
        Syncs all runbooks in a VSO git repository to an Azure Automation account.

        Syncs all runbooks in a VSO git repository to an Azure Automation account starting with dependent (child)
        runbooks and followed by parent runbooks to an existing Automation Account. This runbook will recursively
        treat all sub directories within the VSORunbookFolderPath as dependent (child) runbooks and publish these

        With the -FlatFilesMode parameter, syncs all runbooks in the specified folder in a VSO git repository to
        an Azure Automation Account by building a dependency graph and publishing bottom-up.
        Requires a VSO Alternate Authentication Credential for connecting with VSO-Git repository, stored
        in a Automation credential asset.
    .PARAMETER VSOCredentialName
        Name of the credential asset containing the VSO Alternate Authentication Credential name
        and password configured from VSO Profile dialog.
        Name of the account name for VSO Online. Ex.

        Name of the VSO project that contains the repository

    .PARAMETER VSORepository
        Name of the repository that contains the runbook project

    .PARAMETER VSORunbookFolderPath
        Project path to the root where the runbooks are located. Ex. /Project1/ProjectRoot
        where ProjectRoot contains the parent runbooks
    .PARAMETER TargetSubscriptionId
        The Id of the Azure Subscription where the Automation Assets will be deployed.

    .PARAMETER TargetResourceGroup
        Name of the Resource Group that contains the TargetAutomationAccount.

    .PARAMETER TargetAutomationAccount
        Name of the Automation Account to where the runbooks should be synced.

    .PARAMETER TargetCredentialName
        Name of the Azure Credential asset that was created in the Automation service.
        This credential asset contains represents a user with permission to manage the TargetAutomationAccount.
        Optional name of the Git branch to retrieve the runbooks from. Defaults to "master"

    .PARAMETER FlatFilesMode
        Optional. Defaults to "$false"
        Flag enables forced-publishing of runbooks to satisfy parent/child caveats - without resorting to cumbersome source folder structures.
        1. The runbook will loop through the flat list of runbooks, attempting to Import & Publish each, in the order they are enumerated from VSO.
        2. If a runbook fails import, it's assumed that's because the Automation Account is missing a required child runbook.
        3. The code will continue attempting to import the remaining runbooks.
        4. If errors occured, steps 1-3 are repeated.
        5. Successfully synced runbooks will not be imported on subsequent tries.
        6. If errors occured and no runbooks are synced in a given try, the process gives up, assuming the issue is not a parent/child dependency.

        Sync-VsoGitRmRunbook -VSOCredentialName "VSOCredentialAsset" -VSOAccount "AccountName"
            -VSOProject "Project" -VSORepository "Repository" -VSORunbookFolderPath "/Project1/ProjectRoot"
            -TargetAutomationAccount "AccountName" -AzureConnectionName "ConnectionAssetName" -VSOBranch "master"


    function Sync-VsoGitRmRunbooks
        param (
           [string] $VSOCredentialName,

           [string] $VSOAccount,

           [string] $VSOProject,

           [string] $VSORepository,

           [string] $VSOBranch,

           [string] $VSORunbookFolderPath,

           [string] $TargetCredentialName,
           [string] $TargetSubscriptionId,
           [string] $TargetResourceGroup,

           [string] $TargetAutomationAccount,

           [bool] $FlatFilesMode = $true

        $psExtension = ".ps1"
        $grExtension = ".graphrunbook"
        $vsoApiVersion = "1.0-preview"
        #Getting Credentail asset for VSO alternate authentication credentail
        $VSOCred = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $VSOCredentialName
        if ($VSOCred -eq $null)
            throw "Could not retrieve '$VSOCredentialName' credential asset. Check that you created this asset in the Automation service."
        $VSOAuthUserName = $VSOCred.UserName
        $VSOAuthPassword = $VSOCred.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        #Creating authorization header
        $basicAuth = ("{0}:{1}" -f $VSOAuthUserName,$VSOAuthPassword)
        $basicAuth = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($basicAuth)
        $basicAuth = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($basicAuth)
        $headers = @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $basicAuth)}

        #ex. ""
        $VSOURL = "https://" + $VSOAccount + "" + 
                $VSOProject + "/repositories/" + $VSORepository + "/items?scopepath=" + $VSORunbookFolderPath +  
                "&recursionlevel=full&includecontentmetadata=true&versionType=branch&version=" + $VSOBranch +  
                "&api-version=" + $vsoApiVersion
        Write-Verbose("Connecting to VSO using URL: $VSOURL")
        $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $VSOURL -Method Get -Headers $headers

        $VerbosePreference = "Continue"
        #$results | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Verbose

        $allRunbooks = [AzureAutomationVsoGitSync.Models.SortedRunbookCollection]@{}

        #grab folders & files
        $folderObj = @()
        foreach ($item in $results.value)
            if ($item.gitObjectType -eq "tree")
                $folderObj += $item
            elseif (($item.gitObjectType -eq "blob") -and ($item.path -match $psExtension -or $item.path -match $grExtension))
                # get runbook file name
                $path = $item.path; 
                $fileName = [AzureAutomationVsoGitSync.Models.Runbook]::GetRunbookFileName($path); 

                # local temp path for runbook
                $tempPath = Join-Path -Path $env:SystemDrive -ChildPath "temp"
                $outFile = Join-Path -Path $tempPath -ChildPath $fileName

                # download the runbook
                $fileUrl = $item.url
                Write-Verbose "`tGET $fileName"
                $VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue"
                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $fileUrl -Method Get -Headers $headers -OutFile $outFile 
                $VerbosePreference = "Continue"

                $new = $allRunbooks.Add($outFile, $fileUrl)
        # Select the Azure Subscription
        $VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue"
        $azCred = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $TargetCredentialName
        $azAcct = Add-AzureRmAccount -Credential $azCred -SubscriptionId $TargetSubscriptionId
        $azSub = Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $TargetSubscriptionId
        $VerbosePreference = "Continue"

        # enumerate existing automation accounts & runbooks
        #Get-AzureRmAutomationAccount -ResourceGroupName $TargetResourceGroup | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Verbose
        #Get-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -ResourceGroupName $TargetResourceGroup -AutomationAccountName $TargetAutomationAccount | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Verbose

        if ($FlatFilesMode)
            $sysDrive = $env:SystemDrive
            # [SortedRunbookCollection].Result will be the topologically-sorted list of runbooks
            # (Leaf nodes first)
            $vsoApiVersion = $true

            $haveSynced = @{}
            $errorSync = @{}

            Write-Verbose "Publish Order (by dependency):"
            $sorted = $allRunbooks.Result
            $sorted | Select Name | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Verbose

            foreach($rb in $sorted)
                $outFile = $rb.FilePath
                $runbookName = $rb.Name
                $rbType = $rb.Type
                    # if not yet synced .. import & add to synced collection
                    if (!$haveSynced.ContainsKey($runbookName))
                        if ($rbType -eq [AzureAutomationVsoGitSync.Models.RunbookType]::Graph)
                            Write-Verbose  "Importing $runbookName as Graph."
                            Import-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -ResourceGroupName $TargetResourceGroup -AutomationAccountName $TargetAutomationAccount -Path $outFile -Force -Published -Type Graph 
                        elseif ($rbType -eq [AzureAutomationVsoGitSync.Models.RunbookType]::PowerShellWorkflow)
                            Write-Verbose  "Importing $runbookName as PowerShellWorkflow."
                            Import-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -ResourceGroupName $TargetResourceGroup -AutomationAccountName $TargetAutomationAccount -Path $outFile -Force -Published -Type PowerShellWorkflow 
                        elseif ($rbType -eq [AzureAutomationVsoGitSync.Models.RunbookType]::PowerShell)
                            Write-Verbose  "Importing $runbookName as PowerShell."
                            Import-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -ResourceGroupName $TargetResourceGroup -AutomationAccountName $TargetAutomationAccount -Path $outFile -Force -Published -Type PowerShell 
                            throw "Could not determine type of runbook $($rb.FileName) from $rbType"
                        #Write-Verbose "Publishing.."
                        #$rb = Publish-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -ResourceGroupName $TargetResourceGroup -AutomationAccountName $TargetAutomationAccount -Name $runbookName -ErrorAction Continue | Write-Verbose
                        $haveSynced.Add($runbookName, $rb.FileUrl)
                        Write-Verbose("Runbook $runbookName already synced. Duplicate?")
                catch [System.Exception] 
                    $ex = ConvertTo-Json $_
                    if (!$errorSync.ContainsKey($runbookName))
                        $errorsync.add( $runbookname, $ex )
                    Write-Verbose $ex
                    Write-Error $_

            Write-Verbose "Done.`n"
            Write-Verbose "Synced $($haveSynced.Count) of $($sorted.Count)"
            #Write-Verbose "Errors $($errorSync.Count)"

            if ($errorSync.Count > 0)
                Write-Verbose "Errors:"
                $errorSync | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Verbose

            if ($haveSynced.Count -eq $sorted.Count)
                Write-Verbose "All runbooks synced."

            $haveSynced = @{}
            $errorSync = @{}

            #recursively go through most inner child folders first, then their parents, parents parents, etc.
            for ($i = $folderObj.count - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--)
                Write-Verbose("Processing files in $($folderObj[$i].path)")
                $folderURL = "https://" + $VSOAccount + "" + 
                        $VSOProject + "/repositories/" + $VSORepository + "/items?scopepath=" + $folderObj[$i].path +  
                        "&recursionLevel=OneLevel&includecontentmetadata=true&versionType=branch&version=" + 
                        $VSOBranch + "&api-version=" + $vsoApiVersion
                $results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $folderURL -Method Get -Headers $headers
                foreach ($item in $results.value)
                        $pathsplit = $item.path.Split("/")
                        $filename = $pathsplit[$pathsplit.Count - 1]
                        $tempPath = Join-Path -Path $env:SystemDrive -ChildPath "temp"
                        $outFile = Join-Path -Path $tempPath -ChildPath $filename
                        #Get the runbook name
                        $fname = $filename
                        $tempPathSplit = $fname.Split(".")
                        $runbookName = $tempPathSplit[0]
                        $rbType = $rb.Type
                        # if not yet synced .. import & add to synced collection
                        if (!$haveSynced.ContainsKey($runbookName))
                            if ($rbType -eq [RunbookType]::Graph)
                                Write-Verbose  "Importing $runbookName as Graph."
                                Import-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -ResourceGroupName $TargetResourceGroup -AutomationAccountName $TargetAutomationAccount -Path $outFile -Force -Published -Type Graph 
                            elseif ($rbType -eq [RunbookType]::PowerShellWorkflow)
                                Write-Verbose  "Importing $runbookName as PowerShellWorkflow."
                                Import-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -ResourceGroupName $TargetResourceGroup -AutomationAccountName $TargetAutomationAccount -Path $outFile -Force -Published -Type PowerShellWorkflow 
                            elseif ($rbType -eq [RunbookType]::PowerShell)
                                Write-Verbose  "Importing $runbookName as PowerShell."
                                Import-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -ResourceGroupName $TargetResourceGroup -AutomationAccountName $TargetAutomationAccount -Path $outFile -Force -Published -Type PowerShell 
                                throw "Could not determine type of runbook $($rb.FileName) from $rbType"
                            $haveSynced.Add($runbookName, $rb.FileUrl)
                            Write-Verbose("Runbook $runbookName already synced. Duplicate?")
                    catch [System.Exception] 
                        $ex = ConvertTo-Json $_
                        if (!$errorSync.ContainsKey($runbookName))
                            $errorsync.add( $runbookname, $ex )
                        Write-Verbose $ex
                        Write-Error $_

            Write-Verbose "Done.`n"
            Write-Verbose "Synced $($haveSynced.Count) of $($allRunbooks.Results.Count)"

            if ($errorSync.Count > 0)
                Write-Verbose "Errors:"
                $errorSync | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Verbose

            if ($haveSynced.Count -gt 0 -and $haveSynced.Count -eq $results.Count)
                Write-Verbose "All runbooks synced."