
Function New-AHRoute {
    Creates a new UDR to allow traffic to an Azure Service
    New-Route provides a GUI and automation to add all the routes needed
    for a UDR for access to a particular service endpoint.
.PARAMETER MaxRoutesPerRouteTable
    The current limitation for routes per route table is 400. If that limit
    is changed then override that limit by using this parameter.
     New-AHRoute -MaxRoutePerRouteTable 500
    Author: Paul Harrison

        $MaxRoutesPerRouteTable = 400

    If ('System.Management.Automation.ServerRemoteDebugger' -eq [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace]::DefaultRunspace.Debugger.GetType().FullName) {
        throw "This cmdlet can only be used on a local host and cannot be used from a remote session."
    elseif ((get-item env:/).Name -contains 'AZURE_HTTP_USER_AGENT') {
        throw "This cmdlet can only be used on a local host and cannot be used from Azure Cloud Shell."

    $location = (Get-AzLocation | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Select the location").location
    $serviceTagRaw = (Get-AzNetworkServiceTag -Location $location).Values | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Select the Network Service Tag"
    $RouteTable = Get-AzRouteTable | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Select the Route Table to modify"
    If ((Get-AzRouteTable -ResourceGroupName $($RouteTable.ResourceGroupName) -Name $($RouteTable.Name)).routes.count + $($ -gt $MaxRoutesPerRouteTable ) {
        Write-Error "This action would add more than $MaxRoutesPerRouteTable to the table. No routes have been added."
    Else {
        ForEach ($AddressPrefix in $($ {
            $RouteName = $($ + $($AddressPrefix.split('/')[0])
            (Get-AzRouteTable -ResourceGroupName $($RouteTable.ResourceGroupName) -Name $($RouteTable.Name) | Add-AzRouteConfig -Name $RouteName -AddressPrefix $AddressPrefix -NextHopType Internet | Set-AzRouteTable).Routes | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $RouteName } 