
function New-AzDoPipeline {
  Creates an Azure Pipeline
  Creates an Azure Pipeline in a given Azure Project based on a repo
  $newAzDoPipelineSplat = @{
      CollectionUri = ""
      PAT = "***"
      PipelineName = "Pipeline 1"
      RepoName = "Repo 1"
      ProjectName = "Project 1"
  New-AzDoPipeline @newAzDoPipelineSplat
  This example creates a new Azure Pipeline using the PowerShell pipeline
  Get-AzDoProject -CollectionUri "" -PAT $PAT |
      Get-AzDoRepo -RepoName 'Repo 1' -PAT $PAT |
          New-AzDoPipeline -PipelineName "Pipeline 1" -PAT $PAT
  This example creates a new Azure Pipeline
  PSobject. An object containing the name, the folder and the URI of the pipeline

  [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
  param (
    # Collection Uri of the organization
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    # Project where the pipeline will be created.
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    # Name of the Pipeline
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    # Name of the Repository containing the YAML-sourcecode
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    # Path of the YAML-sourcecode in the Repository
    $Path = '/main.yaml'

  Process {
    $getAzDoRepoSplat = @{
      CollectionUri = $CollectionUri
      ProjectName   = $ProjectName
      RepoName      = $RepoName

    $RepoId = (Get-AzDoRepo @getAzDoRepoSplat).RepoId

    $body = @{
      name          = $PipelineName
      folder        = $null
      configuration = @{
        type       = "yaml"
        path       = $Path
        repository = @{
          id   = $RepoId
          type = "azureReposGit"

    $params = @{
      uri     = "$CollectionUri/$ProjectName/_apis/pipelines"
      version = "7.1-preview.1"
      Method  = 'POST'

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ProjectName, "Create pipeline named: $($PSStyle.Bold)$PipelineName$($PSStyle.Reset)")) {
      $body | Invoke-AzDoRestMethod @params | ForEach-Object {
          CollectionUri  = $CollectionUri
          ProjectName    = $ProjectName
          RepoName       = $RepoName
          PipelineName   = $
          PipelineFolder = $_.folder
          PipelineUrl    = $_.url
          PipelineId     = $
    } else {
      $Body | Format-List