.SYNOPSIS Produces the Azure AD Connect Config Documenter report .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet downloads and executes the Azure AD Config Documenter tool against supplied input files, and returns the full path of the HTML report to the powershell pipeline. This cmdlet also will create subdirectories and files under the root output directory supplied as a parameter. .EXAMPLE .\Expand-AADAssessAADConnectConfig -AADConnectProdConfigZipFilePath "c:\temp\contoso\prod.zip" ` -AADConnectProdStagingZipFilePath "c:\temp\contoso\staging.zip" ` -OutputRootPath "c:\temp\contoso"` -CustomerName "contoso" This command will return a string with full path of the report "C:\Temp\Contoso\Report\Contoso_Production_AppliedTo_Contoso_Staging_AADConnectSync_report.html" .EXAMPLE .\Expand-AADAssessAADConnectConfig -AADConnectProdConfigZipFilePath "c:\temp\contoso\prod.zip" ` -OutputRootPath "c:\temp\contoso" ` -CustomerName "contoso" This command will return a string with full path of the report "C:\Temp\Contoso\Report\Contoso_Production_AppliedTo_Contoso_Production_AADConnectSync_report.html" #> function Expand-AADAssessAADConnectConfig { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Full path of the ZIP file that from the Azure AD Connect environment in production [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$AADConnectProdConfigZipFilePath, # Full path of the ZIP file that from the Azure AD Connect environment in staging [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$AADConnectProdStagingZipFilePath, # Full path of an output directory where the tool will be downloaded, and ZIP files will be expanded. This cmdlet will NOT clean up the files there. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$OutputRootPath, # String label that identifies the customer. This is used to create folder names and report filenames. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$CustomerName ) Start-AppInsightsRequest $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name try { #Step 1: Create SubFolder $WorkingPath = mkdir -Path $OutputRootPath -Name $CustomerName #Step 2: Download the AAD Config Documenter [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $ConfigToolPath = Join-Path $WorkingPath.FullName "AzureADConnectSyncDocumenter.zip" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://aka.ms/aadcfgdocumenter/release" -OutFile $ConfigToolPath Expand-Archive -Path $ConfigToolPath -DestinationPath $WorkingPath.FullName #Step 3: Expand input files $ConfigToolDataPath = Join-Path $WorkingPath.FullName "Data" $ConfigtoolCustomerDataPath = (mkdir -Path $ConfigToolDataPath -Name "$CustomerName").FullName Expand-Archive -Path $AADConnectProdConfigZipFilePath -DestinationPath $ConfigtoolCustomerDataPath Rename-Item -Path (Join-Path $ConfigtoolCustomerDataPath "AzureADConnectSyncConfig") -NewName "Production" #Craft the names of the relative paths that will be called by the tool. Setting both to prod to start, and then #override the second argument if staging is provided $ToolArgument1 = Join-Path $CustomerName "Production" $ToolArgument2 = $ToolArgument1 if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AADConnectProdStagingZipFilePath)) { Expand-Archive -Path $AADConnectProdStagingZipFilePath -DestinationPath $ConfigtoolCustomerDataPath Rename-Item -Path (Join-Path $ConfigtoolCustomerDataPath "AzureADConnectSyncConfig") -NewName "Staging" $ToolArgument2 = Join-Path $CustomerName "Staging" } Set-Location $WorkingPath Invoke-Expression ('.\AzureADConnectSyncDocumenterCmd.exe "{1}" "{0}"' -f $ToolArgument1, $ToolArgument2) $report = (Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $WorkingPath "Report") | Select-Object -First 1) Write-Output $report.FullName } catch { if ($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin -eq 'Runspace') { Write-AppInsightsException $_.Exception }; throw } finally { Complete-AppInsightsRequest $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -Success $? } } |