
Function Get-AHBackedUpVMs {
    Gets the backed up VMs and their status
    Gets the status of backed up VMs even if the VM no longer exists.
.PARAMETER AllSubscriptions
    Run this command against all subscriptions.
.PARAMETER Subscription
    Specifies the subscription to run against. The default is the current subscription.
    Lists all backed up VMs in the subscription
    Author: Paul Harrison

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    begin {
        $MyScriptBlock = {
            #$fgColor = [console]::ForegroundColor # I had a problem with the color changing... strange stuff, uncomment this if it returns
            try { az account set --subscription ((Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id) }
            catch { throw }
            $sub = ((Get-AzContext).Subscription.Name)
            $VMList = @()
            ForEach ($Vault in (Get-AzRecoveryServicesVault)) {
                $VMs = az backup item list --resource-group $($Vault.ResourceGroupName) --vault-name $($Vault.Name) | ConvertFrom-Json
                ForEach ($item in ($VMs | Where-Object { ($_.Name -split (';'))[0] -eq 'VM' })) {
                    $VM = "" | Select-Object 'Subscription', 'VMName', 'VMResourceGroupName', 'VaultName', 'VaultResourceGroupName', 'VMStillExists', 'LastBackupStatus', 'LastBackupTime', 'Id'
                    $VM.Id = $ 
                    $VM.Subscription = $sub
                    $VM.VMName = ($ -split ('/'))[8]  
                    $VM.VMResourceGroupName = ($ -split ('/'))[4] 
                    $VM.VMStillExists = If (Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $vm.VMResourceGroupName -Name $VM.VMName) { $true }else { $false }
                    $VM.VaultResourceGroupName = $item.ResourceGroup
                    $VM.VaultName = $Vault.Name
                    $VM.LastBackupStatus = $
                    $VM.LastBackupTime = $
                    $VMList += $VM
            #[console]::ForegroundColor = $fgColor # I had a problem with the color changing... strange stuff, uncomment this if it returns
    process {
        if ($Subscription) { $Subscription | Invoke-AzureCommand -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock }
        else { Invoke-AzureCommand -ScriptBlock $MyScriptBlock -AllSubscriptions:$AllSubscriptions }