

Cmdlet and alias to make the use of Azure CLI more PowerShell friendly. Process output of Azure CLI from JSON to custom objects.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name AzureCli

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name AzureCli

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Copyright © 2022, Daniël te Winkel. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Daniël te Winkel


az cli Azure AzureCli Windows Linux Mac MacOS






This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes


- FIX: MacOS compatibility tag.
- FEATURE: Support Compatibility with PowerShell 7.3 / $PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing.
 Now checks $PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing and handles accordingly.
 Backward compatible with original behavior, unless $PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing is set to Standard.


- Add -ConcatenatedArguments to add arguments in the form `--name=value`. This is mainly required if value starts
 with a - and would otherwise be interpreted as an argument and not a value. For instance '--password "-123"' fails,
 where '--password=-123' succeeds. The values in the hash table of -ConcatenatedArguments parameter will be masked in
 verbose output if they are of type SecureString.
- Run build and test on Windows, Ubuntu and MacOS.
- Be honest on support for supported PowerShell versions: Powershell core >= 6.1.0.
- Correctly mention support for -NoEnumerate: PowerShell core >= 7.0.0.
- Improve portability of build and tests.
- Rename branch master to main.
- Reduce release notes to versions 2.x.x.
- Make everything work with strict mode 3.0.


- Fixed issues with argument completion on -Subscription and -ResourceGroup.


- Fixed issue with loading the module on case-sensitive file-systems.


- Added MIT license.
- Process 'bicep upgrade' as raw command.
- Rewrote / restructured tests. Use Module name in mocks where applicable.
- Wrote better tests to test argument completers.
- Escape subscription name in calling az in resource argument completer.


- Improved security by supporting SecureString as input for Azure CLI parameter. The SecureString value will be passed
 on as plain text to Azure CLI, but will be printed as ******** on the Invoke-AzCli verbose output.
- Added -EscapeHandling parameter to set automatic escaping of strings on the command-line to Azure CLI. Set to Always
 to escape \ and " with the \ escape character. Do not set it, or set it to None, to not escape. This is the default
- Allow to set global CliVerbosity preference through the $AzCliVerbosityPreference variable.
- Deprecated -SuppressCliWarnings in favor of -CliVerbosity NoWarnings. Use of -SuppressCliWarnings will give a
 deprecation warning.
- Argument completers for -Subscription and -ResourceGroup provide a better description for each completion result.
- Documentation updates and fixes.


- Added argument -CliVerbosity to set verbosity of Azure CLI. This provides a single parameter to either set
 --only-show-errors, --verbose, or --debug.


- Added argument completion for -Subscription parameter.
- Added -ResourceGroup parameter, because the --resource-group parameter is needed so often. Supports argument completion.
- Added -NoEnumerate and -AsHashtable to have more control over the JSON to output conversion.
- Added parameter sets, to make clear which parameters can be used together. This may break existing scripts that use
 parameters together that are not allowed together anymore.
- Improved test coverage.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2.5.0 (current version) 35,034 12/2/2022
2.4.0 585 8/27/2022
2.3.2 2,275 11/10/2021
2.3.1 31 11/9/2021
2.3.0 56 11/7/2021
2.2.0 15,398 4/28/2021
2.1.0 426 4/11/2021
2.0.0 688 11/29/2020
1.3.0 104 10/15/2020
1.2.0 19 10/14/2020
1.1.0 109 8/2/2020
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