# Load Modules Import-Module ((Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) + "/Log/Log.psd1") Import-Module ((Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) + "/GetVmssFromBasicLoadBalancer/GetVmssFromBasicLoadBalancer.psd1") function _GetScenarioBackendType { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network.Models.PSLoadBalancer] $BasicLoadBalancer, # skip logging - used in validateMigration [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $skipLogging ) If ($skipLogging) { function log {} } # Detecting if there are any backend pools that is not virtualMachineScaleSets or virtualMachines log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Checking backend pool member types and that all backend pools are not empty" $backendMemberTypes = @() # get backend types from backend pools foreach ($backendAddressPool in $BasicLoadBalancer.BackendAddressPools) { foreach ($backendIpConfiguration in $backendAddressPool.BackendIpConfigurations) { $backendMemberType = $backendIpConfiguration.Id.split("/")[7] # check that backend pool NIC members is attached to a VM If ($backendMemberType -eq 'networkInterfaces') { $backendMemberTypes += 'virtualMachines' } Else { $backendMemberTypes += $backendMemberType } } } # get backend types from NAT rules foreach ($inboundNatRule in $BasicLoadBalancer.InboundNatRules) { foreach ($backendIpConfiguration in $inboundNatRule.BackendIpConfiguration) { $backendMemberType = $backendIpConfiguration.Id.split("/")[7] # check that nat rule NIC members is attached to a VM If ($backendMemberType -eq 'networkInterfaces') { $backendMemberTypes += 'virtualMachines' } Else { $backendMemberTypes += $backendMemberType } } } If (($backendMemberTypes | Sort-Object | Get-Unique).count -gt 1) { log -ErrorAction Stop -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Basic Load Balancer backend pools can contain only VMs or VMSSes, contains: '$($backendMemberTypes -join ',')'" -Severity 'Error' return } If ($backendMemberTypes[0] -eq 'virtualMachines') { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] All backend pools members are virtualMachines!" $backendType = 'VM' } ElseIf ($backendMemberTypes[0] -eq 'virtualMachineScaleSets') { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] All backend pools members are virtualMachineScaleSets!" $backendType = 'VMSS' } ElseIf ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($backendMemberTypes[0])) { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Basic Load Balancer backend pools are empty" $backendType = 'Empty' } Else { log -ErrorAction Stop -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Basic Load Balancer backend pools can contain only VMs or VMSSes, contains: '$($backendMemberTypes -join ',')'" -Severity 'Error' return } return $backendType } Function Test-SupportedMigrationScenario { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network.Models.PSLoadBalancer] $BasicLoadBalancer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidatePattern("^[A-Za-z0-9](?:[A-Za-z0-9._-]{0,78}[A-Za-z0-9_])?$")] [string] $StdLoadBalancerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $basicLBBackendIds, # force [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $force, # pre-release feature switch [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Pre ) $scenario = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ 'ExternalOrInternal' = '' 'BackendType' = '' 'VMsHavePublicIPs' = $false 'VMSSInstancesHavePublicIPs' = $false 'SkipOutboundRuleCreationMultiBE' = $false } $progressParams = @{ Activity = "Validating Migration Scenario" ParentId = 2 } # checking source load balance SKU Write-Progress -Status "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Verifying if Load Balancer $($BasicLoadBalancer.Name) is valid for migration" -PercentComplete 0 @progressParams log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Verifying if Load Balancer $($BasicLoadBalancer.Name) is valid for migration" log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Verifying source load balancer SKU" If ($BasicLoadBalancer.Sku.Name -ne 'Basic') { log -ErrorAction Stop -Severity 'Error' -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] The load balancer '$($BasicLoadBalancer.Name)' in resource group '$($BasicLoadBalancer.ResourceGroupName)' is SKU '$($BasicLoadBalancer.SKU.Name)'. SKU must be Basic!" return } log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Source load balancer SKU is type Basic" # determine whether the basic load balancer is attached to an AKS cluster log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Determining whether basic load balancer is used by an AKS cluster" If (($BasicLoadBalancer.Name -eq 'kubernetes' -or $BasicLoadBalancer.Name -eq 'kubernetes-internal') -or ($BasicLoadBalancer.Tag.Keys -contains 'aks-managed-cluster-name')) { log -ErrorAction Stop -Severity 'Error' -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Load balancer resource '$($BasicLoadBalancer.Name)' is used by an AKS cluster & cannot be migrated. Documentation link: ''" return } # Detecting if there are any backend pools that is not virtualMachineScaleSets or virtualMachines $backendType = _GetScenarioBackendType -BasicLoadBalancer $BasicLoadBalancer $scenario.BackendType = $backendType # check if the load balancer name should be re-used, if so check if it's not standard already log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Checking that standard load balancer name '$StdLoadBalancerName'" $chkStdLB = (Get-AzLoadBalancer -Name $StdLoadBalancerName -ResourceGroupName $BasicLoadBalancer.ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) If ($chkStdLB) { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Load balancer resource '$($chkStdLB.Name)' already exists. Checking if it is a Basic SKU for migration" If ($chkStdLB.Sku.Name -ne 'Basic') { log -ErrorAction Stop -Severity 'Error' -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Load balancer resource '$($chkStdLB.Name)' is not a Basic SKU, so it cannot be migrated!" return } log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Load balancer resource '$($chkStdLB.Name)' is a Basic Load Balancer. The same name will be re-used." } # detecting if source load balancer is internal or external-facing log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Determining if LB is internal or external based on FrontEndIPConfiguration[0]'s IP configuration" If (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BasicLoadBalancer.FrontendIpConfigurations[0].PrivateIpAddress)) { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] FrontEndIPConfiguiration[0] is assigned a private IP address '$($BasicLoadBalancer.FrontendIpConfigurations[0].PrivateIpAddress)', so this LB is Internal" $scenario.ExternalOrInternal = 'Internal' } ElseIf (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BasicLoadBalancer.FrontendIpConfigurations[0].PublicIpAddress)) { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] FrontEndIPConfiguiration[0] is assigned a public IP address '$($BasicLoadBalancer.FrontendIpConfigurations[0].PublicIpAddress.Id)', so this LB is External" # Detecting if there is a frontend IPV6 configuration, if so, exit log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Determining if there is a frontend IPV6 configuration" foreach ($frontendIP in $BasicLoadBalancer.FrontendIpConfigurations) { $pip = Get-azPublicIpAddress -Name $frontendIP.PublicIpAddress.Id.split("/")[8] -ResourceGroupName $frontendIP.PublicIpAddress.Id.split("/")[4] if ($pip.PublicIpAddressVersion -eq "IPv6") { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Basic Load Balancer is using IPV6. This is not a supported scenario. PIP Name: $($pip.Name) RG: $($pip.ResourceGroupName)" -Severity "Error" -terminateOnError return } } log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Load balancer does not have a frontend IPV6 configuration" $scenario.ExternalOrInternal = 'External' } ElseIf (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BasicLoadBalancer.FrontendIpConfigurations[0].PublicIPPrefix.Id)) { log -ErrorAction Stop -Severity 'Error' "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] FrontEndIPConfiguration[0] is assigned a public IP prefix '$($BasicLoadBalancer.FrontendIpConfigurations[0].PublicIPPrefixText)', which is not supported for migration!" return } If ($scenario.BackendType -eq 'VMSS') { Write-Progress -Status "Validating VMSS backend scenario parameters" -PercentComplete 50 @progressParams # create array of VMSSes associated with the load balancer for following checks $basicLBVMSSs = GetVmssFromBasicLoadBalancer -BasicLoadBalancer $BasicLoadBalancer # Detecting if there are more than one VMSS in the backend pool, if so, exit # Basic Load Balancers doesn't allow more than one VMSS as a backend pool becuase they would be under different availability sets. # This is a sanity check to make sure that the script is not run on a Basic Load Balancer that has more than one VMSS in the backend pool. log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Checking if there are more than one VMSS in the backend pool" $vmssIds = $ if ($vmssIds.count -gt 1) { log -ErrorAction Stop -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Basic Load Balancer has more than one VMSS in the backend pool, exiting" -Severity 'Error' return } log -message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Basic Load Balancer has only one VMSS in the backend pool" # check if load balancer backend pool contains VMSSes which are part of another LBs backend pools log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Checking if backend pools contain members which are members of another load balancer's backend pools..." ForEach ($vmss in $basicLBVMSSs) { try { $nicBackendPoolMembershipsIds = @() $nicBackendPoolMembershipsIds += $ | Sort-Object | Get-Unique $differentMembership = Compare-Object $nicBackendPoolMembershipsIds $basicLBBackendIds } catch { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Error comparing NIC backend pool memberships ($($nicBackendPoolMembershipsIds -join ',')) to basicLBBackendIds ($($basicLBBackendIds -join ',')). Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" log -Message $message -Severity 'Error' -terminateOnError } If ($differentMembership) { ForEach ($membership in $differentMembership) { switch ($membership.sideIndicator) { '<=' { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] VMSS '$($vmss.Id)' has a NIC IP configuration associated with backend pool ID '$($membership.Inputobject)', which does not belong to the Basic Load Balancer(s) to be migrated. To migrate this scenario, use the -MultiLBConfig parameter to specify multiple Basic Load Balancers to migrate at the same time." -Severity Error -terminateOnError } } } } Else { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] All VMSS load balancer associations are with the Basic LB(s) to be migrated." -Severity Information } } # check if any VMSS instances have instance protection enabled log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Checking for instances in backend pool member VMSS '$($vmssIds.split('/')[-1])' with Instance Protection configured" $vmssInstances = Get-AzVmssVM -ResourceGroupName $vmss.ResourceGroupName -VMScaleSetName ($vmssIds -split '/')[-1] ForEach ($instance in $vmssInstances) { If ($instance.ProtectionPolicy.ProtectFromScaleSetActions) { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] VMSS '$($vmss.Name)' contains 1 or more instances with a ProtectFromScaleSetActions Instance Protection configured. This module cannot upgrade the associated load balancer because a VMSS cannot be a backend member of both basic and standard SKU load balancers. Remove the Instance Protection policy and re-run the module." log -Severity 'Error' $vmssInstances.Remove($instance) } } log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] No VMSS instances with Instance Protection found" # check if any VMSS have publicIPConfigurations which must be basic sku with a basic LB and cannot be migrated to a Standard LB log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Checking for VMSS with publicIPConfigurations" foreach ($vmss in $basicLBVMSSs) { $vmssPublicIPConfigurations = $vmss.VirtualMachineProfile.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaceConfigurations | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IpConfigurations | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PublicIpAddressConfiguration if ($vmssPublicIPConfigurations) { $message = @" [Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] VMSS '$($vmss.Name)' has Public IP Configurations assigning Public IPs to each instance (see: Migrating this load balancer will require removing and reassigning Public IPs--CURRENT PUBLIC IPs WILL CHANGE. "@ log -Severity 'Warning' -Message $message $scenario.VMSSInstancesHavePublicIPs = $true If (!$force.IsPresent) { $response = $null while ($response -ne 'y' -and $response -ne 'n') { $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to continue? (y/n)" } If ($response -eq 'n') { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] User chose to exit the module" log -Message $message -Severity 'Error' -terminateOnError } } Else { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] -Force or -ValidateOnly parameter was used, so continuing with migration validation" log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' } } } # check if internal LB backend VMs does not have public IPs log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Checking if internal load balancer backend VMSS VMs have public IPs..." ForEach ($vmss in $basicLBVMSSs) { $vmssVMsHavePublicIPs = $false :vmssNICs ForEach ($nicConfig in $vmss.VirtualMachineProfile.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaceConfigurations) { ForEach ($ipConfig in $nicConfig.ipConfigurations) { If ($ipConfig.PublicIPAddressConfiguration) { $message = @" [Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Internal load balancer backend VMs have public IPs and will continue to use them for outbound connectivity. VMSS: '$($vmssId)'; VMSS ipconfig: '$($ipConfig.Name)' "@ log -Message $message $vmssVMsHavePublicIPs = $true break :vmssNICs } } } If ($vmssVMsHavePublicIPs) { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Backend VMSS instances have instance-level Public IP addresses which must be upgraded to Standard SKU along with the Load Balancer." log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' Write-Host "In order to access your VMSS instances from the Internet over a Standard SKU instance-level Public IP address, the associated NIC or NIC's subnet must have an attached Network Security Group (NSG) which explicitly allows desired traffic, which is not a requirement for Basic SKU Public IPs. See 'Security' at" -ForegroundColor Yellow If (!$force.IsPresent) { $response = $null while ($response -ne 'y' -and $response -ne 'n') { $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to continue? (y/n)" } If ($response -eq 'n') { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] User chose to exit the module" log -Message $message -Severity 'Error' -terminateOnError } } Else { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] -Force or -ValidateOnly parameter was used, so continuing with migration validation" log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' } } If (!$vmssVMsHavePublicIPs -and $scenario.ExternalOrInternal -eq 'Internal') { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Internal load balancer backend VMSS instances do not have Public IPs and will not have outbound internet connectivity after migration to a Standard LB. VMSS: '$($vmss.Name)'" log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' Write-Host "In order for your VMSS instances to access the internet, you'll need to take additional action before or after migration. To address this pre-migration, either add a secondary external Basic SKU Load Balancer with no inbound rules to your VMSS or add Public IPs to each VMSS instance (see: Post-migration, a NAT Gateway can be added to the VMSSS' subnet (see: an interim external Load Balancer or instance-level public IP addresses were added pre-migration they can be removed once the NAT Gateway is deployed." -ForegroundColor Yellow If (!$force.IsPresent) { $response = $null while ($response -ne 'y' -and $response -ne 'n') { $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to continue? (y/n)" } If ($response -eq 'n') { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] User chose to exit the module" log -Message $message -Severity 'Error' -terminateOnError } Else { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] User chose to continue with validation or migration" } } Else { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] -Force or -ValidateOnly parameter was used, so continuing with migration validation" log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' } } # check is vmss is a managed service fabric cluster, which are not supported for upgrade log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Checking whether VMSS scale set '$($' is a managed Service Fabric cluster..." If ($vmss.VirtualMachineProfile.ExtensionProfile.Extensions.type -contains 'ServiceFabricMCNode') { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] VMSS appears to be a Managed Service Fabric cluster based on extension profile (includes type 'ServiceFabricMCNode'). Managed Service Fabric clusters are not supported for upgrade." log -Message $message -Severity 'Error' -terminateOnError } # check if vmss is service fabric cluster, warn about possible downtime log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Checking whether VMSS scale set '$($' is a Service Fabric cluster..." If ($vmss.VirtualMachineProfile.ExtensionProfile.Extensions.type -contains 'ServiceFabricNode' -or $vmss.VirtualMachineProfile.ExtensionProfile.Extensions.type -contains 'ServiceFabricLinuxNode') { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] VMSS appears to be a Service Fabric cluster based on extension profile. SF Clusters experienced potentially significant downtime during migration using this PowerShell module. In testing, a 5-node Bronze cluster was unavailable for about 30 minutes and a 5-node Silver cluster was unavailable for about 45 minutes. Shutting down the cluster VMSS prior to initiating migration will result in a more consistent experience of about 5 minutes to complete the LB migration. For Service Fabric clusters that require minimal / no connectivity downtime, adding a new node type with standard load balancer and IP resources is a better solution." log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' Write-Host "Do you want to proceed with the migration of your Service Fabric Cluster's Load Balancer?" -ForegroundColor Yellow If (!$force.IsPresent) { $response = $null while ($response -ne 'y' -and $response -ne 'n') { $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to continue? (y/n)" } If ($response -eq 'n') { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] User chose to exit the module" log -Message $message -Severity 'Error' -terminateOnError } If ($env:POWERSHELL_DISTRIBUTION_CHANNEL -eq 'CloudShell') { log -Severity Error -Message "Due to possiblity of timeouts, the -Force parameter must be specified when attempting to migrate a Service Fabric cluster LB in Azure Cloud Shell. Use at your own risk!" -terminateOnError } } Else { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] -Force or -ValidateOnly parameter was used, so continuing with migration validation" log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' } } } } If ($scenario.BackendType -eq 'VM') { Write-Progress -Status "Validating VM backend scenario parameters" -PercentComplete 50 @progressParams # create array of VMs associated with the load balancer for following checks and verify that NICs are associated to VMs $basicLBVMs = @() $basicLBVMNics = @() foreach ($backendAddressPool in $BasicLoadBalancer.BackendAddressPools) { foreach ($backendIpConfiguration in $backendAddressPool.BackendIpConfigurations) { $nic = Get-AzNetworkInterface -ResourceId ($backendIpConfiguration.Id -split '/ipconfigurations/')[0] If (!$nic.VirtualMachineText) { log -ErrorAction Stop -Severity 'Error' -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Load balancer '$($BasicLoadBalancer.Name)' backend pool member network interface '$($' does not have an associated Virtual Machine. Backend pool members must be either a VMSS NIC or a NIC attached to a VM!" return } Else { # add VM resources to array for later validation try{ $basicLBVMs += Get-AzVM -ResourceId $ -ErrorAction Stop } catch { log -terminateOnError -Severity 'Error' -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Error getting VM from NIC '$($'. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" } # add VM nics to array for later validation $basicLBVMNics += $nic } } } # check if load balancer backend pool contains VMs which are part of another LBs backend pools log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Checking if backend pools contain members which are members of another load balancer's backend pools..." ## compare nic backend pool memberships to basicLBBackendIds try { $nicBackendPoolMembershipsIds = @() $nicBackendPoolMembershipsIds += $ | Sort-Object | Get-Unique $differentMembership = Compare-Object $nicBackendPoolMembershipsIds $basicLBBackendIds } catch { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Error comparing NIC backend pool memberships ($($nicBackendPoolMembershipsIds -join ',')) to basicLBBackendIds ($($basicLBBackendIds -join ',')). Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" log -Message $message -Severity 'Error' -terminateOnError } If ($differentMembership) { ForEach ($membership in $differentMembership) { switch ($membership.sideIndicator) { '<=' { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] A VM NIC IP configuration in the backend pool of the basic load balancer(s) to be migrated is associated with backend pool ID '$($membership.InputObject)', which does not belong to the Basic Load Balancer(s) to be migrated. To migrate this scenario, use the -MultiLBConfig parameter to specify multiple Basic Load Balancers to migrate at the same time." -Severity Error -terminateOnError } } } } Else { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] All VM load balancer associations are with the Basic LB(s) to be migrated." -Severity Information } # check if internal LB backend VMs does not have public IPs log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Checking if backend VMs have public IPs..." $AnyVMsHavePublicIP = $false $AllVMsHavePublicIPs = $true ForEach ($VM in $basicLBVMs) { $VMHasPublicIP = $false :vmNICs ForEach ($nicId in $VM.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces.Id) { $nicConfig = Get-AzResource -Id $nicId | Get-AzNetworkInterface ForEach ($ipConfig in $nicConfig.ipConfigurations) { If ($ipConfig.PublicIPAddress.Id) { $AnyVMsHavePublicIP = $true $VMHasPublicIP = $true break :vmNICs } } } If (!$VMHasPublicIP) { $AllVMsHavePublicIPs = $false } } # check if some backend VMs have ILIPs but not others If ($AnyVMsHavePublicIP -and !$AllVMsHavePublicIPs -and $Scenario.ExternalOrInternal -eq 'External') { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Some but not all load balanced VMs have instance-level Public IP addresses and the load balancer is external. It is not supported to create an Outbound rule on a LB when any backend VM has a PIP; therefore, VMs which do not have PIPs will loose outbound internet connecticity post-migration." log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' Write-Host "In order for all for VMs to access the internet post-migration, add PIPs to all VMs, a NAT Gateway to the subnet, or other outbound option (see:" -ForegroundColor Yellow If (!$force.IsPresent) { $response = $null while ($response -ne 'y' -and $response -ne 'n') { $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to continue? (y/n)" } If ($response -eq 'n') { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] User chose to exit the module" log -Message $message -Severity 'Error' -terminateOnError } } Else { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] -Force or -ValidateOnly parameter was used, so continuing with migration validation" log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' } } # warn about requirement to allow traffic on standard sku ilips If ($AnyVMsHavePublicIP) { $scenario.VMsHavePublicIPs = $true $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Load Balance VMs have instance-level Public IP addresses, all of which must be upgraded to Standard SKU along with the Load Balancer." log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' Write-Host "In order to access your VMs from the Internet over a Standard SKU instance-level Public IP address, the associated NIC or NIC's subnet must have an attached Network Security Group (NSG) which explicity allows desired traffic, which is not a requirement for Basic SKU Public IPs. See 'Security' at" -ForegroundColor Yellow If (!$force.IsPresent) { $response = $null while ($response -ne 'y' -and $response -ne 'n') { $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to continue? (y/n)" } If ($response -eq 'n') { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] User chose to exit the module" log -Message $message -Severity 'Error' -terminateOnError } } Else { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] -Force or -ValidateOnly parameter was used, so continuing with migration validation" log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' } } # warn that internal LB backends will have no outbound connectivity If (!$AllVMsHavePublicIPs -and $scenario.ExternalOrInternal -eq 'Internal') { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Internal load balancer backend VMs do not have Public IPs and will not have outbound internet connectivity after migration to a Standard LB." log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' Write-Host "In order for your VMs to access the internet, you'll need to take additional action before or after migration. To address this pre-migration, either add a secondary external Basic SKU Load Balancer with no inbound rules to your backend VMs or add Public IPs to each VM. Post-migration, a NAT Gateway can be added to the VMs' subnet (see: an interim external Load Balancer or instance-level public IP addresses were added pre-migration they can be removed once the NAT Gateway is deployed." -ForegroundColor Yellow If (!$force.IsPresent) { $response = $null while ($response -ne 'y' -and $response -ne 'n') { $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to continue? (y/n)" } If ($response -eq 'n') { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] User chose to exit the module" log -Message $message -Severity 'Error' -terminateOnError } Else { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] User chose to continue with validation or migration" } } Else { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] -Force or -ValidateMigration parameter was used, so continuing with migration validation" log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' } } } # if the basic lb is external and has multiple backend pools, warn that the migration will not create a default outbound rule If ($scenario.ExternalOrInternal -eq 'External' -and $BasicLoadBalancer.BackendAddressPools.Count -gt 1 -and (!$scenario.VMsHavePublicIPs -and !$scenario.VMSSInstancesHavePublicIPs)) { $scenario.SkipOutboundRuleCreationMultiBE = $true $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Basic Load Balancer '$($BasicLoadBalancer.Name)' has multiple backend pools and is external. The migration will not create a default outbound rule on the Standard Load Balancer. You will need to create a default outbound rule manually post-migration; until you do, your backend pool members will have no outbound internet access." log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' Write-Host "Basic Load Balancer '$($BasicLoadBalancer.Name)' has multiple backend pools and is external. The migration will not create a default outbound rule on the Standard Load Balancer. You will need to create a default outbound rule manually post-migration." -ForegroundColor Yellow If (!$force.IsPresent) { $response = $null while ($response -ne 'y' -and $response -ne 'n') { $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to continue? (y/n)" } If ($response -eq 'n') { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] User chose to exit the module" log -Message $message -Severity 'Error' -terminateOnError } } Else { $message = "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] -Force or -ValidateOnly parameter was used, so continuing with migration validation" log -Message $message -Severity 'Warning' } } Write-Progress -Status "Finished scenario validation" -PercentComplete 100 @progressParams log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Detected migration scenario: $($scenario | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress)" log -Message "[Test-SupportedMigrationScenario] Load Balancer '$($BasicLoadBalancer.Name)' is valid for migration" return $scenario } Function Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [psobject[]] $multiLBConfig ) log -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] Verifying if Multi-LB configuration is valid for migration" # check that backend type is not 'empty', meaning there is no reason to use -multiLBConfig log -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] Checking that backend type is not 'empty' for any of the multi load balancers" If ($multiLBConfig.scenario.backendType -contains 'Empty') { log -ErrorAction Stop -Severity 'Error' -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] One or more Basic Load Balancers backend is empty. Empty load balancer should not be included in -multiLBConfig. Use standalone migrations or remove the load balancer with the empty backend from the -multiLBConfig parameter" return } # check that all backend pool members are VMs or VMSSes log -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] Checking that all backend pool members are VMs or VMSSes" $backendMemberTypes = ($multiLBConfig.scenario.BackendType | Sort-Object | Get-Unique) If ($backendMemberTypes.count -gt 1) { log -ErrorAction Stop -Severity 'Error' -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] Basic Load Balancer backend pools can contain only VMs or VMSSes, contains: '$($backendMemberTypes -join ',')'" return } Else { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] All backend pool members are '$($backendMemberTypes)'" } # check that standard load balancer names are different if basic load balancers are in the same resource group log -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] Checking that standard load balancer names are different if basic load balancers are in the same resource group" # check standard load balancer names will be unique in the same resource group ForEach ($config in $multiLBConfig) { $matchingConfigs = @() If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty) { $StdLoadBalancerName = $config.BasicLoadBalancer.Name } Else { $StdLoadBalancerName = $config.StandardLoadBalancerName } $matchingConfigs += $multiLBConfig | Where-Object { (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.StandardLoadBalancerName) -and $_.BasicLoadBalancer.Name -eq $StdLoadBalancerName) -or ($_.StandardLoadBalancerName -eq $StdLoadBalancerName)) -and ($_.BasicLoadBalancer.ResourceGroupName -eq $config.BasicLoadBalancer.ResourceGroupName) } If ($matchingConfigs.count -gt 1) { log -Severity Error -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] Standard Load Balancer name '$($StdLoadBalancerName)' will be used more than once in resource group '$($config.BasicLoadBalancer.ResourceGroupName)'. Standard Load Balancer names must be unique in the same resource group. If renaming load balancers with the -standardLoadBalancerName parameter, make sure new names are unique." -terminateOnError } } # check that that the provided load balancer do share backend pool members - using -multiLBConfig when backend is not shared adds risk log -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] Checking that that the provided load balancer do share backend pool members - using -multiLBConfig when backend is not shared adds risk" ## shared backend should be a single VMSS If ($multiLBConfig[0].scenario.backendType -eq 'VMSS') { $basicLBBackends = @() ForEach ($config in $multiLBConfig) { $basicLBBackends += $ | ForEach-Object {$_.split('/virtualMachines/')[0]} } $groupedBackends = $basicLBBackends | Sort-Object | Get-Unique If ($groupedBackends.Count -gt 1) { log -Severity Error -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] The provided Basic Load Balancers do not share backend pool members (more than one backend VMSS found: '$($groupedBackends)'). Using -multiLBConfig when backend is not shared adds risk and complexity in recovery." -terminateOnError } Else { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] The provided Basic Load Balancers share '$($groupedBackends.count)' backend pool members." } } ## shared backend should be a single Availability Set for VMs If ($multiLBConfig[0].scenario.backendType -eq 'VM') { $nicIDs = @() ForEach ($basicLoadBalancer in $multiLBConfig.BasicLoadBalancer) { foreach ($backendAddressPool in $BasicLoadBalancer.BackendAddressPools) { foreach ($backendIpConfiguration in ($backendAddressPool.BackendIpConfigurations | Select-Object -Property Id -Unique)) { $nicIDs += "'$(($backendIpConfiguration.Id -split '/ipconfigurations/')[0])'" } } foreach ($inboundNatRule in $BasicLoadBalancer.inboundNatRules) { foreach ($backendIpConfiguration in ($inboundNatRule.BackendIpConfiguration | Select-Object -Property Id -Unique)) { $nicIDs += "'$(($backendIpConfiguration.Id -split '/ipconfigurations/')[0])'" } } } $joinedNicIDs = $nicIDs -join ',' $graphQuery = @" resources | where type =~ '' and id in~ ($joinedNicIDs) | project lbNicVMId = tolower(tostring( | join ( resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | project vmId = tolower(id), availabilitySetId = coalesce(, 'NO_AVAILABILITY_SET')) on `$left.lbNicVMId == `$right.vmId | project availabilitySetId "@ log -Severity Verbose -Message "Graph Query Text: `n$graphQuery" $waitingForARG = $false $timeoutStopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() do { If (!$waitingForARG) { log -Message "[UpgradeVMPublicIP] Querying Resource Graph for availability sets of VMs in load balancers backend pools" } Else { log -Message "[UpgradeVMPublicIP] Waiting 15 seconds before querying ARG again (total wait time up to 15 minutes before failure)..." Start-Sleep 15 } $VMAvailabilitySets = Search-AzGraph -Query $graphQuery $waitingForARG = $true } while ($VMPIPRecords.count -eq 0 -and $env:LBMIG_WAIT_FOR_ARG -and $timeoutStopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds -lt $global:defaultJobWaitTimeout) If ($timeoutStopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds -gt $global:defaultJobWaitTimeout) { log -Severity Error -Message "[UpgradeVMPublicIP] Resource Graph query timed out before results were returned! The Resource Graph lags behind ARM by several minutes--if the resources to migrate were just created (as in a test), test the query from the log to determine if this was an ingestion lag or synax failure. Once the issue has been corrected follow the steps at to retry the migration." -terminateOnError } # VMs must share an availability set or the backend must be a single VM with no availability set ('NO_AVAILABILITY_SET') If (($VMAvailabilitySets.availabilitySetId | Sort-Object | Get-Unique).count -gt 1 -or ($VMAvailabilitySets.availabilitySetId | Where-Object {$_ -eq 'NO_AVAILABILITY_SET'}).count -gt 1) { log -Severity Error -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] The provided Basic Load Balancers do not share backend pool members (VMs are in different or no Availability Sets: '$($VMAvailabilitySets.availabilitySetId -join ',')'). Using -multiLBConfig when backend is not shared adds risk and complexity in recovery." -terminateOnError } Else { log -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] The provided Basic Load Balancers share '$(($VMAvailabilitySets.availabilitySetId | Sort-Object | Get-Unique).count)' availability set" } } log -Message "[Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario] Multi-LB configuration is valid for migration" } Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-SupportedMigrationScenario, _GetScenarioBackendType, Test-SupportedMultiLBScenario |