
function Set-AzDoBranchPolicyCommentResolution {
    Creates a Comment resolution policy on a branch
    Creates a Comment resolution policy on a branch
    $params = @{
        CollectionUri = ""
        RepoName = "Repo 1"
        ProjectName = "Project 1"
    Set-AzDoBranchPolicyCommentResolution @params
    This example creates a 'Comment resolution' policy with splatting parameters
    $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN = '***'
    'repo1', 'repo2' | Set-AzDoBranchPolicyCommentResolution -CollectionUri "" -ProjectName "Project 1" -PAT "***"
    This example creates a 'Comment resolution' policy on the main branch of repo1 and repo2
      CollectionUri = $CollectionUri
      ProjectName = $ProjectName
      RepoName = $RepoName
      id = $

  [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
  param (
    # Collection Uri of the organization
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    # Project where the pipeline will be created.
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    # Name of the Repository containing the YAML-sourcecode
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)]

    # Branch to create the policy on
    $Branch = "main",

    # Block pull requests until the comments are resolved
    $Required = $true

  begin {
    Write-Verbose "Starting function: Set-AzDoBranchPolicyBuildValidation"

  process {

    $params = @{
      uri     = "$CollectionUri/$ProjectName/_apis/policy/configurations"
      version = "7.2-preview.1"
      method  = 'POST'

    $getAzDoBranchPolicyTypeSplat = @{
      CollectionUri = $CollectionUri
      ProjectName   = $ProjectName
      PolicyType    = "Comment requirements"

    $policyId = (Get-AzDoBranchPolicyType @getAzDoBranchPolicyTypeSplat).policyId

    foreach ($name in $RepoName) {
      $getAzDoRepoSplat = @{
        CollectionUri = $CollectionUri
        ProjectName   = $ProjectName
        RepoName      = $name

      $repoId = (Get-AzDoRepo @getAzDoRepoSplat).RepoId

      $body = @{
        isEnabled  = $true
        isBlocking = $Required
        type       = @{
          id = $policyId
        settings   = @{
          scope = @(
              repositoryId = $repoId
              refName      = "refs/heads/$branch"
              matchKind    = "exact"

      if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ProjectName, "Create Branch policy named: $($PSStyle.Bold)$name$($PSStyle.Reset)")) {
        $getAzDoBranchPolicySplat = @{
          CollectionUri = $CollectionUri
          ProjectName   = $ProjectName
          ErrorAction   = 'SilentlyContinue'

        $existingPolicy = Get-AzDoBranchPolicy @getAzDoBranchPolicySplat |
          Where-Object { ($ -eq $policyId) -and ($_.settings.scope.refName -eq "refs/heads/$branch") -and ($_.settings.scope.repositoryId -eq $repoId) }

        if ($null -eq $existingPolicy) {
          $result += ($body | Invoke-AzDoRestMethod @params)
        } else {
          Write-Warning "Policy on $name/$branch already exists. It is not possible to update policies"
      } else {
        Write-Verbose "Calling Invoke-AzDoRestMethod with $($params| ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)"

  end {
    if ($result) {
      $result | ForEach-Object {
          CollectionUri = $CollectionUri
          ProjectName   = $ProjectName
          RepoName      = $RepoName
          PolicyId      = $
          Url           = $_.url