
$thismodulepath = $psscriptroot

#test required module version
$mod = Get-Module azurerm.automation
[System.Version]$RequiredVersion = "1.0.2"
if (($mod.Version.CompareTo($RequiredVersion) -lt 0))
    throw "please update AzureRM.Automation"

if (test-path "azureautomationdebugconfig.json")
    $configfile = get-item "azureautomationdebugconfig.json"
    $ConfigFile = Join-Path $thismodulepath "azureautomationdebugconfig.json"
Write-verbose "Loading settings from $($configfile.fullname)"
$ConfigObject = get-content $configfile -raw | ConvertFrom-Json

. $thismodulepath\Connect-AzureRest.ps1

#Test credxml first
$AACredsPath = $ConfigObject.AACredentialsXmlPath
if (test-path $AACredsPath)
    Write-verbose "Loading creds from $AACredsPath"
    $Cred = Import-Clixml $AACredsPath
    $AAUsername = $cred.username
    $AAPassword = $Cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password

    Write-verbose "Loading creds from json config"
    $AAUserName = $ConfigObject.AAUsername
    $AAPassword = $ConfigObject.AAPassword
    $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($AAUserName,($AAPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))

$AutomationAccount = $ConfigObject.AutomationAccount
$AutomationResourceGroup = $ConfigObject.AutomationResourceGroup
$subscriptionId = $configobject.SubscriptionId

write-verbose "Logging in to Azure"
$login = Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential $cred

$null = Select-azureRMsubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId -TenantId $login.Context.Tenant.TenantId

Write-Verbose "Logging in to Azure Rest api"
$Token = Connect-AzureRest -username $AAUserName -password $AAPassword
if (!$token) {write-error "Could not authenticate";exit}

function Decrypt-String
    Param (
    # If the value in the Encrypted is a string, convert it to Base64
    if($Encrypted -is [string]){
        $Encrypted = [Convert]::FromBase64String($Encrypted)

    # Create a COM Object for RijndaelManaged Cryptography
    $r = new-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged
    # Convert the Passphrase to UTF8 Bytes
    $pass = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Passphrase)
    # Convert the Salt to UTF Bytes
    $salt = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($salt)

    # Create the Encryption Key using the passphrase, salt and SHA1 algorithm at 256 bits
    $r.Key = (new-Object Security.Cryptography.PasswordDeriveBytes $pass, $salt, "SHA1", 5).GetBytes(32) #256/8
    # Create the Intersecting Vector Cryptology Hash with the init
    $r.IV = (new-Object Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed).ComputeHash( [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($init) )[0..15]

    # Create a new Decryptor
    $d = $r.CreateDecryptor()
    # Create a New memory stream with the encrypted value.
    $ms = new-Object IO.MemoryStream @(,$Encrypted)
    # Read the new memory stream and read it in the cryptology stream
    $cs = new-Object Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream $ms,$d,"Read"
    # Read the new decrypted stream
    $sr = new-Object IO.StreamReader $cs
    # Return from the function the stream
    Write-Output $sr.ReadToEnd()
    # Stops the stream
    # Stops the crypology stream
    # Stops the memory stream
    # Clears the RijndaelManaged Cryptology IV and Key

Function Get-AutomationPSCredential
    Before using this function, make sure you have successfully loaded the module. Login to Azure happens during module load,
    which is using a config json file to log on. This is decribed in detail here:

    Param (

    #Get an updated token
    . $thismodulepath\Connect-AzureRest.ps1

    #Generate salt
    $alphabet=$NULL;For ($a=65;$a �le 90;$a++) {$alphabet+=,[char][byte]$a }
    For ($loop=1; $loop �le 32; $loop++) {
            $Salt1+=($alphabet | GET-RANDOM)

    For ($loop=1; $loop �le 32; $loop++) {
            $Salt2+=($alphabet | GET-RANDOM)
    $Params = @{"Name"=$name;"Salt1"=$Salt1;"Salt2"=$Salt2}
    $FirstFail = $false
    #First Try
            $job = Start-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -name "Get-PSCredential" -Parameters $Params -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccount -ResourceGroupName $AutomationResourceGroup -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable JobErr
        $FirstFail = $true
        if ($joberr)
            if (($JobErr[0].Message.ToString()) -like "The Runbook was not found*")
                Write-Verbose "Adding runbook Get-PsCredential to Azure Automation"
                Import-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -Name "Get-PSCredential" -Type PowerShell -Path "$thismodulepath\AzureAutomationRunbook\Get-PSCredential.ps1" -Published -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccount -ResourceGroupName $AutomationResourceGroup | out-null
                Do {
                    Write-verbose "Waiting until the runbook is registered"
                    $runbookExists = $false
                        $rbexists = Get-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -Name "Get-PSCredential" -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccount -ResourceGroupName $AutomationResourceGroup -ErrorAction Stop
                    Catch {}
                    if ($rbexists) {$runbookExists = $true}
                Until ($runbookExists -eq $true)
            Write-error "Could not start runbook";exit


    #Second try
    if ($firstfail -eq $true)
        $job = Start-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -name "Get-PSCredential" -Parameters $Params -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccount -ResourceGroupName $AutomationResourceGroup

    do {
        Write-verbose "Waiting for credentials"
        Start-sleep -seconds 1
        $job = Get-AzureRmAutomationJob -Id $job.JobId -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccount -ResourceGroupName $AutomationResourceGroup
    until ($job.Status -eq "completed")
    $out = Get-AzureRmAutomationJobOutput -Id $job.JobId -Stream Output -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccount -ResourceGroupName $AutomationResourceGroup
    #$uri = "$subscriptionid/cloudservices/OaaSCS/resources/automation/~/automationAccounts/$AutomationAccount/jobs/$($$($out.JobStreamId)?api-version=2014-12-08"
    $uri = "$subscriptionid/resourceGroups/$AutomationResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/$AutomationAccount/Jobs/$($job.Jobid.ToString())/streams/$($out.StreamRecordId)?api-version=2015-01-01-preview"
    $headers = @{
    Write-verbose "Getting the job output"
    $StreamDetails = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers
    $ReturnObj = $ | convertfrom-json
    $returnedUserName = $returnobj.UserName
    $returnedPassword = $returnobj.Password
    Write-verbose "Decrypting credentials"
    $returnedPasswordDecrypted = Decrypt-String -Encrypted $returnedpassword -salt $salt1 -Passphrase $salt2

    $returncredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($returnedUserName,($returnedPasswordDecrypted | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))
    Write-verbose "Credentials decrypted. Returning"

Function Get-AutomationVariable
    Param ($name)
        $return = Get-AzureRmAutomationVariable -Name $name -ResourceGroupName $AutomationResourceGroup -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccount -ErrorAction stop
    if ($return)