.SYNOPSIS Gets a report of all members of roles .DESCRIPTION This functions returns a list of consent grants in the directory .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-AADAssessConsentGrantReport | Export-Csv -Path ".\ConsentGrantReport.csv" #> function Get-AADAssessConsentGrantReport { [CmdletBinding()] param( # App Role Assignment Data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject] $AppRoleAssignmentData, # OAuth2 Permission Grants Data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject] $OAuth2PermissionGrantData, # User Data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject] $UserData, # Service Principal Data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [psobject] $ServicePrincipalData, # Generate Report Offline, only using the data passed in parameters [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Offline ) Start-AppInsightsRequest $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name try { if ($Offline -and (!$PSBoundParameters['AppRoleAssignmentData'] -or !$PSBoundParameters['OAuth2PermissionGrantData'] -or !$PSBoundParameters['UserData'] -or !$PSBoundParameters['ServicePrincipalData'])) { Write-Error -Exception (New-Object System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException -ArgumentList 'Use of the offline parameter requires that all data be provided using the data parameters.') -ErrorId 'DataParametersRequired' -Category ObjectNotFound return } function Extract-AppRoleAssignments { param ( # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [psobject] $InputObject, # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [psobject] $ListVariable, # [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $PassThru ) process { [PSCustomObject[]] $AppRoleAssignment = $InputObject.appRoleAssignedTo $ListVariable.AddRange($AppRoleAssignment) if ($PassThru) { return $InputObject } } } function Process-OAuth2PermissionGrant { param ( # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [psobject] $InputObject, # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [psobject] $LookupCache, # [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $UseLookupCacheOnly ) process { $oauth2PermissionGrant = $InputObject if ($oauth2PermissionGrant.scope) { [string[]] $scopes = $oauth2PermissionGrant.scope.Trim().Split(" ") foreach ($scope in $scopes) { $client = Get-AadObjectById $oauth2PermissionGrant.clientId -Type servicePrincipal -LookupCache $LookupCache -UseLookupCacheOnly:$UseLookupCacheOnly -Properties 'id,displayName,appOwnerOrganizationId,appRoles' $resource = Get-AadObjectById $oauth2PermissionGrant.resourceId -Type servicePrincipal -LookupCache $LookupCache -UseLookupCacheOnly:$UseLookupCacheOnly -Properties 'id,displayName,appOwnerOrganizationId,appRoles' if ($oauth2PermissionGrant.principalId) { $principal = Get-AadObjectById $oauth2PermissionGrant.principalId -Type user -LookupCache $LookupCache -UseLookupCacheOnly:$UseLookupCacheOnly -Properties 'id,displayName' } [PSCustomObject]@{ permission = $scope permissionType = 'Delegated' clientId = $oauth2PermissionGrant.clientId clientDisplayName = if ($client) { $client.displayName } else { $null } clientOwnerTenantId = if ($client) { $client.appOwnerOrganizationId } else { $null } resourceObjectId = $oauth2PermissionGrant.resourceId resourceDisplayName = if ($resource) { $resource.displayName } else { $null } consentType = $oauth2PermissionGrant.consentType principalObjectId = $oauth2PermissionGrant.principalId principalDisplayName = if ($oauth2PermissionGrant.principalId -and $principal) { $principal.displayName } else { $null } } } } } } function Process-AppRoleAssignment { param ( # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [psobject] $InputObject, # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [psobject] $LookupCache, # [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $UseLookupCacheOnly ) process { $appRoleAssignment = $InputObject if ($appRoleAssignment.principalType -eq "ServicePrincipal") { $client = Get-AadObjectById $appRoleAssignment.principalId -Type $appRoleAssignment.principalType -LookupCache $LookupCache -UseLookupCacheOnly:$UseLookupCacheOnly -Properties 'id,displayName,appOwnerOrganizationId,appRoles' $resource = Get-AadObjectById $appRoleAssignment.resourceId -Type servicePrincipal -LookupCache $LookupCache -UseLookupCacheOnly:$UseLookupCacheOnly -Properties 'id,displayName,appOwnerOrganizationId,appRoles' $appRole = $resource.appRoles | Where-Object id -EQ $appRoleAssignment.appRoleId [PSCustomObject]@{ permission = if ($appRole) { $appRole.value } else { $null } permissionType = 'Application' clientId = $appRoleAssignment.principalId clientDisplayName = if ($client) { $client.displayName } else { $null } clientOwnerTenantId = if ($client) { $client.appOwnerOrganizationId } else { $null } resourceObjectId = $appRoleAssignment.ResourceId resourceDisplayName = if ($resource) { $resource.displayName } else { $null } consentType = $null principalObjectId = $null principalDisplayName = $null } } } } $LookupCache = New-LookupCache if ($UserData) { if ($UserData -is [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[guid, pscustomobject]]) { $LookupCache.user = $UserData } else { $UserData | Add-AadObjectToLookupCache -Type user -LookupCache $LookupCache } } if ($ServicePrincipalData) { if ($ServicePrincipalData -is [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[guid, pscustomobject]]) { $LookupCache.servicePrincipal = $ServicePrincipalData } else { $ServicePrincipalData | Add-AadObjectToLookupCache -Type servicePrincipal -LookupCache $LookupCache } } ## Get Service Principal Permissions if ($AppRoleAssignmentData) { $AppRoleAssignmentData | Process-AppRoleAssignment -LookupCache $LookupCache -UseLookupCacheOnly:$Offline } else { Write-Verbose "Getting servicePrincipals..." $listAppRoleAssignments = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]' Get-MsGraphResults 'servicePrincipals?$select=id,displayName,appOwnerOrganizationId,appRoles&$expand=appRoleAssignedTo' -Top 999 ` | Extract-AppRoleAssignments -ListVariable $listAppRoleAssignments -PassThru ` | Select-Object -Property "*" -ExcludeProperty 'appRoleAssignedTo', 'appRoleAssignedTo@odata.context' ` | Add-AadObjectToLookupCache -Type servicePrincipal -LookupCache $LookupCache $listAppRoleAssignments | Process-AppRoleAssignment -LookupCache $LookupCache Remove-Variable listAppRoleAssignments } ## Get OAuth2 Permission Grants if ($OAuth2PermissionGrantData) { $OAuth2PermissionGrantData | Process-OAuth2PermissionGrant -LookupCache $LookupCache -UseLookupCacheOnly:$Offline } else { Write-Verbose "Getting oauth2PermissionGrants..." ## cannot be used for large tenants because it eventually fails with "Service is temorarily unavailable." #Get-MsGraphResults 'oauth2PermissionGrants' -Top 999 $LookupCache.servicePrincipal.Keys | Get-MsGraphResults 'servicePrincipals/{0}/oauth2PermissionGrants' -Top 999 -TotalRequests $LookupCache.servicePrincipal.Count -DisableUniqueIdDeduplication ` | Process-OAuth2PermissionGrant -LookupCache $LookupCache } } catch { if ($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin -eq 'Runspace') { Write-AppInsightsException $_.Exception }; throw } finally { Complete-AppInsightsRequest $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -Success $? } } |