$AzSKRunbookVersion = "[#runbookVersion#]" #Telemetry functions -- start here function SetCommonProperties([psobject] $EventObj) { $notAvailable = "NA" $"JobId",$PsPrivateMetaData.JobId.Guid) $"SubscriptionId",$RunAsConnection.SubscriptionID) $"AzSKRunbookVersion", $AzSKRunbookVersion) } function GetEventBaseObject([string] $EventName) { $eventObj = "" | Select-Object data, iKey, name, tags, time $eventObj.iKey = $telemetryKey $ = "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights." + $telemetryKey.Replace("-", "") + ".Event" $eventObj.time = [datetime]::UtcNow.ToString("o") $eventObj.tags = "" | Select-Object ai.internal.sdkVersion $eventObj.tags.'ai.internal.sdkVersion' = "dotnet:" $ = "" | Select-Object baseData, baseType $ = "EventData" $ = "" | Select-Object ver, name, measurements, properties $ = 2 $ = $EventName $ = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[string,double]' $ = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[string,string]' return $eventObj; } function PublishEvent([string] $EventName, [hashtable] $Properties, [hashtable] $Metrics) { try { #return if telemetry key is empty if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($telemetryKey)) { return; }; $eventObj = GetEventBaseObject -EventName $EventName SetCommonProperties -EventObj $eventObj if ($null -ne $Properties) { $Properties.Keys | ForEach-Object { try { if (!$$_)) { $$_ , $Properties[$_].ToString()) } } catch { # Left blank intentionally # Error while sending CA events to telemetry. No need to break the execution. } } } if ($null -ne $Metrics) { $Metrics.Keys | ForEach-Object { try { $metric = $Metrics[$_] -as [double] if (!$$_) -and $null -ne $metric) { $$_ , $Metrics[$_]) } } catch { # Left blank intentionally # Error while sending CA events to telemetry. No need to break the execution. } } } $eventJson = ConvertTo-Json $eventObj -Depth 100 -Compress Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" ` -Method Post ` -ContentType "application/x-json-stream" ` -Body $eventJson ` -UseBasicParsing | Out-Null } catch { # Left blank intentionally # Error while sending CA events to telemetry. No need to break the execution. } } #Telemetry functions -- end here #function to create one time temporary helper schedule function CreateHelperSchedule($nextRetryIntervalInMinutes) { #create next run schedule Get-AzureRmAutomationSchedule -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName ` -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -Name $CAHelperScheduleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-AzureRmAutomationSchedule -Force New-AzureRmAutomationSchedule -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -Name $CAHelperScheduleName ` -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -StartTime $(get-date).AddMinutes($nextRetryIntervalInMinutes) ` -OneTime -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null Register-AzureRmAutomationScheduledRunbook -RunbookName $RunbookName -ScheduleName $CAHelperScheduleName ` -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG ` -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null PublishEvent -EventName "CA Job Rescheduled" -Properties @{"IntervalInMinutes" = $nextRetryIntervalInMinutes} } #function to invoke script from server function InvokeScript($accessToken, $policyStoreURL,$fileName, $version) { [System.Uri] $validatedURI = $null; $URI = $global:ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($policyStoreURL) $result = "Write-Host 'Error connecting to AzSK policy store server.'" if([System.Uri]::TryCreate($URI, [System.UriKind]::Absolute, [ref] $validatedURI)) { if($accessToken) { $retry = 3 while($retry -gt 0) { $retry = $retry - 1 $result = Invoke-WebRequest $validatedUri -Headers @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $accessToken"} -UseBasicParsing if ($null -ne $result -and $result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399) { $retry = -1; } } } else { $retry = 3 while($retry -gt 0) { $retry = $retry - 1 $result = Invoke-WebRequest $validatedUri -UseBasicParsing if ($null -ne $result -and $result.StatusCode -ge 200 -and $result.StatusCode -le 399) { $retry = -1; } } } Invoke-Expression $result; } } function ConvertStringToBoolean($strToConvert) { if ($str -eq 'true') { return $true } else { return $false } } ###################################################################################################################### #Core runbook code. #This is built using the runbook code template inside \Modules\AzSK\<version>\Framework\Configurations\ContinuousAssurance #The placeholder values for various important variables are determined 'on the fly' based on the defaults that ship in AzSK.JSON #file in the \Modules\AzSK\<version>\Framework\Configurations folder and the local AzSKSettings.JSON file in the %localappdata%\Microsoft\AzSK #folder for the user setting up CA. #In an org-specific installation, various values from AzSK.JSON can be overridden in org policy and #are picked up from the org-specific AzSK.JSON obtained from the serverUrl location (in AzSKSettings.JSON). #In generic (org-neutral) setups these values are obtained from AzSK.JSON on a public CDN endpoint. ###################################################################################################################### try { #start job timer $jobTimer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew(); #----------------------------------Config start------------------------------------------------------------------ $automationAccountRG = "[#automationAccountRG#]" $automationAccountName="[#automationAccountName#]" $telemetryKey ="[#telemetryKey#]" #This is the location from where policy is fetched at runtime. #This can be an org-specific URL (when org policy is set up) or, if generic org-neutral mode is used, it will just match the CoreSetupSrcUrl (below) #We will refer to this as org-policy store or org-policy url in comments below (with the above understanding) $onlinePolicyStoreUrl = "[#onlinePolicyStoreUrl#]" #This is the org-neutral CDN endpoint. This gets overridden in org-policy setup. $CoreSetupSrcUrl = "[#CoreSetupSrcUrl#]" #This setting determines if the policy store enforces authentication. Generally 'false' for org-policy or OSS (org-neutral) context. $enableAADAuthForOnlinePolicyStore = "[#enableAADAuthForOnlinePolicyStore#]" #This is the script that is primarily responsible for setting up AzSK module in the automation account. $runbookCoreSetupScript = "RunbookCoreSetup.ps1" #This is the script that is run to peform the actual scanning. This is fetched from the org-policy store if org-policy #is in use. If not, it is fetched from the default AzSK CDN. #This script basically allows orgs to customize/tweak the scripts that are run to perform the daily CA scans. $runbookScanAgentScript = "RunbookScanAgent.ps1" $RunbookName = "Continuous_Assurance_Runbook" #This schedule ensures that CA activity initiated by the Scan_Schedule actually completes. #It is handy in situations where the job got terminated due to a long running scan, etc. and #a bunch of other situations (import of all modules into the CA account, etc.) $CAHelperScheduleName = "CA_Helper_Schedule" #This setting allows org policy owners to explore the latest version of AzSK (while users #in the org may be setup to use an older version - see comment in RunbookCoreSetup.PS1) $UpdateToLatestVersion = "[#UpdateToLatestVersion#]" $azureRmResourceURI = "" #This is the Run-As (SPN) account for the runbook. It is read from the CA Automation account. $RunAsConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name "AzureRunAsConnection" #-----------------------------------Config end------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-----------------------------------Telemetry script------------------------------------------------------------------- PublishEvent -EventName "CA Job Started" -Properties @{ "OnlinePolicyStoreUrl"=$OnlinePolicyStoreUrl; ` "AzureADAppId"=$RunAsConnection.ApplicationId } #------------------------------------Execute RunbookCoreSetup.ps1 to download required modules------------------------- #Login to Azure if(!$RunAsConnection) { throw "Cannot login to Azure from AzSK CA runbook. Connection info for AzureRunAsConnection not found." } try { Write-Output("RB: Started runbook execution...") $appId = $RunAsConnection.ApplicationId Write-Output ("RB: Logging in to Azure for appId: [$appId]") Add-AzureRmAccount ` -ServicePrincipal ` -TenantId $RunAsConnection.TenantId ` -ApplicationId $RunAsConnection.ApplicationId ` -CertificateThumbprint $RunAsConnection.CertificateThumbprint | Out-Null Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionId $RunAsConnection.SubscriptionID | Out-Null } catch { Write-Output ("RB: Failed to login to Azure with AzSK AppId: [$appId].") throw $_.Exception } #This is a 'pseudo-version' and corresponds to the folder on the online policy store #from where the current CA core setup and scan agent scripts will be fetched. $caScriptsFolder = "1.0.0" #This is used *inside* the CoreSetup invocation below to control the version update for AzSK $UpdateToLatestVersion = ConvertStringToBoolean($UpdateToLatestVersion) #------------------------------------Invoke CoreSetup script to ensure AzSK is up to date and ready for the scan ------------------- PublishEvent -EventName "CA Job Invoke Setup Started" Write-Output ("RB: Invoking core setup using policyStoreURL: [" + $CoreSetupSrcUrl.Substring(0,15) + "*****]") InvokeScript -policyStoreURL $CoreSetupSrcUrl -fileName $runbookCoreSetupScript -version $caScriptsFolder Write-Output ("RB: Completed core setup script.") PublishEvent -EventName "CA Job Invoke Setup Completed" #------------------------------------Execute RunbookScanAgent.ps1 to scan subscription and resources------------------- #We start with a check for 'Get-AzSKAccessToken' to ensure that AzSK module is ready (and loaded) if((Get-Command -Name "Get-AzSKAccessToken" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue|Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { #If policy store authN is set to true, get a token. (mostly for org policy/OSS, this will be 'false') if($enableAADAuthForOnlinePolicyStore -eq "true") { Write-Output("RB: Getting token for authN to online policy store.") $accessToken = Get-AzSKAccessToken -ResourceAppIdURI $azureRmResourceURI } PublishEvent -EventName "CA Job Invoke Scan Started" Write-Output ("RB: Invoking scan agent script. PolicyStoreURL: [" + $onlinePolicyStoreUrl.Substring(0,15) + "*****]") InvokeScript -accessToken $accessToken -policyStoreURL $onlinePolicyStoreUrl -fileName $runbookScanAgentScript -version $caScriptsFolder Write-Output ("RB: Scan agent script completed.") PublishEvent -EventName "CA Job Invoke Scan Completed" } else { Write-Output("RB: Not triggering a scan. AzSK module not yet ready in the automation account. Will retry in the next run.") } Write-Output("RB: Runbook execution completed...") PublishEvent -EventName "CA Job Completed" -Metrics @{ "TimeTakenInMs" = $jobTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds; ` "SuccessCount" = 1 } } catch { Write-Output ("RB: Exception occurred in CA runbook...`r`nError details: " + ($_ | Out-String)) PublishEvent -EventName "CA Job Error" -Properties @{ "ErrorRecord" = ($_ | Out-String) } -Metrics @{"TimeTakenInMs" =$jobTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds; "SuccessCount" = 0} throw; } #----------------------------------Runbook end------------------------------------------------------------------------- |