
function ConvertStringToBoolean($strToConvert)
   if([bool]::TryParse($strToConvert, [ref] $strToConvert))
        return $strToConvert
        return $false

function RunAzSKScan() {

    ################################ Begin: Configure AzSK for the scan #########################################
    #set OMS settings
    if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($OMSWorkspaceId) -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($OMSWorkspaceSharedKey))
        Set-AzSKOMSSettings -OMSWorkspaceID $OMSWorkspaceId -OMSSharedKey $OMSWorkspaceSharedKey -Source "CA"
    #set alternate OMS if available
    if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AltOMSWorkspaceId) -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AltOMSWorkspaceSharedKey))
        Set-AzSKOMSSettings -AltOMSWorkspaceId $AltOMSWorkspaceId -AltOMSSharedKey $AltOMSWorkspaceSharedKey -Source "CA"
    #set webhook settings
    if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebhookUrl))    
        if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebhookAuthZHeaderName) -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebhookAuthZHeaderValue))
            Set-AzSKWebhookSettings -WebhookUrl $WebhookUrl -AuthZHeaderName $WebhookAuthZHeaderName -AuthZHeaderValue $WebhookAuthZHeaderValue -Source "CA"
            Set-AzSKWebhookSettings -WebhookUrl $WebhookUrl -Source "CA"

    #If enableAADAuth... flag is ON, we will attempt to send an AAD token to the online policy store.
    #Else it is assumed that the policy store URL has a (SAS) token built-in.
    $EnableAADAuthForOnlinePolicyStore = ConvertStringToBoolean($EnableAADAuthForOnlinePolicyStore)
    if ($EnableAADAuthForOnlinePolicyStore) {
        Set-AzSKPolicySettings -OnlinePolicyStoreUrl $OnlinePolicyStoreUrl -EnableAADAuthForOnlinePolicyStore
    else {
        Set-AzSKPolicySettings -OnlinePolicyStoreUrl $OnlinePolicyStoreUrl

    # (Auto-)Accepting EULA and privacy as we are running in the background. The privacy consent here is
    # implied because the end user who sets up CA would need to accept the EULA to run AzSK on their desktop.
    Set-AzSKPrivacyNoticeResponse -AcceptPrivacyNotice "yes" 

    ################################ End: Configure AzSK for the scan #########################################
    PublishEvent -EventName "CA Scan Started" -Properties @{
        "ResourceGroupNames"       = $ResourceGroupNames; `
            "OnlinePolicyStoreUrl" = $OnlinePolicyStoreUrl; `
            "OMSWorkspaceId"       = $OMSWorkspaceId;

    #Check if the central scan mode is enabled. Read/prepare artefacts if so.
    #The $Global:IsCentralMode flag is enabled in this...also the target subs list is generated (called subsToScan)
    #Get the current storagecontext
    $existingStorage = Find-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupNameEquals $StorageAccountRG -ResourceNameContains "azsk" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
    if(($existingStorage|Measure-Object).Count -gt 1)
        $existingStorage = $existingStorage[0]
        Write-Output ("SA: Multiple storage accounts found in resource group. Using Storage Account: [$($existingStorage.ResourceName)] for storing logs")
    $keys = Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $StorageAccountRG -Name $existingStorage.ResourceName

    #The 'centralStorageContext' always represents the parent subscription storage.
    #In multi-sub scan this is the central sub. In single sub scan, this is just the storage in that sub.
    $centralStorageContext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $existingStorage.ResourceName -StorageAccountKey $keys[0].Value -Protocol Https
            #This configures AzSK module to maintain separate partial scan data for target subs in Central CA and SDL mode.
            Set-AzSKPolicySettings -EnableCentralScanMode
            #Revisit HLD subs only after fresh/in-progress subs are done
            $enableHldRetry = ($Global:subsToScan |Where-Object { $_.Status -in 'NA','INP'} | Measure-Object).Count -le 0
            #Scan subs. Pick up only those which are not completed ('COM') or have not gone into error state ('ERR')
            $Global:subsToScan |Where-Object { $_.Status -notin 'ERR','COM'} |ForEach-Object {

                #Candidate sub to eval for scanning.
                $candidateSubToScan = $_;

                #How long have we already spent on this sub?
                $timeNow = [DateTime]::UtcNow
                $scanDuration= ($timeNow-[DateTime]$_.StartedTime).TotalHours

                #Initialize the flags...we determine their actual state further below.

                #Possible status flows are [NA --> INP --> COM], [NA --> INP --> HLD --> HLDRETRY --> ERR or COM]
                <#status description:
                    NA = Sub scan not started
                    INP = Sub scan is in progress
                    COM = Sub scan completed
                    HLD = Scan attempted but it's kept on hold because scan taking more time than expected
                    HLDRETRY = Scan will be retried once
                    ERR = Erroring out scan, retry itself also did not work

                #$preScanStatus = potential next status for the current sub
                if($_.Status -eq "NA")
                    #Start of scan for this sub
                elseif($_.Status -eq "INP" -and $scanDuration -ge $MaxScanHours)
                    #If scan has been in-progress and maxHours have been consumed, put this sub on a hold ('HLD') list
                elseif($_.Status -eq "HLD" -and $enableHldRetry)
                    #If sub was on hold list and a retry is allowed, put this on hold-retry ('HLDRETRY') list
                elseif($_.Status -eq "HLDRETRY")
                    #If the retry itself also did not work, we are doomed. We will put this in errored-out ('ERR') list.
                    $preScanStatus = "RES"

                #We will actually attempt a scan for:
                # 1. HLDRETRY or fresh sub first scan
                # 2. Scan is in progress and max-duration has not been consumed
                if($preScanStatus -in ("HLDRETRY","INP") -or (($_.Status -eq "INP") -and ($scanDuration -le $MaxScanHours)))
                    $isScanAllowed = $true

                #Let us switch context to the target subscription.
                $subId = $candidateSubToScan.SubscriptionId;
                Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $subId | Out-Null
                Write-Output ("SA: Scan status details:")
                Write-Output ("SA: Subscription id: [" + $subId + "]")
                if($preScanStatus -ne 'RES'){
                    Write-Output ("SA: Existing status: ["+ $_.Status + "], New status: [" + $preScanStatus+ "], Scan allowed?: ["+ $isScanAllowed + "], Post scan status: [" + $postStatus + "]")
                    Write-Output ("SA: Existing status: ["+ $_.Status + "], Scan allowed?: ["+ $isScanAllowed + "], Post scan status: [" + $postStatus + "]")

                # $preScanStatus will be 'RES' in case when scan is in progress and max-duration has not been consumed
                # We skip updating scan tracker in this scenario.
                if($preScanStatus -ne 'RES'){
                    PersistSubscriptionSnapshot -SubscriptionID $subId -Status $preScanStatus -StorageContext $centralStorageContext 

                    Write-Output ("SA: Multi-sub Scan. Started scan for subscription: [$subId]")

                    #In case of multi-sub scan logging option applies to all subs
                    RunAzSKScanForASub -SubscriptionID $subId -LoggingOption $candidateSubToScan.LoggingOption -StorageContext $centralStorageContext 
                    PersistSubscriptionSnapshot -SubscriptionID $subId -Status $postStatus -StorageContext $centralStorageContext 
                    Write-Output ("SA: Multi-sub Scan. Completed scan for subscription: [$subId]")
            #Always return back to central subscription context.
            Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $RunAsConnection.SubscriptionID | Out-Null
        #Just the vanilla single-sub CA scan (individual CA setup)
        $subId = $RunAsConnection.SubscriptionID
        Write-Output ("SA: Single sub Scan. Starting scan for subscription: [$subId]")
        RunAzSKScanForASub -SubscriptionID $subId -LoggingOption "CentralSub" -StorageContext $centralStorageContext 
        Write-Output ("SA: Single sub Scan. Completed scan for subscription: [$subId]")

function RunAzSKScanForASub
        $SubscriptionID,    #This is the subscription to scan.
        $LoggingOption,        #Whether the scan logs to be stored within the target sub or central sub?
        $StorageContext        #This is the central sub storage context (which is same as target sub in case of individual mode CA)
    $svtResultPath = [string]::Empty
    $gssResultPath = [string]::Empty
    $parentFolderPath = [string]::Empty

    #------------------------------------Subscription scan----------------------------------------------------------------
    Write-Output ("SA: Running command 'Get-AzSKSubscriptionSecurityStatus' (GSS) for sub: [$SubscriptionID]")
    $subScanTimer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
    PublishEvent -EventName "CA Scan Subscription Started"
    $gssResultPath = Get-AzSKSubscriptionSecurityStatus -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID -ExcludeTags "OwnerAccess" 

    #---------------------------Check subscription scan status--------------------------------------------------------------
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($gssResultPath)) 
        PublishEvent -EventName "CA Scan Subscription Error" -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" = $subScanTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds; "SuccessCount" = 0}
        Write-Output ("SA: Subscription scan failed.")
        PublishEvent -EventName "CA Scan Subscription Completed" -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" = $subScanTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds; "SuccessCount" = 1}
        Write-Output ("SA: Subscription scan succeeded.")
        $parentFolderPath = (Get-Item $gssResultPath).parent.FullName

    #-------------------------------------Resources Scan------------------------------------------------------------------

    Write-Output ("SA: Running command 'Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus' (GRS) for sub: [$SubscriptionID], RGs: [$ResourceGroupNames]")
    $serviceScanTimer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
    PublishEvent -EventName "CA Scan Services Started"

    if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ResourceGroupNamefromWebhook))
        Write-Output ("SA: Running command 'Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus' (GRS) on added resource for sub: [$SubscriptionID], RGs: [$ResourceGroupNamefromWebhook]")
        $rgname = $ResourceGroupNamefromWebhook | Out-string
        $svtResultPath = Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID -ResourceGroupNames $rgname -ExcludeTags "OwnerAccess,RBAC"
    elseif($null -eq $WebHookDataforResourceCreation)
        $svtResultPath = Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID -ResourceGroupNames "*" -ExcludeTags "OwnerAccess,RBAC" -UsePartialCommits
    #---------------------------Check resources scan status--------------------------------------------------------------
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($svtResultPath)) 
        Write-Output ("SA: Azure resources scan failed.")
        PublishEvent -EventName "CA Scan Services Error" -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" = $serviceScanTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds; "SuccessCount" = 0}
        Write-Output ("SA: Azure resources scan succeeded.")
        $parentFolderPath = (Get-Item $svtResultPath).parent.FullName
        PublishEvent -EventName "CA Scan Services Completed" -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" = $serviceScanTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds; "SuccessCount" = 1}
    #----------------------------------------Export reports to storage---------------------------------------------------
    #If either of the scans (GSS/GRS) completed, let us save the results.
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($gssResultPath) -or ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($svtResultPath)) 
            if($LoggingOption -ne "CentralSub")
                Write-Output ("SA: Multi-sub Scan. Storing scan results to child (target) subscription...")

                #save scan results in individual subs
                $existingStorage = Find-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupNameEquals $StorageAccountRG -ResourceNameContains "azsk" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
                if(($existingStorage|Measure-Object).Count -gt 1)
                    $existingStorage = $existingStorage[0]
                    Write-Output ("SA: Multiple storage accounts found in resource group. Using Storage Account: [$($existingStorage.ResourceName)] for storing logs")

                $archiveFilePath = "$parentFolderPath\AutomationLogs_" + $(Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".zip"
                $keys = Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $StorageAccountRG -Name $existingStorage.ResourceName
                $localStorageContext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $existingStorage.ResourceName -StorageAccountKey $keys[0].Value -Protocol Https
                try {
                    Get-AzureStorageContainer -Name $CAScanLogsContainerName -Context $localStorageContext -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
                catch {
                    New-AzureStorageContainer -Name $CAScanLogsContainerName -Context $localStorageContext | Out-Null

                PersistToStorageAccount -StorageContext $localStorageContext -GssResultPath $gssResultPath -SvtResultPath $svtResultPath -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID

                #remove scan reports older than one month
                PurgeOlderScanReports -StorageContext $localStorageContext
                Write-Output ("SA: Multi-sub Scan. Storing scan results to central subscription...")
                PersistToStorageAccount -StorageContext $StorageContext -GssResultPath $gssResultPath -SvtResultPath $svtResultPath -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID
                #remove scan reports older than one month
                PurgeOlderScanReports -StorageContext $StorageContext
            Write-Output ("SA: Single-sub Scan. Storing scan results to subscription...")
            PersistToStorageAccount -StorageContext $StorageContext -GssResultPath $gssResultPath -SvtResultPath $svtResultPath -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID
            #remove scan reports older than one month
            PurgeOlderScanReports -StorageContext $StorageContext

        #Clean-up of logs in automation sandbox (the automation VM)
        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($svtResultPath)) {
            Remove-Item -Path $svtResultPath -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($gssResultPath)) {
            Remove-Item -Path $gssResultPath -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($archiveFilePath)) {
            Remove-Item -Path $archiveFilePath -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore

function PersistToStorageAccount
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($GssResultPath) -or ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SvtResultPath)) {
        #Check if the passed storagecontext is null. This would be in the case of default scenario i.e non central mode
        $timeStamp=(Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")
        $archiveFilePath = "$parentFolderPath\AutomationLogs_" + $timeStamp + ".zip"
        $storageLocation="$SubContainerName/$SubscriptionId/AutomationLogs_" + $timestamp + ".zip"
        try {            
            Get-AzureStorageContainer -Name $CAScanLogsContainerName -Context $StorageContext -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        catch {
            New-AzureStorageContainer -Name $CAScanLogsContainerName -Context $StorageContext | Out-Null

        #Persist the files to the storage account using the passed storage context
        try {
            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SvtResultPath)) {
                Compress-Archive -Path $SvtResultPath -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath $archiveFilePath -Update
            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($GssResultPath)) {
                Compress-Archive -Path $GssResultPath -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath $archiveFilePath -Update
            Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File $archiveFilePath -Container $CAScanLogsContainerName -Context $StorageContext -Blob $storageLocation -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            Write-Output ("SA: Exported reports to storage: [$StorageAccountName]")
            PublishEvent -EventName "CA Scan Reports Persisted" -Properties @{"StorageAccountName" = $StorageAccountName; "ArchiveFilePath" = $archiveFilePath } -Metrics @{"SuccessCount" = 1}
        catch {
            Write-Output ("SA: Could not export reports to storage: [$StorageAccountName]. `r`nError details:" + ($_ | Out-String))
            PublishEvent -EventName "CA Scan Reports Persist Error" -Properties @{"ErrorRecord" = ($_ | Out-String); "StorageAccountName" = $StorageAccountName; "ArchiveFilePath" = $archiveFilePath } -Metrics @{"SuccessCount" = 0}
            throw $_.Exception

function PurgeOlderScanReports
    $NotBefore = [DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-30);
    $OldLogCount = (Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $CAScanLogsContainerName -Context $StorageContext | Where-Object { $_.LastModified -lt $NotBefore} | Measure-Object).Count

    Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $CAScanLogsContainerName -Context $StorageContext | Where-Object { $_.LastModified -lt $NotBefore} | Remove-AzureStorageBlob -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if($OldLogCount -gt 0)
        #Deleted successfully all the old reports
        Write-Output ("SA: Removed CA scan logs/reports older than date: [$($NotBefore.ToShortDateString())] from storage account: [$StorageAccountName]")

#Used to determine if CA is setup with multi-subscription scanning.
#If so, appropriate bookkeeping files are created/read.
function CheckForSubscriptionsSnapshotData()
    try {
        $CATargetSubsBlobName = "TargetSubs.json"    
        $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobName = "ActiveScanTracker.json"
        if($StorageAccountRG -ne $SubContainerName)
            $CATargetSubsBlobName = "$SubContainerName\TargetSubs.json"    
            $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobName = "$SubContainerName\ActiveScanTracker.json"
        #Temporary working folder to download JSONs from storage in order to read progress/determine what to scan, etc.
        $destinationFolderPath = $env:temp + "\AzSKTemp\"
        if(-not (Test-Path -Path $destinationFolderPath))
            mkdir -Path $destinationFolderPath -Force | Out-Null

        $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobPath = "$destinationFolderPath\$CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobName"
        $CATargetSubsBlobPath = "$destinationFolderPath\$CATargetSubsBlobName"

        $keys = Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $StorageAccountRG  -Name $StorageAccountName
        $currentContext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $keys[0].Value -Protocol Https
        #Fetch TargetSubs blob from storage.
        $CAScanSourceDataBlobObject = Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName -Blob $CATargetSubsBlobName -Context $currentContext -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        #If TargetSubs were NOT found, we are not operating in 'central-scan' mode
        if($null -eq $CAScanSourceDataBlobObject)
            $Global:IsCentralMode = $false;

        #See if some of the target subs have already been scanned or a scan is in progress
        $CAScanDataBlobObject = Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName -Blob $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobName -Context $currentContext -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
        if($null -ne $CAScanDataBlobObject)
            Write-Output("SA: Multi-sub scan in progress. Reading progress tracking file...")
            #Found an active scan, download progress-tracker file to our temp location.
            Get-AzureStorageBlobContent -Container $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName -Blob $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobName -Context $currentContext -Destination $destinationFolderPath -Force | Out-Null
            #Read the state of various subscriptions in the target list from the progress-tracker file.
            $Global:subsToScan = [array](Get-ChildItem -Path $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobPath -Force | Get-Content | ConvertFrom-Json)            
            Write-Output("SA: Multi-sub scan starting up. Creating new progress tracking file...")

            #No active scan in progress. This is likely the start of a fresh scan.
            #We will need to *create* the progress-tracker file before starting the scan.
            $CAScanDataBlobObject = Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName -Blob $CATargetSubsBlobName -Context $currentContext -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            Get-AzureStorageBlobContent -Container $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName -Blob $CATargetSubsBlobName -Context $currentContext -Destination $destinationFolderPath -Force | Out-Null
            $CAScanDataBlobContent = Get-ChildItem -Path "$CATargetSubsBlobPath" -Force | Get-Content | ConvertFrom-Json

            #Create the active snapshot from the ca scan objects
            $Global:subsToScan = @();
            if(($CAScanDataBlobContent | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                $CAScanDataBlobContent | ForEach-Object {
                    $CAScanDataInstance = $_;
                    $out = "" | Select-Object SubscriptionId, Status, LoggingOption, CreatedTime, StartedTime, CompletedTime
                        $out.SubscriptionId = $CAScanDataInstance.SubscriptionId
                        $out.Status = "NA";
                        $out.LoggingOption = $CAScanDataInstance.LoggingOption;
                        $out.CreatedTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString('s');
                        $out.StartedTime = [DateTime]::MinValue.ToString('s');
                        $out.CompletedTime = [DateTime]::MinValue.ToString('s');
                        $Global:subsToScan += $out;
                $Global:subsToScan | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobPath
                Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobPath -Blob $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobName -Container $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName -BlobType Block -Context $currentContext -Force | Out-Null
            Write-Output("SA: Multi-sub scan. New progress tracking file uploaded to container...")

        if(($Global:subsToScan | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
            $Global:IsCentralMode = $true;
    catch {
        Write-Output("SA: Unexpected error while reading multi-sub scan artefacts from storage...`r`nError details: "+ ($_ | Out-String))
        PublishEvent -EventName "CA Scan Error-PreviewSnapshotComputation" -Properties @{ "ErrorRecord" = ($_ | Out-String) } -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" = $scanAgentTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds; "SuccessCount" = 0}
        $Global:IsCentralMode = $false;

function PersistSubscriptionSnapshot
    try {
        $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobName = "ActiveScanTracker.json"
        $destinationFolderPath = $env:temp + "\AzSKTemp\"

        if($StorageAccountRG -ne $SubContainerName)
            $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobName = "$SubContainerName\ActiveScanTracker.json"

        if(-not (Test-Path -Path $destinationFolderPath))
            mkdir -Path $destinationFolderPath -Force | Out-Null
        $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobPath = "$destinationFolderPath\$CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobName"
        #Fetch if there is any existing active scan snapshot
        $CAScanDataBlobObject = Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName -Blob $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobName -Context $StorageContext -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
        if($null -ne $CAScanDataBlobObject)
            #We found a blob for active scan... locate the provided subscription in it to update its status.
            Get-AzureStorageBlobContent -Container $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName -Blob $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobName -Context $StorageContext -Destination $destinationFolderPath -Force | Out-Null
            $subsToScan = [array](Get-ChildItem -Path $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobPath -Force | Get-Content | ConvertFrom-Json)

            $matchedSubId = $subsToScan | Where-Object {$_.SubscriptionId -eq $SubscriptionID}

            if(($matchedSubId | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                $matchedSubId[0].SubscriptionId = $SubscriptionID
                $matchedSubId[0].Status = $Status;
                if($Status -eq "COM")
                    $matchedSubId[0].CompletedTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString('s');
                elseif($Status -eq "INP")
                    #This will never get double-called since we call only upon first time transition to 'INP'
                    $matchedSubId[0].StartedTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString('s');
                if($Status -eq "ERR")
                    Write-Output("SA: Unable to scan subscription: [$SubscriptionID]. Moving on to the next one...")                    

            #Write the updated status back to the storage blob
            $subsToScan | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobPath
            Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobPath -Blob $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobName -Container $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName -BlobType Block -Context $StorageContext -Force | Out-Null

            #This is the last persist status. Archiving it for diagnosys purpose.
            if(($subsToScan | Where-Object { $_.Status -notin ("COM","ERR")} | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0)
                $errSubsCount = ($subsToScan | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "ERR"} | Measure-Object).Count

                if($errSubsCount -gt 0)
                    #We archive *only* if sub(s) went into 'ERR' status
                    Write-Output("SA: Archiving ActiveScanTracker.json as there were some errors...")
                    ArchiveBlob -StorageContext $StorageContext
                    Write-Output ("SA: Scan could not be completed for a total of [$errSubsCount] subscription(s).`nSee subscriptions with 'ERR' state in:`n`t $StorageAccountRG -> $($StorageContext.StorageAccountName) -> $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName -> Archive -> ActiveScanTracker_<timestamp>.ERR.json.")
                Write-Output("SA: Multi-sub scan: Removing ActiveScanTracker.json")
                Remove-AzureStorageBlob -Container $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName -Blob $CAActiveScanSnapshotBlobName -Context $StorageContext -Force
    catch {
        Write-Output("SA: Multi-sub Scan: An error occurred during persisting progress snapshot...`nError details:" + ($_ | Out-String) )
        PublishEvent -EventName "CA Scan Error-PreviewSnapshotPersist" -Properties @{ "ErrorRecord" = ($_ | Out-String) } -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" = $scanAgentTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds; "SuccessCount" = 0}
        $Global:IsCentralMode = $false;

function ArchiveBlob
            $ArchiveTemp = $env:temp + "\AzSKTemp\Archive"
            if(-not (Test-Path -Path $ArchiveTemp))
                mkdir -Path $ArchiveTemp -Force | Out-Null
            $archiveName =  $activeSnapshotBlob + "_" +  (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".ERR.json";
            $masterFilePath = "$ArchiveTemp\$archiveName"
            $CAActiveScanSnapshotArchiveBlobName = "Archive\$archiveName"
            if($StorageAccountRG -ne $SubContainerName)
                $CAActiveScanSnapshotArchiveBlobName = "$SubContainerName\Archive\$archiveName"
            $activeSnapshotBlob = Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName -Context $StorageContext -Blob ($activeSnapshotBlob+".json") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if($null -ne $activeSnapshotBlob)
                Get-AzureStorageBlobContent -CloudBlob $activeSnapshotBlob.ICloudBlob -Context $StorageContext -Destination $masterFilePath -Force | Out-Null            
                Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File $masterFilePath -Container $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName -Blob $CAActiveScanSnapshotArchiveBlobName -BlobType Block -Context $StorageContext -Force | Out-Null
            #eat exception as archive should not impact actual flow
            Write-Output("SA: Multi-sub Scan: Not able to archive active scan tracker")

function UpdateAlertMonitoring
        Remove-AzSKAlertMonitoring -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID
        PublishEvent -EventName "Alert Monitoring Disabled" -Properties @{ "SubscriptionId" = $SubscriptionID }
        $AlertRunbookPresent= Get-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Name $AlertRunBookFullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if(-not $AlertRunbookPresent)
          Set-AzSKAlertMonitoring -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID -Force | Out-Null
          PublishEvent -EventName "Alert Monitoring Enabled" -Properties @{ "SubscriptionId" = $SubscriptionID }
          $ExistingWebhook=Get-AzureRmAutomationWebhook -RunbookName $AlertRunbookPresent.Name -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup -AutomationAccountName $AlertRunbookPresent.AutomationAccountName
          if(($null -ne $ExistingWebhook) -and ((Get-Date).AddHours(24) -gt $ExistingWebhook.ExpiryTime.DateTime))
             #update existing webhook for alert runbook
             Set-AzSKAlertMonitoring -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID | Out-Null
             PublishEvent -EventName "Alert Monitoring Updated Webhook" -Properties @{ "SubscriptionId" = $SubscriptionID }
     PublishEvent -EventName "Alert Monitoring Error" -Properties @{ "ErrorRecord" = ($_ | Out-String) }
function DisableHelperSchedules()
    Get-AzureRmAutomationSchedule -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName | `
    Where-Object {$_.Name -ilike "*$CAHelperScheduleName*"} | `
    Set-AzureRmAutomationSchedule -IsEnabled $false | Out-Null

# Main ScanAgent code
try {
    #start timer
    $scanAgentTimer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
    Write-Output("SA: Scan agent starting...")

    #config start
    #Setup during Install-CA. These are the RGs that CA will scan. "*" is allowed.
    $ResourceGroupNames = Get-AutomationVariable -Name "AppResourceGroupNames"
    #Primary OMS WS info. This is mandatory. CA will send events to this WS.
    $OMSWorkspaceId = Get-AutomationVariable -Name "OMSWorkspaceId"
    $OMSWorkspaceSharedKey = Get-AutomationVariable -Name "OMSSharedKey"
    #Secondary/alternate WS info. This is optional. Facilitates federal/state type models.
    $AltOMSWorkspaceId = Get-AutomationVariable -Name "AltOMSWorkspaceId" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $AltOMSWorkspaceSharedKey = Get-AutomationVariable -Name "AltOMSSharedKey" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    #CA can also optionally be configured to send events to a Webhook.
    $WebhookUrl = Get-AutomationVariable -Name "WebhookUrl" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $WebhookAuthZHeaderName = Get-AutomationVariable -Name "WebhookAuthZHeaderName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $WebhookAuthZHeaderValue = Get-AutomationVariable -Name "WebhookAuthZHeaderValue" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    #This is the storage account where scan reports will be stored (in ZIP form)
    $StorageAccountName = Get-AutomationVariable -Name "ReportsStorageAccountName"

    #This is to enable/disable Alerts runbook. (Used if an org wants to collect alerts info from across subs.)
    $DisableAlertRunbook = Get-AutomationVariable -Name "DisableAlertRunbook" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $AzSKModuleName = "AzSKPreview"
    $StorageAccountRG = "AzSKRG"
    #In case of multiple CAs in single sub we use sub-container to host working files for each individual CA
    #Sub-container has the same name as each CA automation account RG (hence guaranteed to be unique)
    $SubContainerName = $AutomationAccountRG
    $CAMultiSubScanConfigContainerName = "ca-multisubscan-config"
    #Max time we will spend to scan a single sub
    $MaxScanHours = 8
    ##config end

    #We get sub id from RunAsConnection

    $SubscriptionID = $RunAsConnection.SubscriptionID
    $Global:IsCentralMode = $false;

    $Global:subsToScan = @();
    Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID;
    #Another job is already running
        Write-Output("SA: Found another job running. Returning from the current one...")

    $isAzSKAvailable = (Get-AzureRmAutomationModule -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG `
            -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName `
            -Name $AzSKModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | `
            Where-Object {$_.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded" -or $_.ProvisioningState -eq "Created"} | `
            Measure-Object).Count -gt 0
    if ($isAzSKAvailable) {
        Import-Module $AzSKModuleName

    #Return if modules are not ready
    if ((Get-Command -Name "Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue|Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) {
        PublishEvent -EventName "CA Job Skipped" -Properties @{"SubscriptionId" = $RunAsConnection.SubscriptionID} -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" = $timer.ElapsedMilliseconds; "SuccessCount" = 1}
        Write-Output("SA: The module: {$AzSKModuleName} is not available/ready. Skipping AzSK scan. Will retry in the next run.")
    #Scan and save results to storage

    if ($isAzSKAvailable) {
        #Remove helper schedule as AzSK module is available
        Write-Output("SA: Disabling helper schedule...")
    PublishEvent -EventName "CA Scan Completed" -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" = $scanAgentTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds}

    #Call UpdateAlertMonitoring to setup or Remove Alert Monitoring Runbook
         UpdateAlertMonitoring -DisableAlertRunbook $DisableAlertRunbook -AlertRunBookFullName $AlertRunbookName -SubscriptionID $SubscriptionID -ResourceGroup $StorageAccountRG 
          PublishEvent -EventName "Alert Monitoring Error" -Properties @{ "ErrorRecord" = ($_ | Out-String) }
          Write-Output("SA: (Non-fatal) Error while updating Alert Monitoring setup...")

    Write-Output("SA: Scan agent completed...")

catch {
    Write-Output("SA: Unexpected error during CA scan agent execution...`r`nError details: " + ($_ | Out-String))
    PublishEvent -EventName "CA Scan Error" -Properties @{ "ErrorRecord" = ($_ | Out-String) } -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" = $scanAgentTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds; "SuccessCount" = 0}