
function SetModules
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $ModuleList,
        [string[]] $SyncModuleList
    $ModuleList.Keys | ForEach-Object{
    $ModuleName = $_
    $ModuleVersion = $ModuleList.Item($_)
    $Module = Get-AzureRmAutomationModule `
        -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG `
        -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName `
        -Name $ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if(($Module | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0)
        PublishEvent -EventName "CA Setup Modules" -Properties @{"ModuleName" = $ModuleName; "ModuleState"= "NotAvailable"; "RequiredModuleVersion"= $ModuleVersion}
        #Download module if it is not available
        DownloadModule -ModuleName $ModuleName -ModuleVersion $ModuleVersion -Sync ($SyncModuleList.Contains($ModuleName))
        PublishEvent -EventName "CA Setup Modules" -Properties @{"ModuleName" = $ModuleName; "ModuleState"= $Module.ProvisioningState; "RequiredModuleVersion"= $ModuleVersion; "AvailableModuleVersion" = $Module.Version}
        #module is in extraction state
        if($Module.ProvisioningState -ne "Failed" -and $Module.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded" -and $Module.ProvisioningState -ne "Created")
            Write-Output("CS: Current provisioning state for module: [$ModuleName] is: [$($Module.ProvisioningState)]")
        #Check if module with specified version already exists
        elseif(IsModuleHealthy -ModuleName $ModuleName -ModuleVersion $ModuleVersion)
            #Download required version
            DownloadModule -ModuleName $ModuleName -ModuleVersion $ModuleVersion -Sync ($SyncModuleList.Contains($ModuleName))

function DownloadModule
         [bool] $Sync
    $SearchResult = SearchModule -ModuleName $ModuleName -ModuleVersion $ModuleVersion
        $ModuleName = $SearchResult.title.'#text' # get correct casing for the Module name
        $PackageDetails = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -UseBasicParsing -Uri $
        $ModuleVersion = $

        #Build the content URL for the nuget package
        $ModuleContentUrl = "$PublicPSGalleryUrl/api/v2/package/$ModuleName/$ModuleVersion"

        #$ModuleName/$AzSK... etc. are defined in the core setup (start) code further below
        if($ModuleName -imatch "AzSK*")
            $ModuleContentUrl = "$AzSKPSGalleryUrl/api/v2/package/$ModuleName/$ModuleVersion"            

        # Find the actual blob storage location of the Module
        do {
            $ActualUrl = $ModuleContentUrl
            $ModuleContentUrl = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ModuleContentUrl -MaximumRedirection 0 -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location
        } while(!$ModuleContentUrl.Contains(".nupkg"))

        $ActualUrl = $ModuleContentUrl

        $retryCount = 0
            $AutomationModule = New-AzureRmAutomationModule `
                    -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG `
                    -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName `
                    -Name $ModuleName `
                    -ContentLink $ActualUrl
        } while($null -eq $AutomationModule -and $retryCount -le 3)

        Write-Output("CS: Importing module: [$ModuleName] Version: [$ModuleVersion] into the CA automation account.")

                $AutomationModule.ProvisioningState -ne "Created" -and
                $AutomationModule.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded" -and
                $AutomationModule.ProvisioningState -ne "Failed"
                    #Module is in extracting state
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 120
                    $AutomationModule = $AutomationModule | Get-AzureRmAutomationModule
                if($AutomationModule.ProvisioningState -eq "Failed")
                    Write-Output ("CS: Failed to import: [$AutomationModule] into the automation account. Will retry in a bit.")


#Checks if the desired module (version) is already present and ready in the automation account so we don't have to download it...
function IsModuleHealthy
        [string] $ModuleName,
        [string] $ModuleVersion
    $SearchResult = SearchModule -ModuleName $ModuleName -ModuleVersion $ModuleVersion
    $Module = Get-AzureRmAutomationModule `
        -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG `
        -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName `
        -Name $ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if(($Module | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0)
        #Module is not available
        return $false
        #added condition to return false if module is not successfully extracted
        return ((($Module.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded") -or ($Module.ProvisioningState -eq "Created")) -and ($ -eq $Module.Version))

function SearchModule
            [string] $ModuleName,
            [string] $ModuleVersion
    $url =""
    $PSGalleryUrlComputed = $PublicPSGalleryUrl

    #We need to consider AzSK separately because there are various choices/settings that may decide exactly which
    #version of AzSK is used (e.g., prod/staging/preview) and where from (ps gallery/staging gallery, etc.)
    if($ModuleName -imatch "AzSK*")
        #assign environmment specific gallery URL
        $PSGalleryUrlComputed = $AzSKPSGalleryUrl
        $ModuleVersion =""

        #set UpdateToLatestVersion variable's default value as false if it's not defined in caller runbook

        #This code considers the possibility that the outer runbook is an older version and is unaware
        #of this flag (introduced in recent runbook)
        $isUpdateFlagTrue = $false
        if([bool]::TryParse($UpdateToLatestVersion, [ref]$isUpdateFlagTrue)) 
            $UpdateToLatestVersion = $isUpdateFlagTrue
            $UpdateToLatestVersion = $false

        #If org policy owner does not wish to migrate to latest AzSK, we need to check
        #on their policy endpoint to determine which version... (in AzSKConfig.JSON)
        if((-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($azskVersionForOrg)) -and (-not $UpdateToLatestVersion))
            #Download AzSKConfig.JSON to get the desired AzSK module version
            $uri = $global:ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($azskVersionForOrg)
            Write-Output("CS: Reading specific AzSK version to use in CA from org settings at: [$uri]")

            [System.Uri] $validatedUri = $null;
            if([System.Uri]::TryCreate($uri, [System.UriKind]::Absolute, [ref] $validatedUri))
                    $serverFileContent = Invoke-RestMethod `
                                                -Method GET `
                                                -Uri $validatedUri `

                    if($null -ne $serverFileContent)
                        if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($serverFileContent.CurrentVersionForOrg))
                            $ModuleVersion = $serverFileContent.CurrentVersionForOrg
                            Write-Output("CS: Desired AzSK version: [$ModuleVersion]")
                    # If unable to fetch server config file or module version property then continue and download latest version module.
                    Write-Output("CS: Failed in the attempt to fetch the org-specific AzSK version from org policy location: [$validatedUri]")
                    Write-Output("CS: Attempting to get the latest version of AzSK from PSGallery as fallback.")

    #The code below is common for AzSK or other modules. However, in the case of AzSK, $ModuleVersion may already be set
    #due to org preference to update to a specific (non-latest) version for their CA environment.

    #Build the query string for our module search.
        $queryString = "`$filter=IsLatestVersion&searchTerm=%27$ModuleName%27&includePrerelease=false&`$skip=0&`$top=40&`$orderby=Version%20desc"
        $queryString = "searchTerm=%27$ModuleName%27&includePrerelease=false&`$filter=Version%20eq%20%27$ModuleVersion%27"
    $url = "$PSGalleryUrlComputed/api/v2/Search()?$queryString"
    $SearchResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing

            Write-Error "CS: Could not find module: [$ModuleName] in gallery: $PSGalleryUrlComputed"
            return $null
        $SearchResult = $SearchResult | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                return $_.title.'#text' -eq $ModuleName
        #filter for module version
        if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ModuleVersion)) {
                $SearchResult = $SearchResult | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                    return $ -eq $ModuleVersion
        return $SearchResult

function AddDependentModules
    $InputModuleList.Keys | ForEach-Object{
    $moduleName = $_
    $moduleVersion = $InputModuleList.Item($_)
    $searchResult = SearchModule -ModuleName $moduleName -ModuleVersion $moduleVersion
         $packageDetails = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -UseBasicParsing -Uri $
         $dependencies = $
             $dependencies = $dependencies.Split("|")
             #parse dependencies, which are in the format: Module1name:[Module1version]:|Module2name:[Module2version]
                for($index=0;($index -lt $dependencies.count) -and (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($dependencies[$index]));$index++)
                    $dependencyModuleDetail = $dependencies[$index].Split(":")
                    $dependencyModuleName = $dependencyModuleDetail[0]
                    $dependencyModuleVersion = $dependencyModuleDetail[1].Replace('[','').Replace(']','')
                    #Add dependent module to the result list
                        $tempList = [ordered]@{$dependencyModuleName=$dependencyModuleVersion}
                        $tempList+= $ResultModuleList
                        $tempList.Keys | ForEach-Object{$ResultModuleList.Add($_,$tempList.Item($_))}
                        AddDependentModules -InputModuleList @{$dependencyModuleName=$dependencyModuleVersion} | Out-Null

                $moduleVersion = $
   return $ResultModuleList

    $setupTimer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
    PublishEvent -EventName "CA Setup Started"
    Write-Output("CS: Starting core setup...")

    ###Config start--------------------------------------------------
    $AzSKModuleName = "AzSKPreview"
    $RunbookName = "Continuous_Assurance_Runbook"
    #These get set as constants during the build process (e.g., AzSKStaging will have a diff URL)
    #PublicPSGalleryUrl is always same.
    $AzSKPSGalleryUrl = ""
    $PublicPSGalleryUrl = ""
    #This gets replaced when org-policy is created/updated. This is the org-specific
    #url that helps bootstrap which module version to use within an org setup
    $azskVersionForOrg = "#AzSKConfigURL#"

    #We use this to check if another job is running...
    $Global:FoundExistingJob = $false;
    ###Config end----------------------------------------------------

    #initialize variables
    $ResultModuleList = [ordered]@{}
    $retryDownloadIntervalMins = 10
    $monitorjobIntervalMins = 45

    #Find out how many times has CA runbook run today for this account...
    $jobs = Get-AzureRmAutomationJob -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG `
        -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -RunbookName $RunbookName | `
        Where-Object {$_.CreationTime.UtcDateTime.Date -eq $(get-date).ToUniversalTime().Date}
    #Under normal circumstances, we should not see too many runs on a single day within a CA setup
    #If that is what is happening, let us stop and also disable further retries on the same day.
    if($jobs.Count -gt 25)
        Write-Error("CS: Daily job retry limit exceeded. Will disable retries for today. If this recurs each day, please contact your support team.")
        #The Scan_Schedule will attempt a retry again next day.
        #We don't disable Scan_Schedule because then we won't have a way to 'auto-recover' CA setups.
        PublishEvent -EventName "CA Setup Fatal Error" -Properties @{"JobsCount"=$jobs.Count} -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" =$setupTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds; "SuccessCount" = 0}
        #Disable the helper schedule
        $helperSchedule = Get-AzureRmAutomationSchedule -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName `
                            -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -Name $CAHelperScheduleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if(($helperSchedule|Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
            Set-AzureRmAutomationSchedule -Name $helperSchedule.Name -IsEnabled $false -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName | Out-Null
    #Check if a scan job is already running. If so, we don't need to duplicate effort!
    $jobs = Get-AzureRmAutomationJob -Name $RunbookName -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName | Where-Object { $_.Status -in ("Queued", "Starting", "Resuming", "Running",  "Activating")}

    CreateHelperSchedule -nextRetryIntervalInMinutes $monitorjobIntervalMins
    if(($jobs|Measure-Object).Count -gt 1)
            #Automation account should have terminated the job after 3hrs (current default behavior). If not, let us stop it.
            if(((GET-DATE).ToUniversalTime() - $_.StartTime.UtcDateTime).TotalMinutes -gt 210)
                Stop-AzureRmAutomationJob -Id $_.JobId `
                    -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG `
                    -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName
                $Global:FoundExistingJob = $true;

        #A job is already running. Let it take care of things....

    #region: check modules health
    #Examine the AzSK module(s) currently present in the automation account
    $azskmodules = @()
    $azskModules += Get-AzureRmAutomationModule -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG `
                        -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName `
                        -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.Name -ilike "azsk*" }  

    Write-Output ("CS: Looking for module: [$AzSKModuleName] in account: [$AutomationAccountName] in RG: [$AutomationAccountRG]")
    if($azskModules.Count -gt 1)
        #Multiple modules! This anomaly can happen, for e.g., if someone setup AzSKPreview and then switched to AzSK (prod).
        #Clean up all AzSK* modules.
        Write-Output ("CS: Found mulitple AzSK* modules in the automation account. Cleaning them up and importing a fresh one.")
        $azskModules | ForEach-Object { Remove-AzureRmAutomationModule -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -Name $_.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force }
    elseif($azskModules.Count -eq 1 -and $azskModules[0].Name -ne $AzSKModuleName)
        Write-Output ("CS: Found [$($azskModules[0].Name)] in the automation account when looking for: [$AzSKModuleName]. Cleaning it up and importing a fresh one.")
        Remove-AzureRmAutomationModule -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -Name $azskModules[0].Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force

    #check health of various Azure PS modules (AzSK dependencies)
    $azureModules = Get-AzureRmAutomationModule -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG `
                            -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName `
                            -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    #healthy modules will have 'ProvisioningState' == Succeeded or Created!
    $areAzureModulesUnhealthy= ($azureModules| Where-Object { $_.Name -like 'Azure*' -and -not ($_.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded" -or $_.ProvisioningState -eq "Created")} | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0

    $azskModule = Get-AzureRmAutomationModule -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG `
                            -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName `
                            -Name $AzSKModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $isAzSKAvailable = ($azskModule | Where-Object {$_.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded" -or $_.ProvisioningState -eq "Created"} | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0

        Import-Module $AzSKModuleName
    $isAzSKLatest = IsModuleHealthy -ModuleName $AzSKModuleName
    $isSetupComplete = $isAzSKLatest -and -not $areAzureModulesUnhealthy
    $azskSearchResult = SearchModule -ModuleName $AzSKModuleName
    $desiredAzSKVersion = $  #Note this may not be literally the latest version if org-policy prefers otherwise!
    if($azskModule -and ($azskModule.Version -ne  $desiredAzSKVersion))
        Write-Output ("CS: Installed $AzSKModuleName version: [" + $azskModule.Version + "] in provisioning state: [" + $azskModule.ProvisioningState + "]. Expected version: [$desiredAzSKVersion]")
    PublishEvent -EventName "CA Setup Required Modules State" -Properties @{
    "ModuleStateAzSK"= $azskModule.ProvisioningState; `
    "InstalledModuleVersionAzSK"=$azskModule.Version; `
    "RequiredModuleVersionAzSK"=$desiredAzSKVersion; `
    "IsCompleteAzSK"=$isAzSKLatest; `

    #If the automation account does not have all modules in expected state, we have some work to do...
        Write-Output ("CS: Checking and importing missing modules into the automation account...");
        #Module list is in hashtable format : key = modulename , value = version (This is useful to fetch version of specific module by name)
        $finalModuleList = [ordered]@{}

        #Get dependencies of AzSK module
        PublishEvent -EventName "CA Setup Computing Dependencies"
        AddDependentModules -InputModuleList @{$AzSKModuleName=""} | Out-Null

        #Azure modules to be downloaded first should be added first in finalModuleList
        $baseModuleList = [ordered]@{}
        $finalModuleList += $baseModuleList
        $finalModuleList += $ResultModuleList

        $syncModules = @("AzureRM.Profile", "AzureRM.Automation");
        SetModules -ModuleList $finalModuleList -SyncModuleList $syncModules

        Write-Output("CS: Creating helper schedule for importing modules into the automation account...")
        CreateHelperSchedule -nextRetryIntervalInMinutes $retryDownloadIntervalMins

    #Let us be really sure AzSK is ready to run cmdlets before calling it done!
    elseif((Get-Command -Name "Get-AzSKAzureServicesSecurityStatus" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue|Measure-Object).Count -eq 0)
        Write-Output ("CS: AzSK not fully ready to run. Creating helper schedule for another retry...")
        CreateHelperSchedule -nextRetryIntervalInMinutes $retryDownloadIntervalMins
        Write-Output ("CS: CA core setup completed.")
        PublishEvent -EventName "CA Setup Succeeded" -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" = $setupTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds;"SuccessCount" = 1}
    PublishEvent -EventName "CA Setup Completed" -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" = $setupTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds;"SuccessCount" = 1}
    Write-Error("CS: Error during core setup: " + ($_ | Out-String))
    PublishEvent -EventName "CA Setup Error" -Properties @{ "ErrorRecord" = ($_ | Out-String) } -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" =$setupTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds; "SuccessCount" = 0}