.DISCLAIMER THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. #> param ( # Provide module configuration [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject] $ModuleConfiguration ) ## Set Strict Mode for Module. Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0 ## Initialize Module Configuration $script:ModuleConfigDefault = Import-Config -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'config.json') $script:ModuleConfig = $script:ModuleConfigDefault.psobject.Copy() Import-Config | Set-Config if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ModuleConfiguration')) { Set-Config $ModuleConfiguration } #Export-Config ## Initialize Module Variables $script:ConnectState = @{ ClientApplication = $null CloudEnvironment = 'Global' MsGraphToken = $null AadGraphToken = $null } $script:MsGraphSession = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession $script:MsGraphSession.Headers.Add('ConsistencyLevel', 'eventual') $script:MsGraphSession.UserAgent += ' AzureADAssessment' #$script:MsGraphSession.UserAgent += '{0}/{1}' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Name,$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version # $script:MsGraphSession.Proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy -Property @{ # Address = localhost # UseDefaultCredentials = $true # } $script:mapMgEnvironmentToAzureCloudInstance = @{ 'Global' = 'AzurePublic' 'China' = 'AzureChina' 'Germany' = 'AzureGermany' 'USGov' = 'AzureUsGovernment' 'USGovDoD' = 'AzureUsGovernment' } $script:mapMgEnvironmentToAzureEnvironment = @{ 'Global' = 'AzureCloud' 'China' = 'AzureChinaCloud' 'Germany' = 'AzureGermanyCloud' 'USGov' = 'AzureUSGovernment' 'USGovDoD' = 'AzureUsGovernment' } $script:mapMgEnvironmentToAadRedirectUri = @{ 'Global' = '' 'China' = '' 'Germany' = '' 'USGov' = '' 'USGovDoD' = '' } $script:mapMgEnvironmentToMgEndpoint = @{ 'Global' = '' 'China' = '' 'Germany' = '' 'USGov' = '' 'USGovDoD' = '' } ## Initialize Application Insights for Anonymous Telemetry $script:AppInsightsRuntimeState = [PSCustomObject]@{ OperationStack = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.Stack[PSCustomObject] SessionId = New-Guid } if (!$script:ModuleConfig.'ai.disabled') { $script:AppInsightsState = [PSCustomObject]@{ UserId = New-Guid } Import-Config -Path 'AppInsightsState.json' | Set-Config -OutConfig ([ref]$script:AppInsightsState) Export-Config -Path 'AppInsightsState.json' -InputObject $script:AppInsightsState -IgnoreDefaultValues $null } ## HashArray with already read evidence $script:Evidences = @{ 'Tenant' = @{} # tenant files 'AADC' = @{} # aadconnect files indexed by server name 'ADFS' = @{} # ADFS files indexed by server name 'AADAP' = @{} # AAD Proxy Agent files indexed by server name } #Future #Get PIM data #Get Secure Score #Add Master CmdLet and make it in parallel |