function HandleVerbosity() { [OutputType('System.Array')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [Switch] $SuppressCliWarnings, [Parameter()] [string] $CliVerbosity, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Arguments ) $additionalArguments = @() $verboseArgument = '--verbose' $debugArgument = '--debug' $noWarningsArgument = '--only-show-errors' $verbose = $VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue' if ($verbose) { if (-not $CliVerbosity) { if ($SuppressCliWarnings.IsPresent) { throw "-SuppressCliWarnings cannot be used together with -Verbose" } $additionalArguments += $verboseArgument } } switch ($CliVerbosity) { "NoWarnings" { if ($Arguments -contains $debugArgument) { throw "-CliVerbosity ${CliVerbosity} cannot be used together with ${debugArgument}" } if ($Arguments -contains $verboseArgument) { throw "-CliVerbosity ${CliVerbosity} cannot be used together with ${verboseArgument}" } $additionalArguments += $noWarningsArgument } "Verbose" { if ($SuppressCliWarnings.IsPresent) { throw "-SuppressCliWarnings cannot be used together with -CliVerbosity Verbose" } if ($Arguments -contains $noWarningsArgument) { throw "-CliVerbosity ${CliVerbosity} cannot be used together with ${noWarningsArgument}" } $additionalArguments += $verboseArgument } "Debug" { if ($SuppressCliWarnings.IsPresent) { throw "-SuppressCliWarnings cannot be used together with -CliVerbosity Debug" } if ($Arguments -contains $noWarningsArgument) { throw "-CliVerbosity ${CliVerbosity} cannot be used together with ${noWarningsArgument}" } $additionalArguments += $debugArgument } } if ($SuppressCliWarnings.IsPresent) { Write-Warning "'-SuppressCliWarnings' is deprecated. Please use '-CliVerbosity NoWarnings' instead. '-SuppressCliWarnings' may be removed in a later major version upgrade." if ($Arguments -contains $debugArgument) { throw "-SuppressCliWarnings cannot be used together with ${debugArgument}" } if ($Arguments -contains $verboseArgument) { throw "-SuppressCliWarnings cannot be used together with ${verboseArgument}" } $additionalArguments += $noWarningsArgument } $additionalArguments } |