about_AzureConnectionAssistant SHORT DESCRIPTION A module to assist with connecting to and validating a connection to an Azure RM Subscription. v0.9 LONG DESCRIPTION The following functions allows for the saving and retrieving of encrypted credentials from the HKCU hive of the , and to validate or connect to an Azure RM Subscription. Test-Session: Initiates a check to see if you are have a current Azure Login session, if it finds you don't, it prompts you to select credentials saved in the Registry. New-AzureRMLogin: Used by Test-Session to connect to Azure using credentials saved in the Registry of the user. Get-SavedCreds: Retrieves a credential that is stored in the registry. Show-SavedCreds: Displays credentials that are stored in the registry. New-SavedCreds: Used to add a new credential set to the registry. Set-SavedCreds: Used to update an exisiting stored credentual. Created by: Scott Thomas - scott@deathbyvegemite.com Copyright (c) 2017. All rights reserved. THIS CODE IS MADE AVAILABLE AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE ENTIRE RISK OF THE USE OR THE RESULTS FROM THE USE OF THIS CODE REMAINS WITH THE USER. EXAMPLES # Test-Session PS C:\> Test-Session No session found or No local credentials stored. Please select from the following 1: MyAzureCreds 2: To enter credentials manually (Needed for any Federated credentials) Select: : 1 Environment : AzureCloud Account : scott@examplenotreal.com TenantId : 123e7e65-2654-43c1-b123-caf99f844a69 SubscriptionId : 5095e43d-2fee-4c98-bd73-b7c5c7e01012 SubscriptionName : Pay-As-You-Go CurrentStorageAccount : PS C:\> # Get-SavedCreds PS C:\> $creds = Get-SavedCreds MyAzureCreds PS C:\> $creds UserName Password -------- -------- scott@examplenotreal.com System.Security.SecureString PS C:\> # Show-SavedCredentials PS C:\> Show-SavedCreds -ShowPasswords Name UserName Password ---- -------- -------- MyAzureCreds scott@examplenotreal.com P@s$W0rd! PS C:\> #New-SavedCreds PS C:\> $creds = Get-Credential scott@examplenotreal.com PS C:\> New-SavedCreds -CredName MyAzureCreds -Creds $creds Hive: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\CurrentControlSet\SecCreds Name Property ---- -------- MyAzureCreds UserName : scott@examplenotreal.com PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\CurrentControlSet\SecCreds\MyAzureCreds PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\CurrentControlSet\SecCreds PSChildName : MyAzureCreds PSDrive : HKCU PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry Password : cAOSp3ihzlAtXC8vSzI9TYBHHpGGIV3SnbCQMJJQMZ7AjPDkcIXL0UpKqZ1tw1TLstQtIsUhGhHsfntYYnz1eKEMAh1vuR5vy9oPRkgNA3LibSINV2Ku4AYIKwwSW5sAefEYaxrxAPOsY2OOgX1B0w6KHUShEpy9U2HQxiOSEk tDR12J9Ir1q4NCALIvpnfB6iEMFYJfY80bqvyTjmcpTlBpVNbja2rGHeXGj5yzWOeuluSqH6MX9IT963Ruoy1QPYIJSiWN8KIEDvbLs8vciGaU4v3o2G1gajl0KY5iuQ32p8sbwiIU8RzjfPg9Hmi5f3mt PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\CurrentControlSet\SecCreds\MyAzureCreds PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\CurrentControlSet\SecCreds PSChildName : MyAzureCreds PSDrive : HKCU PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry PS C:\> #Set-SavedCreds PS C:\> $creds = Get-Credential scott@examplenotreal.com PS C:\> Set-SavedCreds -CredName MyAzureCreds -Creds $creds True PS C:\> KEYWORDS Login-AzureRmAccount, AzureRM, SavedCreds. |