<# .SYNOPSIS Start Operation and Stopwatch for Application Insights Request. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Start-AppInsightsRequest $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Start Operation and Stopwatch for Application Insights Request. .INPUTS System.String #> function Start-AppInsightsRequest { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('Start-AIRequest')] param ( # Operation Name [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name ) ## Return Immediately when Telemetry is Disabled if ($script:ModuleConfig.'ai.disabled') { return } $Operation = @{ Id = New-Guid Name = $Name ParentId = $null Stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } if ($script:AppInsightsRuntimeState.OperationStack.Count -gt 0) { $Operation['ParentId'] = $script:AppInsightsRuntimeState.OperationStack.Peek().Id $Operation['Id'] = $script:AppInsightsRuntimeState.OperationStack.Peek().Id # Use the same id as parent } $script:AppInsightsRuntimeState.OperationStack.Push($Operation) Write-AppInsightsTrace "Invoking Command: $Name" -SeverityLevel Information #return $Operation #return New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList } |