.VERSION 1.0.0 .GUID 484bbc9d-b032-4b06-86b1-8c19e3699edb .AUTHOR JDMSFT .COMPANYNAME JDMSFT .COPYRIGHT (c) 2021 JDMSFT. All Right Reserved. .TAGS AzureAutomation Runbook Azure Capacity Notification Watcher alert .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .SYNOPSIS Azure Capacity Watcher for Azure Automation (aka AzureCapacityWatcher) .DESCRIPTION Azure Capacity Watcher (for Azure Automation) : Fetch Azure Capacity information (Compute, Network and Storage quotas) and send a mail alert via Office 365 mail account for resource capacity above threshold. .PARAMETER Location Mandatory (with default of "francecentral"). Specify the location (region) .PARAMETER Threshold Mandatory (with default of "75"). Specify the resource capacity threshold. .PARAMETER ShowConsoleOutput Mandatory (with default of "$true"). Enable or Disable the console output .PARAMETER ShowBeyondThresholdOnly Mandatory (with default of "$false"). Show only resource with capacity above threshold .PARAMETER AzureAutomationConnectionName Mandatory (with default of "AzureRunAsAccount"). Specify the Automation connection used to read resources .PARAMETER ExchangeOnlineMail Mandatory (with default of "$false"). Enable or Disable the mail alert using Exchange Online (Office 365). .PARAMETER ExchangeOnlineAutomationCredential Optional Specify Exchange Online Automation Credential (account used to send mail alert) .PARAMETER ExchangeOnlineRecipient Optional Specify Exchange Online recipient (account who receive mail alert) .NOTES PREREQUSITES (see for full details) /!\ REQUIRE AZURE AUTOMATION /!\ Use this script as Azure Automation PowerShell runbook /!\ REQUIRE AZURE SERVICE PRINCIPAL /!\ Like many apps / runbooks in Azure, this runbook needs a service principal to run (also known as Automation RunAs Account / Automation Connection). /!\ REQUIRE AZURE AUTOMATION ASSETS (Shared Resources) /!\ * Module : Az.Accounts, Az.Compute, Az.Network and Az.Storage * Connection : Azure (to read resources capacity) * Certificate : used by above connection to authenticate * Schedule : to automate your runbook execution, you should define an Automation schedule associated to this runbook for a recurring mail alert. PS MODULE DEPENDENCIES Az.Accounts (tested on v2.5.3) Az.Compute (tested on v4.17.0) Az.Network (tested on v4.11.0) Az.Storage (testeed on v3.11.0) #> param ( [string]$Location = 'francecentral', [int]$Threshold = 75, [boolean]$ShowConsoleOutput = $true, [boolean]$ShowBeyondThresholdOnly = $false, [string]$AzureAutomationConnectionName = 'AzureRunAsAccount', [boolean]$ExchangeOnlineMail = $false, [string]$ExchangeOnlineAutomationCredential, [string]$ExchangeOnlineRecipient ) If ($PSPrivateMetadata.JobId) { Write-Verbose "Runbook environment : Azure Automation" Write-Verbose "Azure Connector for Azure Automation v1.0.0`n(c) 2020 - 2021 JDMSFT. All right Reserved." $ConnectorTimer = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew() Try { Write-Verbose "[CONNECTOR] Connecting to Azure ..." $AutomationConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name $AzureAutomationConnectionName Connect-AzAccount ` -TenantId $AutomationConnection.TenantId ` -ApplicationId $AutomationConnection.ApplicationId ` -CertificateThumbprint $AutomationConnection.CertificateThumbprint ` | Out-Null } Catch { If (!$AutomationConnection) { $ErrorMessage = "Connection $AutomationConnectionName not found." throw $ErrorMessage } Else { Write-Error $($_) ; throw "[$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)] $($_.InvocationInfo.Line.TrimStart()) >> $($_)" } } $ConnectorTimer.Stop() Write-Verbose "[CONNECTOR] Elapsed time : $($ConnectorTimer.Elapsed)" } $ComputeStorageCategory = @('DiskAccessCount', 'DiskAccessCount', 'DiskEncryptionSetCount', 'Gallery', 'GalleryImage', 'GalleryImageVersion', 'PremiumDiskCount', 'PremiumSnapshotCount', 'PremiumZRSDiskCount', , 'StandardSSDStorageDisks', 'StandardSSDStorageSnapshots', 'StandardSSDZRSStorageDisks', 'StandardStorageSnapshots', 'UltraSSDDiskCount', 'UltraSSDDiskSizeInGB', 'ZRSSnapshotCount') $output = @() Get-AzSubscription | % { Select-AzSubscription $_ | Out-Null $SubscriptionName = $_.Name # Compute Get-AzVMUsage -Location $Location | % { $Remain = ($_.Limit - $_.CurrentValue) If ($_.Limit -ne 0) { $Usage = ($_.CurrentValue / $_.Limit) } Else { $Usage = 0 } If ($_.Name.Value -notin $ComputeStorageCategory) { $Category = 'Compute' } Else { $Category = 'Storage' } $output += [PSCustomObject]@{SubscriptionName = $SubscriptionName ; Location = $Location ; Category = $Category ; Resource = $_.Name.LocalizedValue ; UsageRaw = $Usage ; Usage = $Usage.tostring("P") ; TotalUsed = $_.CurrentValue ; TotalRemaining = $Remain ; Limit = $_.Limit } } # Storage Get-AzStorageUsage -Location $Location | % { $Remain = ($_.Limit - $_.CurrentValue) If ($_.Limit -ne 0) { $Usage = ($_.CurrentValue / $_.Limit) } Else { $Usage = 0 } $output += [PSCustomObject]@{SubscriptionName = $SubscriptionName ; Location = $Location ; Category = 'Storage' ; Resource = $_.LocalizedName ; UsageRaw = $Usage ; Usage = $Usage.tostring("P") ; TotalUsed = $_.CurrentValue ; TotalRemaining = $Remain ; Limit = $_.Limit } } # Network Get-AzNetworkUsage -Location $Location | % { If ($_.Name.Value -ne 'NetworkWatchers') { $Remain = ($_.Limit - $_.CurrentValue) If ($_.Limit -ne 0) { $Usage = ($_.CurrentValue / $_.Limit) } Else { $Usage = 0 } $output += [PSCustomObject]@{SubscriptionName = $SubscriptionName ; Location = $Location ; Category = 'Network' ; Resource = $_.Name.LocalizedValue ; UsageRaw = $Usage ; Usage = $Usage.tostring("P") ; TotalUsed = $_.CurrentValue ; TotalRemaining = $Remain ; Limit = $_.Limit } } } } # Console If ($ShowBeyondThresholdOnly) { $output = $output | ? {($_.UsageRaw * 100) -ge $Threshold} | select * -ExcludeProperty UsageRaw | sort SubscriptionName, Location, Category, Resource} Else { $output = $output | select * -ExcludeProperty UsageRaw | sort SubscriptionName, Location, Category, Resource } If ($ShowConsoleOutput) {$output | ft -AutoSize} If ($ExchangeOnlineMail) { $MailSubject = "Azure Capacity Watcher : resource(s) capacity beyond threshold ($Threshold%) !" $MailCredential = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $ExchangeOnlineAutomationCredential $MailBody = ($output | ConvertTo-Html | Out-String) + "`n`nRECOMMENDATION : Please manage the number of the Azure resources involved in your subscription(s) or submit a new request to expand these limits (soft limit only)." Write-Output "[RUNBOOK] Sending mail from Exchange Online ..." Send-MailMessage -Credential $MailCredential -SmtpServer -Port 587 ` -To $ExchangeOnlineRecipient ` -Subject $MailSubject ` -Body $MailBody ` -From $MailCredential.UserName ` -BodyAsHtml ` -UseSsl } |