
    Gets various email addresses that Azure AD sends notifications to
    This functions returns a list with the email notification scope and type, the recipient name and an email address
    PS C:\> Get-AADAssessNotificationEmailsReport | Export-Csv -Path ".\NotificationsEmailsReport.csv"

function Get-AADAssessNotificationEmailsReport {
    param (
        # Organization Data
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [psobject] $OrganizationData,
        # User Data
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [psobject] $UserData,
        # Group Data
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [psobject] $GroupData,
        # Directory Role Data
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [psobject] $DirectoryRoleData,
        # Generate Report Offline, only using the data passed in parameters
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [switch] $Offline

    Start-AppInsightsRequest $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
    try {

        if ($Offline -and (!$PSBoundParameters['OrganizationData'] -or !$PSBoundParameters['UserData'] -or !$PSBoundParameters['GroupData'] -or !$PSBoundParameters['DirectoryRoleData'])) {
            Write-Error -Exception (New-Object System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException -ArgumentList 'Use of the offline parameter requires that all data be provided using the data parameters.') -ErrorId 'DataParametersRequired' -Category ObjectNotFound

        # Confirm-ModuleAuthentication -ErrorAction Stop -MsGraphScopes @(
        # ''
        # ''
        # ''
        # ''
        # )

        ## Get Organization Technical Contacts
        if (!$OrganizationData) {
            $OrganizationData = Get-MsGraphResults 'organization?$select=technicalNotificationMails'

        if ($OrganizationData) {
            foreach ($technicalNotificationMail in $OrganizationData.technicalNotificationMails) {
                $result = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    notificationType           = "Technical Notification"
                    notificationScope          = "Tenant"
                    recipientType              = "emailAddress"
                    recipientEmail             = $technicalNotificationMail
                    recipientEmailAlternate    = $null
                    recipientId                = $null
                    recipientUserPrincipalName = $null
                    recipientDisplayName       = $null

                if ($UserData) {
                    if ($UserData -is [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[guid, pscustomobject]]) {
                        $user = $UserData.Values | Where-Object { $_.proxyAddresses -Contains "smtp:$technicalNotificationMail" -or $_.otherMails -Contains $technicalNotificationMail } | Select-Object -First 1
                    else {
                        $user = $UserData | Where-Object { $_.proxyAddresses -Contains "smtp:$technicalNotificationMail" -or $_.otherMails -Contains $technicalNotificationMail } | Select-Object -First 1
                else {
                    $user = Get-MsGraphResults 'users?$select=id,userPrincipalName,displayName,mail,otherMails,proxyAddresses' -Filter "proxyAddresses/any(c:c eq 'smtp:$technicalNotificationMail') or otherMails/any(c:c eq '$technicalNotificationMail')" | Select-Object -First 1

                # if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('UserData')) {
                # $user = Get-MsGraphResults 'users?$select=id,userPrincipalName,displayName,mail,otherMails,proxyAddresses' -Filter "proxyAddresses/any(c:c eq 'smtp:$technicalNotificationMail') or otherMails/any(c:c eq '$technicalNotificationMail')" | Select-Object -First 1
                # }
                # else {
                # $user = $UserData | Where-Object { $_.proxyAddresses -Contains "smtp:$technicalNotificationMail" -or $_.otherMails -Contains $technicalNotificationMail } | Select-Object -First 1
                # }
                if ($user) {
                    $result.recipientType = 'user'
                    $result.recipientId = $
                    $result.recipientUserPrincipalName = $user.userPrincipalName
                    $result.recipientDisplayName = $user.displayName
                    $result.recipientEmailAlternate = $user.otherMails -join ';'

                if ($GroupData) {
                    if ($GroupData -is [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[guid, pscustomobject]]) {
                        $group = $GroupData.Values | Where-Object { $_.proxyAddresses -Contains "smtp:$technicalNotificationMail" } | Select-Object -First 1
                    else {
                        $group = $GroupData | Where-Object { $_.proxyAddresses -Contains "smtp:$technicalNotificationMail" } | Select-Object -First 1
                else {
                    $group = Get-MsGraphResults 'groups?$select=id,displayName,mail,proxyAddresses' -Filter "proxyAddresses/any(c:c eq 'smtp:$technicalNotificationMail')" | Select-Object -First 1
                # if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('GroupData')) {
                # $group = Get-MsGraphResults 'groups?$select=id,displayName,mail,proxyAddresses' -Filter "proxyAddresses/any(c:c eq 'smtp:$technicalNotificationMail')" | Select-Object -First 1
                # }
                # else {
                # $group = $GroupData | Where-Object { $_.proxyAddresses -Contains "smtp:$technicalNotificationMail" } | Select-Object -First 1
                # }
                if ($group) {
                    $result.recipientType = 'group'
                    $result.recipientId = $
                    $result.recipientDisplayName = $group.displayName

                Write-Output $result

        ## Get email addresses of all users with privileged roles
        if (!$DirectoryRoleData) {
            $DirectoryRoleData = Get-MsGraphResults 'directoryRoles?$select=id,displayName&$expand=members'

        foreach ($role in $DirectoryRoleData) {
            foreach ($roleMember in $role.members) {
                    notificationType           = $role.displayName
                    notificationScope          = 'Role'
                    recipientType              = (Get-ObjectPropertyValue $roleMember '@odata.type') -replace '#microsoft.graph.', ''
                    recipientEmail             = (Get-ObjectPropertyValue $roleMember 'mail')
                    recipientEmailAlternate    = (Get-ObjectPropertyValue $roleMember 'otherMails') -join ';'
                    recipientId                = (Get-ObjectPropertyValue $roleMember 'id')
                    recipientUserPrincipalName = (Get-ObjectPropertyValue $roleMember 'userPrincipalName')
                    recipientDisplayName       = (Get-ObjectPropertyValue $roleMember 'displayName')

            ## ToDo: Resolve group memberships?

    catch { if ($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin -eq 'Runspace') { Write-AppInsightsException $_.Exception }; throw }
    finally { Complete-AppInsightsRequest $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -Success $? }