<# .SYNOPSIS Write Exception to Application Insights. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Write-AppInsightsEvent $exception Write Exception to Application Insights. .INPUTS System.Exception #> function Write-AppInsightsException { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('Write-AIException')] param ( # Exception [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Exception[]] $Exceptions, # Severity Level [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet('Verbose', 'Information', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Critical')] [string] $SeverityLevel, # Custom Properties [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [hashtable] $Properties, # Instrumentation Key [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $InstrumentationKey = $script:ModuleConfig.'ai.instrumentationKey', # Ingestion Endpoint [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $IngestionEndpoint = $script:ModuleConfig.'ai.ingestionEndpoint' ) begin { ## Return Immediately when Telemetry is Disabled if ($script:ModuleConfig.'ai.disabled') { return } ## Application Insights Exception Helper Functions # Set-Variable MaxParsedStackLength -Value 32768 -Option Constant <# .SYNOPSIS Convert Exceptions Tree to ExceptionDetails .LINK #> function ConvertExceptionTree ([Exception] $exception, [hashtable] $parentExceptionDetails, [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]] $exceptions) { if ($null -eq $exception) { $exception = New-Object Exception -ArgumentList 'n/a' } [hashtable] $exceptionDetails = ConvertToExceptionDetails $exception $parentExceptionDetails ## For upper level exception see if Message was provided and do not use exceptiom.message in that case #if ($null -eq $parentExceptionDetails -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.Message)) { # $exceptionDetails.message = $this.Message #} $exceptions.Add($exceptionDetails) [AggregateException] $aggregate = $exception -as [AggregateException] if ($null -ne $aggregate) { foreach ($inner in $aggregate.InnerExceptions) { ConvertExceptionTree $inner $exceptionDetails $exceptions } } elseif ($null -ne $exception.InnerException) { ConvertExceptionTree $exception.InnerException $exceptionDetails $exceptions } } <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a Exception to a Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.Implementation.TelemetryTypes.ExceptionDetails. .LINK #> function ConvertToExceptionDetails ([Exception]$exception, [hashtable]$parentExceptionDetails) { [hashtable] $exceptionDetails = CreateWithoutStackInfo $exception $parentExceptionDetails $stack = New-Object System.Diagnostics.StackTrace -ArgumentList $Exception, $true $frames = $stack.GetFrames() $sanitizedTuple = SanitizeStackFrame $frames $exceptionDetails['parsedStack'] = $sanitizedTuple[0] $exceptionDetails['hasFullStack'] = $sanitizedTuple[1] return $exceptionDetails } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new instance of ExceptionDetails from a Exception and a parent ExceptionDetails. .LINK #> function CreateWithoutStackInfo ([Exception]$exception, [hashtable]$parentExceptionDetails) { if ($null -eq $exception) { throw (New-Object ArgumentNullException -ArgumentList $exception.GetType().Name) } [hashtable] $exceptionDetails = [ordered]@{ id = $exception.GetHashCode() typeName = $exception.GetType().FullName message = $exception.Message } if ($null -ne $parentExceptionDetails) { $exceptionDetails.outerId = $ } return $exceptionDetails } <# .SYNOPSIS Sanitizing stack to 32k while selecting the initial and end stack trace. .LINK #> function SanitizeStackFrame ([System.Diagnostics.StackFrame[]]$inputList) { [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]] $orderedStackTrace = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable] [bool] $hasFullStack = $true if ($null -ne $inputList -and $inputList.Count -gt 0) { [int] $currentParsedStackLength = 0 for ($level = 0; $level -lt $inputList.Count; $level++) { ## Skip middle part of the stack [int] $current = if ($level % 2 -eq 0) { ($inputList.Count - 1 - ($level / 2)) } else { ($level / 2) } [hashtable] $convertedStackFrame = GetStackFrame $inputList[$current] $current $currentParsedStackLength += GetStackFrameLength $convertedStackFrame if ($currentParsedStackLength -gt $MaxParsedStackLength) { $hasFullStack = $false break } $orderedStackTrace.Insert($orderedStackTrace.Count / 2, $convertedStackFrame) } } return $orderedStackTrace, $hasFullStack } <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a System.Diagnostics.StackFrame to a Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.Implementation.TelemetryTypes.StackFrame. .LINK #> function GetStackFrame ([System.Diagnostics.StackFrame]$stackFrame, [int]$frameId) { [hashtable] $convertedStackFrame = [ordered]@{ level = $frameId } $methodInfo = $stackFrame.GetMethod() [string] $fullName = $null [string] $assemblyName = $null if ($null -eq $methodInfo) { $fullName = "unknown" $assemblyName = "unknown" } else { $assemblyName = $methodInfo.Module.Assembly.FullName if ($null -ne $methodInfo.DeclaringType) { $fullName = $methodInfo.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + $methodInfo.Name } else { $fullName = $methodInfo.Name } } $convertedStackFrame['method'] = $fullName $convertedStackFrame['assembly'] = $assemblyName $convertedStackFrame['fileName'] = $stackFrame.GetFileName() ## 0 means it is unavailable [int] $line = $stackFrame.GetFileLineNumber() if ($line -ne 0) { $convertedStackFrame['line'] = $line } return $convertedStackFrame } <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the stack frame length for only the strings in the stack frame. .LINK #> function GetStackFrameLength ([hashtable]$stackFrame) { [int] $stackFrameLength = if ($null -eq $stackFrame.method) { 0 } else { $stackFrame.method.Length } $stackFrameLength += if ($null -eq $stackFrame.assembly) { 0 } else { $stackFrame.assembly.Length } $stackFrameLength += if ($null -eq $stackFrame.fileName) { 0 } else { $stackFrame.fileName.Length } return $stackFrameLength } } process { ## Return Immediately when Telemetry is Disabled if ($script:ModuleConfig.'ai.disabled') { return } foreach ($Exception in $Exceptions) { ## Get New Telemetry Entry $AppInsightsTelemetry = New-AppInsightsTelemetry 'AppExceptions' -InstrumentationKey $InstrumentationKey ## Get Exception Details [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]] $exceptions = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable] ConvertExceptionTree $Exception $null $exceptions ## Update Telemetry Data $['exceptions'] = $exceptions if ($SeverityLevel) { $['severityLevel'] = $SeverityLevel } if ($Properties) { $['properties'] += $Properties } ## Write Data to Application Insights Write-Debug (([PSCustomObject]$AppInsightsTelemetry) | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 6) try { $result = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Method Post -Uri $IngestionEndpoint -ContentType 'application/json' -Body ($AppInsightsTelemetry | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 6 -Compress) -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch {} } } } |