
Function Get-AGGraphAccessToken{
        Gets the bearer token needed for Graph REST API calls.
        Gets the bearer token needed for Graph REST API calls.
        $TenantId = "c123456f-a1cd-6fv7-bh73-123r5t6y7u8i9"
        $ClientId = '1a2s3d4d4-dfhg-4567-d5f6-h4f6g7k933ae'
        $ClientSecret = '36._ERF567.6FB.XFGY75D-35TGasdrvk467'
        Get-AGGraphAccessToken -TenantID $TenantID -ClientID $ClientId -ClientSecret $ClientSecret
        $TenantId = "c123456f-a1cd-6fv7-bh73-123r5t6y7u8i9"
        $ClientId = '1a2s3d4d4-dfhg-4567-d5f6-h4f6g7k933ae'
        $ClientSecret = '36._ERF567.6FB.XFGY75D-35TGasdrvk467'
        $Token = Get-AGGraphAccessToken -TenantID $TenantID -ClientID $ClientId -ClientSecret $ClientSecret
        This example stores the token in a variable that can be used to grant access.
        This is the tenant ID of your Azure subscription.
        This is the ClientID of the Service Principal
    .PARAMETER ClientSecret
        This is the Client secret that was generated when you secured the Service Principal
        Input is from command line or called from a script.
        This will output an access token that can be used in future API calls.
        Author: Lars Panzerbjørn
        Creation Date: 2021.08.11
        This token is also stored in the Script scope, and so is automagically available to other functions.


        $TokenEndpoint = "$Tenantid/oauth2/v2.0/token"
        $Body = @{
            Grant_Type = "client_credentials"
            Scope = ""
            Client_Id = $ClientID
            Client_Secret = $ClientSecret

        $InvokeRestMethodSplat = @{
            ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
            Headers = @{'accept'='application/json'}
            Body = $Body
            Method = 'Post'
            URI = $TokenEndpoint
        $Script:TokenResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @InvokeRestMethodSplat
        Return $TokenResponse