class WebRequestAzureDevOpsCore { [PSCustomObject]$private:Value WebRequestAzureDevOpsCore ($Value) { $this.Value = $Value $this.ClearScriptVariables() } static [WebRequestAzureDevOpsCore]Invoke([object]$apiData) { if ($null -ne $script:sharedData) { $param = @{ Uri = "$($apiData.Uri)$($apiData.Query)" Method = $apiData.Mathod Body = $apiData.Body Headers = $script:sharedData.Header ContentType = $apiData.ContentType } if ($apiData.IsValuePath) { Write-Debug -Message "Value path" Write-Debug -Message "Send $($param.Method.ToUpper()) request to $($param.Uri)" Write-Debug -Message "WebRequestAzureDevOpsCore body data: $($script:body ? $script:body : 'None')" return (Invoke-RestMethod @param).value } else { Write-Debug -Message "None value path" Write-Debug -Message "Send $($param.Method.ToUpper()) request to $($param.Uri)" Write-Debug -Message "WebRequestAzureDevOpsCore body data: $($script:body ? $script:body : 'None')" return (Invoke-RestMethod @param) } } else { $global:Host.UI.WriteWarningLine('Please use "Connect-AzDevOps" function to connect to Azure DevOps.') return $null } } static [void]Remove([PSCustomObject]$object, [object]$apiData, [bool]$force) { if ($null -ne $script:sharedData) { $param = @{ Uri = "$($apiData.Uri)$($apiData.Query)" Method = $apiData.Mathod Body = $apiData.Body Headers = $script:sharedData.Header ContentType = $apiData.ContentType } if ($force) { Write-Debug -Message "Send $($param.Method.ToUpper()) request to $($param.Uri)" } else { $title = "Delete $($" $question = 'Do you want to continue?' $choices = '&Yes', '&No' $decision = $global:Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1) if ($decision -eq 0) { Write-Debug -Message "Send $($param.Method.ToUpper()) request to $($param.Uri)" Invoke-RestMethod @param } } } else { $global:Host.UI.WriteWarningLine('Please use "Connect-AzDevOps" function to connect to Azure DevOps.') } } [void]ClearScriptVariables() { $script:function = $null $script:body = $null $script:projectId = $null $script:projectName = $null $script:deletedRepositoryId = $null $script:gitRepositorieId = $null $script:repositorieName = $null $script:descriptor = $null $script:variableGroupId = $null $script:buildId = $null $script:definitionId = $null $script:Path = $null $script:packageId = $null $script:teamId = $null $script:feedId = $null $script:commitId = $null $script:buildDefinitionId = $null $script:pipelineId = $null $script:approvalId = $null } } |