function Confirm-IpPools{ [Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.StackHCIVM.DoNotExportAttribute()] param( [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable[]] $IpPools ) foreach ($IpPool in $IpPools){ foreach ($Key in $IpPool.Keys){ if($Key.ToLower() -eq "end"){ if ($IpPool[$Key] -notmatch $ipv4Regex){ Write-Error "Invalid ipaddress provided for IpPoolEnd : $IpPool[$Key]." -ErrorAction Stop } } elseif ($Key.ToLower() -eq "start"){ if ($IpPool[$Key] -notmatch $ipv4Regex){ Write-Error "Invalid ipaddress provided for IpPoolStart : $IpPool[$Key]." -ErrorAction Stop } } elseif($Key.ToLower() -eq "type"){ if ($IpPool[$Key] -ne "vm" -and $IpPool[$Key] -ne "vippool"){ Write-Error "Invalid IpPoolType provided: $IpPool[$Key]. Accepted values are 'vm' and 'vippool'." -ErrorAction Stop } } else { Write-Error "Invalid Key specified in IpPool object. Accpeted values are 'Start', 'End', and 'Type'." -ErrorAction Stop } } } } function Confirm-Routes{ [Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.StackHCIVM.DoNotExportAttribute()] param( [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable[]] $Routes ) foreach ($Route in $Routes){ foreach ($Key in $Route.Keys){ if($Key.ToLower() -eq "addressprefix"){ if ($Route[$Key] -notmatch $cidrRegex){ Write-Error "Invalid ipaddress provided for AddressPrefix for route : $Route[$Key]." -ErrorAction Stop } } elseif ($Key.ToLower() -eq "name"){ if ($Route[$Key] -notmatch $subnetNameRegex){ Write-Error "Invalid subnet name provided for route: $Route[$Key]." -ErrorAction Stop } } elseif($Key.ToLower() -eq "nexthopipaddress"){ if ($Route[$Key] -notmatch $ipv4Regex){ Write-Error "Invalid ipaddress provided for NextHopIPAddress for route: $Route[$Key]." -ErrorAction Stop } } else { Write-Error "Invalid Key specified in IpPool object. Accpeted values are 'AddressPrefix', 'Name', and 'NextHopIPAddress'." -ErrorAction Stop } } } } function Confirm-Subnets{ [Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.StackHCIVM.DoNotExportAttribute()] param( [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable[]] $Subnets ) foreach ($Subnet in $Subnets){ foreach ($Key in $Subnet.Keys){ if($Key.ToLower() -eq "addressprefix"){ if ($Subnet[$Key] -notmatch $cidrRegex){ Write-Error "Invalid ipaddress provided for AddressPrefix for subnet : $Subnet[$Key]." -ErrorAction Stop } } elseif ($Key.ToLower() -eq "ipallocationmethod"){ if ($Subnet[$Key] -ne "Dynamic" -and $Subnet[$Key] -ne "Static"){ Write-Error "Invalid Ip Allocation method provided: $IpAllocationMethod. Accepted values are 'Dynamic' or 'Static'" -ErrorAction Stop } } elseif ($Key.ToLower() -eq "ippool"){ Confirm-IpPools -IpPools $Subnet[$Key] } elseif ($Key.ToLower() -eq "addressprefixes"){ foreach ($addressPrefix in $Subnet[$Key]){ if ($addressPrefix -notmatch $cidrRegex){ Write-Error "Invalid AddressPrefix: $addressPrefix. Please use valid CIDR format." -ErrorAction Stop } } } elseif ($Key.ToLower() -eq "name"){ if ($Subnet[$Key] -notmatch $subnetNameRegex){ Write-Error "Invalid SubnetName: $Subnet[$Key]. The name must start with an alphanumeric character, contain all alphanumeric characters or '-' or '_' or '.' and end with an alphanumeric character or '_'. The max length is 80 characters." -ErrorAction Stop } } elseif ($Key.ToLower() -eq "route"){ Confirm-Routes -Routes $Subnet[$Key] } elseif ($Key.ToLower() -eq "vlan"){ if ($Subnet[$Key] -gt 4094 -or $Subnet[$Key] -lt 1){ Write-Error "Invalid value for Vlan : $Subnet[$Key]. Valid range is 1-4094" } } else { Write-Error "Invalid Key specified in Subnet object: $Subnet." } } } } |