
$Script:PSModuleRoot = $PSScriptRoot
$Script:ModuleName = "AzurePipelinesPS"
$Script:ModuleDataRoot = (Join-Path -Path $env:APPDATA -ChildPath $Script:ModuleName)
$Script:ModuleDataPath = (Join-Path -Path $Script:ModuleDataRoot -ChildPath "ModuleData.json")
if (-not (Test-Path $Script:ModuleDataRoot)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Script:ModuleDataRoot -Force}
# Imported from [D:\_work\1\s\AzurePipelinesPS\Private]
# Get-APAgentPackage.ps1
Function Get-APAgentPackage
    Returns available Azure Pipelines agent package versions.
    Returns available Azure Pipelines agent package versions.
    The instance will provide a list of available compatible package versions and a url from which to download them.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Platform
    Operating system platform.
    .PARAMETER Version
    TFS version, this will provide the module with the api version mappings.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-APAgentPackage.
    PSCustomObject. Get-APAgentPackage returns all compatable agent package versions.
    C:\PS> Get-APAgentPackage -Platform 'ubuntu.14.04-x64' -Credential $pscredential
    C:\PS> Get-APAgentPackage -Platform 'Windows'


        [ValidateSet('Windows', 'ubuntu.16.04-x64', 'ubuntu.14.04-x64')]


        Switch -Wildcard ($ApiVersion)
                Switch ($Platform)
                        Return ''
                        Return ''
                        Return ''
                $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'packages-agent'
                [uri] $uri = Set-APUri -Instance $Instance -ApiEndpoint $apiEndpoint
                $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
                    Method     = 'GET'
                    Uri        = $uri
                    Credential = $Credential
                $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat
                Switch ($Platform)
                        Return $Results.Value | Where-Object {$Psitem.Platform -eq 'win7-x64'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'downloadUrl'
                        Return $Results.Value | Where-Object {$Psitem.Platform -eq 'ubuntu.16.04-x64'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'downloadUrl'
                        Return $Results.Value | Where-Object {$Psitem.Platform -eq 'ubuntu.14.04-x64'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'downloadUrl'

# Get-APApiEndpoint.ps1
function Get-APApiEndpoint
    Returns the api uri endpoint.
    Returns the api uri endpoint base on the api type.
    .PARAMETER ApiType
    Type of the api endpoint to use.
    String, The uri endpoint that will be used by Set-APUri.
    C:\PS> Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType release-releases



        Switch ($ApiType)
                Return '_apis/build/builds'
                Return '_apis/build/builds/{0}'
                Return '_apis/build/definitions'
                Return '_apis/build/definitions/{0}'
                Return '_apis/distributedTask/packages/agent'
                Return '_apis/release/releases'
                Return '_apis/release/definitions'
                Return '_apis/release/definitions/{0}'
                Return '_apis/release/releases/{0}'
                Return '_apis/release/releases/{0}/manualinterventions/{1}'
                Return '_apis/release/releases/{0}/environments/{1}'
                Return '_apis/release/releases/{0}/environments/{1}/deployPhases/{2}/tasks/{3}'
                Return '_apis/release/approvals'
                Return '_apis/release/approvals/{0}'
                Return '_apis/distributedtask/queues'
                Return '_apis/distributedtask/deploymentgroups'
                Return '_apis/distributedtask/deploymentgroups/{0}'
                Return '_apis/distributedtask/deploymentgroups/{0}/targets'
                Return '_apis/distributedtask/deploymentgroups/{0}/targets/{1}'
                Return '_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups'
                Return '_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups/{0}'
                Return '_apis/git/repositories'
                Return '_apis/git/repositories/{0}'
                Return '_apis/projects'
                Return '_apis/distributedtask/taskgroups'
                Return '_apis/packaging/feeds'
                Return '_apis/packaging/feeds/{0}'
                Return '_apis/packaging/feeds/{0}/packages'
                Return '_apis/packaging/feeds/{0}/packages/{1}'
                Return '_apis/graph/users/{0}'
                Return '_apis/graph/users'
                Return '_apis/graph/groups/{0}'
                Return '_apis/graph/groups'
                Return '_apis/graph/storagekeys/{0}'
                Return '_apis/groupentitlements'
                Return '_apis/teams'
                Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: [$ApiType] is not supported" -ErrorAction Stop


# Get-APApiVersion.ps1
function Get-APApiVersion
    Returns the api version available for the TFS version provided.
    Returns the api version available for the TFS version provided.
    .PARAMETER Version
    TFS version, this will provide the module with the api version mappings.
    String, The api version available for the TFS version provided.
    C:\PS> Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType release-releases



        Switch ($Version)
                Return '5.0-preview'
            '2018 Update 2'
                Return '4.0-preview'
            '2018 RTW'
                Return '4.0'
            '2017 Update 2'
                Return '3.2'
            '2017 Update 1'
                Return '3.1'
            '2017 RTW'
                Return '3.0'
            '2015 Update 4'
                Return '2.3'
            '2015 Update 3'
                Return '2.3'
            '2015 Update 2'
                Return '2.2'
            '2015 Update 1'
                Return '2.1'
            '2015 RTW'
                Return '2.0'
                Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: [$Version] is not supported, run 'Save-APSession -Version' to populate module data. " -ErrorAction Stop


# Set-APAuthenticationType.ps1
function Set-APAuthenticationType
    Sets the authentication type used by Invoke-APRestMethod.
    Sets the authentication type used by Invoke-APRestMethod.
    Default authentication will use the pesonal access token that is stored in session data, unless a credential is provided.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
    The splat parameters used by Invoke-APRestMethod.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    PSObject, The modifed inputobject.
    C:\PS> Set-APAuthenticationType -InputObject $inputObject
    C:\PS> Set-APAuthenticationType -InputObject $inputObject -Credential $pscredential





        If ($Credential)
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Authenticating with the provided credential."
            $InputObject.Credential = $Credential
        ElseIf ($PersonalAccessToken)
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Authenticating with the stored personal access token."
            $PersonalAccessTokenToken = Unprotect-APSecurePersonalAccessToken -PersonalAccessToken $PersonalAccessToken
            $encodedPersonalAccessToken = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(":$PersonalAccessTokenToken"))
            $InputObject.Headers = @{Authorization = "Basic $encodedPersonalAccessToken"}
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Authenticating with default credentials"
            $InputObject.UseDefaultCredentials = $true

        Return $InputObject

# Set-APQueryParameters.ps1
function Set-APQueryParameters
    Returns the formated query parameter string.
    Returns the formated query parameter string.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
    The PS bound parameters.
    String, The formated query parameter string.
    C:\PS> Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters



        $nonQueryParams = @(
        $queryParams = Foreach ($key in $InputObject.Keys)
            If ($nonQueryParams -contains $key)
            ElseIf ($key -eq 'Top')
            ElseIf ($key -eq 'Mine')
            ElseIf ($InputObject.$key.count)
                "$key={0}" -f ($InputObject.$key -join ',')
        Return ($queryParams -join '&').ToLower()


# Set-APUri.ps1
function Set-APUri
    Sets the uri used by Invoke-APRestMethod.
    Sets the uri used by Invoke-APRestMethod.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER Query
    Url query parameter.
    .PARAMETER ApiEndpoint
    The api endpoint provided by Get-APApiEndpoint.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    Uri, The uri that will be used by Invoke-APRestMethod.
    C:\PS> Set-APUri -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -ApiEndpoint _apis/Release/releases/4 -ApiVersion '5.0-preview.6'
    C:\PS> Set-APUri -ApiEndpoint _apis/Release/releases/4 -ApiVersion '5.0-preview.6' -Query 'project=myFirstProject&isdeleted=true&expand=environments'








        If ($ApiVersion -match '5.*' -and ($Instance.Host -eq '' -or $Instance.Host -like '*'))
            # Api endpoint matches release
            If ($ApiEndpoint -match 'release')
                If ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $Collection -and $Project -and $Query)
                    # Append vsrm prefix to instance with query
                    return '{0}{1}/{2}/{3}?{4}&api-version={5}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri.replace($Instance.Host, "vsrm.$($Instance.Host)"), $Collection, $Project, $ApiEndpoint, $Query, $ApiVersion
                ElseIf ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $Collection -and $Project)
                    # Append vsrm prefix to instance without query
                    return '{0}{1}/{2}/{3}?api-version={4}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri.replace($Instance.Host, "vsrm.$($Instance.Host)"), $Collection, $Project, $ApiEndpoint, $ApiVersion
            # Api endpoint matches feeds
            If ($ApiEndpoint -match 'feeds')
                If ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $Collection -and $Query)
                    # Append feeds prefix to instance with query
                    return '{0}{1}/{2}/{3}?{4}&api-version={5}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri.replace($Instance.Host, "feeds.$($Instance.Host)"), $Collection, $Project, $ApiEndpoint, $Query, $ApiVersion
                ElseIf ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $Collection)
                    # Append feeds prefix to instance without query
                    return '{0}{1}/{2}/{3}?api-version={4}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri.replace($Instance.Host, "feeds.$($Instance.Host)"), $Collection, $Project, $ApiEndpoint, $ApiVersion
            # Api endpoint matches graph
            If ($ApiEndpoint -match 'graph')
                If ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $Collection -and $Query)
                    # Append vssps prefix to instance with query
                    return '{0}{1}/{2}/{3}?{4}&api-version={5}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri.replace($Instance.Host, "vssps.$($Instance.Host)"), $Collection, $Project, $ApiEndpoint, $Query, $ApiVersion
                ElseIf ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $Collection)
                    # Append vssps prefix to instance without query
                    return '{0}{1}/{2}/{3}?api-version={4}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri.replace($Instance.Host, "vssps.$($Instance.Host)"), $Collection, $Project, $ApiEndpoint, $ApiVersion
            # Api endpoint matches groupentitlements
            If ($ApiEndpoint -match 'groupentitlements')
                If ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $Collection)
                    # Append vssps prefix to instance without query
                    return '{0}{1}/{2}/{3}?api-version={4}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri.replace($Instance.Host, "vsaex.$($Instance.Host)"), $Collection, $Project, $ApiEndpoint, $ApiVersion
        If ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $Collection -and $Project -and $ApiEndpoint -and $ApiVersion -and $Query)
            return '{0}{1}/{2}/{3}?{4}&api-version={5}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri, $Collection, $Project, $ApiEndpoint, $Query, $ApiVersion
        If ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $Collection -and $ApiEndpoint -and $ApiVersion -and $Query)
            return '{0}{1}/{2}?{3}&api-version={4}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri, $Collection, $ApiEndpoint, $Query, $ApiVersion
        ElseIf ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $Collection -and $Project -and $ApiEndpoint -and $ApiVersion)
            return '{0}{1}/{2}/{3}?api-version={4}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri, $Collection, $Project, $ApiEndpoint, $ApiVersion
        ElseIf ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $Collection -and $ApiEndpoint -and $ApiVersion)
            return '{0}{1}/{2}?api-version={3}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri, $Collection, $ApiEndpoint, $ApiVersion
        ElseIf ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $ApiEndpoint)
            return '{0}{1}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri, $ApiEndpoint


# Unprotect-APSecurePersonalAccessToken.ps1
Function Unprotect-APSecurePersonalAccessToken
    Returns decrypted personal access token.
    Returns decrypted personal access token that is stored in the session data.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    String, unsecure personal access token.
    C:\PS> Unprotect-SecurePersonalAccessToken
    C:\PS> Unprotect-SecurePersonalAccessToken -Path $path

        $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($PersonalAccessToken)
        $plainText = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
        Return $plainText

# Imported from [D:\_work\1\s\AzurePipelinesPS\Public]
# Add-APDeploymentGroup.ps1
function Add-APDeploymentGroup
    Creates an Azure Pipeline deployment group.
    Creates an Azure Pipeline deployment group.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    Name of the deployment group.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Description of the deployment group.
    Identifier of the deployment pool in which deployment agents are registered.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines deployment group.
    C:\PS> Add-APDeploymentGroup -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]




        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $body = @{
            Name        = $Name
            Description = $Description
            PoolId      = $PoolId
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-deploymentGroupId') -f $DeploymentGroupID
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method      = 'POST'
            Uri         = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
            Body        = $body
            ContentType = 'application/json'
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Add-APVariableGroup.ps1
function Add-APVariableGroup
    Creates an Azure Pipeline variable group.
    Creates an Azure Pipeline variable group.
  .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Sets description of the variable group.
    Sets name of the variable group.
    .PARAMETER Variables
    Sets variables contained in the variable group.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines variable group.
    $varibales = @{
        Var1 = 'updated val1'
        Var2 = 'updated val2'
    $addAPVariableGroupSplat = @{
        Description = 'my variable group'
        Name = 'myVariableGroup'
        Variables = $varibales
        Instance = ''
        Collection = 'myCollection'
        Project = 'myFirstProject'
    Add-APVariableGroup @addAPVariableGroupSplat

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]




        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        If($Variables.GetType().Name -eq 'hashtable')
            $_variables = @{}
            Foreach ($token in $Variables.Keys)
                $_variables.$token = @{
                    Value = $Variables.$token
            $_variables = $Variables    
        $body = @{
            Name        = $Name
            Description = $Description
            Type        = 'Vsts'
            Variables   = $_variables
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-VariableGroupId') -f $VariableGroupID
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'POST'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
            Body                = $body
            ContentType         = 'application/json'
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Format-APTemplate.ps1
Function Format-APTemplate
    Replaces tokens in a json template.
    Replaces tokens in a json template. The json template tokens should be unique strings like '%Project%' or '__Collection__'.
    By passing key value pairs with the InputObject parameter @{'%Project% = 'myProject'} the tokens will be replaced with the values.
    Templates can be created by using Get-APBuildDefinition or Get-APReleaseDefinition and tokenizing it.
    Path to the build/release json template that contains tokens.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
    Object, that contains key value pairs for token replacement.
    PSobject, Azure Pipelines build/release template. Pass the template to Publish-APBuild or Publish-APRelease.
    C:\PS> $inputObject = @{
        %Project% = 'myProject'
    C:\PS> Format-APTemplate -Path '.\myTemplate.json' -InputObject $inputObject



        $templateJson = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw  
        $InputObject.Keys | ForEach-Object -Process { $templateJson = $templateJson -replace $_, $InputObject.Item($_) }
        ConvertFrom-Json -Inputobject $templateJson 
# Get-APApprovalList.ps1
function Get-APApprovalList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline approvals.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline approvals based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER AssignedToFilter
    Approvals assigned to this user.
    .PARAMETER StatusFilter
    Approvals with this status. Default is 'pending'.
    .PARAMETER ReleaseIdsFilter
    Approvals for release id(s) mentioned in the filter. Multiple releases can be mentioned by separating them with ',' e.g. releaseIdsFilter=1,2,3,4.
    .PARAMETER TypeFilter
    Approval with this type.
    Number of approvals to get. Default is 50.
    .PARAMETER ContinuationToken
    Gets the approvals after the continuation token provided.
    .PARAMETER QueryOrder
    Gets the results in the defined order of created approvals. Default is 'descending'.
    .PARAMETER IncludeMyGroupApprovals
    'true' to include my group approvals. Default is 'false'.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines approval(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APApprovalList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -ApiVersion 5.0-preview

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]




        [ValidateSet('all', 'postDeploy', 'preDeploy', 'undefined')]


        [ValidateSet('ascending', 'descending')]


        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'release-approvals'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'GET'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APBuild.ps1
function Get-APBuild
    Returns Azure Pipeline build.
    Returns Azure Pipeline build based by build id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APBuildList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER BuildId
    The ID of the build
    .PARAMETER PropertyFilters
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines build(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APBuild -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -BuildId 7

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]



        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'build-buildId') -f $BuildId
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APBuildDefinition.ps1
function Get-APBuildDefinition
    Returns Azure Pipeline build definitions.
    Returns Azure Pipeline build definitions by definition id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APBuildDefinitionList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER DefinitionID
    The ID of the definition.
    .PARAMETER Revision
    The revision number to retrieve. If this is not specified, the latest version will be returned.
    .PARAMETER MinMetricsTime
    If specified, indicates the date from which metrics should be included.
    .PARAMETER PropertyFilters
    A comma-delimited list of properties to include in the results.
    .PARAMETER IncludeLatestBuilds
    Indicates whether to include or exclude the latest builds.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines build(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APBuild -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]





        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken

        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'build-definitionId') -f $DefinitionID
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APBuildDefinitionList.ps1
function Get-APBuildDefinitionList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline build definitions.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline build definitions based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER TaskIdFilter
    If specified, filters to definitions that use the specified task.
    .PARAMETER IncludeLatestBuilds
    Indicates whether to return the latest and latest completed builds for this definition.
    .PARAMETER IncludeAllProperties
    Indicates whether to return the latest and latest completed builds for this definition.
    .PARAMETER NotBuiltAfter
    If specified, filters to definitions that do not have builds after this date.
    .PARAMETER BuiltAfter
    If specified, filters to definitions that have builds after this date.
    If specified, filters to definitions under this folder.
    .PARAMETER DefinitionIds
    A comma-delimited list that specifies the IDs of definitions to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER MinMetricsTime
    If specified, indicates the date from which metrics should be included.
    .PARAMETER ContinuationToken
    A continuation token, returned by a previous call to this method, that can be used to return the next set of definitions.
    The maximum number of definitions to return.
    .PARAMETER QueryOrder
    Indicates the order in which definitions should be returned.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryType
    If specified, filters to definitions that have a repository of this type.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryId
    A repository ID. If specified, filters to definitions that use this repository.
    If specified, filters to definitions whose names match this pattern.
    .PARAMETER YamlFilename
    If specified, filters to YAML definitions that match the given filename.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines build(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APBuildDefinitionList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]











        [ValidateSet('ascending', 'descending')]





        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'build-definitions'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            Return $results.value
            Return $results
# Get-APBuildList.ps1
function Get-APBuildList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline builds.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline builds based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryId
    If specified, filters to builds that built from this repository.
    .PARAMETER BuildIds
    A comma-delimited list that specifies the IDs of builds to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER BranchName
    If specified, filters to builds that built branches that built this branch.
    .PARAMETER QueryOrder
    The order in which builds should be returned.
    .PARAMETER DeletedFilter
    Indicates whether to exclude, include, or only return deleted builds.
    .PARAMETER MaxBuildsPerDefinition
    The maximum number of builds to return per definition.
    .PARAMETER ContinuationToken
    A continuation token, returned by a previous call to this method, that can be used to return the next set of builds.
    The maximum number of builds to return.
    .PARAMETER Properties
    A comma-delimited list of properties to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER TagFilters
    A comma-delimited list of tags. If specified, filters to builds that have the specified tags.
    .PARAMETER ResultFilter
    If specified, filters to builds that match this result.
    .PARAMETER StatusFilter
    If specified, filters to builds that match this status.
    .PARAMETER ReasonFilter
    If specified, filters to builds that match this reason.
    .PARAMETER RequestedFor
    If specified, filters to builds requested for the specified user.
    .PARAMETER MaxTime
    If specified, filters to builds requested for the specified user.
    .PARAMETER MinTime
    If specified, filters to builds that finished/started/queued after this date based on the queryOrder specified.
    .PARAMETER BuildNumber
    If specified, filters to builds that match this build number. Append * to do a prefix search.
    .PARAMETER Queues
    A comma-delimited list of queue IDs. If specified, filters to builds that ran against these queues.
    .PARAMETER Definitions
    A comma-delimited list of definition IDs. If specified, filters to builds for these definitions.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryType
    If specified, filters to builds that built from repositories of this type.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines build(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APBuildList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]




        [ValidateSet('finishTimeAscending', 'finishTimeDescending', 'queueTimeAscending', 'queueTimeDescending', 'startTimeAscending', 'startTimeDescending')]

        [ValidateSet('excludeDeleted', 'includeDeleted', 'onlyDeleted')]





        [ValidateSet('canceled', 'failed', 'none', 'partiallySucceeded', 'succeeded')]

        [ValidateSet('all', 'cancelling', 'completed', 'inProgress', 'none', 'notStarted', 'postponed')]

        [ValidateSet('all', 'batchedCI', 'buildCompletion', 'checkInShelveset', 'individualCI', 'manual', 'none', 'pullRequest', 'schedule', 'triggered', 'userCreated', 'validateShelveset')]








        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'build-builds'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'GET'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APDeploymentGroup.ps1
function Get-APDeploymentGroup
    Returns Azure Pipeline deployment group.
    Returns Azure Pipeline deployment group by deployment group id.
    The deployment group id can be retrieved by using Get-APDeploymentGroupList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER DeploymentGroupId
    ID of the deployment group.
    .PARAMETER ActionFilter
    Get the deployment group only if this action can be performed on it.
    .PARAMETER Expand
    Include these additional details in the returned objects.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines deployment group.
    C:\PS> Get-APDeploymentGroup -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -DeploymentGroupID 6

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]


        [ValidateSet('manage', 'none', 'use')]

        [ValidateSet('machines', 'none', 'tags')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-deploymentGroupId') -f $DeploymentGroupID
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'GET'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken        
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APDeploymentGroupList.ps1
function Get-APDeploymentGroupList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline deployment groups.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline deployment groups based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    Name of the deployment group.
    .PARAMETER ActionFilter
    Get the deployment group only if this action can be performed on it.
    .PARAMETER Expand
    Include these additional details in the returned objects.
    .PARAMETER ContinuationToken
    Get deployment groups with names greater than this continuationToken lexicographically.
    Maximum number of deployment groups to return. Default is 1000.
    Comma separated list of IDs of the deployment groups.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines deployment group.
    C:\PS> Get-APDeploymentGroupList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -Name Dev

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]


        [ValidateSet('manage', 'none', 'use')]

        [ValidateSet('machines', 'none', 'tags')]



        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-deploymentgroups'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'GET'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APFeed.ps1
function Get-APFeed
    Returns aa Azure Pipeline feed.
    Returns an Azure Pipeline feed by feed id.
    The feed id can be retrieved by using Get-APFeedList.
    The feed id can be either the feed name or its guid id.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    Name or Id of the feed.
    .PARAMETER IncludeDeletedUpstreams
    Include upstreams that have been deleted in the response.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines feed
    C:\PS> Get-APFeed -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -FeedId 'myFeed'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]



        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'feed-feedId') -f $FeedId
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            Return $results.value
            Return $results
# Get-APFeedList.ps1
function Get-APFeedList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline feeds.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipelin feeds based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER FeedRole
    Filter by this role, either Administrator(4), Contributor(3), or Reader(2) level permissions.
    .PARAMETER IncludeDeletedUpstreams
    Include upstreams that have been deleted in the response.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines feed(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APFeedList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]



        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'feed-feeds'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            Return $results.value
            Return $results
# Get-APGroup.ps1
function Get-APGroup
    Returns an Azure Pipeline user account.
    Returns Azure Pipeline user account by user descriptor.
    The descriptor can be retrieved by using Get-APGroupList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER GroupDescriptor
    The descriptor of the desired graph group.
    None, does not support the pipeline.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines account(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APGroup -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -ApiVersion 5.0-preview -GroupDescriptor 'aad.OWRjNmIjMtZjNjY3ZDQ0LWIzOTgtZmYyMTM4N2E3NGJj'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]


        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        If($ApiVersion -notmatch '5.*')
            Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Groups are not supported in api versions earlier the 5.0." -ErrorAction 'Stop'
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'graph-groupId') -f $GroupDescriptor
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'GET'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APGroupEntitlementsList.ps1
function Get-APGroupEntitlementsList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline group entitlements.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline group entitlements based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    None, does not support the pipeline.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines account(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APGroupEntitlementsList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -ApiVersion 5.0-preview

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        If($ApiVersion -notmatch '5.*')
            Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Groups are not supported in api versions earlier the 5.0." -ErrorAction 'Stop'
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'groupentitlements-entitlements'
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'GET'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APGroupList.ps1
function Get-APGroupList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline group accounts.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline group accounts based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER ScopeDescriptor
    Specify a non-default scope (collection, project) to search for groups.
    .PARAMETER SubjectTypes
    A comma separated list of user subject subtypes to reduce the retrieved results, e.g. Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity
    .PARAMETER ContinuationToken
    An opaque data blob that allows the next page of data to resume immediately after where the previous page ended. The only reliable way to know if there is more data left is the presence of a continuation token.
    None, does not support the pipeline.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines account(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APGroupList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -ApiVersion 5.0-preview

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]




        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        If($ApiVersion -notmatch '5.*')
            Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Groups are not supported in api versions earlier the 5.0." -ErrorAction 'Stop'
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'graph-groups'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'GET'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APPackage.ps1
function Get-APPackage
    Returns an of Azure Pipeline package.
    Returns an Azure Pipeline package by package id.
    The package id can be retrieved by using Get-APPackageList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    Name or Id of the feed.
    .PARAMETER PackageId
    The package Id (GUID Id, not the package name).
    .PARAMETER IncludeAllVersions
    True to return all versions of the package in the response. Default is false (latest version only).
    .PARAMETER IncludeUrls
    True to return REST Urls with the response. Default is True.
    .PARAMETER IsListed
    Only applicable for NuGet packages, setting it for other package types will result in a 404. If false, delisted package versions will be returned. Use this to filter the response when includeAllVersions is set to true. Default is unset (do not return delisted packages).
    .PARAMETER IsRelease
    Only applicable for Nuget packages. Use this to filter the response when includeAllVersions is set to true. Default is True (only return packages without prerelease versioning).
    .PARAMETER IncludeDeleted
    Return deleted or unpublished versions of packages in the response. Default is False.
    .PARAMETER IncludeDescription
    Return the description for every version of each package in the response. Default is False.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines package
    C:\PS> Get-APPackage -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -FeedId 'myFeed' -PackageId 'a9522a15-4318-4f82-9d87-ed926ddb5e12'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]









        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'feed-packageId') -f $FeedId, $PackageId
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            Return $results.value
            Return $results
# Get-APPackageList.ps1
function Get-APPackageList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline packages.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipelin packages based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    Name or Id of the feed.
    .PARAMETER IsCached
    [Obsolete] Used for legacy scenarios and may be removed in future versions.
    .PARAMETER IncludeDeleted
    Return deleted or unpublished versions of packages in the response. Default is False.
    Skip the first N packages (or package versions where getTopPackageVersions=true)
    Get the top N packages (or package versions where getTopPackageVersions=true)
    .PARAMETER IncludeDescription
    Return the description for every version of each package in the response. Default is False.
    .PARAMETER IsRelease
    Only applicable for Nuget packages. Use this to filter the response when includeAllVersions is set to true. Default is True (only return packages without prerelease versioning).
    .PARAMETER GetTopPackageVersions
    Changes the behavior of $top and $skip to return all versions of each package up to $top. Must be used in conjunction with includeAllVersions=true
    .PARAMETER IsListed
    Only applicable for NuGet packages, setting it for other package types will result in a 404. If false, delisted package versions will be returned. Use this to filter the response when includeAllVersions is set to true. Default is unset (do not return delisted packages).
    .PARAMETER IncludeAllVersions
    True to return all versions of the package in the response. Default is false (latest version only).
    .PARAMETER IncludeUrls
    True to return REST Urls with the response. Default is True.
    .PARAMETER NormalizedPackageName
    [Obsolete] Used for legacy scenarios and may be removed in future versions.
    .PARAMETER PackageNameQuery
    Filter to packages that contain the provided string. Characters in the string must conform to the package name constraints.
    .PARAMETER ProtocolType
    One of the supported artifact package types.
    .PARAMETER DirectUpstreamId
    Filter results to return packages from a specific upstream.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines package(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APPackageList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -FeedId 'myFeed'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]














        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'feed-packages') -f $FeedId 
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            Return $results.value
            Return $results
# Get-APProjectList.ps1
function Get-APProjectList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline build projects.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline build projects based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER ContinuationToken
    A continuation token, returned by a previous call to this method, that can be used to return the next set of definitions.
    The maximum number of definitions to return.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines build(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APProjectList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]



        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'project-projects'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            Return $results.value
            Return $results
# Get-APQueue.ps1
Function Get-APQueue
    Returns an Azure Pipeline queue.
    Returns an Azure Pipeline queue based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER QueueName
    Filters queues whose names start with this prefix.
    .PARAMETER ActionFilter
    Filter Queues based on the permission mentioned.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines queue(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APQueue -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]


        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-queues'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APRelease.ps1
function Get-APRelease
    Returns Azure Pipeline release.
    Returns Azure Pipeline release by release id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APReleaseList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER ReleaseId
    Id of the release.
    .PARAMETER ApprovalFilters
    A filter which would allow fetching approval steps selectively based on whether it is automated, or manual. This would also decide whether we should fetch pre and post approval snapshots. Assumes All by default.
    .PARAMETER PropertyFilters
    A comma-delimited list of extended properties to be retrieved. If set, the returned Release will contain values for the specified property Ids (if they exist). If not set, properties will not be included.
    .PARAMETER Expand
    A property that should be expanded in the release.
    .PARAMETER TopGateRecords
    Number of release gate records to get. Default is 5.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines release(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APRelease -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]




        [ValidateSet('none', 'tasks')]


        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'release-releaseId') -f $ReleaseId
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APReleaseDefinition.ps1
function Get-APReleaseDefinition
    Returns an Azure Pipeline release definition.
    Returns an Azure Pipeline release definition by definition id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APReleaseDefinitionList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER DefinitionId
    Releases with names starting with searchText.
    .PARAMETER PropertyFilters
    The property that should be expanded in the list of releases.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines release definition(s).
    C:\PS> Get-APReleaseDefinition -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -DefinitionId 5

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]



        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'release-definitionId') -f $DefinitionId
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            Return $results.value
            Return $results
# Get-APReleaseDefinitionList.ps1
function Get-APReleaseDefinitionList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline release definitions.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline release definitions based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER SearchText
    Releases with names starting with searchText.
    .PARAMETER Expand
    The property that should be expanded in the list of releases.
    .PARAMETER ArtifactType
    Release definitions with given artifactType will be returned. Values can be Build, Jenkins, GitHub, Nuget, Team Build (external), ExternalTFSBuild, Git, TFVC, ExternalTfsXamlBuild.
    Number of releases to get. Default is 50.
    .PARAMETER ContinuationToken
    Gets the releases after the continuation token provided.
    .PARAMETER QueryOrder
    Gets the results in the defined order of created date for releases. Default is descending.
    Gets the release definitions under the specified path.
    .PARAMETER IsExactNameMatch
    Set to 'true' to get the release definitions with exact match as specified in searchText. Default is 'false'.
    .PARAMETER TagFilter
    A comma-delimited list of tags. Only releases with these tags will be returned.
    .PARAMETER PropertyFilters
    A comma-delimited list of extended properties to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER DefinitionIdFilter
    A comma-delimited list of release definitions to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER IsDeleted
    Gets the soft deleted releases, if true.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines release definition(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APReleaseDefinitionList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]


        [ValidateSet('approvals', 'artifacts', 'environments', 'manualInterventions', 'none', 'tags', 'variables')]











        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'release-definitions'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'GET'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
            Return $results
# Get-APReleaseList.ps1
function Get-APReleaseList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline releases.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline releases based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER PropertyFilters
    A comma-delimited list of extended properties to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER TagFilter
    A comma-delimited list of tags. Only releases with these tags will be returned.
    .PARAMETER IsDeleted
    Gets the soft deleted releases, if true.
    .PARAMETER SourceBranchFilter
    Releases with given sourceBranchFilter will be returned.
    .PARAMETER ArtifactVersionId
    Releases with given artifactVersionId will be returned. E.g. in case of Build artifactType, it is buildId.
    .PARAMETER SourceId
    Unique identifier of the artifact used. e.g. For build it would be {projectGuid}:{BuildDefinitionId}, for Jenkins it would be {JenkinsConnectionId}:{JenkinsDefinitionId}, for TfsOnPrem it would be {TfsOnPremConnectionId}:{ProjectName}:{TfsOnPremDefinitionId}. For third-party artifacts e.g. TeamCity, BitBucket you may refer 'uniqueSourceIdentifier' inside vss-extension.json
    .PARAMETER ArtifactTypeId
    Releases with given artifactTypeId will be returned. Values can be Build, Jenkins, GitHub, Nuget, Team Build (external), ExternalTFSBuild, Git, TFVC, ExternalTfsXamlBuild.
    .PARAMETER Expand
    The property that should be expanded in the list of releases.
    .PARAMETER ContinuationToken
    Gets the releases after the continuation token provided.
    Number of releases to get. Default is 50.
    .PARAMETER QueryOrder
    Gets the results in the defined order of created date for releases. Default is descending.
    .PARAMETER MaxCreatedTime
    Releases that were created before this time.
    .PARAMETER MinCreatedTime
    Releases that were created after this time.
    .PARAMETER EnvironmentStatusFilter
    Undefined, see link for documentation
    .PARAMETER StatusFilter
    Releases that have this status.
    .PARAMETER CreatedBy
    Releases created by this user.
    .PARAMETER SearchText
    Releases with names starting with searchText.
    .PARAMETER DefinitionEnvironmentId
    Undefined, see link for documentation
    .PARAMETER DefinitionId
    Releases from this release definition Id.
    .PARAMETER ReleaseIdFilter
    A comma-delimited list of releases Ids. Only releases with these Ids will be returned.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines release(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APRelease -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]







        [ValidateSet('approvals', 'artifacts', 'environments', 'manualInterventions', 'none', 'tags', 'variables')]



        [ValidateSet('ascending', 'descending')]










        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'release-releases'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APRepository.ps1
function Get-APRepository
    Returns an Azure Pipeline repository.
    Returns an Azure Pipeline repository by repository id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APRepositoryList.
    The id can be the guid or the name of the repository.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER RepositoryId
    The name or ID of the repository.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines build(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APRepository -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -RepositoryId 'myRepository'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]


        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'git-repositoryId') -f $RepositoryId
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APRepositoryList.ps1
function Get-APRepositoryList
    Returns a list Azure Pipeline repositories.
    Returns a list Azure Pipeline repositories.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER IncludeLinks
    [optional] True to include reference links. The default value is false.
    .PARAMETER IncludeAllUrls
    [optional] True to include all remote URLs. The default value is false.
    .PARAMETER IncludeHidden
    [optional] True to include hidden repositories. The default value is false.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines build(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APRepositoryList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]




        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'git-repositories'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APSession.ps1
Function Get-APSession
    Returns Azure Pipelines PS session data.
    Returns Azure Pipelines PS session data that has been stored in the users local application data.
    Use Save-APSession to persist the session data to disk.
    The sensetive data is returned encrypted.
    Session id.
    .PARAMETER SessionName
    The friendly name of the session.
    The path where session data will be stored, defaults to $Script:ModuleDataPath.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-APSession.
    PSObject. Get-APSession returns a PSObject that contains the following:
    C:\PS> Get-APSession

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ById',


        $Path = $Script:ModuleDataPath
        $_sessions = @()
        If (Test-Path $Path)
            $data = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json           
            Foreach ($_data in $data.SessionData)
                $_object = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{
                    Id         = $_data.Id
                    Instance   = $_data.Instance
                    Collection = $_data.Collection
                    Project    = $_data.Project
                    SessionName = $_data.SessionName
                    Version    = $_data.Version
                    Saved      = $_data.Saved
                If ($_data.PersonalAccessToken)
                    $_object | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'PersonalAccessToken' -NotePropertyValue ($_data.PersonalAccessToken | ConvertTo-SecureString)
                $_sessions += $_object
        If ($null -ne $Global:_APSessions)
            Foreach($_memSession in $Global:_APSessions)
                If ($_sessions.Id -contains $_memSession.Id)
                    $_sessions += $_memSession
        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ById')
            $_sessions = $_sessions | Where-Object {$PSItem.Id -eq $Id}
        If ($SessionName)
            $_sessions = $_sessions | Where-Object {$PSItem.SessionName -eq $SessionName}
        Return $_sessions
# Get-APStorageKey.ps1
function Get-APStorageKey
    Resolves a descriptor to a storage key.
    Resolves a descriptor to a storage key by user subject descriptor.
    The descriptor can be retrieved by using Get-APGroupList or Get-APUserList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER SubjectDescriptor
    The descriptor of the desired user or group.
    None, does not support the pipeline.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines account(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APStorageKey -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -ApiVersion 5.0-preview -SubjectDescriptor 'aad.OWRjNmIjMtZjNjY3ZDQ0LWIzOTgtZmYyMTM4N2E3NGJj'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]


        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        If($ApiVersion -notmatch '5.*')
            Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: User list is not supported in api versions earlier the 5.0." -ErrorAction 'Stop'
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'graph-storagekeys') -f $SubjectDescriptor
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'GET'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APTarget.ps1
function Get-APTarget
    Returns Azure Pipeline deployment group target.
    Returns Azure Pipeline deployment group target based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER DeploymentGroupId
    ID of the deployment target to return.
    ID of the deployment target to return.
    .PARAMETER Expand
    Include these additional details in the returned objects.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines deployment group.
    C:\PS> Get-APTarget -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -DeploymentGroupID 6 -TargetId 25

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]


        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByQuery')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-targetId') -f $DeploymentGroupID, $TargetId
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APTargetList.ps1
function Get-APTargetList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline deployment group targets.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline deployment group targets based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER DeploymentGroupId
    ID of the deployment group.
    Get only the deployment targets that contain all these comma separted list of tags.
    Name pattern of the deployment targets to return.
    .PARAMETER PartialNameMatch
    When set to true, treats name as pattern. Else treats it as absolute match. Default is false.
    .PARAMETER Expand
    Include these additional details in the returned objects.
    .PARAMETER AgentStatus
    Get only deployment targets that have this status.
    .PARAMETER AgentJobResult
    Get only deployment targets that have this last job result.
    .PARAMETER ContinuationToken
    Get deployment targets with names greater than this continuationToken lexicographically.
    Maximum number of deployment targets to return. Default is 1000.
    .PARAMETER Enabled
    Get only deployment targets that are enabled or disabled. Default is 'null' which returns all the targets.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines deployment group.
    C:\PS> Get-APTargetList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -DeploymentGroupID 6

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]




        [ValidateSet('assignedRequest', 'capabilities', 'lastCompletedRequest', 'none')]
        [ValidateSet('all', 'offline', 'online')]

        [ValidateSet('all', 'failed', 'neverDeployed', 'passed')]




        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken

        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-targets') -f $DeploymentGroupID
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APTaskGroupList.ps1
function Get-APTaskGroupList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline task groups.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline task groups based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER TaskGroupId
    Id of the task group.
    .PARAMETER Expanded
    'true' to recursively expand task groups. Default is 'false'.
    .PARAMETER TaskIdFilter
    Guid of the taskId to filter.
    .PARAMETER Deleted
   'true'to include deleted task groups. Default is 'false'.
    Number of task groups to get.
    .PARAMETER ContinuationToken
    Gets the task groups after the continuation token provided.
    .PARAMETER QueryOrder
    Gets the results in the defined order. Default is 'CreatedOnDescending'.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines build(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APTaskGroupList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]








        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'taskgroup-taskgroups'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            Return $results.value
            Return $results
# Get-APTeamList.ps1
function Get-APTeamList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline group entitlements.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline group entitlements based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    If true return all the teams requesting user is member, otherwise return all the teams user has read access
    Maximum number of teams to return.
    Number of teams to skip.
    None, does not support the pipeline.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines account(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APTeamList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -ApiVersion 5.0-preview

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]




        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'team-teams'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'GET'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APUser.ps1
function Get-APUser
    Returns an Azure Pipeline user.
    Returns Azure Pipeline user by user descriptor.
    The descriptor can be retrieved by using Get-APUserList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER UserDescriptor
    The descriptor of the desired user.
    None, does not support the pipeline.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines account(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APUser -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -ApiVersion 5.0-preview -UserDescriptor 'aad.OWRjNmIjMtZjNjY3ZDQ0LWIzOTgtZmYyMTM4N2E3NGJj'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]


        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        If($ApiVersion -notmatch '5.*')
            Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: User list is not supported in api versions earlier the 5.0." -ErrorAction 'Stop'
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'graph-userId') -f $UserDescriptor
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'GET'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APUserList.ps1
function Get-APUserList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline users.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline users based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER SubjectTypes
    A comma separated list of user subject subtypes to reduce the retrieved results, e.g. msa’, ‘aad’, ‘svc’ (service identity), ‘imp’ (imported identity), etc.
    .PARAMETER ContinuationToken
    An opaque data blob that allows the next page of data to resume immediately after where the previous page ended. The only reliable way to know if there is more data left is the presence of a continuation token.
    None, does not support the pipeline.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines account(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APUserList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -ApiVersion 5.0-preview

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]



        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        If($ApiVersion -notmatch '5.*')
            Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: User list is not supported in api versions earlier the 5.0." -ErrorAction 'Stop'
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'graph-users'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'GET'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APVariableGroup.ps1
function Get-APVariableGroup
    Returns an Azure Pipeline variable group.
    Returns an Azure Pipeline variable group by group id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APVariableGroupList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    Id of the variable group.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines build(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APVariableGroup -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -GroupId 7

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken

        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-variablegroupId') -f $GroupId
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Get-APVariableGroupList.ps1
function Get-APVariableGroupList
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline variable groups.
    Returns a list of Azure Pipeline variable groups based on a filter query.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER GroupName
    Name of variable group.
    .PARAMETER ActionFilter
    Action filter for the variable group. It specifies the action which can be performed on the variable groups.
    Number of variable groups to get.
    .PARAMETER ContinuationToken
    Gets the releases after the continuation token provided.
    .PARAMETER QueryOrder
    Gets the results in the defined order. Default is 'IdDescending'.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines release definition(s)
    C:\PS> Get-APVariableGroupList -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]

        [ValidateSet('manage', 'none', 'use')]



        [ValidateSet('idAscending', 'idDescending')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-variablegroups'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method     = 'GET'
            Uri        = $uri
            Credential = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
            Return $results
# Install-APAgent.ps1
Function Install-APAgent
    Installs a Azure Pipelines agent on the server executing the function.
    Installs a Azure Pipelines agent.
    The agent can be configured to listen to a pool or a deployment group.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    The pool name.
    .PARAMETER DeploymentGroupName
    The deployment group name.
    .PARAMETER DeploymentGroupTag
    The deployment group tags.
    .PARAMETER Platform
    Operating system platform.
    .PARAMETER PatAuthentication
    Authenticate with a personal access token.
    .PARAMETER IntegratedAuthentication
    Authenticate with a integrated credentials.
    .PARAMETER NegotiateAuthentication
    Authenticate with a negotiation, this requires a credential.
    .PARAMETER ProxyUrl
    The url of the proxy.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to authenticate.
    .PARAMETER WindowsLogonCredential
    Specifies a user account that will run the windows service.
    .PARAMETER AgentWorkingFolder
    Agent's working directory, this must be unique to the agent, defaults to '_work'.
    .PARAMETER RootAgentFolder
    The directory where the agent will be installed, defaults to 'Agents'.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Install-APAgent.
    String. Install-APAgent returns log from configuration.
    C:\PS> Install-Agent -PatAuthentication -PersonalAccessToken 'myToken' -DeploymentGroupName 'Dev' -DeploymentGroupTag 'myTag' -Collection 'myCollection' -TeamProject 'AzurePipelinesPS' -Platform 'Windows'
    C:\PS> Install-Agent -NegotiateAuthentication -Credential $pscredential -Pool 'Default' -Collection 'myCollection' -TeamProject 'AzurePipelinesPS' -Platform 'Linux'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]




        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByPatAuthenticationPool")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByPatAuthenticationDeploymentGroup")]

            ParameterSetName = "ByNegotiateAuthenticationPool")]
            ParameterSetName = "ByNegotiateAuthenticationDeploymentGroup")]

            ParameterSetName = "ByPatAuthenticationPool")]
            ParameterSetName = "ByIntegratedAuthenticationPool")]
            ParameterSetName = "ByNegotiateAuthenticationPool")]

            ParameterSetName = "ByPatAuthenticationDeploymentGroup")]
            ParameterSetName = "ByIntegratedAuthenticationDeploymentGroup")]
            ParameterSetName = "ByNegotiateAuthenticationDeploymentGroup")]


        [ValidateSet('Windows', 'ubuntu.16.04-x64', 'ubuntu.14.04-x64')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByPatAuthenticationPool")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByPatAuthenticationDeploymentGroup")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByIntegratedAuthenticationPool")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByIntegratedAuthenticationDeploymentGroup")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByNegotiateAuthenticationPool")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByNegotiateAuthenticationDeploymentGroup")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByPatAuthenticationPool")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByIntegratedAuthenticationPool")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByNegotiateAuthenticationPool")]


        $AgentWorkingFolder = '_work',

        $RootAgentFolder = 'C:\vstsAgents'

    $arguments = @(
        "--projectName `"{0}`"" -f $Project
        "--url $Instance$Collection"
        "--work `"{0}`"" -f $AgentWorkingFolder
    If ($Pool)
        $arguments += "--pool `"{0}`"" -f $Pool
    If ($DeploymentGroupName)
        Write-Verbose "Configuring agent for deployment group: [$DeploymentGroupName]"
        $arguments += "--deploymentGroup"
        $arguments += "--deploymentGroupName `"{0}`"" -f $DeploymentGroupName
        If ($DeploymentGroupTag)
            Write-Verbose ("Adding the following deployment tags: [{0}]" -f ($DeploymentGroupTag -join ', '))
            $arguments += "--addDeploymentGroupTags"
            $arguments += ("--deploymentGroupTags `"{0}`"" -f ($DeploymentGroupTag -join ', '))
    If ($WindowsLogonCredential.UserName)
        Write-Verbose "Configuring the target agent to use a windows logon account: [$($WindowsLogonCredential.Username)]"
        $arguments += ("--windowsLogonAccount {0}" -f $WindowsLogonCredential.UserName)
        $arguments += ("--windowsLogonPassword `"{0}`"" -f $WindowsLogonCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
    If ($PatAuthentication)
        $plainTextPat = Unprotect-APSecurePersonalAccessToken -PersonalAccessToken $PersonalAccessToken
        If (-not($plainTextPat))
            Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: A personal access Token is required to use PAT authentications" -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Verbose "Authenticating using [PAT]"
        $arguments += "--auth Pat"
        $arguments += "--token $plainTextPat"
    If ($IntegratedAuthentication)
        Write-Verbose "Authenticating using [Integrated]"
        $arguments += "--auth integrated"
    If ($NegotiateAuthentication)
        Write-Verbose "Authenticating using [Negotiate]"
        $arguments += "--auth negotiate"
        $arguments += ("--userName {0}" -f $Credential.UserName)
        $arguments += ("--password {0}" -f $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
    If ($ProxyUrl)
        Write-Verbose "Using proxy url [$ProxyUrl]"
        $arguments += "--proxyurl $proxyUrl"
    If (-not (Test-Path $RootAgentFolder))
        Write-Verbose "Creating root agent path: [$RootAgentFolder]"  
        $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $RootAgentFolder
    Set-Location $RootAgentFolder
    for ($i = 1; $i -lt 100; $i++)
        $destFolder = 'A' + $i.ToString()
        if (-not (Test-Path ($destFolder)))
            Write-Verbose "Creating destination folder: [$destFolder]"
            $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $destFolder
            Set-Location $destFolder
    # Download agent
    $agentZip = "$PWD\"
    $securityProtocol = @()
    $securityProtocol += [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol
    $securityProtocol += [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $securityProtocol
    $WebClient = New-Object Net.WebClient
    $uri = Get-APAgentPackage -Platform $Platform -Instance $Instance -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
    If (-not($uri))
        Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Unable to locate package url!" -ErrorAction Stop
    If ($ProxyUrl)
        $DefaultProxy = [System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy
        $WebClient.Proxy = New-Object Net.WebProxy($DefaultProxy.GetProxy($ProxyUrl), $True)
    Write-Verbose "Downloading agent package from: [$uri]"
    $WebClient.DownloadFile($uri, $agentZip)
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
    Write-Verbose "Extracting agent package"
    [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory( $agentZip, "$PWD")
    Remove-Item $agentZip
    Write-Verbose "Configuring agent: [$arguments]"

    # Configure agent
    $arguments += "--agent {0}-{1}" -f $env:COMPUTERNAME, $destFolder
    $startprocessSplat = @{
        NoNewWindow            = $true
        Wait                   = $true
        FilePath               = "$RootAgentFolder\$destFolder\config.cmd"
        ArgumentList           = $arguments
        WorkingDirectory       = "$RootAgentFolder\$destFolder"
        RedirectStandardError  = 'errorResults.log'
        RedirectStandardOutput = 'results.log'
    Start-Process @startprocessSplat
    Get-Content .\results.log
    $errorResults = Get-Content .\errorResults.log
    If ($errorResults)
        Write-Error $errorResults

# Invoke-APRestMethod.ps1
function Invoke-APRestMethod
    Invokes an Azure Pipelines PS rest method.
    Invokes an Azure Pipelines PS rest method.
    .PARAMETER Method
    Specifies the method used for the web request.
    Specifies the body of the request. The body is the content of the request that follows the headers.
    .PARAMETER ContentType
    Specifies the content type of the web request. If this parameter is omitted and the request method is POST, Invoke-RestMethod sets the content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Otherwise, the content type is not specified in the call.
    Specifies the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Internet resource to which the web request is sent. This parameter supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and FILE values.
    .PARAMETER UseBasicParsing
    This parameter has been deprecated. Beginning with PowerShell 6.0.0, all Web requests use basic parsing only.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request. The default is the Personal Access Token if it is defined, otherwise it is the current user.
    System.Int64, System.String, System.Xml.XmlDocument, The output of the cmdlet depends upon the format of the content that is retrieved.
    PSObject, If the request returns JSON strings, Invoke-RestMethod returns a PSObject that represents the strings.
    C:\PS> Invoke-APRestMethod -Method PATCH -Body $Body -ContentType 'application/json' -Uri ''








        $invokeRestMethodSplat = @{
            ContentType     = $ContentType
            Method          = $Method
            UseBasicParsing = $true
            Uri             = $uri.AbsoluteUri
            $invokeRestMethodSplat.Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 
        $authenticatedRestMethodSplat = Set-APAuthenticationType -InputObject $invokeRestMethodSplat -Credential $Credential -PersonalAccessToken $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-RestMethod @authenticatedRestMethodSplat
        Return $results

# New-APBuild.ps1
function New-APBuild
    Creates an Azure Pipeline build.
    Creates an Azure Pipeline build by build definition name.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    The name of the build definition to queue.
    .PARAMETER IgnoreWarnings
    .PARAMETER CheckInTicket
    .PARAMETER SourceBuildId
    .PARAMETER SourceBranch
    The branch to get sources.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines build.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]






        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $getAPBuildDefinitionListSplat = @{
            Collection = $Collection
            Instance = $Instance
            Project = $Project
            ApiVersion = $ApiVersion
            Name = $Name
            $getAPBuildDefinitionListSplat.Credential = $Credential
            $getAPBuildDefinitionListSplat.PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $definition = Get-APBuildDefinitionList @getAPBuildDefinitionListSplat
        $body = @{
            definition = $definition
            $body.SourceBranch = $SourceBranch
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'build-builds'
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'POST'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
            Body                = $body
            ContentType         = 'application/json'
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# New-APRelease.ps1
function New-APRelease
    Creates an Azure Pipeline release.
    Creates an Azure Pipeline release by definition id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APReleaseList.
  .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER DefinitionId
    Sets definition Id to create a release.
    .PARAMETER BuildId
    Id of the build to use as the artifact source, defaults to the latest build id.
    The buildId parameter does not support releases with multiple artifacts.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Sets description to create a release.
    .PARAMETER Reason
    Sets reason to create a release.
    .PARAMETER ManualEnvironments
    Sets list of environments to manual as condition.
    .PARAMETER IsDraft
    Sets 'true' to create release in draft mode, 'false' otherwise, defaults to 'false'.
    .PARAMETER Variables
    Sets list of release variables to be overridden at deployment time.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines variable group.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]




        [ValidateSet('continuousIntegration', 'manual', 'none', 'pullRequest', 'schedule')]


        $IsDraft = $false,


        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $getAPReleaseDefinitionSplat = @{
            Collection   = $Collection
            Project      = $Project
            ApiVersion   = $ApiVersion
            Instance     = $Instance
            DefinitionId = $DefinitionId
        If ($PersonalAccessToken)
            $getAPReleaseDefinitionSplat.PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        If ($Credential)
            $getAPReleaseDefinitionSplat.Credential = $Credential
        $definition = Get-APReleaseDefinition @getAPReleaseDefinitionSplat
        $_artifacts = @()
        Foreach ($artifactSource in $Definition.artifacts)
            $getAPBuildDefinitionSplat = @{
                Collection = $Collection
                Project    = $Project
                ApiVersion = $ApiVersion
                Instance   = $Instance
                Top        = 1
            If ($BuildId)
                $getAPBuildDefinitionSplat.BuildIds = $BuildId
                $getAPBuildDefinitionSplat.Definitions = $            
            If ($PersonalAccessToken)
                $getAPReleaseDefinitionSplat.PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
            If ($Credential)
                $getAPReleaseDefinitionSplat.Credential = $Credential
            $build = Get-APBuildList @getAPBuildDefinitionSplat
            $_artifacts += @{
                alias             = $artifactSource.alias
                instanceReference = @{
                    id   = $
                    name = $build.buildNumber
        $body = @{
            DefinitionId       = $DefinitionId
            Description        = $Description
            Reason             = $Reason
            ManualEnvironments = $ManualEnvironments
            isDraft            = $IsDraft
            artifacts          = $_artifacts
        If ($Variables)
            $_variables = @{}
            Foreach ($token in $Variables.Keys)
                $_variables.$token = @{
                    Value = $Variables.$token
            $body.Variables = $_variables
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'release-releases'
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'POST'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
            Body                = $body
            ContentType         = 'application/json'
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# New-APRepository.ps1
function New-APRepository
    Creates and Azure Pipeline repository.
    Creates and Azure Pipeline repository.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    The name of the repository to create.
    .PARAMETER ParentRepository
    The parent repository.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines build(s)
    C:\PS> New-APRepository -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -Name 'myFirstRepository'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]


        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $getAPProjectListSplat = @{
            Collection = $Collection
            Instance = $Instance
            ApiVersion = $ApiVersion
            $getAPProjectListSplat.PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
            $getAPProjectListSplat.Credential = $Credential
        $projectId = Get-APProjectList @getAPProjectListSplat | Where-Object {$PSItem.Name -eq $Project} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'id'
        $body = @{
            name = $Name
            project = @{
                id = $projectId
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'git-repositories'
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'POST'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
            Body                = $body
            ContentType         = 'application/json'
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# New-APSession.ps1
Function New-APSession
    Creates an Azure Pipelines session.
    Creates an Azure Pipelines session.
    Use Save-APSession to persist the session data to disk.
    Save the session to a variable to pass the session to other functions.
    .PARAMETER SessionName
    The friendly name of the session.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    See example 1.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Version
    TFS version, this will provide the module with the api version mappings.
    The friendly name of the mdoule data instance, configured by Save-APSession.
    The path where module data will be stored, defaults to $Script:ModuleDataPath.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to New-APSession.
    PSObject. New-APSession returns a PSObject that contains the following:
    C:\PS> New-APSession





        [ValidateSet('vNext', '2018 Update 2', '2018 RTW', '2017 Update 2', '2017 Update 1', '2017 RTW', '2015 Update 4', '2015 Update 3', '2015 Update 2', '2015 Update 1', '2015 RTW')]

        $Path = $Script:ModuleDataPath
        $_sessions = Get-APSession
        $sessionCount = $_sessions.Id.count
        $_session = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{
            Instance            = $Instance
            Collection          = $Collection
            Project             = $Project
            Version             = $Version
            SessionName         = $SessionName
            Id                  = $sessionCount++
        If ($PersonalAccessToken)
            $securedPat = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $PersonalAccessToken -AsPlainText -Force)
            $_session | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'PersonalAccessToken' -NotePropertyValue $securedPat
        If($null -eq $Global:_APSessions)
            $Global:_APSessions = @()
        $Global:_APSessions += $_session
        Return $_session

# Publish-APBuildDefinition.ps1
function Publish-APBuildDefinition
    Creates an Azure Pipelines build definition.
    Creates an Azure Pipelines build definition by a template.
    A template can be retrieved by Get-APBuildDefinition.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER DefinitionToCloneId
    Undefinied, see link for documentation.
    .PARAMETER DefinitionToCloneRevision
    Undefinied, see link for documentation.
    .PARAMETER ValidateProcessOnly
    Undefinied, see link for documentation.
    .PARAMETER Template
    The template provided by Get-APBuildDefinition.
    PSObject, the template provided by Get-APBuildDefinition.
    PSobject, Azure Pipelines build.
    C:\PS> Publish-APBuildDefinition -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -DefinitionObject $template

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]




        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $body = $Template
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'build-definitions'
        $queryParameters = Set-APQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
            Query       = $queryParameters
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            ContentType = 'application/json'
            Body        = $body
            Method      = 'POST'
            Uri         = $uri
            Credential  = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
            Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: returned nothing." -ErrorAction Stop
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Publish-APReleaseDefinition.ps1
function Publish-APReleaseDefinition
    Creates an Azure Pipelines release definition.
    Creates an Azure Pipelines release definition by using a template.
    The template can be retrieved by using Get-APReleaseDefinition.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Template
    The template provided by Get-APReleaseDefinition.
    PSObject, the template provided by Get-APReleaseDefinition.
    PSobject, Azure Pipelines build.
    C:\PS> Publish-APReleaseDefinition -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -DefinitionObject $template

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $body = $Template
        $apiEndpoint = Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'release-definitions'
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            ContentType = 'application/json'
            Body        = $body
            Method      = 'POST'
            Uri         = $uri
            Credential  = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            Return $results.value
            Return $results
# Remove-APBuild.ps1
function Remove-APBuild
    Deletes an Azure Pipeline build.
    Deletes an Azure Pipeline build by build id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APBuildList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER BuildId
    The ID of the build to be deleted.
    None, Remove-APBuild returns nothing.
    C:\PS> Remove-APBuild -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -BuildId 5

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'build-buildId') -f $BuildId
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'DELETE'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Remove-APBuildDefinition.ps1
function Remove-APBuildDefinition
    Deletes an Azure Pipeline build definition.
    Deletes an Azure Pipeline build definition by definition id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APBuildDefinitionList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER DefinitionId
    The ID of the definition to be deleted.
    None, Remove-APBuildDefinition returns nothing.
    C:\PS> Remove-APBuildDefinition -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -DefinitionId 5

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'build-definitionId') -f $DefinitionId
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'DELETE'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Remove-APDeploymentGroup.ps1
function Remove-APDeploymentGroup
    Deletes an Azure Pipeline deployment group.
    Deletes an Azure Pipeline deployment group by deployment group id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APDeploymentGroupList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER DeploymentGroupId
    ID of the deployment group to be deleted.
    None, Remove-APDeploymentGroup returns nothing.
    C:\PS> Remove-APDeploymentGroup -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -DeploymentGroupID 6

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-deploymentGroupId') -f $DeploymentGroupID
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method      = 'DELETE'
            Uri         = $uri
            Credential  = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Remove-APReleaseDefinition.ps1
function Remove-APReleaseDefinition
    Deletes an Azure Pipeline release definition.
    Deletes an Azure Pipeline release definition by definition id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APReleaseDefinitionList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER DefinitionId
    The ID of the definition to be deleted.
    None, Remove-APReleaseDefinition returns nothing.
    C:\PS> Remove-APReleaseDefinition -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -DefinitionId 5

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'release-definitionId') -f $DefinitionId
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method      = 'DELETE'
            Uri         = $uri
            Credential  = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Remove-APSession.ps1
Function Remove-APSession
    Removes an Azure Pipelines PS session.
    Removes an Azure Pipelines PS session.
    If the session is saved, it will be removed from the saved sessions as well.
    Session id.
    The path where session data will be stored, defaults to $Script:ModuleDataPath.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Remove-APSession.
    PSObject. Remove-APSession returns a PSObject that contains the following:
    C:\PS> Remove-APSession

        $Path = $Script:ModuleDataPath  
        $sessions = Get-APSession -Id $Id
        Foreach($session in $sessions)
            If ($session.Saved -eq $true)
                $newData = @{SessionData = @()}
                $data = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
                Foreach ($_data in $data.SessionData)
                    If ($_data.Id -eq $session.Id)
                        $newData.SessionData += $_data
                $newData | Convertto-Json -Depth 5 | Out-File -FilePath $Path
            $Global:_APSessions = $Global:_APSessions | Where-Object {$PSItem.Id -ne $session.Id}
# Remove-APTarget.ps1
function Remove-APTarget
    Deletes an Azure Pipeline deployment group target.
    Deletes an Azure Pipeline deployment group target by the deployment group id and the target id.
    The deployment group id can be retrieved by using Get-APDeploymentGroupList.
    The target id can be retrieved by using Get-APTargetList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER DeploymentGroupId
    ID of the deployment group in which deployment target is deleted.
    .PARAMETER TargetId
    ID of the deployment target to delete.
    None, Remove-APTarget returns nothing.
    C:\PS> Remove-APTarget -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -DeploymentGroupID 6 -TargetId 25

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]


        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-targetId') -f $DeploymentGroupID, $TargetId
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method      = 'DELETE'
            Uri         = $uri
            Credential  = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Remove-APVariableGroup.ps1
function Remove-APVariableGroup
    Deletes an Azure Pipeline variable group.
    Deletes an Azure Pipeline variable group by group id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APVariableGroupList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the Group to be deleted.
    None, Remove-APVariableGroup returns nothing.
    C:\PS> Remove-APVariableGroup -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -GroupId 5

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-variablegroupId') -f $GroupId
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method      = 'DELETE'
            Uri         = $uri
            Credential  = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Save-APSession.ps1
Function Save-APSession
    Saves an Azure Pipelines PS session to disk.
    Saves an Azure Pipelines PS session to disk.
    The sensetive data is encrypted and stored in the users local application data.
    These saved sessions will be available next time the module is imported.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    The path where session data will be stored, defaults to $Script:ModuleDataPath.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Save-APSession.
    None. Save-APSession returns nothing.
    C:\PS> Save-APSession -Instance '' -Collection 'myOrganization'
    C:\PS> Save-APSession -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection'
    C:\PS> Save-APSession -PersonalAccessToken 'myPatToken'

        $Path = $Script:ModuleDataPath        
        If (-not(Test-Path $Path))
            $data = @{SessionData = @()}
            $data = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json           
        $_object = @{
            Version     = $Session.Version
            Instance    = $Session.Instance
            Id          = $Session.Id
            SessionName = $Session.SessionName
            Collection  = $Session.Collection
            Project     = $Session.Project
            Saved       = $true
        If ($Session.PersonalAccessToken)
            $_object.PersonalAccessToken = ($Session.PersonalAccessToken | ConvertFrom-SecureString) 
        $data.SessionData += $_object
        $session | Remove-APSession -Path $Path
        $data | Convertto-Json -Depth 5 | Out-File -FilePath $Path
        Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: [$SessionName]: Session data has been stored at [$Path]"

# Update-APApproval.ps1
function Update-ApApproval
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline approval.
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline deployment approval by approval id.
    The approval id can be retrieved by using Get-APApprovalList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER ApprovalId
    Id of the approval.
    .PARAMETER Status
    The status for the updated approval.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    The comment for the updated approval.
    PSobject, An Azure Pipelines approval.
    C:\PS> Update-APDeploymentGroup -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -DeploymentGroupID 6 -Id 30 -Tags 'myFirstTag', 'mySecondTag'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]



        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $body = @{
            status = $Status
            $body.comment = $Comment
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'release-approvalId') -f $ApprovalId
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method      = 'PATCH'
            Uri         = $uri
            Credential  = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
            Body        = $body
            ContentType = 'application/json'
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Update-APBuildDefinition.ps1
function Update-APBuildDefinition
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline build definition.
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline build definition by a template.
    A template can retrived by using Get-APBuildDefinition.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Template
    The template provided by Get-APBuildDefinition.
    PSObject, the template provided by Get-APBuildDefinition
    PSobject, Azure Pipelines build.
    C:\PS> Update-APBuildDefinition -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -Template $template

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $body = $Template
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'build-definitionId') -f $body.Id
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            ContentType = 'application/json'
            Body        = $body
            Method      = 'PUT'
            Uri         = $uri
            Credential  = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            Return $results.value
            Return $results
# Update-APDeploymentGroup.ps1
function Update-APDeploymentGroup
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline deployment group.
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline deployment group by deployment group id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APDeploymentGroupList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER DeploymentGroupId
    ID of the deployment.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Description of the deployment group.
    Name of the deployment group.
    PSobject, An Azure Pipelines deployment group.
    C:\PS> Update-APDeploymentGroup -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -DeploymentGroupID 6

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]



        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $body = @{
            Name        = $Name
            Description = $Description
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-deploymentGroupId') -f $DeploymentGroupID
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'PATCH'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
            Body                = $body
            ContentType         = 'application/json'
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Update-APRelease.ps1
function Update-APRelease
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline release.
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline release by release id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APreleaseList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Template
    The template provided by Get-APRelease.
    None, Update-APRelease returns Azure Pipelines release definition.
    C:\PS> Update-APRelease -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -ReleaseId 5

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $body = $Template
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'release-releaseId') -f $ReleaseId
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            ContentType = 'application/json'
            Body        = $body
            Method      = 'PUT'
            Uri         = $uri
            Credential  = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            Return $results.value
            Return $results
# Update-APReleaseDefinition.ps1
function Update-APReleaseDefinition
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline release definition.
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline release definition by a template.
    A template can retrived by using Get-APReleaseDefinition.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Template
    The template provided by Get-APReleaseDefinition.
    PSObject, the template provided by Get-APReleaseDefinition
    PSobject, Azure Pipelines build.
    C:\PS> Update-APReleaseDefinition -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -Template $template

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $body = $Template
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'release-definitionId') -f $body.Id
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            ContentType = 'application/json'
            Body        = $body
            Method      = 'PUT'
            Uri         = $uri
            Credential  = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            Return $results.value
            Return $results
# Update-APReleaseEnvironment.ps1
function Update-APReleaseEnvironment
    Update the status of a release environment.
    Update the status of a release environment by release id and environment id
    The release id can be retrieved by using Get-APReleaseList.
    The environment id can be retrieved by using Get-APRelease and providing the release id.
    The environment id is nested in the release object that is returned.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER ReleaseID
    Id of the release.
    .PARAMETER EnvironmentID
    Id of the release environment.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    Comment used for the release status change.
    .PARAMETER ScheduledDeploymentTime
    Scheduled deployment time.
    .PARAMETER Status
    Environment status.
    PSObject, Release Environment
    C:\PS> Update-APReleaseEnvironment -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -ReleaseId 3 -EnvironmentId 8099

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]




        [ValidateSet('canceled', 'inProgress', 'notStarted', 'partiallySucceeded', 'queued', 'rejected', 'scheduled', 'succeeded', 'undefined')]

        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $body = @{
            status = $Status
        if ($Comment)
            $body.comment = $Comment
        If ($ScheduledDeploymentTime)
            $body.scheduledDeploymentTime = $ScheduledDeploymentTime
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'release-environmentId') -f $ReleaseId, $EnvironmentId
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri -Instance $Instance -Collection $Collection -Project $Project -ApiEndpoint $apiEndpoint -ApiVersion $ApiVersion
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            ContentType         = 'application/json'
            Method              = 'PATCH'
            Body                = $body
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat
# Update-APReleaseResource.ps1
function Update-APReleaseResource
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline release resources.
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline release resources by release id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APreleaseList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER ReleaseId
    The id of the release to ne modified.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    Sets comment for release.
    .PARAMETER KeepForever
    Set 'true' to exclude the release from retention policies.
    .PARAMETER ManualEnvironments
    Sets list of manual environments.
    .PARAMETER Status
    Sets status of the release.
    None, Update-APReleaseResource returns Azure Pipelines release definition.
    C:\PS> Update-APReleaseResource -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -ReleaseId 5 -Comment 'This is completed'
    C:\PS> Update-APReleaseResource -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -ReleaseId 5 -Status 'abandoned'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]


        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $body = @{}
        If($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Comment')
            $body.comment = $Comment
        If($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'KeepForever')        
            $body.KeepForever = $KeepForever
        If($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'ManualEnvironments')        
            $body.ManualEnvironments = $ManualEnvironments
        If($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Status')        
            $body.Status = $Status
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'release-releaseId') -f $ReleaseId
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            ContentType = 'application/json'
            Body        = $body
            Method      = 'PATCH'
            Uri         = $uri
            Credential  = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.count -eq 0)
        ElseIf ($results.value)
            Return $results.value
            Return $results
# Update-APTarget.ps1
function Update-APTarget
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline deployment group target.
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline deployment group target.
    The deployment group id can be retrieved by using Get-APDeploymentGroupList.
    The target id can be retrieved by using Get-APTargetList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER DeploymentGroupId
    ID of the deployment.
    Identifier of the deployment target.
    Tags for the deployment target.
    PSobject, An Azure Pipelines deployment group target.
    C:\PS> Update-APDeploymentGroup -Instance '' -Collection 'myCollection' -Project 'myFirstProject' -DeploymentGroupID 6 -Id 30 -Tags 'myFirstTag', 'mySecondTag'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]



        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        $body = @{
            Tags = ($Tags -join ',')
            Id   = $Description
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-targets') -f $DeploymentGroupID
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method      = 'PATCH'
            Uri         = $uri
            Credential  = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
            Body        = $body
            ContentType = 'application/json'
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Update-APVariableGroup.ps1
function Update-APVariableGroup
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline variable group.
    Modifies an Azure Pipeline variable group by group id.
    The id can be retrieved by using Get-APVariableGroupList.
    .PARAMETER Instance
    The Team Services account or TFS server.
    .PARAMETER Collection
    For Azure DevOps the value for collection should be the name of your orginization.
    For both Team Services and TFS The value should be DefaultCollection unless another collection has been created.
    .PARAMETER Project
    Project ID or project name.
    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
    Version of the api to use.
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
    Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string.
    It is recomended to uses an Azure Pipelines PS session to pass the personal access token parameter among funcitons, See New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    Id of the variable group.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Azure DevOps PS session, created by New-APSession.
    .PARAMETER Description
    Sets description of the variable group.
    Sets name of the variable group.
    .PARAMETER Variables
    Sets variables contained in the variable group.
    PSObject, Azure Pipelines variable group.
    $varibales = @{
        Var1 = 'updated val1'
        Var2 = 'updated val2'
        Var3 = 'updated val3'
    $updateAPVariableGroupSplat = @{
        Description = 'my updated variable group'
        Name = 'myUpdatedVariableGroup'
        Variables = $varibales
        Instance = ''
        Collection = 'myCollection'
        Project = 'myFirstProject'
        GroupId = 2
    Update-APVariableGroup @updateAPVariableGroupSplat

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]
            ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')]

            ParameterSetName = 'BySession')]





        If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession')
            $currentSession = $Session | Get-APSession
            If ($currentSession)
                $Instance = $currentSession.Instance
                $Collection = $currentSession.Collection
                $Project = $currentSession.Project
                $ApiVersion = (Get-APApiVersion -Version $currentSession.Version)
                $PersonalAccessToken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken
        If($Variables.GetType().Name -eq 'hashtable')
            $_variables = @{}
            Foreach ($token in $Variables.Keys)
                $_variables.$token = @{
                    Value = $Variables.$token
            $_variables = $Variables    
        $body = @{
            Name        = $Name
            Description = $Description
            Type        = 'Vsts'
            Variables   = $_variables
        $apiEndpoint = (Get-APApiEndpoint -ApiType 'distributedtask-VariableGroupId') -f $GroupId
        $setAPUriSplat = @{
            Collection  = $Collection
            Instance    = $Instance
            Project     = $Project
            ApiVersion  = $ApiVersion
            ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint
        [uri] $uri = Set-APUri @setAPUriSplat
        $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{
            Method              = 'PUT'
            Uri                 = $uri
            Credential          = $Credential
            PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken
            Body                = $body
            ContentType         = 'application/json'
        $results = Invoke-APRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat 
        If ($results.value)
            return $results.value
            return $results
# Imported from [D:\_work\1\s\AzurePipelinesPS\Tests]