<# .SYNOPSIS Query Microsoft Graph API .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Get-MsGraphResults 'users' Return query results for first page of users. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Get-MsGraphResults 'users' -ApiVersion beta Return query results for all users using the beta API. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Get-MsGraphResults 'users' -UniqueId '','' -Select id,userPrincipalName,displayName Return id, userPrincipalName, and displayName for and #> function Get-MsGraphResults { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param ( # Graph endpoint such as "users". [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [uri[]] $RelativeUri, # Specifies unique Id(s) for the URI endpoint. For example, users endpoint accepts Id or UPN. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('Id')] #[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $UniqueId, # Filters properties (columns). [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $Select, # Filters results (rows). [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Filter, # Specifies the page size of the result set. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $Top, # Include a count of the total number of items in a collection [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Count, # Parameters such as "$orderby". [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [hashtable] $QueryParameters, # API Version. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet('v1.0', 'beta')] [string] $ApiVersion = 'v1.0', # Specifies consistency level. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $ConsistencyLevel = "eventual", # Total requests to calcuate progress bar when using pipeline. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $TotalRequests, # Copy OData Context to each result value. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $KeepODataContext, # Add OData Type to each result value. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $AddODataType, # Incapsulate member and owner reference calls with a parent object. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $IncapsulateReferenceListInParentObject, # Group results in array by request. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $GroupOutputByRequest, # Disable deduplication of UniqueId values. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $DisableUniqueIdDeduplication, # Only return first page of results. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $DisablePaging, # Disable consolidating uniqueIds using getByIds endpoint [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $DisableGetByIdsBatching, # Specify GetByIds Batch size. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $GetByIdsBatchSize = 1000, # Force individual requests to MS Graph. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $DisableBatching, # Specify Batch size. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $BatchSize = 20, # Base URL for Microsoft Graph API. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uri] $GraphBaseUri = $script:mapMgEnvironmentToMgEndpoint[$script:ConnectState.CloudEnvironment] ) begin { [uri] $uriGraphVersionBase = [IO.Path]::Combine($GraphBaseUri.AbsoluteUri, $ApiVersion) $listRequests = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject]]' $listRequests.Add($uriGraphVersionBase.AbsoluteUri, (New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject]')) [System.Collections.Generic.List[guid]] $listIds = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[guid]' [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[uri]] $hashUri = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[uri]' $ProgressState = Start-Progress -Activity 'Microsoft Graph Requests' -Total $TotalRequests function Catch-MsGraphError { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrorRecord ) ## Get Response Body if ($_.ErrorDetails) { $ResponseContent = ConvertFrom-Json $_.ErrorDetails.Message } elseif ($_.Exception -is [System.Net.WebException]) { if ($_.Exception.Response) { $StreamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream() try { $ResponseContent = ConvertFrom-Json $StreamReader.ReadToEnd() } finally { $StreamReader.Close() } } } Write-Debug -Message (ConvertTo-Json ([PSCustomObject]@{ 'Request' = '{0} {1}' -f $_.TargetObject.Method, $_.TargetObject.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri 'Response' = '{0} {1} HTTP/{2}' -f $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__, $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription, $_.Exception.Response.ProtocolVersion 'Response.Content-Type' = $_.Exception.Response.Headers.GetValues('Content-Type') -join '; ' 'Response.Content' = $ResponseContent 'Response.Header.Date' = $_.Exception.Response.Headers.GetValues('Date')[0] 'Response.Header.request-id' = $_.Exception.Response.Headers.GetValues('request-id')[0] 'Response.Header.client-request-id' = $_.Exception.Response.Headers.GetValues('client-request-id')[0] 'Response.Header.x-ms-ags-diagnostic' = $_.Exception.Response.Headers.GetValues('x-ms-ags-diagnostic')[0] | ConvertFrom-Json }) -Depth 3) if ($ResponseContent) { ## Write Custom Error if ($ResponseContent.error.code -eq 'Authentication_ExpiredToken' -or $ResponseContent.error.code -eq 'Service_ServiceUnavailable' -or $ResponseContent.error.code -eq 'Request_UnsupportedQuery') { #Write-AppInsightsException $_.Exception Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -Message $ResponseContent.error.message -ErrorId $ResponseContent.error.code -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryActivity $_.CategoryInfo.Activity -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.Reason -CategoryTargetName $_.CategoryInfo.TargetName -CategoryTargetType $_.CategoryInfo.TargetType -TargetObject $_.TargetObject -ErrorAction Stop } else { if ($ResponseContent.error.code -eq 'Request_ResourceNotFound') { Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -Message $ResponseContent.error.message -ErrorId $ResponseContent.error.code -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryActivity $_.CategoryInfo.Activity -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.Reason -CategoryTargetName $_.CategoryInfo.TargetName -CategoryTargetType $_.CategoryInfo.TargetType -TargetObject $_.TargetObject -ErrorVariable cmdError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Warning $ResponseContent.error.message } else { Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -Message $ResponseContent.error.message -ErrorId $ResponseContent.error.code -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryActivity $_.CategoryInfo.Activity -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.Reason -CategoryTargetName $_.CategoryInfo.TargetName -CategoryTargetType $_.CategoryInfo.TargetType -TargetObject $_.TargetObject -ErrorVariable cmdError } Write-AppInsightsException $cmdError.Exception } } else { throw $ErrorRecord } } function Test-MsGraphBatchError ($BatchResponse) { if ($BatchResponse.status -ne '200') { Write-Debug -Message (ConvertTo-Json $BatchResponse -Depth 3) if ($BatchResponse.body.error.code -eq 'Authentication_ExpiredToken' -or $BatchResponse.body.error.code -eq 'Service_ServiceUnavailable' -or $BatchResponse.body.error.code -eq 'Request_UnsupportedQuery') { Write-Error -Message $BatchResponse.body.error.message -ErrorId $BatchResponse.body.error.code -ErrorAction Stop } else { if ($ResponseContent.error.code -eq 'Request_ResourceNotFound') { Write-Error -Message $BatchResponse.body.error.message -ErrorId $BatchResponse.body.error.code -ErrorVariable cmdError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Warning $BatchResponse.body.error.message } else { Write-Error -Message $BatchResponse.body.error.message -ErrorId $BatchResponse.body.error.code -ErrorVariable cmdError } Write-AppInsightsException $cmdError.Exception } return $true } return $false } function Add-MsGraphRequest { param ( # A collection of request objects. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object[]] $Requests, # Base URL for Microsoft Graph API. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uri] $GraphBaseUri = '' ) process { foreach ($Request in $Requests) { if ($DisableBatching) { if ($ProgressState) { Update-Progress $ProgressState -CurrentOperation ('{0} {1}' -f $Request.method.ToUpper(), $Request.url) -IncrementBy 1 } Invoke-MsGraphRequest $Request -GraphBaseUri $GraphBaseUri } else { $listRequests[$GraphBaseUri].Add($Request) ## Invoke when there are enough for a batch while ($listRequests[$GraphBaseUri].Count -ge $BatchSize) { Invoke-MsGraphBatchRequest $listRequests[$GraphBaseUri][0..($BatchSize - 1)] -BatchSize $BatchSize -ProgressState $ProgressState -GraphBaseUri $GraphBaseUri $listRequests[$GraphBaseUri].RemoveRange(0, $BatchSize) } } } } } function Invoke-MsGraphBatchRequest { param ( # A collection of request objects. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object[]] $Requests, # Specify Batch size. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $BatchSize = 20, # Use external progress object. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject] $ProgressState, # Base URL for Microsoft Graph API. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uri] $GraphBaseUri = '' ) begin { [bool] $ExternalProgress = $false if ($ProgressState) { $ExternalProgress = $true } else { $ProgressState = Start-Progress -Activity 'Microsoft Graph Requests - Batched' -Total $Requests.Count $Stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } [uri] $uriEndpoint = [IO.Path]::Combine($GraphBaseUri.AbsoluteUri, '$batch') $listRequests = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject]' } process { foreach ($Request in $Requests) { $listRequests.Add($Request) } } end { [array] $BatchRequests = New-MsGraphBatchRequest $listRequests -BatchSize $BatchSize for ($iRequest = 0; $iRequest -lt $BatchRequests.Count; $iRequest++) { if ($ProgressState.Total -gt $BatchSize) { Update-Progress $ProgressState -CurrentOperation ('{0} {1}' -f $BatchRequests[$iRequest].method.ToUpper(), $BatchRequests[$iRequest].url) -IncrementBy $BatchRequests[$iRequest].body.requests.Count } $resultsBatch = Invoke-MsGraphRequest $BatchRequests[$iRequest] -NoAppInsights -GraphBaseUri $GraphBaseUri [array] $resultsBatch = $resultsBatch.responses | Sort-Object -Property { [int]$ } foreach ($results in ($resultsBatch)) { if (!(Test-MsGraphBatchError $results)) { if ($IncapsulateReferenceListInParentObject -and $listRequests[$].url -match '.*/(.+)/(.+)/((?:transitive)?members|owners)') { [PSCustomObject]@{ id = $Matches[2] '@odata.type' = '#{0}' -f (Get-MsGraphEntityType $GraphBaseUri.AbsoluteUri -EntityName $Matches[1]) $Matches[3] = Complete-MsGraphResult $results.body -DisablePaging:$DisablePaging -KeepODataContext:$KeepODataContext -AddODataType:$AddODataType -GroupOutputByRequest -Request $listRequests[$] -GraphBaseUri $GraphBaseUri } } else { Complete-MsGraphResult $results.body -DisablePaging:$DisablePaging -KeepODataContext:$KeepODataContext -AddODataType:$AddODataType -GroupOutputByRequest:$GroupOutputByRequest -Request $listRequests[$] -GraphBaseUri $GraphBaseUri } } } } if (!$ExternalProgress) { $Stopwatch.Stop() Write-AppInsightsDependency ('{0} {1}' -f 'POST', $uriEndpoint.AbsolutePath) -Type 'MS Graph' -Data ("{0} {1}`r`n`r`n{2}" -f 'POST', $uriEndpoint.AbsoluteUri, ('{{"requests":[...{0}...]}}' -f $listRequests.Count)) -Duration $Stopwatch.Elapsed -Success ($null -ne $resultsBatch) Stop-Progress $ProgressState } } } function Invoke-MsGraphRequest { param ( # A collection of request objects. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [psobject] $Request, # Do not write application insights dependency. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $NoAppInsights, # Base URL for Microsoft Graph API. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uri] $GraphBaseUri = '' ) process { [uri] $uriEndpoint = $Request.url if (!$uriEndpoint.IsAbsoluteUri) { $uriEndpoint = [IO.Path]::Combine($GraphBaseUri.AbsoluteUri, $Request.url.TrimStart('/')) } #if ($uriEndpoint.Segments -contains 'directoryObjects/') { $NoAppInsights = $true } [hashtable] $paramInvokeRestMethod = @{ Method = $Request.method Uri = $uriEndpoint } if ($Request.psobject.Properties.Name -contains 'headers') { $paramInvokeRestMethod.Add('Headers', $Request.headers) } if ($Request.psobject.Properties.Name -contains 'body') { $paramInvokeRestMethod.Add('Body', ($Request.body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress)) $paramInvokeRestMethod.Add('ContentType', 'application/json') } ## Get results $results = $null $MsGraphSession = Confirm-ModuleAuthentication -MsGraphSession -ErrorAction Stop if (!$NoAppInsights) { $Stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } try { # [hashtable] $results = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method $Request.method -Uri $uriEndpoint.AbsoluteUri -Headers $Request.headers $results = Invoke-RestMethod -WebSession $MsGraphSession -UseBasicParsing @paramInvokeRestMethod -ErrorAction Stop if ($IncapsulateReferenceListInParentObject -and $Request.url -match '.*/(.+)/(.+)/((?:transitive)?members|owners)') { [PSCustomObject]@{ id = $Matches[2] '@odata.type' = '#{0}' -f (Get-MsGraphEntityType $GraphBaseUri.AbsoluteUri -EntityName $Matches[1]) $Matches[3] = Complete-MsGraphResult $results -DisablePaging:$DisablePaging -KeepODataContext:$KeepODataContext -AddODataType:$AddODataType -GroupOutputByRequest -Request $Request -GraphBaseUri $GraphBaseUri } } else { Complete-MsGraphResult $results -DisablePaging:$DisablePaging -KeepODataContext:$KeepODataContext -AddODataType:$AddODataType -GroupOutputByRequest:$GroupOutputByRequest -Request $Request -GraphBaseUri $GraphBaseUri } } catch { Catch-MsGraphError $_ } finally { if (!$NoAppInsights) { $Stopwatch.Stop() Write-AppInsightsDependency ('{0} {1}' -f $Request.method.ToUpper(), $uriEndpoint.AbsolutePath) -Type 'MS Graph' -Data ('{0} {1}' -f $Request.method.ToUpper(), $uriEndpoint.AbsoluteUri) -Duration $Stopwatch.Elapsed -Success ($null -ne $results) } } } } function Complete-MsGraphResult { param ( # Results from MS Graph API. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object[]] $Results, # Only return first page of results. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $DisablePaging, # Copy ODataContext to each result value. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $KeepODataContext, # Add ODataType to each result value. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $AddODataType, # Group results in array by request. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $GroupOutputByRequest, # MS Graph request object. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject] $Request, # Base URL for Microsoft Graph API. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uri] $GraphBaseUri = '' ) begin { [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]] $listOutput = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[object]' } process { foreach ($Result in $Results) { $Output = Expand-MsGraphResult $Result -RawOutput:$DisablePaging -KeepODataContext:$KeepODataContext -AddODataType:$AddODataType if ($GroupOutputByRequest -and $Output) { $listOutput.AddRange([array]$Output) } else { $Output } if (!$DisablePaging -and $Result) { if (Get-ObjectPropertyValue $Result '@odata.nextLink') { [uri] $uriEndpoint = [IO.Path]::Combine($GraphBaseUri.AbsoluteUri, $Request.url.TrimStart('/')) [int] $Total = Get-MsGraphResultsCount $uriEndpoint -GraphBaseUri $GraphBaseUri $Activity = ('Microsoft Graph Request - {0} {1}' -f $Request.method.ToUpper(), $uriEndpoint.AbsolutePath) $ProgressState = Start-Progress -Activity $Activity -Total $Total $ProgressState.CurrentIteration = $Result.value.Count try { while (Get-ObjectPropertyValue $Result '@odata.nextLink') { Update-Progress $ProgressState -IncrementBy $Result.value.Count $nextLink = $Result.'@odata.nextLink' $MsGraphSession = Confirm-ModuleAuthentication -MsGraphSession -ErrorAction Stop $Result = $null try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -WebSession $MsGraphSession -UseBasicParsing -Method Get -Uri $nextLink -Headers $Request.headers -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Catch-MsGraphError $_ } #$Request.url = $Result.'@odata.nextLink' #$Result = Invoke-MsGraphRequest $Request -NoAppInsights -GraphBaseUri $GraphBaseUri $Output = Expand-MsGraphResult $Result -RawOutput:$DisablePaging -KeepODataContext:$KeepODataContext -AddODataType:$AddODataType if ($GroupOutputByRequest -and $Output) { $listOutput.AddRange([array]$Output) } else { $Output } } } finally { Stop-Progress $ProgressState } } } } } end { if ($GroupOutputByRequest) { Write-Output $listOutput.ToArray() -NoEnumerate } } } } process { ## Initialize if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('UniqueId') -and !$UniqueId) { return } if ($RelativeUri.OriginalString -eq $UniqueId) { $UniqueId = $null } # Pipeline string/uri input binds to both parameters so default to just uri ## Process Each RelativeUri foreach ($uri in $RelativeUri) { [string] $BaseUri = $uriGraphVersionBase.AbsoluteUri if ($uri.IsAbsoluteUri) { if ($uri.AbsoluteUri -match '^https://(.+?)/(v1.0|beta)?') { $BaseUri = $Matches[0] } if (!$listRequests.ContainsKey($BaseUri)) { $listRequests.Add($BaseUri, (New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject]')) } $uriQueryEndpoint = New-Object System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList $uri } else { $uriQueryEndpoint = New-Object System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList ([IO.Path]::Combine($BaseUri, $uri)) } ## Combine query parameters from URI and cmdlet parameters [hashtable] $QueryParametersFinal = @{ } if ($uriQueryEndpoint.Query) { $QueryParametersFinal = ConvertFrom-QueryString $uriQueryEndpoint.Query -AsHashtable if ($QueryParameters) { foreach ($ParameterName in $QueryParameters.Keys) { $QueryParametersFinal[$ParameterName] = $QueryParameters[$ParameterName] } } } elseif ($QueryParameters) { $QueryParametersFinal = $QueryParameters } if ($Select) { $QueryParametersFinal['$select'] = $Select -join ',' } if ($Filter) { $QueryParametersFinal['$filter'] = $Filter } if ($Top) { $QueryParametersFinal['$top'] = $Top } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Count')) { $QueryParametersFinal['$count'] = ([string]$Count).ToLower() } $uriQueryEndpoint.Query = ConvertTo-QueryString $QueryParametersFinal ## Expand with UniqueIds if ($UniqueId) { foreach ($id in $UniqueId) { if ($id) { ## If the URI contains '{0}', then replace it with Unique Id. if ($uriQueryEndpoint.Uri.AbsoluteUri.Contains('%7B0%7D')) { $uriQueryEndpointUniqueId = New-Object System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList ([System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlDecode($uriQueryEndpoint.Uri.AbsoluteUri) -f $id) } else { $uriQueryEndpointUniqueId = New-Object System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList $uriQueryEndpoint.Uri $uriQueryEndpointUniqueId.Path = ([IO.Path]::Combine($uriQueryEndpointUniqueId.Path, $id)) } if ($DisableUniqueIdDeduplication -or $hashUri.Add($uriQueryEndpointUniqueId.Uri)) { if (!$DisableGetByIdsBatching -and $id -match '^[{]?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}[}]?$' -and $uriQueryEndpoint.Uri.Segments.Count -eq 3 -and $uriQueryEndpoint.Uri.Segments[2] -in ('directoryObjects', 'users', 'groups', 'devices', 'servicePrincipals', 'applications') -and ($QueryParametersFinal.Count -eq 0 -or ($QueryParametersFinal.Count -eq 1 -and $QueryParametersFinal.ContainsKey('$select')))) { $listIds.Add($id) while ($listIds.Count -ge $GetByIdsBatchSize) { New-MsGraphGetByIdsRequest $listIds[0..($GetByIdsBatchSize - 1)] -Types $uriQueryEndpoint.Uri.Segments[2].TrimEnd('s') -Select $QueryParametersFinal['$select'] -BatchSize $GetByIdsBatchSize | Add-MsGraphRequest -GraphBaseUri $BaseUri $listIds.RemoveRange(0, $GetByIdsBatchSize) if ($ProgressState) { $ProgressState.CurrentIteration += $GetByIdsBatchSize - 1 } } } else { New-MsGraphRequest $uriQueryEndpointUniqueId.Uri -Headers @{ ConsistencyLevel = $ConsistencyLevel } | Add-MsGraphRequest -GraphBaseUri $BaseUri } } elseif ($ProgressState) { $ProgressState.Total -= 1 } } elseif ($ProgressState) { $ProgressState.Total -= 1 } } } else { New-MsGraphRequest $uriQueryEndpoint.Uri -Headers @{ ConsistencyLevel = $ConsistencyLevel } | Add-MsGraphRequest -GraphBaseUri $BaseUri } } } end { ## Complete Remaining Ids if ($listIds.Count -gt 0) { New-MsGraphGetByIdsRequest $listIds -Types $uriQueryEndpoint.Uri.Segments[2].TrimEnd('s') -Select $QueryParametersFinal['$select'] -BatchSize $GetByIdsBatchSize | Add-MsGraphRequest -GraphBaseUri $BaseUri if ($ProgressState) { $ProgressState.CurrentIteration += $listIds.Count - 1 } } ## Finish requests foreach ($BaseUri in $listRequests.Keys) { if ($listRequests[$BaseUri].Count -eq 1) { Invoke-MSGraphRequest $listRequests[$BaseUri][0] -GraphBaseUri $BaseUri } elseif ($listRequests[$BaseUri].Count -gt 0) { Invoke-MsGraphBatchRequest $listRequests[$BaseUri] -BatchSize $BatchSize -ProgressState $ProgressState -GraphBaseUri $BaseUri } if (!$DisableBatching -and $ProgressState -and $ProgressState.CurrentIteration -gt 1) { [uri] $uriEndpoint = [IO.Path]::Combine($BaseUri, '$batch') Write-AppInsightsDependency ('{0} {1}' -f 'POST', $uriEndpoint.AbsolutePath) -Type 'MS Graph' -Data ("{0} {1}`r`n`r`n{2}" -f 'POST', $uriEndpoint.AbsoluteUri, ('{{"requests":[...{0}...]}}' -f $ProgressState.CurrentIteration)) -Duration $ProgressState.Stopwatch.Elapsed -Success $? } } ## Clean-up if ($ProgressState) { Stop-Progress $ProgressState } } } <# .SYNOPSIS New request object containing Microsoft Graph API details. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>New-MsGraphRequest 'users' Return request object for GET /users. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>New-MsGraphRequest -Method Get -Uri '' Return request object for GET /users. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>New-MsGraphRequest -Method Patch -Uri 'users/{id}' -Body ([PsCustomObject]{ displayName = "Joe Cool" } Return request object for PATCH /users/{id} with a body payload to update the displayName. #> function New-MsGraphRequest { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Specifies the method used for the web request. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('Id')] [int] $RequestId = 0, # Specifies the method used for the web request. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateSet('Get', 'Head', 'Post', 'Put', 'Delete', 'Trace', 'Options', 'Merge', 'Patch')] [string] $Method = 'Get', # Specifies the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Internet resource to which the web request is sent. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [uri[]] $Uri, # Specifies the headers of the web request. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [hashtable] $Headers, # Specifies the body of the request. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [pscustomobject] $Body ) process { if (!$Headers) { $Headers = @{} } for ($iRequest = 0; $iRequest -lt $Uri.Count; $iRequest++) { if ($Body) { if (!$Headers.ContainsKey('Content-Type')) { $Headers.Add('Content-Type', 'application/json') } } [string] $url = $Uri[$iRequest].PathAndQuery if (!$url) { $url = $Uri[$iRequest].ToString() } [pscustomobject]@{ id = $RequestId + $iRequest method = $Method.ToUpper() url = $url -replace '^(https://.+?/)?/?(v1.0/|beta/)?', '/' headers = $Headers body = $Body } } } } function New-MsGraphGetByIdsRequest { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # A collection of IDs for which to return objects. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [guid[]] $Ids, # A collection of resource types that specifies the set of resource collections to search. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $Types, # Filters properties (columns). [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string[]] $Select, # Specify Batch size. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $BatchSize = 1000 ) begin { $Types = $Types | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'directoryObject' } if (!$Select) { $Select = "*" } $listIds = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[guid]' } process { foreach ($Id in $Ids) { $listIds.Add($Id) ## Process IDs when a full batch is reached while ($listIds.Count -ge $BatchSize) { New-MsGraphRequest ('/directoryObjects/getByIds?$select={0}' -f ($Select -join ',')) -Method Post -Headers @{ 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' } -Body ([PSCustomObject]@{ ids = $listIds[0..($BatchSize - 1)] types = $Types }) $listIds.RemoveRange(0, $BatchSize) } } } end { ## Process any remaining IDs if ($listIds.Count -gt 0) { New-MsGraphRequest ('/directoryObjects/getByIds?$select={0}' -f ($Select -join ',')) -Method Post -Headers @{ 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' } -Body ([PSCustomObject]@{ ids = $listIds types = $Types }) } } } function New-MsGraphBatchRequest { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # A collection of request objects. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object[]] $Requests, # Specify Batch size. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $BatchSize = 20, # Specify depth of nested batches. MS Graph does not currently support batch nesting. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $Depth = 1 ) process { for ($iRequest = 0; $iRequest -lt $Requests.Count; $iRequest += [System.Math]::Pow($BatchSize, $Depth)) { $indexEnd = [System.Math]::Min($iRequest + [System.Math]::Pow($BatchSize, $Depth) - 1, $Requests.Count - 1) ## Reset ID Order for ($iId = $iRequest; $iId -le $indexEnd; $iId++) { $Requests[$iId].id = $iId } ## Generate Batch Request if ($Depth -gt 1) { $BatchRequest = New-MsGraphBatchRequest $Requests[$iRequest..$indexEnd] -Depth ($Depth - 1) } else { $BatchRequest = $Requests[$iRequest..$indexEnd] } New-MsGraphRequest -RequestId $iRequest -Method Post -Uri '/$batch' -Headers @{ 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' } -Body ([PSCustomObject]@{ requests = $BatchRequest }) } } } function Get-MsGraphMetadata { param ( # Metadata URL for Microsoft Graph API. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [uri] $Uri = '$metadata', # Force a refresh of metadata. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $ForceRefresh ) if (!(Get-Variable MsGraphMetadataCache -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { New-Variable -Name MsGraphMetadataCache -Scope Script -Value (New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,xml]') } if (!$Uri.AbsolutePath.EndsWith('$metadata')) { $Uri = ([IO.Path]::Combine($Uri.AbsoluteUri, '$metadata')) } [string] $BaseUri = $Uri.AbsoluteUri if ($Uri.AbsoluteUri -match ('^.+{0}' -f ([regex]::Escape($Uri.AbsolutePath)))) { $BaseUri = $Matches[0] } if ($ForceRefresh -or !$script:MsGraphMetadataCache.ContainsKey($BaseUri)) { #$MsGraphSession = Confirm-ModuleAuthentication -MsGraphSession -ErrorAction Stop try { $script:MsGraphMetadataCache[$BaseUri] = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Method Get -Uri $Uri -ErrorAction Ignore } catch {} } return $script:MsGraphMetadataCache[$BaseUri] } function Get-MsGraphEntityType { param ( # Metadata URL for Microsoft Graph API. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [uri] $Uri = '$metadata', # Name of endpoint. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $EntityName ) process { $MsGraphMetadata = Get-MSGraphMetadata $Uri if (!$EntityName -and $Uri.Fragment -match '^#(.+?)(\(.+\))?(/\$entity)?$') { $EntityName = $Matches[1] } foreach ($Schema in $MsGraphMetadata.Edmx.DataServices.Schema) { foreach ($EntitySet in $Schema.EntityContainer.EntitySet) { if ($EntitySet.Name -eq $EntityName) { return $EntitySet.EntityType } } } } } function Expand-MsGraphResult { param ( # Results from MS Graph API. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object[]] $Results, # Do not expand result values [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $RawOutput, # Copy ODataContext to each result value [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $KeepODataContext, # Add ODataType to each result value [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $AddODataType ) process { foreach ($Result in $Results) { if (!$RawOutput -and (Get-ObjectPropertyValue $Result.psobject.Properties 'Name') -contains 'value') { foreach ($ResultValue in $Result.value) { if ($AddODataType) { $ODataType = Get-ObjectPropertyValue $Result '@odata.context' | Get-MsGraphEntityType if ($ODataType) { $ODataType = '#' + $ODataType } if ($ResultValue -is [hashtable] -and !$ResultValue.ContainsKey('@odata.type')) { $ResultValue.Add('@odata.type', $ODataType) } elseif ($ResultValue.psobject.Properties.Name -notcontains '@odata.type') { $ResultValue | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '@odata.type' -Value $ODataType } } if ($KeepODataContext) { if ($ResultValue -is [hashtable]) { $ResultValue.Add('@odata.context', ('{0}/$entity' -f $Result.'@odata.context')) } else { $ResultValue | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '@odata.context' -Value ('{0}/$entity' -f $Result.'@odata.context') } } Write-Output $ResultValue } } else { Write-Output $Result } } } } function Get-MsGraphResultsCount { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Graph endpoint such as "users". [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [uri] $Uri, # Base URL for Microsoft Graph API. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [uri] $GraphBaseUri = '' ) process { if ($Uri.IsAbsoluteUri) { $uriEndpointCount = New-Object System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList $Uri -ErrorAction Stop } else { $uriEndpointCount = New-Object System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList $GraphBaseUri -ErrorAction Stop } ## Remove $ref from path $uriEndpointCount.Path = $uriEndpointCount.Path -replace '/\$ref$', '' ## Add $count segment to path $uriEndpointCount.Path = ([IO.Path]::Combine($uriEndpointCount.Path, '$count')) ## $count is not supported with $expand parameter so remove it. [hashtable] $QueryParametersUpdated = ConvertFrom-QueryString $uriEndpointCount.Query -AsHashtable if ($QueryParametersUpdated.ContainsKey('$expand')) { $QueryParametersUpdated.Remove('$expand') } $uriEndpointCount.Query = ConvertTo-QueryString $QueryParametersUpdated $MsGraphSession = Confirm-ModuleAuthentication -MsGraphSession -ErrorAction Stop [int] $Count = $null try { $Count = Invoke-RestMethod -WebSession $MsGraphSession -UseBasicParsing -Method Get -Uri $uriEndpointCount.Uri -Headers @{ ConsistencyLevel = 'eventual' } -ErrorAction Ignore } catch {} return $Count } } |