function Get-AHDBAllocation { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets every Azure DB and returns key information to help make choices about reducing the cost of your SQL DBs. .DESCRIPTION Get-AHDBAllocation is a function that returns a list of Azure SQL DBs and the maximum cpu_percent over the past 14 days,how the licenses are being paid for, and how many CPUs are allocated. .PARAMETER AllSubscriptions Run this command against all subscriptions. .PARAMETER Subscription Specifies the subscription to run against. The default is the current subscription. .EXAMPLE Get-AHDBAllocation -AllSubscriptions .EXAMPLE Get-AHDBAllocation -AllSubscriptions | Export-Csv DBAllocation.csv -NoTypeInformation .INPUTS String .OUTPUTS Selected.Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Database.Model.AzureSqlDatabaseModel .NOTES Author: Paul Harrison #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Switch] $AllSubscriptions, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Subscription, [switch] $IncludeCost ) begin { Test-AHEnvironment $SelectSplat = @{N = 'Subscription'; E = { (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Name } }, 'ResourceGroupName', 'ServerName', 'DatabaseName', 'DatabaseId', 'CurrentServiceObjectiveName', 'Capacity', 'Family', 'SkuName', 'LicenseType', 'Location', 'ZoneRedundant', @{N = "MaxCPU"; E = { ((Get-AzMetric -WarningAction 0 -ResourceId $_.ResourceId -MetricName cpu_percent -TimeGrain 01:00:00 -StartTime ((Get-Date).AddDays(-14)) -EndTime (Get-Date) -AggregationType Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Data).maximum | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum } } If($IncludeCost){ $SelectSplat += @{N='Last30DayCost';E={Get-AHResourceCost -ResourceId $_.ResourceId -ToThePenny}} } $MyScriptBlock = { Get-AzSqlServer | Get-AzSqlDatabase | Select-Object -Property $SelectSplat } } process { if ($Subscription) { $Subscription | Invoke-AzureCommand -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock } else { Invoke-AzureCommand -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -AllSubscriptions:$AllSubscriptions } } } |