function Beautify-AzurePIMTestResult { <# .SYNOPSIS Beautifies the returned output of the Test-AzurePIMRESOURCE functions. .PARAMETER TestResult The input test result object. .PARAMETER FunctionName Name of the function which returned the output. .PARAMETER DoNotShowPropertyChanges Do not print property changes from the test result object. .EXAMPLE PS> Test-AzurePIMGroup | Beautify-AzurePIMTestResult #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object] $TestResult, [string] $FunctionName = "AzurePIM", [switch] $DoNotShowPropertyChanges ) process { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -FunctionName $FunctionName -String "AzurePIM.TestResult.BeautifySimple" -StringValues $TestResult.Tenant, $TestResult.ResourceName, $TestResult.ResourceType, $TestResult.ActionType, (Get-ActionColor -Action $TestResult.ActionType) if (!$DoNotShowPropertyChanges) { if ($TestResult.ActionType -eq "Update") { foreach ($change in $TestResult.Changes) { foreach ($action in $change.Actions.Keys) { $value = $change.Actions[$action] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 8 Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -FunctionName $FunctionName -String "AzurePIM.TestResult.BeautifyPropertyChange" -StringValues $TestResult.Tenant, $TestResult.ResourceName, $TestResult.ResourceType, $change.Property, $action, $value } } } } } } |