled -like "*latest*") -ne $null | Should Be $true } # Clean up Remove-PSSession -Session $session } Context "Select diff profiles" { # Arrange # Create two new PS sessions $session1 = New-PSSession $session2 = New-PSSession # Act # Use-AzureRmProfile will import the respective versions of modules in the session Invoke-Command -Session $session1 -ScriptBlock { Use-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -Force } Invoke-Command -Session $session2 -ScriptBlock { Use-AzureRmProfile -Profile '2016-04-consistent' -Force } $getModule = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule } $result = Invoke-Command -Session $session1 -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } $module1 = Invoke-Command -Session $session1 -ScriptBlock $getModule -ArgumentList $RollupModule $module2 = Invoke-Command -Session $session2 -ScriptBlock $getModule -ArgumentList $RollupModule # Assert It "Should return Latest & 2016-04-consistent" { ($result -like "*latest*") -ne $null | Should Be $true ($result -like "*2016-04-consistent*") -ne $null | Should Be $true } It "Respective versions of modules are imported" { # Are respective modules imported? $module1.Name | Should Be $RollupModule $module1.version | Should Be $Version1 $module2.Name | Should Be $RollupModule $module2.version | Should Be $Version2 } # "Uninstall All Profiles" Remove-InstalledProfile It "Should return null" { Get-AzureRmProfile | Should Be $null } It "Modules should return null" { $getModuleList = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $RollupModule } $result1 = Invoke-Command -Session $session1 -ScriptBlock $getModuleList -ArgumentList $RollupModule foreach ($result in $result1) { $result.Version -eq $Version1 | Should Be $false } $result2 = Invoke-Command -Session $session2 -ScriptBlock $getModuleList -ArgumentList $RollupModule foreach ($result in $result2) { $result.Version -eq $Version2 | Should Be $false } } # Cleanup Remove-PSSession -Session $session1 Remove-PSSession -Session $session2 } } } Describe "Invalid Cases" { Context "Install wrong profile name" { # Install profile 'abcTest' It "Throws Invalid argument error" { { Install-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'abcTest' } | Should Throw } } Context "Install null profile name" { # Install profile 'null' It "Throws Invalid argument error" { { Install-AzureRmProfile -Profile $null } | Should Throw } } Context "Install already installed profile" { # Arrange # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Ensure profile 2016-09 is installed Install-AzureRmProfile -Profile '2016-04-consistent' -Force $installedProfile = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } ($installedProfile -like "*2016-04-consistent*") -ne $null | Should Be $true # Act # Install profile '2016-04-consistent' $result = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Install-AzureRmProfile -Profile '2016-04-consistent' -Force } # Get modules imported into the session $getModuleList = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule } $modules = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModuleList -ArgumentList $RollupModule It "Doesn't install/import the profile" { $result | Should Be $null $modules | Should Be $null } # Cleanup Remove-PSSession -Session $session } Context "Uninstall not installed profile" { # Arrange # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Ensure profile latest is not installed $installedProfile = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile } ($installedProfile -like "*latest*") | Should Be $null # Act # Uninstall profile 'latest' $result = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Uninstall-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'latest' -Force} It "Doesn't uninstall/throw" { $result | Should Be $null } # Cleanup Remove-PSSession -Session $session } Context "Use-AzureRmProfile with wrong profile name" { # Install profile 'abcTest' It "Throws Invalid argument error" { { Use-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'abcTest' } | Should Throw } } } Describe "Failure Recovery: Attempt to install profile recovers from error" { InModuleScope AzureRM.Bootstrapper { Context "Azure ProfileMap endpoint threw exception" { # Arrange # Mock Get-ProfileMap returns error Mock Get-AzureProfileMap -Verifiable { throw [System.Net.WebException] } # Mock Install-Modules returns error Mock Install-Module -Verifiable { throw } Mock Get-AzureRmModule -Verifiable {} # Act & Assert It "Should not download/install the latest profile" { { Get-AzureRmProfile -Update } | Should Throw { Install-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -Force } | Should Throw } It "Last Write time should not be less than 3 mins" { # Get LastWriteTime for ProfileMap $lastWriteTime = (Get-Item -Path (Get-LatestProfileMapPath).FullName).LastWriteTime (((Get-Date) - $lastWriteTime).TotalMinutes -gt 3) | Should Be $true Assert-VerifiableMock } } Context "Retry install after ProfileMap update" { # Arrange # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Remove ProfileMap.json to test if it is updated from online Remove-Item -Path (Get-LatestProfileMapPath).FullName -Force # Act # Update ProfileMap Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile -Update } # Install profile 'Latest' Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Use-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -Force } # Assert It "Installs & Imports Latest profile to the session" { $getModuleList = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule } $modules = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModuleList -ArgumentList $RollupModule # Get the version of the Latest profile $ProfileMap = Get-AzProfile $latestVersion = $ProfileMap.'Latest'.$RollupModule # Are latest modules imported? $modules.Name | Should Be $RollupModule $modules.version | Should Be $latestVersion } It "Last Write time should be less than 5 mins" { # Get LastWriteTime for ProfileMap $lastWriteTime = (Get-Item -Path (Get-LatestProfileMapPath).FullName).LastWriteTime (((Get-Date) - $lastWriteTime).TotalMinutes -lt 5) | Should Be $true } # Cleanup Remove-PSSession -Session $session } } } Describe "Install profiles using Scope" { InModuleScope AzureRM.Bootstrapper { Context "Using Install-AzureRmProfile: Scope 'CurrentUser'" { # Arrange # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Remove installed profiles Remove-InstalledProfile # Act # Install profile Latest scope as current user Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Install-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -scope 'CurrentUser' -Force } # Assert It "Installs & Imports Latest profile to the session" { # Get the version of the Latest profile $ProfileMap = Get-AzProfile $latestVersion = $ProfileMap.'Latest'.$RollupModule $getModuleList = { Param($RollupModule, $latestVersion) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule -ListAvailable | Where-Object {$_.Version -like $latestVersion} } $modules = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModuleList -ArgumentList @($RollupModule, $latestVersion) # Are latest modules imported? $modules.Name | Should Be $RollupModule $modules.version | Should Be $latestVersion } } Context "Using Use-AzureRmProfile: Scope 'AllUsers'" { # Arrange # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Remove installed profiles Remove-InstalledProfile # Act # Install profile 2016-04-consistent scope as all users Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Use-AzureRmProfile -Profile '2016-04-consistent' -scope 'AllUsers' -Force } # Assert It "Installs & Imports 2016-04-consistent profile to the session" { $getModuleList = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule } $modules = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModuleList -ArgumentList $RollupModule # Get the version of the 2016-04-consistent profile $ProfileMap = Get-AzProfile $version = $ProfileMap.'2016-04-consistent'.$RollupModule # Are appropriate modules imported? $modules.Name | Should Be $RollupModule $modules.version | Should Be $version } } Context "Using Update-AzureRmProfile: Scope 'CurrentUser' " { # Arrange # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Remove installed profiles Remove-InstalledProfile # Act # Install profile 2016-04-consistent scope as current user Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Update-AzureRmProfile -Profile '2016-04-consistent' -scope 'CurrentUser' -Force -r } # Assert It "Installs & Imports 2016-04-consistent profile to the session" { $getModuleList = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule } $modules = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModuleList -ArgumentList $RollupModule # Get the version of the 2016-04-consistent profile $ProfileMap = Get-AzProfile $version = $ProfileMap.'2016-04-consistent'.$RollupModule # Are correct modules imported? $modules.Name | Should Be $RollupModule $modules.version | Should Be $version } } } } Describe "Load/Import AzureRmProfile modules" { InModuleScope AzureRM.Bootstrapper { Context "Using Use-AzureRmProfile: Modules are not installed" { # Arrange # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Remove installed profiles Remove-InstalledProfile # Act # Use module from Latest profile scope as current user Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Use-AzureRmProfile -Profile '2016-04-consistent' -Module 'AzureRM.Storage' -Force -scope 'CurrentUser'} # Assert $RollupModule = 'AzureRM.Storage' It "Installs & Imports 2016-04-consistent profile's module to the session" { $getModuleList = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule } $modules = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModuleList -ArgumentList $RollupModule # Get the version of the 2016-04-consistent profile $ProfileMap = Get-AzProfile $version = $ProfileMap.'2016-04-consistent'.$RollupModule # Are 2016-04-consistent modules imported? $modules.Name | Should Be $RollupModule $modules.version | Should Be $version } } Context "Using Update-AzureRmProfile: Previous version of modules are installed" { # Arrange # Create a new PS session $session = New-PSSession # Remove installed profiles Remove-InstalledProfile # Remove latest profile map from cache for testing if it updates from online. $latestMap = Get-LatestProfileMapPath if (($latestMap -ne $null) -and (Test-Path $latestMap.FullName)) { Remove-Item -Path $latestMap.FullName -Force } # Add a version of old profilemap with older versions of 'latest' profile to cache $testProfileMap = "{`"Latest`": {`"Azure.Storage`": [`"2.4.0`"], `"AzureRM.Storage`": [`"2.4.0`"] }}" $testProfileMap | Out-File -FilePath "$ProfileCachePath\TestMap.json" -Force # Install the modules from that profilemap $testProfileMap = ($testProfileMap | ConvertFrom-Json) foreach ($Module in ($testProfileMap.'Latest' | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name) { $oldVersion = $testProfileMap.'Latest'.$Module Install-Module $Module -RequiredVersion $oldVersion[0] -ErrorAction Stop -AllowClobber } # Act # Update profile Latest with -RemovePreviousVersions Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Get-AzureRmProfile -Update } Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Update-AzureRmProfile -Profile 'Latest' -Module 'AzureRM.Storage', 'Azure.Storage' -Force -r } # Assert It "Installs & Imports latest profile's module ('AzureRM.Storage') to the session" { $getModuleList = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule } $module1 = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModuleList -ArgumentList 'AzureRM.Storage' # Get the version of the latest profile $ProfileMap = Get-AzProfile $version1 = $ProfileMap.'Latest'.'AzureRM.Storage' # Are latest modules imported? $module1.Name | Should Be 'AzureRM.Storage' $module1.version | Should Be $version1 } It "Installs & Imports latest profile's module ('Azure.Storage') to the session" { $getModuleList = { Param($RollupModule) Get-Module -Name $RollupModule } $module2 = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $getModuleList -ArgumentList 'Azure.Storage' # Get the version of the latest profile $ProfileMap = Get-AzProfile $version2 = $ProfileMap.'Latest'.'Azure.Storage' # Are latest modules imported? $module2.Name | Should Be 'Azure.Storage' $module2.version | Should Be $version2 } # Check if the old profilemap was removed It "Should return false for old profile map in cache" { (Test-Path "$ProfileCachePath\TestMap.json") | Should Be $false } } } } } |