"FeatureName": "BatchAccounts", "Reference": "", "IsMaintenanceMode": false, "Controls": [ { "ControlID": "Azure_BatchAccounts_Audit_Enable_Resource_Logs_MCSB", "Description": "[MCSB] Resource logs in Batch accounts must be enabled", "Id": "BatchAccounts100", "ControlSeverity": "High", "Automated": "Yes", "ControlScanSource": "MDC", "DisplayName": "[MCSB] Resource logs in Batch accounts must be enabled", "Category": "Monitoring must be correctly configured", "ControlRequirements": "Monitoring and auditing must be enabled and correctly configured according to prescribed organizational guidance", "Rationale": "Audit enabling of resource logs. This enables you to recreate activity trails to use for investigation purposes when a security incident occurs or when your network is compromised.", "Recommendation": "To enable resource logs in BatchAccounts please refer:", "Tags": [ "SDL", "Automated", "Baseline", "Audit", "BatchAccounts" ], "AssessmentProperties": { "AssessmentNames": [ "32771b45-220c-1a8b-584e-fdd5a2584a66" ], "AssessmentStatusMappings": [ { "AssessmentStatusCode": "NotApplicable", "EffectiveVerificationResult": "Failed", "AssessmentStatusCausePatterns": "(.)*OffByPolicy|Exempt(.)*", "AppendMessageToStatusReason": "Disabling or exempting the policy from getting evaluated is not recommended. The Control will be marked as Failed." } ] }, "Enabled": false, "CustomTags": [ "Daily", "MCSB" ] }, { "ControlID": "Azure_BatchAccounts_Audit_Enable_Diagnostic_Settings", "Description": "Enable Security Logging in Azure Batch Accounts", "Id": "BatchAccounts110", "ControlSeverity": "Medium", "Automated": "Yes", "MethodName": "CheckDiagnosticsSettings", "DisplayName": "Enable Security Logging in Azure Batch Accounts", "Category": "Monitoring must be correctly configured", "ControlRequirements": "Monitoring and auditing must be enabled and correctly configured according to prescribed organizational guidance", "Rationale": "Diagnostic logs must be enabled as they provide details for investigation in case of a security breach for threats.", "Recommendation": "To Configure 'Diagnostic settings' for Batch Account, go to Azure Portal --> Your Batch Account --> Diagnostic settings --> Enable Service Logs, Audit Logs with a minimum retention period of 90 days.", "Tags": [ "Automated", "Audit", "Diagnostics", "BatchAccounts", "Baseline" ], "ControlEvaluationDetails": { "RequiredProperties": [ "DiagnosticSettings" ] }, "Enabled": true, "ControlSettings": { "DiagnosticForeverRetentionValue": "0", "DiagnosticMinRetentionPeriod": "90", "DiagnosticLogs": [ "ServiceLogs", "ServiceLog", "AuditLog" ] }, "CustomTags": [ "Daily", "TenantBaseline", "MSD", "TBv12", "SN:BatchAccounts_Logging" ] } ] } |