Function Add-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a resource to the list of resources to add or remove my IP to. .DESCRIPTION Adds a resource to the list of resources to add or remove my IP to. The list is then used by other cmdlets found in the LINK section of the help. .PARAMETER ResourceId Define the resource to be added .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName The name of a resource group. All resources in the resource group will be added. .EXAMPLE Add-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo -ResourceId /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-a123-asdf-1234-123456abcdef/resourceGroups/Test1RG/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/sa2 Add-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo -ResourceId /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-a123-asdf-1234-123456abcdef/resourceGroups/Test1RG/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/KV5 Add-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo -ResourceId /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-a123-asdf-1234-123456abcdef/resourceGroups/Test1RG/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/ss1 Adds a storage account, key vault, and sql server to the list .EXAMPLE Add-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo -GUI Use the GUI to select the resources to add to the list. .EXAMPLE Add-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo -ResourceGroupName Test1RG Add-AHMyIPToResources #do my work here Remove-AHMyIPFromResources (Get-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo).Id | Remove-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo Add-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo -ResourceGroupName Test2RG Adds all resources in the Test1RG resource group to the list, then adds my public IP to the firewall rules on those resource, then removes access to resources, then clears the list to start work in another resource group .INPUTS String .OUTPUTS .NOTES Author: Paul Harrison .LINK Get-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo Remove-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo Export-AHMyResourcesToAddMyIPTo Import-AHMyResourcesToAddMyIPTo Add-AHMyIPToResources Remove-AHMyIPFromResources Get-AHMyPublicIP #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ResourceId", Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string] $ResourceID, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ResourceGroup", Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ResourceGroupName, [parameter(ParameterSetName = "GUI", Mandatory = $true)] [switch] $GUI ) begin { If ($Null -eq $Script:ResourceToAddMyIPTo) { $Script:ResourceToAddMyIPTo = @() } } process { If ($GUI) { If ('System.Management.Automation.ServerRemoteDebugger' -eq [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace]::DefaultRunspace.Debugger.GetType().FullName) { throw "The GUI switch can only be used on a local host and cannot be used from a remote session." } elseif ((get-item env:/).Name -contains 'AZURE_HTTP_USER_AGENT') { throw "The GUI switch can only be used on a local host and cannot be used from Azure Cloud Shell." } $Resources = Get-AzResource | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select the resources to add your IP to' If (-not $?) { Throw "Something went wrong" } Else { ForEach ($Resource in $Resources) { Add-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo -ResourceID $Resource.ResourceId } } } ElseIf ($ResourceID) { $MyResource = Get-AzResource -ResourceId $ResourceID If (-not $?) { #The resource no longer exists return } Else { $Script:ResourceToAddMyIPTo += [PSCustomObject]@{ subscription = $MyResource.ResourceId.Split('/')[2] #this is faster than querying context, if this doesn't work at somepoint then replace with (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id Type = $MyResource.Type Id = $MyResource.ResourceId } } } ElseIf ($ResourceGroupName) { $Resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName If (-not $?) { Throw "The resource group $ResourceGroupName does not exist." } Else { ForEach ($Resource in $Resources) { Add-AHResourceToAddMyIPTo -ResourceID $Resource.ResourceId } } } } } |