
function Get-AzDoServiceConnection {
    Gets information about service connection in an Azure DevOps project.
    Gets information about specific service connection if the parameter $ServiceConnectionName is filled in. Otherwise it will list all the service connections.
    $getAzDoServiceConnectionSplat = @{
      CollectionUri = ""
      ProjectName = "Project 1"
    Get-AzDoServiceConnection @getAzDoServiceConnectionSplat
    This example will list all the service connections contained in 'Project 1'.
    $getAzDoServiceConnectionSplat = @{
      CollectionUri = ""
      ProjectName = "Project 1"
      ServiceConnectionName = 'ServiceConnection1', 'ServiceConnection2'
    Get-AzDoServiceConnection @getAzDoServiceConnectionSplat
    This example will fetch information about the service connections 'ServiceConnection1', 'ServiceConnection2' in the project 'Project 1'.
    $getAzDoServiceConnectionSplat = @{
      CollectionUri = ""
      ProjectName = "Project 1"
   'ServiceConnection1', 'ServiceConnection2' | Get-AzDoServiceConnection @getAzDoServiceConnectionSplat
    This example will fetch information about the service connections 'ServiceConnection1', 'ServiceConnection2' in the project 'Project 1'.
      CollectionUri = ""
      ProjectName = "Project 1"
      ServiceConnectionName = "Service Connection 1", "Service Connection 2"
    } | Get-AzDoServiceConnection
    This example will fetch information about the service connections 'ServiceConnection1', 'ServiceConnection2' in the project 'Project 1'.
      CollectionUri = ""
      ProjectName = "Project 1"
      ServiceConnectionName = "Service Connection 1", "Service Connection 2"
    } | Get-AzDoServiceConnection
    This example will fetch information about the service connections 'ServiceConnection1', 'ServiceConnection2' in the project 'Project 1'.
    CollectionUri = ""
    ProjectName = "Project 1"
    ServiceConnectionName = "Service Connection 1"
      CollectionUri = ""
      ProjectName = "Project 1"
      ServiceConnectionName = "Service Connection 2"
  ) | Get-AzDoServiceConnection
  This example will fetch information about the service connections 'ServiceConnection1', 'ServiceConnection2' in the project 'Project 1'.
    PSCustomObject(s) with serviceconnections(s).

  param (
    # Collection Uri of the organization
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    # Project where the Service Connection is used
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    # Name of the Service Connection to get information about
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)]

  Process {
    $result = @()
    $params = @{
      uri     = "$CollectionUri/$ProjectName/_apis/serviceendpoint/endpoints"
      version = "7.2-preview.4"
      method  = 'GET'
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($CollectionUri, "Get Service Connections from: $($PSStyle.Bold)$ProjectName$($PSStyle.Reset)")) {
      $serviceConnections = (Invoke-AzDoRestMethod @params).value
      if ($ServiceConnectionName) {
        foreach ($name in $ServiceConnectionName) {
          $conn = $serviceConnections | Where-Object { $ -eq $name }
          if (-not($conn)) {
            Write-Error "Service Connection $name not found"
          } else {
            $result += $conn
      } else {
        $result += $serviceConnections
      if ($result) {
        $result | ForEach-Object {
            CollectionUri                                     = $CollectionUri
            ProjectName                                       = $ProjectName
            ServiceConnectionName                             = $
            ServiceConnectionId                               = $
            ServiceConnectionType                             = $_.type
            ServiceConnectionUrl                              = $_.url
            ServiceConnectionDescription                      = $_.description
            ServiceConnectionCreatedBy                        = $_.createdBy.displayName
            ServiceConnectionAuthorization                    = $_.authorization.parameters
            ServiceConnectionData                             = $
            ServiceConnectionIsShared                         = $_.isShared
            ServiceConnectionOwner                            = $_.owner
            ServiceConnectionServiceEndpointProjectReferences = $_.serviceEndpointProjectReferences