
Function Add-AzDoTask
        Creates a work item of the type Task
        Creates a work item of the type Task
        New-AzDoTask -PersonalAccessToken $PAT -Organisation $Organisation -Project $Project -TaskTitle "Test Task" -Board $Board -Description "Test Description"
    .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
        This is your personal access token from Azuree Devops.
    .PARAMETER OrganizationName
        The name of your Azure Devops Organisation
    .PARAMETER ProjectName
        The name of your Azure Devops Project or Team
    .PARAMETER Title
        The title of the task
    .PARAMETER Board
        The name of your Azure Devops Board you want to add the item to
    .PARAMETER AssignedTo
        This is the person the item is assigned to.
    .PARAMETER Description
        The content of the description field. Lines can be broken by adding <br>
        Input is from command line or called from a script.
        This will output the logfile.
        Author: Lars Panzerbjørn
        Creation Date: 2020.07.31
        Purpose/Change: Initial script development









        Write-Verbose "Beginning $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
        $JsonContentType = 'application/json-patch+json'
        $BaseUri = "$($Organisation)/"
        $Uri = $BaseUri + "$Project/_apis/wit/workitems/`$Task?api-version=6.0"

        $Token = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($PersonalAccessToken)"))
        $Header = @{Authorization = 'Basic ' + $Token;accept=$JsonContentType}

        Write-Verbose "Processing $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"

        $Body = @([pscustomobject]@{
                op = "add"
                path = '/fields/System.Title'
                from = $Null
                value = $TaskTitle

        IF ($Board){$BoardValue = $Board}
        ELSE {$BoardValue = (Get-AzDoUserStoryWorkItem -Organisation $Organisation -WorkItemID $ParentItemID -PersonalAccessToken $PersonalAccessToken -Project $Project).Fields.'System.AreaPath'}
        $Body += @([pscustomobject]@{
                op = "add"
                path = '/fields/System.AreaPath'
                value = $BoardValue

        IF ($AssignedTo){$AssignedToValue = $AssignedTo}
        ELSE {$AssignedToValue = (Get-AzDoUserStoryWorkItem -Organisation $Organisation -WorkItemID $ParentItemID -PersonalAccessToken $PersonalAccessToken -Project $Project).Fields.'System.Assignedto'.displayName}
        $Body += @([pscustomobject]@{
                op = "add"
                path = '/fields/System.AssignedTo'
                value = $AssignedToValue

        IF ($Description)
            $Body += @([pscustomobject]@{
                    op = "add"
                    path = '/fields/System.Description'
                    value = $Description

        $Body = ConvertTo-Json $Body
        $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method POST -Headers $Header -ContentType "application/json-patch+json" -Body $Body

        IF (($ParentItemID) -and (${
            Connect-AzDoItems -PersonalAccessToken $PersonalAccessToken -Organisation $Organisation -Project $Project -ParentItemID $ParentItemID -ChildItemID $ -Verbose

        Write-Verbose "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"