
function Get-AzDoProject {
    Gets information about projects in Azure DevOps.
    Gets information about all the projects in Azure DevOps.
    $Params = @{
        CollectionUri = ""
        PAT = "***"
    Get-AzDoProject @params
    This example will List all the projects contained in the collection ('').
    $Params = @{
        CollectionUri = ""
        PAT = "***"
        ProjectName = 'Project1'
    Get-AzDoProject @params
    This example will get the details of 'Project1' contained in the collection ('').
    $params = @{
        collectionuri = ""
        PAT = "***"
    $somedifferentobject = [PSCustomObject]@{
        ProjectName = 'Project1'
    $somedifferentobject | Get-AzDoProject @params
    This example will get the details of 'Project1' contained in the collection ('').
    $params = @{
        collectionuri = ""
        PAT = "***"
    ) | Get-AzDoProject @params
    This example will get the details of 'Project1' contained in the collection ('').
    PSObject with repo(s).

  param (
    # Collection Uri of the organization
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    # Project where the Repos are contained
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)]

  Process {

    $params = @{
      uri     = "$CollectionUri/_apis/projects"
      version = "7.1-preview.4"
      method  = 'GET'

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($CollectionUri, "Get Environments from: $($PSStyle.Bold)$ProjectName$($PSStyle.Reset)")) {
      $projects = (Invoke-AzDoRestMethod @params).value

      if ($ProjectName) {
        foreach ($name in $ProjectName) {
          $project = $projects | Where-Object { $ -eq $name }
          if (-not($project)) {
            Write-Warning "Project $name not found"
          } else {
            $result += $project
      } else {
        $result += $projects

    } else {
      $body | Format-List

  end {
    if ($result) {
      $result | ForEach-Object {
          CollectionURI     = $CollectionUri
          ProjectName       = $
          ProjectID         = $
          ProjectURL        = $_.url
          ProjectVisibility = $_.visibility
          State             = $_.state